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We've Only Just Begun

Thank You for These Feelings

For bringing me happiness
as though it were a gift
I could open every day
...I thank you.

For listening to the words
I want to say
...I appreciate you

For letting me share the most
personal parts of your world,
and for welcoming me
with your eyes
...I am grateful to you.

For being the wonderful, kind
giving person you are
... I admire you.

For being the most beautiful
light in my life.
... I desire you.

For being everything you are to me,
and for doing it so beautifully
...I love you

For More of My
Web Pages

"MoniqueM's Place"

"Song List by Artist-Country"

"Song List by Artist-Easy Listening"

"MoniqueM's Den of Songs & Lyrics"

"Return to the Carpenter's Star Tribute Page"


October 5, 2000

"We've Only Just Begun"
by The Carpenters
