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This section of my website is dedicated to my girl, to my shorty, my boo. We will refer to her as Boo cause I can't post her name or picture on the web, because she is just to sexy, and I don't want her to get any movie or modelling offers cause she only does movies and modelling for the Tradness.

Just a little background on Boo. This girl is a freak, if you know what I'm saying, she knows how to drink a cup of water-just right. I think in her past life she was a gymnast or something cause, well let's not get too far. Like this one time she came over to my house with this look on her face, you all know the look, and I couldn't stop her, she was tossin me around like a rag doll and just bustin shit up, I didn't even get time to stretch or nothing, no warm-ups, and next thing you know, I'm spent and Boo is sitting across from me just laughing at me and so I look low and whoaahhhhh allll---right, then I blacked out.

Haha, you know I'm just playing beautiful, all my love is for you!
