From This Moment On

By Carrie


The phone was ringing when I turned the key in my lock. I threw my bag down, and ran for the phone, tripping over the cord. “Hello?” I answered breathlessly.

“Guess what.” It was my boyfriend, JC, calling from wherever he was on tour.

I sat down. “What?”

“We have 2 whole weeks off!”

“No, way, really?” I said, excited. I knew how burned out he was.

“Yeah, and we want you to come down here and it with us,” he said.

I hesitated. “You mean, fly down to Florida?”

“Yeah, I’ll send a plane for you.”

“Oh, JC, I wish I could, but I’m so swamped--”

He stopped me. “Please? I miss seeing you so much, and I’ll even take you to Disney World.”

I laughed. “That was the clincher.”

“So, you’ll come?”

“Yeah. Just give me a few days to get all my work together.”

“Ok. I’ll talk to you later, Justin is trying to throw me in the pool!”

“Ok, later.”

“I love you, bye!”


I was going to graduate high school in a few weeks. But, since it was so close to the end of the year, I wasn’t missing much by going to Florida. I would be back 10 days before the grad ceremony.

I still lived with my brother in the Cities. I loved Minneapolis in the spring. Everything was so green and fresh.

One day, after dance class, I was home alone, doing my Economics homework, when the phone rang. It was Nick, my ex-boyfriend, whom I dumped because he beat me.

“What do you want, Nick?” I said curtly. I hadn’t spoken to him in months. He was still an outcast at school.

“Well, hi to you too, Carrie,” he replied.

I considered hanging up, but didn’t.

He continued. “I was just thinking that I wish we could be friends again. We were great friends. I’ve changed, too.”

Yeah, right, wathever, I thought. “Nick, I have a boyfriend now, so--”

“Oh, I know. I have a new girlfriend, too.”

I was surprised. “Really? Who?”

“Her name’s Lisa. She goes to Hastings.”

“Oh, well, I’m glad for you, Nick.” I wondered if she knew about Nick and I. I kinda wanted to get off the phone with him now.

“So, I just want you to know that I’m changed now, and I just want usto be pals again?”

I thought about it. School would be over in a few weeks, I’d probably never see him again. Plus, I was leaving for Florida soon.

“Yeah, sure, Nick. But we’re just friends.”


I flew out of Minneapolis May 10th. It was cold and rainy when we took off. When we landed in Orlando, it was hot and sunny. I started to feel butterflies in my stomach. I was really excited to see JC. We hadn’t seen much of each other lately. I constantly missed him, but never worried about him with any of those millions of girls.

When I walked out of the terminal, Justin and JC were there, waiting. Justin was holding a sign that said “Care-Bear Alexander” (I laughed- as if I wouldn’t recognize them) and JC had a bouquet of daisies. When we saw each other, he ran up to me and swept me up and spun me around in his arms. I shrieked with delight. I had missed his arms so much. Then he kissed me, and it was like we had never been apart.

“Hey, Shorty!” said Justin. “Can’t I get a little play too?”

I smiled, and kissed Justin on the cheek. He hugged me.

“Oh, I’ve missed you guys so much!” I said. I looked around. “Where’s the other guys?”

“They’re waiting back home. We’re gonna have a big party tonight,” said JC as he took my bag. He was such a gentleman!

We got my luggage, and got out of the airport fast, so as not to cause a mob.

We got to Justin’s and JC’s house. They lived with Chris as well. I would be staying with them, Justin’s mom didn’t mind, she wouldn’t even be there.

Without even asking, Justin and JC carried every single bag I had inside.

“You guys,” I laughed. “I’m not totally helpless, I do have muscles!”

Chris came bounding outside. “Yeah, but you are JUST A GIRL!” he said as he hugged me.

“Excuse me? Chris, you know I could kill you any day, right?”

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a caveman. “Ooh, the cheerleader might chant me to death and hurt me, guys!”

Lance and Joey came out, and started to laugh.

“I think someone needs a little cooling off!”

"Chris, don’t you dare! Put me down!” I banged his back as he carried me to the pool in the back.

“I swear, I’ll seriously hurt you!” I screamed. I knew he would do it too. “JC! Help!” Of course, he didn’t.

Chris lunged for the pool, then stopped at the last second before he threw me in. He gently set me down. “You know I wasn’t going to, Care,” he smiled.

I brushed a lock of hair back. “Well, I would.” With a mightly heave, I pushed Chris into the pool, laughing. He tried to grab my ankle and drag me in, but I darted into the house.

When I got inside, I yelled, “Oh my God!” There were Gerilyn, Sarah, and Elyse, whom were dating Lance, Joey, and Justin. I had no idea they would be here.

“You guys! What are you DOING here?” I asked as I greeted them.

“Surprise!” said JC as he came up behind me, and put his arms around my waist. “Do you like it?”

“How in the world did you all manage this?”

Gerilyn said, “We didn’t know either. I got a call from Lance asking me to come down here. He never mentioned anyone else.”

“Ditto here,” said both Sarah and Elyse.

I was so happy, now I had girls to talk to and hang out with. I loved the guys, but there were some things only girls could talk about.

