Free vs Morgan - page 3

How does the story actually end, you ask? Well, not quite happily ever after- but sort of.. hopeful. On May 14 2002, Morgan changed her web directory rules, turning "No free servers accepted" into "Sites from ANYWHERE are allowed. Even freeservers."

That's one battle- won. Although- she should have simply listed me in the first place.. I mean- I guess that sounds arrogant or whatever.. but if you read the emails, the ONLY reason she had to reject my submission was basically my server.. which was SO mean. I'm not going to take down the emails, either... I never got listed (because in my mind I see it as a right to be listed at Destroy after being treated like that...) and because I never got an appology. She had no right to say to me the things that she said. I feel like I helped some in fighting the problem- but I don't feel the whole mess is over untill it's over. I doubt she'll read this, and that's fine.. she probably owes alot of other people an appology as well.

(I thought I would add that when the Destroy! switched their rules, it was shortly after that Morgan disowned the site and gave it to Kevin who changed the rules right back. Kevin's site disappeared some time after that and the last I checked, Destory! went with it.)