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Delhi Street

Taken By: Nathan  

Rules of the road: 1/. Buses, elephants and cows do whatever the hell they feel like and everything else had better get out the way. 2/. Hurt a cow physically, or emotionally, and you're a dead man.

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Day 02

The Hotel (not so) Bright

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, first things first: Find out when the next bus out of Delhi leaves and get us the hell on it!

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Day 02

Rare Beauty

Strange patch of relative peace and tranquility amoungst a city of carnage.


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Day 02

Rare Beauty


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Day 02

Damn Dirty Apes

Taken By: Dom
Apes, monkeys, baboons, whatever they are, they always had their arses hanging out and were about as friendly as a kick to the testiculars. Delhi was littered with 'em.

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Day 02

Road To Manali

Scenery from the perilous mountain roads that we spent about half of the 16 hour bus journey hurtling along.

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Day 03

Road To Manali

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Day 03

Hotel Room


"Rooms with shower, bath, normal toilet, sink, TV and a magnificent view along the valley? That'll do nicely good man. We'll take 5."

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Day 03


Taken By: Nathan
Fantastic top floor rooms at the Beas View Hotel in Manali.

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Day 03

Room View

Taken By: Dom


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Day 03

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