Joey and Lance went outside to check on the grill. We all went and sat on the pool deck with drinks, watching Chris still swimming lazily around in the pool.

“No, I don’t think so!” I heard Joey yell from the grill.

I looked over at the grill, which was billowing smoke, and Joey and Lance arguing. I got up from JC’s lap.

“Do you guys have any idea how to barbeque?” I asked them.

Lance smiled sheepishly. “Well, it’s not too difficult.”

“Have you ever done it before?”

“Uh, no.”

I took the spatula from his hands, and deftly turned over the food. Then I lowered the flame on the knob below. “Why did you guys crank the propane up all the way?”

Joey shrugged. “To cook the food faster?”

I giggled. “Let me handle it from here.”

“What could you know about barbequeing, you’re a vegetarian?”

I also shrugged casually. “Well, I wasn’t for the first 13 years of my life. My dad taught me; he was a master at this. It’s an art, you know.” I covered the grill with the lid.

“Carrie, you amaze me with something new every day,” said Joey.

“Do you guys have soy sauce?”

“Yeah, why?”

Gerilyn’s head turned sharply.

“I’ll make you guys something you’ll love, I promise, a special family recipe.”

“Ha!”said Gerilyn. “Are you gonna make that soy sauce concoction, Care?” She locked eyes with me. “Because I think you should be extra careful, you know, because--"

“Shut up, Gerilyn!” I said as I went inside. She laughed.

When I went back outside, Gerilyn had told the soy sauce story, and they were all laughing. “Gerilyn!”

“What?” she said innocently. I just shook my head. To make a long story short, I had once mistaken a glass of pure soy sauce for Coke, and gulped down the whole thing.

“...anyways, Carrie walked around with her tongue in a glass of water all day!” finished Geriyln. Everyone laughed as I buried my head in my arms. JC patted my back in comfort.

“You know, Carrie, if it makes you feel any better,” said Justin, “JC once thought my hair gel was marmalade, and put it on his toast one morning!”

JC said, “Hey, it was YOUR fault! It was way early, and who puts hair gel in the fridge anyways?”

“It keeps it better,” said Justin.

We spent the evening sharing jokes, eating, and playing badmitton: girls (plus Lance) against guys. The girls won, of course. When the sun set, JC and I sat in a lawn chair alone by the pool. Everyone else had gone inside. We looked up at the stars and talked. It reminded me of that night at the frat party, out on the veranda, dancing.

“So, do you wanna go to sleep yet?” JC whispered in my ear.

“Yeah, I guess. I am kinda tired.” Actually, I could have fallen asleep right there, on JC’s lap. It had been a long day.

JC picked me up in his arms. I giggled and snuggled into his chest. “You’re so good to me,” I said.

He carried me all the way upstairs. JC had asked me previously if I wanted to sleep in the guest room, or with him, always being the gentleman. I loved that about him, that he never assumed anything, always asked me first. I had said I would like to sleep in his room. I slept better next to him.

He gently laid me down in the huge pillows, and kissed my forehead. I was asleep before I even hit the pillows.


The next morning, I woke up early, as usual, around 7:30. Everyone else was still asleep. I quetly crept out of the huge bed, trying not to wake up JC, but he heard me move.

“You are crazy!” he mumbled into the pillow. He could never get up early like me. No matter what time I went to sleep, I was always up by at least 8. He would sleep all day.

“Go back to sleep, I’m gonna go for a run,” I said.

He sat up and squinted in the light. I smiled at his hair-- it was going in every direction.

“Take my cell phone in case you get in trouble.”

“JC, I’ll be fine. I won’t go far.” I kissed his cheek.

“Ok,” he said as he fell back down on the pillow. He was asleep instantly.

I ran about 3 miles. It helped me wake up, and clear my mind. I didn’t go very far, and got back around 8.

When I walked into the kitchen, I took off my sweaty t-shirt, (I had on a sports bra) and got some water. The house was silent. Everyone here is so lazy! I thought as I sat down with a bagel.

Finally, around 8:30, Lance stumbled downstairs.

“Good morning!” I smiled.

He mumbled something in reply, rubbing his eyes. He stared at me squinting. “How long have you been up?” he asked.

“About an hour. I just went jogging.”

“You are seriously insane.” He went to the fridge, getting his breakfast. I laughed.

“I am not, you all are just lazy!”

He grunted something incoherent.

“Is anyone else up besides your grumpy ass?” I asked.

“No. Normal people are still asleep.”

“Well, I’ll change that. It’s beautiful day, we need to get moving!” I said as I sprinted up the stairs.

JC was still buried under the covers when I ran into the room. I tried to make as much noise as possible to wake him up. I turned on the radio, loud.

He moaned from under the covers, and rolled over. “Let me sleep!”

I jumped on the bed, and sat on his stomach, straddling him. “Come on, it’s a gorgeous day!”

He opened those big blue eyes and looked at me. “How ‘bout we just stay in here all day?” he asked.

I smiled. “There’s plenty of time for that later.” I kissed him until he finally gave in.

“Ok, ok. I’ll get up.” I got off him as he rolled out of bed and headed for the shower. “But only if you promise we can stay in bed later on tonight,” he grinned over his shoulder.

