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High School Diploma
Louisiana Scholar
Southern University Degree
SU Honor Letter
Masters Degree
Masters Degree 2
Letter of Recommendation
Letter about Paris
Another Letter about Paris
English Letter from Paris
Letter from Sydney, Australia in Adobe Acrobat format

Letter of Recommendation
Another Letter
Another Letter cont'd
Letter about Morocco
Letter about Morocco
Personal Statement
Letter from Morocco

My Personal Statement of PhD Purpose
PhD Recommendation from Professor
Brothers Recommendation
PhD Recommendation from United States Congressman
Ph.D. Acceptance Letter from Tulane University


The above is a list of my academic records. Each link will lead to a document, however you will need to use your browsers back button to return to this page after viewing the documents. These documents, not only reflect my past educational experiences but also my future.
************* note: If you do not need to review each document specifically, but would rather get a general overview, I would recommend going on to the "PROFESSIONAL" page and viewing my resume. ******
Also, if you need copies of my transcripts, or if you would like to view my theisis from my first Masters degree, you can email me at and I will send them to you.