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IoW HBA Logo

The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association.

Bringing Music, Dedications & Local news to the bedside.

Local Charity Events.......

Working together with local groups, to bring you news of other local charity events.........

 Link Back to our Home page.


Pick up your copy in the hospital foyer.

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beating bowel cancer now

HRH Prince Charles joins in the event.
Loud Tie day is run by 'beating Bowel Cancer, and raises funds for and promotes awareness of bowel cancer.
Support the fund-raising.
Monies raised nationally will help in awareness education and support the charity 'Beating Bowel Cancer'.
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Loud Tie Day

November 2nd 2001

The 3rd year of Loud Tie...........

loud tie around the hospital

Mark King, Lead singer with the 80's chart topping pop group LEVEL 42, joined in the event. And Judged the loudest tie!

Mark with pam
Mark King with the Endoscopy Team.
Mark with Tony Carr. The new look to the mail round!

More pictures, Click Here.

Click above, for next page............


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Members of:-

HBA Logo

Contact us for more details.... UK 01983 534396

You can find out information on 'Loud Tie Day' nationally, along with more about Beating Bowel Cancer, by visiting their web site.
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Support Events locally..... contact Jo on 534180 if you would like to help!

This document and site is maintained for The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association (I.O.W.H.B.A).
Material & Photographic Copyright 2000-2001 © Alex Blades