I then proceeded to wake up everyone else in the house. I couldn’t stand waiting around for people to wake up. Justin, in particular, was especially difficult, until I jumped on his bed, saying I would let him kick my ass in basketball later if he got up. I finally had everyone up by 9:30.

Sitting in the kitchen, after I had changed, I asked, “So what should we do today?”

JC said, “Well, I know what you’re dying to do today, Care.”

“What’s that?” asked Sarah, sleepily.

JC and Justin both started to sing, “It’s time to remember the magic!”

I gasped. “Yes! Disney World!” I was overjoyed. I had a large infatuation with anything Disney-related.

Gerilyn said, “Oh yeah, let’s go to that Animal Kingdom place that just opened.”

I leapt out of my chair in excitement. I then ran upstairs to change into shorts because it was getting hotter.

We left the house and drove to the Animal Kingdom. I had never been to this new park, and was in total awe.

There was this big tree in the center of the park called the Tree of Life. Justin took this picture of JC and I kissing in front of it. It wasn’t all that crowded there, so we barely had to wait in any lines.

We first went on this African Safari thing, which took us through the habitats of all these real animals. I was so excited. “Whoa, did you see that?!” I said practically every minute. As we rode past the graceful giraffes, JC took my hand. I was so glad to be here with him. There was no where else in the world I wanted to be.

“Do you know I would be sitting in Public Speaking right now?” I said.

Then we went to the show, “Festival of the Lion King.” Before it started, a stage hand came up to me and asked if I would like to volunteer to get up on stage at the start of the show. I looked at the guys, smiled, and said “Wish me luck!”

What I ended up doing was singing the entire “Circle of Life” song with Rafiki. I was having a blast, and when I looked into the audience, everyone was taking pictures, JC especially. Funny thing was, I’m tone-deaf, so when I sat back down, Joey leaned over and said, “I think you’re ready to be our sixth member of ‘NSync!”

After “The Lion King,” we went to this petting zoo. I ran like a little kid, petting all the sheep and goats.

“Come on, JC, he won’t bite!” I said, noticing his apprehension. I glanced at this sheep’s nametag. “His name is Eddie, and he’s very friendly.” JC tentatively touched the sheep’s back. I took his hand.

“No, scratch his ears.” JC did, then Eddie turned his neck, and licked his palm.

“Ewww!” JC jerked it away.

I laughed. “He’s just giving you a kiss. He likes you.”

JC knelt next to me. “Sorry, Eddie, but I’d rather have Carrie kiss me.”

I obediently kissed his lips. We stood up and looked for everyone else. Sarah, Joey, Justion, and Elyse were all petting a horse. Chris, Lance, and Gerilyn were sitting on a bench, looking at the little kids running through a fountain.

“You know, this has been our first time alone together all day,” said JC. He put his arm around me. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“Me too. It’s not the same back home without you.” We strolled to an empty bench.

“Well, I’ve been thinking,” he said. “And I think you should come spend the summer down here after graduation.”

I paused. “What?”

“I’m saying, come live with me this summer here in Florida.”

“JC... I...” I was at a loss. “I can’t do that.”


“Why not? I miss my girlfriend, and I want to see her."

“But what am I supposed to do when you’re out on the road? Sit around and wait for you?”


“JC, I don’t know anyone down here. I would be miserable while you were gone.”

“So you can meet new people,” he said.

I sighed. “But I have a life back home, family, friends. I would be homesick every day, much as I love it here.” I touched his arm. “I’m sorry. I wish it were possible.”

He hung his head. I hated it when he did that. “It’s ok. I shouldn’t have asked that of you.”

That made me love him even more. I gently kissed him. “I love you,” I said.

“I love you, too.”

I could tell he was upset, but he didn’t let it show. Justin and Elyse came over.

“Did you see that horse?” he exclaimed. “Yeah, Justin, he’s beautiful.”

For the rest of the day, we exhausted the park.

The scariest thing we did was the ride, “Countdown to Extinction,” in Dinoland. It took you back in time, but then the asteroid hit, and all hell broke loose. We all screamed our lungs out. They took your picture when the T-Rex lunged at you. When we saw the picture, Justin and Chris had their palms against their cheeks, “Home Alone” style, with their mouths in O’s. They had obviously prepared for that before.

We left the Animal Kingdom that night, and headed back home to change. We had decided to head over to Church St. Station and go dancing. JC had told me the clubs were awesome, and I was excited to dance again.

Us girls ran upstairs to change while the guys headed for the Playstation.

As I was fixing my hair, Sarah, Ger, and Elyse all filed into my room.

“Hey guys, tell me if my hair looks better up or down?” I asked.

“Down,” said Sarah as she rummaged through my suitcase. “Hey, can I borrow this?” She held up a black and white tank top.

“Sure,” I replied. I fastened my hair with a butterfly clip. “So are you all enjoying yourselves yet?”

"Oh yeah. You?”

I sat on the bed. “JC asked me something today,” I sighed.

“OMG, he didn’t!” exclaimed Gerilyn.

“Huh?” I said, confused.

