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The People in my Life make it what it is...

This is in dire need to be updated and will be shortly.. once I find time/am bored/having nothing better to do. In no particular Order & More will be added later.

- Michelle. I Love this girl so much, but havent talked to her in ages. I guess distance makes the heart grow stronger. I always looked up to michelle cuz she was 2 years my elder and so sweet and caring :)

- Sammy and Nikki. High school memories and even those out of high school, that's when you know it's going good. These 2 girls will be my friends forever.

- Ash and Em. I Love these two girls with all my heart :) They were the elders that saved me from my own embarassment back in grade 10 *They know what I'm talking about* and if it werent for them, I dunno what crazy path I'd be on if it weren't for them. *MWAH*

- My half sister, Anne Marie. She's now 4 *sooo cute** she loves to bake cookies with me and i love to go out and buy her cute little baby clothes and all that fun stuff without worrying about changing diapers *same with my other baby sister, patty who is 1.5 years old, almost 2!!*.

Everything happens for a reason. : )
That's all for now, but more shall come soon.