R.I.P. Diana

Mew was a clique that I divined out of my love for being hosted for free. It was kind of a joke, in the beginning, that I had created out of boredom and frustration at many cliques and webrings that had rules like "No Geoshitties!" "No FREE SERVERS" and things to the effect that your site was shit if you didn't pay for it.

Any crap. I got my first member after I was listed at The Spark, back in the day- and then became obsessed with getting my link out there and getting my clique noticed. I think we had 200 members at one point- but I was never very good at keeping up with the whole "members list" thing.

I'm proud to be hosted at Angelfire and I hope that people can be less close-minded and stop acting like assholes. I opened the site on March 11th 2002, making this clique about a year and 5 months old.

I've decided to close the site because I no longer feel that this clique represents who I am. I have not been fair to my faithful, beautiful members and applicants by not keeping ontop of updates and forgetting the site. I feel it would be best if I shut this down.

The Old Days

Some of the older members might be familiar with my Email Wars section, a place on my website where I argued with a web-mistress about her clique rules (and received hate mail because of it!) ... or the hit list- a place where members could submit links to sites that had treated them unfairly and judged them by their server (..but no one ever submitted) and then there was the 15 minutes Mew received after pissing off a certain owner of a certain elite web directory named Destroy! and was rewarded with a link on her front page (!) - Destroy! has long since closed.

I've had many beautiful sister sites and made so many friends throughout my travels and I thought I'd just mention a few: Anti-Avril, Banners and Free Servers *sniff*, Muwahaha (Strawberry rocks), Preps Suck (I love Lisa), Root Beer Clique, Somebody, Unelite, Web Caviar, Diana, Chen, Kate, April, Punk Clique, Rawk On, Sharon, Sparklez.

Old Layouts

This Kitten Has Claws (Mar 11/02-May 24/02) Fairy Kitty (May 24/02-July 24/02) Curious... Mew (July 24/02-Aug 19/02)

Image/HTML help from Lisa
Miss-Un-Daz-Tood (Aug 19/02-Aug 1/03)
Still Fighting

I kept all of my angry emails and things... and I thought I'd share them with you- I took them all down after everyone made such a huge fuss over my "immaturity" and "negative comments"- and when I read them now, they make me laugh.
Read them here.

Under Construction

Mandy Chen Diana <3 Kate Mel Desiree April Maggie Kaiketsu Tiana Amber Lisa Pearl Bailey Cristy Becky Mandy (2) Tana Hatsumi Shan Alyssa Jamie Joanne Whitney Diana (2) Jaine Taylor Surger Lisa (2) Vicky

The members list is in really bad shape- I'll do my best to remove dead links and add the members I have in my inbox over the next couple days and replace this section with all of Mew's members. Members, please feel free to remove any links to Mew as you wish. I don't mind either way, it's up to you. I'm going to remove Mew from all of the directories that I've been a part of- and I hope that you all can understand.

I will also send out an email to those of you who were members and had given me a correct email. Thanks guys, I'll miss you.