“Did he propose to you?” She grabbed my left hand and inspected it.

“NO!!” I jerked my hand away. “God, we’re not even CLOSE to that!”

“What is it, then?”

“He asked me to come down here to live with him.”

Sarah and Elyse sat next to me. “No way, really? What did you say?”

“I told him I couldn’t. I have a life back home, and he wouldn’t be around much. I would be miserable, and would end up resenting him. But he seemed really upset that I said no.”

“Well, that’s to be expected, Care,” said Elyse. “He’s on tour constantly, and when he finally comes home, he’ll want to see his girlfriend. It’s only normal."

“I know, but what about my life? I don’t want to spend the summer waiting for JC to visit every few weeks. Don’t get me wrong, I would NEVER ask him to give up his career for me though.” I shook my head. “Oh, I don’t wanna even think about this now. Let’s just go out and have fun.”

I sprayed a puff of JC’s favorite perfume of mine, “Touch,” and we went downstairs. The guys were in a heated tournament on the Playstation. Joey was the first to glance up from the screen.

“Did you have to sew all the clothes?” We had taken, like, a half-hour to get ready.

“Hey, we’re ready if you are!” Sarah challenged. “Justin?” (He always had to look perfect.)

His eyes didn’t leave the screen. “Yeah...”

Elyse stepped over him, and switched off the game. “Ok, let’s go!”

Justin gasped. “Baby, I was killing them!” She took his hand and pulled him up.

We all started to go outside.

“Oh, wait!” I said. “I never called my brother to tell him I got in ok!”

JC said, “You wanna call him now?”

“Yeah, it’ll just take a minute, I promise.”

“Ok, we’ll be in the car, fighting over the radio.” He kissed me before he went outside.

I dialed my brother back home. It would be around 8 up there, I thought.

“Hey, Gregg,” I said when he answered. “I got here ok."

“Good. How is it?”

“Oh, I’m having a blast. We’re just about to go out dancing. How’s things there?”

“Fine. Silly misses you.”

“Tell him I got him a great present.”

“Oh, and you got some messages here.”

“Really, from who?”

“Nick-the-prick called last night,” he said.

A dark cloud passed over my sunny thoughts. “Did he say what he wanted?”

“No, but he sounded really urgent. Then there’s one from some girl named Lisa? Who’s that?”

Lisa? I racked my brain. I didn’t know any Lisa. “Did she leave a number?”

“Yeah.” He gave it to me.

Lisa, Lisa. Who’s Lisa? We said goodbye, and hung up.

I considered calling Nick, but didn’t really want to talk to him, though I was curious. Maybe I should try this Lisa, whoever she is...

I glanced out the window. I shouldn't keep everyone waiting. I ran outside.

“Everything ok?” JC asked.

I paused. I hadn’t told him anything about talking to Nick again, so I said, “Yeah, fine.”

We got to this cool club, and got in right away, because of the guys.

Now, normally, I would race for the dance floor, and never leave, but I couldn’t get myself in the mood at the moment.

Lance slung his arm around my shoulders. “Care, aren’t you gonna ask someone to dance?”

I shook my head mutely. JC glanced at me.

“Whoa, Carrie doesn’t want to dance?!” exclaimed Chris. He put his hand to my forehead. “Are you feeling ok?”

I squared my shoulders and smiled brightly. “Ok, fine. Let’s dance!” I led him to the floor, and we danced to Cher’s “Believe.”

During the next song, I was dancing with JC to Five’s “Satisfied.” About halfway through the song, I stopped and said, “Lisa! His girlfriend! Oh, no!”


“Huh”? asked JC.

My mind was reeling. Lisa was that girl that Nick said he was dating, from Hastings! Ok, think. Gregg said Nick called last night, and it sounded urgent. Then right after, this Lisa calls.

“Carrie? Are you ok?” said JC.

I looked back at him. “Yeah, sorry.” I didn’t know how to explain it all to him.

“Who’s Lisa?”

“Oh, just a friend, I forgot I told I her I would send her a postcard.” If I had told JC that I had talked to Nick, he would be pissed off, not only because he hated his guts, but because I had hidden the fact from him.

But this Lisa must really need to talk to me! I bet anything Nick had hurt her. The thought of another girl going through that same pain I had filled me with anger.

After the song ended, I went to the restroom. It was empty. I leaned on the counter, and thought carefully. I planned what I should do. I decided I would call Lisa. I still had her number. I would call her as soon as we got back. For now, I need to compose myself. JC could instantly see through me if anything was wrong. I walked back outside, to the table.

Lance and Gerilyn were the only ones sitting there. They were cuddling and giggling when I plopped down.

“Hey, Care. Where’s JC?” asked Lance.

I shrugged. “He’s probably getting a drink or something.”

“You all right?” asked Gerilyn.

I nodded. “Actually, I’m kinda tired. Are you guys ready to go yet?” It was only about 11:30 pm.

"Well, that’s what you get for getting up at the crack of dawn,” said JC, coming up behind me.

“Yeah, I know, I’m ready if you are.” We searched the club for Justin, Elyse, and Chris. Chris was flirting with a tall blond at the bar, and Justin and Elyse were grinding on the dance floor. Sarah and Joey were making out on the bar stool.

