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Safe Haven Pet Rescue


In view of our limited space at Safe Haven, foster homes frequently make all the difference in whether a particular dog or cat can be rescued. If you are considering becoming a Safe haven foster home, the following is a brief description of how the foster home program works:

1. How do I volunteer to become a foster home?
A Safe Haven representative will first discuss with you what kind of facility you have to keep a foster pet, i.e. indoor/outdoor, fenced yard, what other pets you have, etc. If you decide to become a foster home, you will be asked to complete a foster home application for our files with information about any size, sex, temperament, and training requirements you may set.

2. What is my commitment if I volunteer?
When a dog or cat matching your general requirements is in need of temporary shelter, you will be cntacted by telephone with as much information about the animal as is available to us. If it is not a convenient time for you to take a foster animal or if you feel the animal will not work out in your environment, you are in no way obligated to take that particular animal.

3. What if I take an animal and it isn't working out?
Sometimes the initial information we are given about an animal is not accurate or is incomplete. If you agree to take an animal and it is not working out, please call Safe Haven at (507) 292-9122 and arrangements will be made as quickly as possible to transfer the animal to another location. Depending on the situation, it may be necessary for you to keep the animal for a few hours or a few days until such arrangements can be made, however, if it is a serious problem for you to keep the pet, every effort will be made to transfer the animal from your home as soon as possible.

4. What if I am fostering and I have to go away?
If you are fostering a pet and need to be out of town or are otherwise unavailable to keep the pet for a certain period of time, arrangements will be made to move the pet to another location either until you return, or permanently. In this regard, it is important to give Safe Haven as much advance notice as possible in order to minimize last minute emergencies!

5. What if I have other pets?
If you have other pets of your own, this should be explained to the Safe haven representative when you agree to become a foster home, so we can note this on your foster application. Please be sure that your pets are kept up-to-date on their vaccinations, periodic checks for intestinal parasites, fleas, etc. If you do not have a way to keep the foster pet separated from your pets (at least initially) be sure to alert the Safe Haven representative who calls you. This will ensure that the animal is first screened by a veterinarian for any contagious health problems. Safe Haven doese not wish to expose healthy owned pets to any contagious health risks.

6. Transporting the animal.
If you agree to accept a foster pet, the Safe Haven representative will then work with you to make arrangements for getting the pet to you. If you are able, you may be asked to pick the animal up at a certain time and place. If not, arrangements will be made to have the animal brought to you at a specified time. Occasionally, if you are able, you may also be asked to take the pet to a particular veterinarian by appointment, if it has not already been seen or needs follow-up health care/neutering, etc.

7. What if the foster animal bites or injures someone?
No animal will be placed in a foster home if there is any information provided to Safe Haven that it is aggressive or predisposed to bite. However, because of the unknown background of the animals we take in and that the animal may be confused or frightened, the possibility of a bite cannot be excluded. It is, therefore, recommended that all foster homes carry liability insurance (ie. homeowner's or renter's liability insurance) in the event a bite or other injury should occur while the animal is under your care and supervision. To minimize the possibility of injury, it is important to reduce the foster animal's exposure to non-residents of your household and especially children until you have had a chance to get to know the new animal better and the animal has had a chance to adjust to you and its new environment.

Foster can be a very rewarding experience not only for the lucky dog or cat you are helping, but for the family who can enjoy a pet for a few days or weeks without assuming a long-term commitment. If you have other questinos or concerns about becoming a foster home that are not addressed here, please feel free to contact Safe Haven Pet Rescue at 292-9122 for more information.

Thank you for helping an animal in need!