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DRAMA... Well if you're reading this than it's what you want, right?? Well there's not much drama in here.. although there's some in my life, I tend not to dwell on it and it sure as hell doesnt deserve a place here.. so here are just some things I've leart in the past year :)

*From recent to older*

Jungle nights are awesome with everyone there :)
Going out too much and pulling too many all nighters isn't good for the body
Shopping is my best friend
You never know til it's gone
I have a headache
If you're reading this you MUST Be bored
Toys make me happy
It's all in your mind
Boys can be psycho even more than girls
When you find the right one, keep looking
Love is overrated
Being happy is all about making yourself happy, don't rely on someone else to do it for you
Money ruins everything in the end
Living on your own/with someone is great life experience, as long as you've always got your family to fall back on
There is such a thing as love at first site
You can find a cheap apartment in Star Classifides :)
More later.