We all got each other together, and left the club. I made an effort to be talkative and cheery on the drive home. Chris said he was gonna go back out to the club again, and the rest of us all filed back into the house.

Sarah and Joey raced each other up the stairs to their room. Lance and Gerilyn settled in front of the TV. Justin and Elyse said they were gonna go in the Jacuzzi.

“Are you still tired?” JC asked slyly.

I smiled. “I just need to make a quick phone call, and I’ll be right up.”

“Who do you need to call?”

“I promised my brother I would call when I got back from the club. He wants to know I’m ok.”

I wondered if JC would buy that. He knew Gregg never worried about my well-being. He knew he let me stay out all night.

“Ok, I’ll be upstairs,” he said. He went up the stairs.

When he was all the way up, and I was alone, I went into the kitchen, and dialed Lisa’s number.

“Hello?” said a male voice gruffly.

Nick had answered! Oh my God! What should I say?! He would recognize my voice!

“G’day, is Lisa there, please?” I said, using a phony Australian accent. (I had once had to do that for a school play.)

“She’s busy. Who’s this?” I could hear sniffles in the backround.

“Tell her it’s an emergency, it’s her cousin.”

Fine, hold on.” I knew that tone of Nick’s so well. He always used it when he was beating me. He whispered something I couldn’t hear, (I knew he was telling her to shut her mouth about him just hitting her) and handed the phone to Lisa.

“Hello?” said the girl weakly.

“Lisa, this is Carrie. Don’t say my name!”

“Oh, hi, Hanna!”

Smart girl, I thought. “Look, I’m you’re cousin from Australia calling. I know what he’s thinking.”

“How is Sydney, Hanna?”

“Tell Nick there’s a family emergency. He’ll leave.”

She covered up the mouthpiece. I could hear her muffled voice telling Nick that her aunt was dying in Australia. This girl was quick. Then I heard Nick yell something at her like “We’ll finish this later.” and a door slam.

Lisa came back on. “Carrie?” she whispered.

“Hi, Lisa. I know all about him.”

She broke into tears. “He started hitting me and---” her voice faltered.

“Shh, it’s ok. Lisa, he did the same thing to me.” I wondered how to handle this. I felt really guilty now about not finding this girl earlier and telling her about Nick. She was crying so hard. My heart ached for this poor girl. I knew all too well...

“Lisa, you gotta lock your doors, don’t answer his calls, and stay away from him,” I said vehemently. “You have to break up with him.”

She sniffled. “No, he’ll---”

“He’ll what? You have to do it, Lisa. I’ve been there.” I remembered sitting in my car crying when JC had knocked on my window, and asked if I needed help. I was so lucky to have him, I thought. Where would I be without him?

Well, I’ll be here for Lisa. I’ll make sure no girl dates Nick without knowing what he’s really like.

“Lisa, you have to leave him!”

She cried, “I can’t! He said he’ll kill me if I do!”

I sank into a chair in shock and horror. “He said that?”

“Uh huh. I’m so scared, I didn’t know who to tell, then I knew you were his ex-girlfriend, so I thought--”

“No, I’m glad you called me. Lisa, you have to tell me everything he said and did.”

She paused.

“Lisa! Tell me what he did to you last night that made you call me!”

“He... he was mad at me because I picked him up late from work. And he started to... to whip my back with his belt....” I started to silently cry with her.

"What else did he do, Lisa?”

“He...he forced me to--” She couldn’t continue, she was crying so hard.

Somehow, I found strength in my voice to ask, “Lisa, tell me. Did he rape you?”

“Yes,” I could barely make out her response.

Oh no. This was really bad. “Look, Lisa, listen to me carefully. Did anyone witness this?”

“No, I was home alone.”

“Ok. Is anyone there now?”

“My mom is outside in the garage.”

“Ok, tell her you need to get to the hospital... No, Lisa you have to go. And you have to tell them everything Nick did to you... No, he won’t come kill you, they’ll arrest him... Yes, I promise. I’m in Florida right now, but give the police this number, and have them call me. I’ll back you up 100%...Ok, I’ll call you later. I’m here for you, Lisa.”

I hung up, and wiped the tears away. I felt so bad. Lisa had no idea Nick had this kind of history. I could have prevented this. I walked up the stairs, calling goodnight to Lance and Gerilyn, and went into JC’s room.

He was laying in bed, waiting for me, and reading a book. Seeing him there, in his glasses and boxers, I felt so gifted and lucky to have him. He was so good to me, so romantic and gentle.

He glanced up and saw me standing there at the door, just watching him. He took off his reading glasses. “Care? What’s wrong?” He sat up.

“JC, I--” I didn’t know what to say. I loved him so much right then.

He got up and walked over to me. “What is it, hon?”

I shook my head. “Could you hold me?” He put his arms around me. I felt that familiar safeness and comfort. “Oh, JC. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

His arms held me tighter.

“I love you, too, Carrie.” He picked me up with his strong arms, and carried me to the bed. He gently laid me down. I kissed him passionately, never wanting to let go.

“I love you.” Our bodies melded into one, and we held each other all night.


