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;) Reprezentativ's

;) Name: Trad
aka: Traddy
Age: 21
Location: ALC
Trad has been reppin the ALC since his early days, sometimes you can find the Trad kickin at the Yum Yum Shack and sometimes you can find him hittin up some F.i.l Centre axshion or just chillin out in his native F.I.L.

;) Name: Tyso
aka: T.S. Soulman, Soulholio
Age: 21
Location: BBP
Tyso don't know computo, you can find the Soul sweepin the F.i.L. Centre, or maybe chillin out maxin relaxin all cool, shootin some b-ball outside his crib near the BBP. Soul has dial-up.

;) Name: D-Ran
aka: Drizzo, Diggler, D-Unit, Dees Nuts, Drizz, D-Rizzzo, plus many more.
Age: 18
Location: ALC
D-Ran has been around the world, an original native of the F.i.L. Driz travelled to the mysterious Allistown, and then flew miles away to the Cowtown, but now he's back in the A.L.C. D-Unit is most recognized as the number one pastry pimp at T.H.11.str.

;) Name: Sven
aka: S to the Ven
Age: 22
Location: Ham-Town
Sven, originally of, has been reppin the F.i.L. for quite a few years, even though Sven is in the Ham-Town now, you'll find him kickin it in the F.i.L. during his off time, Sven is cool, and takes shit from no one.

;) Name: Jayker
aka: Bigman
Age: 22
Location:, Jayker HQ
The Jayker, like D-Ran has been all over the place. From SJ,NB to Mississauga, to Timmins, to ALC! And now settled in the - he is the reason for all things Jayker, throwin shakers that don't shake but hey whose complaining, maybe Tyso. Jayker is down.

;) Name: Steve-O
aka: Melvin
Age: 22
Location:, Jayker HQ
Steve-O dwells at the Jayker, he's always taking it for the time, cept now cause he's married to a none-F.i.l. Rep, Steve-O's cool he kicks peoples asses and owns a scorpian. Steve-O knows computo, but he dosen't have one. He's originally from the SJ.NB and into the ALC.
