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1. For each Round, the TD will determine the number of games per match.
2. When the TD announces your Game Room name, the first player listed creates that Room, if possible, and the second player finds it. If neither of you can create Rooms, please notify the TD, and the TD will ask someone to create your Game Room for you.
3. You MUST play using the name you used to register with JFFG.
4. You may make your Game Room RANKED, but you may NOT make it RESIGN ON EXIT.
5. You have 5 seconds to roll your dice AND move your stones.
6. You have a TOTAL of 10 Minutes for lost connection(s) to GameSpy Arcade before you Time Out, and are Disqualified. If your opponent loses connection, page the TD immediately so that the 10-Minute Timer can begin. Stay in your Game Room until your opponent returns, or the TD informs you that they have been Timed Out.
7. When the TD calls your Match, you have 5 Minutes to report to, or create your Game Room, or you WILL BE Disqualified from the Tournament.
8. JFFG does not enforce the No-Safe Rule, meaning you do not have to use both dice if you can "kill" one of them.
9. Gammons or Backgammons count as ONE win, and NO use of the Doubling Cube is allowed.
10. You must be in the Tournament Staging Room at Closing Time, or you WILL BE removed from the Tournament.
11. If a Game crashes, or a Player loses connection and a Visitor to the Game rolls the Dice or moves a Stone, that Game MUST be replayed.
12. Show Good Sportsmanship at ALL times in ALL JFFG Tournnaments and Ladder Matches, and in the Ranked Lobby. Profanity and rudeness will not be tolerated in ANY language at ANY time in ANY place where JFFG hosts Tournaments or Ladder Matches.
13. As of 5/15/04 any member of JFFG who is found to be bashing any other backgammon league that plays on GSA (currently FSB, GSF and AAF) will automatically go into the JFFG penalty box for 1 month. A 2nd offense will mean being banned from JFFG.
14.If a player asks you not to make noises during a game please respect their wishes as it is distracting to some players..

JFFG stands for JUST FOR FUN GAMMON, so please remember that.

Game Definitions on how they are played JFFG LADDER RULES