The next morning, I actually slept later than JC. I woke up around 9, and he was already dressed. He presented me with breakfast in bed, something he knew I loved.

“Thought you might need this after such a long night,” he smiled. I grinned back, and ate the toast and fruit he had made for me.


After breakfast, I got dressed, and went downstairs. I found a shocking sight in the parlor.

Gerilyn and Lance were in a heated argument. I was floored; I had never seen them ever even disagree.

“Well, I want to be able to live my own life!” yelled Gerilyn.

Ok, I thought. Maybe I can sneak back upstairs without them noticing.

“Carrie!” I heard Lance. “Back me up on this one--”

“No way,” I interrupted. “I want no part of your fight involving me.”

“You see?” said Gerilyn. “JC asked Carrie the exact same thing, and she gave the exact same answer. Is he flipping out? No! He understands, and you should too.”

Obviously Lance had asked Gerilyn to move down here. I could have told him this would happen. Gerilyn was way too independent for that.

“Carrie, wait up,” said Lance. His usually calm green eyes were flashing. “Tell me why she’s gotta be so damn selfish!”

Oh, no. How bad will this get?

“Oh, I’m selfish?! If that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black!” Gerilyn replied. She walked over to me. “Carrie, tell him who sat night after night by the phone, waiting for his call, while he was off doing God-knows-what with God-knows-who. Tell him!” she screamed.

I flinched. This was getting uglier. I prayed for someone else to come down and help out here.

“You guys, relax!” Maybe I could smooth this over. “Remember how much you love each other.”

Lance looked at Gerilyn. “I can’t love someone who can’t support me.”

“Lance!” I gasped. “Don’t say that! She loves you, right Ger?” I looked at her.

She was calm and collected. “Fine. I can’t love someone who can’t give me my freedom.” She pushed past me and ran upstairs.

Lance didn’t follow. He grabbed his car keys and slammed the front door. I stood there alone, dazed.

“Gerilyn!” I called, running up the stairs. I knocked on her door. She didn’t answer.

Justin came out of his room, half awake. “What’s going on?” he asked.

I didn’t answer, but tried the doorknob. It was locked. “Gerilyn, open this door!”

Justin asked again, “What happened?”

“Ger and Lance had a fight. He took off, and she’s in there.” I banged on the door.

“It’s ok,” Justin whispered.

“No, she needs me. I have to get in there.”

“Ok. I have the key.” He went to go get the key. I was worried about her in there.

Justin came running back with the key. By this time, JC, Joey, and Chris had all peeked outside to see what all the commotion was about.

I turned the key in the lock. “Justin, can you tell them we need sometime alone?”

“Yeah, sure.”

I walked in, expecting to see her crying, or something. Instead, she was in a rage, throwing her stuff violently in her suitcase.

“How dare he?!” she raged, making me cringe.

I stayed quiet. I knew when she was in this mood, it was best to wait until she calmed down a little.

“What makes him presume that I didn’t already have plans?”

“Well, um--”

“I’m going to Spain to see Marta. I want to be at my cabin more. I have a life too, you know!” She flung a shoe down angrily. “He’s not the only one!” She finally looked at me. “Do you know what I mean?”

“Yeah,” I said meekly. “But don’t you think that--”

“I knew this was a mistake. I knew it would never work out.”

“Don’t say that. You guys--”

“I wanna get out of here. I’m going home. Today.”

No, Gerilyn!” “Yes, I am. It’s over!”

I grabbed the shirt out of her hand. “Would you just calm down and wait one minute?!” I said, annoyed. She blinked. “Just stop and think about this. You guys can work this out.”

She sat down and shook her head plaintively. “No, Care. Lance and I aren’t like JC and you. It’s over and I know it. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have left just now.”

“He left because you stormed up here. Just wait until he gets back before you do anything rash.”

“No, Carrie. I want to get out of here. I wanna go home.” She zipped her suitcase. Despite her anger, her hands were shaking. She looked in no state to travel.

“Forget it, you’re not leaving,” I said. “You’re a mess, you’re being irrational.”

She stood up. “Look, either support me on this, or get out of my way.” She pushed past me and opened the door.

6 bodies fell past the doorjam. JC, Chris, Elyse, Justin, Sarah, and Joey had all been eavesdropping, but Gerilyn just stepped on them, and charged downstairs.

“OWW!” cried Chris. She had stepped on his arm. I leapt off the bed and raced after her, stepping on them again, but oblivious.

“Gerilyn, wait!” When I got to the front door, I saw Lance talking to Gerilyn on the front lawn. I couldn’t tell if they were arguing. Then she hugged him, and he took her suitcase, placing it in his car. She got in the front seat, and he drove away, taking her to the airport.

When I turned around, everyone was staring at me expectantly.

I shrugged. “I think they broke up.” I slumped in a chair. “I can’t believe it. They could’ve worked it out.” JC came and sat down next to me, rubbing my neck in comfort.


Things were a lot different now, we all realized then. 2 of my best friends had broken up, and I felt torn in loyalty. When Lance got back, he said Ger had taken a plane back to Minnesota. Then he went to his room. We decided to leave him alone.

