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Background Info on the.lenny. The Lenny -Spreader.of.truth-

"Background Info" How this site came to birth
June 21, 2003

After receiving numerous emails from people threatening to fart in my mother's face and calling me names such as lousy puke, slobbering retard, and shitbucket, I've decided to create this section to let all those cocksuckers know what I am about, and make them realize I WILL STOMP ON THEIR THROATS.

My internet career began as a message board warrior. My sites of choice were Yahooka, the Pittsburgh Penguins message board, and, (better known as L337) and numerous others. Check the link sections for the entire list. Or maybe you should get a job instead of playing around on god damn message boards.

I vanished suddenly without a goodbye thread. If you are a frequenter of message boards you all know what the good-bye thread is. I was layed up in the hospital for months with an unfortunate masturbation related injury. It took me months to regain the ability to stroke my dong.

For the most part, I view message board people as the smelliest form of defecation and have nothing but hate and discontent for them. Except for those fuckers at

My carareer as a message board warrior had ended suddenly and without warning, but now I am here as an investigative journalist. I look for the facts that your drunk Uncle always talks about. After finding the facts, I viciously pound them into the ground.

At the moment, my only partner is a MIKE AWESOME. He is 15 years old and his dad is rich. His young rambunctious energy makes him the perfect fit as an investigative journalist.

You have been briefed with as much information as I am willing to give. You must realize that at times our work requires us to do undercover, covert investigations, so revealing too much about OURSELVES could endanger OUR work.

sony flat screens=AWESOME

June 30, 2003

HI, im MIKE 16 and AWESOME. i smoke teh skeedz an get mah needz from teh sting in a GERLS jeens. haha i got mad raps like a mothafuckah.

i also am always on the puter and nad always wWATCH CSPAN. im VERAY political but i always get PUSSY nad im reallay cool so get out mah grill nill haha im rill.

i dont alwayz RAP but i feal like RAPPING 2day so fuck off :D my DAD hates when i blast RAP in my room and play COUNTERSTRIKE on my puter. hes a dick email him nad tell him that hes a FAG call him a FAG thanks this is mike over and out HAHA

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