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Our Series Four Yowie International Wildfolk

Series Four Wildfolk Swaps
Bisquit Star need-1
Blue Star Fish need-3
Crusier Butterfly  
Fennec Fox need-1
Giant Clam need-3
Hairy Red Hermit Crab need-3
Helmet-Shelled Sea Snail need-3
Longfin Bannerfish need-2
Meerkat need-3
Moorish Idol  
Net Casting Spider need-3
Pink Tongue Lizard need-3
Port Jackson Shark need-3
Red Indian Fish need-2
Scaly Tailed Possum need-3
Scrofa Hawk Moth need-1
Spotted Dolphin need-3
Southern Bluefin Tuna need-2
Tasmanian Pademelon need-3
White Spot Eagle Ray  

We are happy to swap between all three series. If you're interested in a swap e-mail me. All of our swaps come with the cards and plastic eggs.