We (Justin, Chris, Joey, Elyse, Sarah, JC, and I) all changed into swim suits and went out by the pool. It was a gorgeous day, but all I could think about was Lance and Gerilyn. Justin trying to splash me from the pool only reminded me of the night we had had a chicken fight at the hotel in Minnapolis. It just made me even sadder.

JC, laying next to me, said, “You know, maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.”

I nodded. “I just can’t be happy knowing he’s sitting upstairs, misreable, and she’s on that plane, miserable. They’re my best friends. I wish there was something I could do.”

“Don’t let this ruin your trip, Care. Lance will be fine, so will Ger,” he said. “It’ll all turn out ok, I promise.”

I smiled. JC could make any situation seem brighter and hopeful. He took my hand, and led me to the hot tub, away from everyone else. It was partially hidden behind some foliage.

We were into some serious making out, when I suddenly remembered Lisa. I wondered if she had gone to the police. I didn’t really feel like leaving JC at that moment, so I figured I’d ask Gerilyn to check it out for me when I called her later on.

We spent the whole day lounging around the pool, listening to music. Lance finally came down and joined us. He didn’t seem all too depressed.

Around 6 pm, I called Gerilyn’c cell phone.

“Where are you?” I asked.

“In the Cities, and Carrie, you’re not gonna believe what happened.”She seemed sane, not upset anymore.


“Nick has been arrested and charged with assault and battery, and rape!”

I sighed. “Thank God, she did it.”

“Carrie, what?”

“His girlfriend, Lisa. She called me the day I left, and when I called her back, she told me what he did. I had convinced her to go to the police. I’m so glad she did.”

“Whoa. Does JC know about this?”

“No!” I snapped. Then in a whisper, “I didn’t tell him about talking to Nick because it would make him mad. So you don’t tell him I had anything to do with this!"

“OK! Listen, I’ve decided to go to Spain right after graduation. Marta already knows.” Marta was her friend from Spain.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” She sounded so normal!

“Yeah. Lance and I talked about it, and we decided to just be friends. There was alot of issues we had, so we decided to just end it on good terms.”


“Really. I’m ok. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Ok, bye.” I hung up.

Later that night, after we got back from dinner at Planet Hollywood, there was a message on the machine for me.

“Hey, Carrie, it’s Gerilyn. Listen, call me as soon as you get this. I’m at your brother’s. Call right away, it’s important.”

Everyone looked at me questioningly. I shrugged, and dialed my brother’s. Gerilyn answered right away.

"Hey, it’s me, what’s up?”

“Carrie, there’s a lot of trouble. You better get up here fast.”

“Whoa, hang on. What’s going on?” Everyone except JC left the kitchen.

“You know how Nick was arrested? Well, he got out today on bail! He’s free.”

I felt like a ton of bricks had hit me. After a long pause, I said, “No. They couldn’thave!” I knew he was crazy. Who knew what he would do now?

“But there’s a restraining order for Lisa. Anyways, he saw me at Gregg’s, and he cornered me, wanting to know where you are.”

“Did you tell him?” If he knew it was me that told Lisa to go to the police, who knew what he would do?

“No, but he said he’ll find you. He said if you don’t get back here he’ll... he’ll do something.”

“What? What does that mean, he can’t hurt me anymore!” I said, indignant.

JC turned around, and said, “Carrie? What is going on?”

“Carrie,” said Gerilyn. “He said he’ll hurt Greggy, your nephew. He said if you don’t come back and see him ASAP, he’ll hurt him bad!”

I was silent. The thought of that animal-monster getting his hands on my sweet, adorable Silly Joe filled me with a terror so great, the phone slowly slipped out of my hands.

“Carrie?” came her tinny voice. “Are you there?!” JC came near me. I could feel the blood draining from my face and hands. JC picked up the phone. “Gerilyn?”

I felt underwater, like I couldn’t breathe. How dare he threaten to hurt my nephew?

I was shaking all over. “NO!” I moaned. JC hung up the phone and caught me in his strong arms just before my legs gave out. Tears sprung my eyes.

“Carrie, what’s going on?”

I shook in fear. “He’s gonna hurt him, He’s gonna hurt him, or kill me,” I whispered.

JC took my face. “Carrie! Look at me! Who?”

Justin and Joey came into the kitchen. “Hey, what happened?” asked Joey.

“I don’t know. Carrie! Who’s gonna hurt who?”

I looked at JC. “Oh God, JC. He’s gonna get my nephew.”

Justin and Joey knelt next to me. “Who is?” said Justin.

“NICK!” I screamed. “He said if I don’t come back, he’ll--” I couldn’t finish. “He’s out on bail, and he’s crazy!”

“Carrie, calm down,” said JC. “Justin, get some tissues.” He did. JC dabbed my cheeks. “Ok, now take a deep breath and start from the beginning.”

“Ok,” I snuffled. I told him everything, from Nick calling and asking to be friends, to Lisa’s call and my convincing her to go to the police, and then Gerilyn’s call just now. When I finished, I felt somewhat better, but still in panic. “JC, he said he’ll take Silly Joe! It’s me he wants, he’s crazy, And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, JC, but I thought you’d get so mad, and I have to go back!”

