Category | Record Holder | Record | Year |
Games Played | Kyle Lentz | 2005 | |
At-Bats | Kyle Lentz | 2005 | |
Runs | Kerry Felstead | 2003 | |
Hits | Kyle Lentz | 2005 | |
Singles | Kerry Felstead | 2003 | |
Doubles | Duane Kemp | 2001 & 2003 |
Triples | Duane Kemp | 1999 | |
Home Runs | Chris Shickluna | 2000 | |
Walks | Robb McLean | 2008 | |
Strike Outs |
Mike Pozzebon | (includes 3rd strike foul balls) |
2008 |
Best Batting Avg.(season) | Duane Kemp | 2002 | |
On Base Avg. (min. 14 games) | Chris Shickluna | 2002 | |
Slugging % | Chris Shickluna | 2000 | |
Lowest Batting Avg.(season) | Don Harris | 2002 | |
Most wins in a season (reg. season) | 1999 & 2003 |
Most losses in a season (reg. season) | 2004 | ||
Most HR's in a single game (team) | 2000 | ||
Most HR's in a single game (individual) | Chris Shickluna | (solo, 2 run, 3 run, & grand slam) All in consecutive at-bats |
2000 |
Most consecutive HR's in an inning | 2000 | ||
Most HR's in a season (team) | 2001 | ||
Number of consecutive hits in an inning (team) | July 4, 2006 | ||
Most runs scored in a season (team) | 2003 | ||
Least amount of runs allowed in a season | 2000 | ||
Most AB's in a season(team) | 1999 | ||
Most Hits in a season (team) | 1999 | ||
Best Batting Avg. in a season (team) | 1999 | ||
Most singles in a season (team) | 1999 | ||
Most doubles in a season (team) | 2004 | ||
Most triples in a season (team) | 2003 | ||
Most walks in a season (team) | 2008 | ||
Most walks in a game (team) | May 16, 2006 | ||
Most K's in a season (team) | (includes 3rd strike foul balls) |
2008 | |
Best OB Avg. in a season (team) | 2003 | ||
Best Slugging % in a season (team) | 2001 |