(Post this as a Note on Facebook or as a bulletin on Myspace by copying and pasting the text below. Filling it out is nice too.)
List your top friends in order NOW (or the last 8-10 people to post on your wall)
(etc, max of 10)
What's your favorite state that starts with first letter of number 7's first name?
What's the % chance number 4 will become corrupted with power and slowly try to take over the world?
How much money does 1 owe you (or vice versa)?
Can you create something amusing by rearranging the letters in 8's name?
Does 2 know the glory that is TPMC? (If no, provide the link immediately)
Can 5 beat you at Connect Four?
Do you trust number 3 while they're holding a boomerang?
What game show would 7 probably do well on?
What is 6's purpose in life?
What was the last dream that involved 5 like? (NO DENIAL YOU REMEMBER)
Number 2 was on a cruise but disaster struck and he became stranded on an unknown island. S/he must find ways to survive until help will come. After the tenth day, pirates will detect the island and blast it with cannonballs for no reason before laughing and casually sailing away. After the 20th day, a plane appears solely to aim at him/her and drop several crates full of angry bees as close to them as possible. Will s/he survive?
What's the most embarrassing nickname you have for 1?
Would you ever use number 6 as a pillow?
Can you play leapfrog with number 4 without resulting in any accidents, injuries, or deaths?
If you, 2, and 8 had a cheesy sitcom made centered around you people, what would the title be?
If a tree falls in a forest, and number 3 is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Why is 6 afraid of 7? (don't use "because 7 8 9" you bastard)
Is 1 "spiffy"?
Vegeta, what does the scouter say about number 5's power level?
How many times would you press a button with a 10% chance of instantly killing one of them but a 90% chance of instantly earning $10,000?
If all of them arranged themselves in a triangular formation from above, about 2 feet apart from each other, what technique would you use to try and bowl them all down in one shot? (Use only yourself, no props)
Which one is the most person ever?
How many will likely repost this? (0 is not an answer; try harder =p )