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Professional Info

At this point, I would like to tell you a little more about me. I am a very outgoing person who has been blessed with the opportunity to continue my education while traveling at the same time. Although I have lived in Louisiana, USA for most of my life, I have also lived in Atlanta, Georgia,USA for over two years. Further, I have lived in Denmark (Scandinavia)for a year, Hungary (Central Eastern Europe) for over a year and a half, and in Paris, France (Western Europe)for about a half a year. Recently, I completed a half-year in Sydney, Australia followed by six months in Morocco (North Africa)where I continued my global learning process. I am now pursuing a Ph. D. in International Development with a concentration in Sustainable International Development, coupled with working and traveling in South America.
These various living experiences have taught me how to handle difficult situations, and they have served to make me quickly adaptable to new challenging encounters. I hope to eventually use this "real life" information, combined with my academic knowledge of social groups and structures, international economic theory, international business practices, public policy and development to work toward the irradcation of discrimination, global equality and world peace.
I would appreciate any opportunity you could provide in helping me develop this dream into a reality. The following links reflect my most recent professional accomplishments. With the help of a core group of support, I was able to organize an international conference which attracted participants from 15 nations. Two nations were not able to participate actively, however their Embassies sent letters acknoledging our invitation. They are posted as well as the conference journal that is due to be published shortly.


Jounal Publication for the International Conference organized at Al Akhawayn University in Morocco.
A letter from the Turkish Ambassador to Morocco apologizing for his inability to attend the conference.
A Letter from the Canadian Embassy
International Conference Pictures
