Time caught me off guard again. Everything would change forever in a matter of days... all because of the conflicts of the world. Why couldn't the people be more cooperative? Clashes and battles ensued to the point where each side needed to be sealed off from each other... forever.
The west side, called Energy Channel, was unable to get along with the ideas of the east side, called Flame Channel. Not a single moment. If people from each side crossed paths with each other, they'd only atgue and fight and potentially start a bigger brawl, like a powerful plague that forced them to fight. Too many people were killed back then. Neither fight would surrender. Miniature wars broke out hundreds of times.
One of the living spirits back then could not take what was going on. He was under the belief that there was a way for both sides to coexist. For several years, he watched what was wrong with the scenery and how, except for being people, every thought of each side was the absolute opposite of another.
The time would soon arrive when nothing could be done any longer. The spirit had to act at this point. Two ships were summoned to bring all people with opposite views on Entria and its policies onto the correct piece of land. Then the land in the middle was completely destroyed and broken, letting it all fall into the water, giving a clear boundary between the west and east - about a hundred kilometers of water dividing the two areas.
After that, an ancient machine was set at the base of the dividing water, and, once activated, spread an infinitely tall holographic barrier that extended seemingly endlessly across the sea. Both the machine and the barrier are said to be invincible. Under no circumstances would the barrier ever open as long as there are living people on both lands. However, there is a second barrier that surrounds the machine that does open, but only once every 5 years. It does this to let one certain ship through, which is the only remaining way to get from one land to the other, if anybody would even want to.
Currently, during the time I came into existance, it had been hundreds and hundreds of years since this had happened. Yet, the barrier was still as strong as ever, its solemn yet mysteroiusly pretty glow towering over a quarter of the sky, and the ship, although slightly reconstructed, had always kept its 5-year schedule, no exceptions. This is where time came into play for me. It did things I didn't want, things that couldn't escape me. Yet, there was no way to stop it, and so I could not argue about it. What happens has to happen... whether I liked it or not.
I started out in the east, Flame Channel, learning their opinions and tactics on how to use and focus your power. When they rarely mentioned the west, they did so with very little detail; I didn't know whether that was because details about it were so sketchy or that they just didn't want to talk about it. My young mind at that time fell for the gullibility of what the training classes told me. Something in the back of my mind, though, always told me that something wasn't completely up to par with what was going on, as if I wanted to do something else. I was too young to figure out what that "something else" was, and remained that way for the longest time. What they said was that your life is symbolized by a flame - a burning power inside your heart and mind to keep you alive. That was only half true. What I concluded much later was that the rest of my life would be symbolized by just a tiny blue marble...