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The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association.

Bringing Music, Dedications & Local news to the bedside.

Local Charity Events.......

Working together with local groups, to bring you news of other local charity events.........

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beating bowel cancer now

Loud Tie Day

November 2nd 2001

The 3rd year of Loud Tie...........

loud tie around the hospital

The Prize Winners.....

Karen Street, Karen Kitcher and Sam Coram share First Prize...


Ken Pragnell received 2nd Prize..... and Debbie won a prize for putting pen to paper......


Any change from your normal routine,
Nip off to the doctor's to get yourself seen.
He'll ask about symptoms and examine your rear.
Then explain all the tests to allay any fear.

Please don't be embarrassed to talk about this,
they have to make sure there is nothing amiss.
So come on please, complete your stool test,
Then wait for two weeks and hope for the best.

So look after your bowels and eat and drink well,
Because, if you don't, they'll be able to tell.

By Debbie Lowe R.G.N.

First prize for the section was won by former patient Thelma, with the following mnemonic.

  Get yours checked out!!!!!




Oh, I almost forgot, err........ I won 'most innovative' tie. Yes it's a Body scan tie.....

To late to be judged. But should have been a winner! Hope you have enjoyed looking at the pictures from the event. Join in next year!

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Contact us for more details.... UK 01983 534396

You can find out information on 'Loud Tie Day' nationally, along with more about Beating Bowel Cancer, by visiting their web site.
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This document and site is maintained for The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association (I.O.W.H.B.A).
Material & Photographic Copyright 2000-2001 © Alex Blades