“Shh, just calm down, Care,” said Joey.

“Yeah, we’ll call the police, it’ll be ok,” consoled Justin.

“No, you don’t understand, They LET HIM OUT! He could have him now!” The thought of my little 6-year-old kindergardner brusied and bloody made the panic rise even more I knew Nick wasn’t bluffing. “That kid is the most important relative I have!”

“Ok, I’ll call for a flight.” JC stood and took the phone.

30 minutes later, we were sitting on a private plane, taking off. JC had insisted on coming with me, as well as Jusitn, Sarah, Chris, Joey, and Elyse. I could barely sit still, I wrung my hands in fear.

We landed in Minneapolis, and took 2 cabs, JC and I to my apartment, and everyone else to the hotel. JC and I raced to the elevator. Why was it moving so slow? JC followed me as I tore down the hall, and burst into the apartment.

“Hello?” I called. “Where is everybody?” There was no answer. I heard footsteps come down the hall from the bedroom.

“Gerilyn? Gregg?” There was no answer.

Then Gerilyn slowly walked into the living room. Her face was all black and blue. She was crying. Another person was standing directly behind her. Nick’s smiling face appeared. He looked positively demented.

“You son of a bitch!” I screamed. He had his arm locked around Gerilyn’s shoulders.

“Hello, my love. I’ve missed you too.” I lunged at him, but JC pulled me back when he saw that Nick was holding a knife.


“Nick, what the hell are you doing?” I yelled.

He put the knife closer to Gerilyn’s neck. “We were meant for each other,Carrie. Why did you leave me? We love each other!”

I looked into his eyes. They were completely blank and black. He had lost it.

JC slowly inched forward while Nick was looking at me and rambling.

“I loved you so much, and you left me! For him!” He gestured to JC, who stopped in his tracks.

Keep him occupied, I thought. Gerilyn and I locked eyes, and telepathically spoke. She knew exactly what I was thinking of.

“Well, Nick, you couldn’t have loved me that much if you dated Lisa. Hell, you even raped her! That really says ‘I love you, Carrie,’” I laughed.

“Don’t you laugh at me!” he roared. “I’ll cut her, I swear. You, you stay there,” he said to JC. “I still love you, Carrie. And I know that you love me too.” He stared at me, giving me chills down my back.

“Ha! What a joke you are, Nick! I’ll tell you something, I never loved you! And you never loved me if you hit me.” I looked at him with utter disgust. “I can’t believe I ever even let you touch me. You’re despicable.”

“Well, who’s got the power now?” he asked, tightening his hold on Gerilyn.

“Oh, what you gonna do, Nick? Everyone knows we’re here, you can never get away with this.” This was what I was fervently hoping. While I tried to maintain my cool veneer, my mind was racing 100 miles a minute. Where was Gregg? Should I tackle him? Just keep him talking...

“Oh, yes I will. I already have. You, grab that rope,” he said to JC. A coil of thick rope was in the corner. “Start tying her up.” He shoved Gerilyn into a chair. She fell hard.

“Ow, you dick!” she exclaimed.

“Shut up.” he looked at me, still ordering JC to tie her up. “You and I are gonna go on a little trip, my love,” he smiled cruelly.

“Hell no!” I stamped my foot, trying to stall him. “Why should I, you cheated on me! You don’t love me anymore!” I started to cry, pretending to be upset about him.

“No, no, Care! I do love you!”

“Then why did you cheat on me?” (He was too dense to figure out that I was faking it, that I had left him long before any other girl.) “I always knew we’d get back together eventually,” I said, wiping a tear.

It worked. I had his full attention now. He walked closer to me, and I tried not to flinch.

“I just... I missed you so much, Nick. Oh, why did we break up?” I cried. His face was now inches from mine. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see JC slowly stand up. Gerilyn carefully slid the ropes off, and crept toward the dresser drawer.

“Do you mean that, Care? Do you love me?” he asked.

“I never stopped! Please, forgive me. I don’t know what I was thinking!” I entwined my arms around his neck, gazing into his eyes, praying he would drop the knife before JC attacked him any second now.

“Well, what about him--” he started to turn to JC. Think fast! I thought. I grabbed his head and yanked it to mine, pulling him into a kiss.

Oh, ew! I tried not to cringe, but I was repulsed. He kissed me back forcefully.

While I was kissing him, he was stroking my back.

I slowly drew my leg back, and shot my knee upward into his crotch with all my force. His eyes popped open, and before he could react, JC grabbed his neck, and spun him away from me. He punched Nick in the face.

Nick brought up the knife swiftly.

“No!” I screamed. I tackled him at the waist, and we fell to the floor. He dropped the knife in the scuffle. “You fucking bastard, I’ll kill you!”

He grabbed my hair and pulled it. “You bitch!” he growled, as he stood up yanking me.

JC grabbed a vase, and crashed it on his head. Nick released me, and turned on JC.

Gerilyn grabbed my arm, and dragged me.

Nick and JC were fighting brutally now. I cried out as Nick hit JC in the face.

“Get out of here!” JC yelled to Ger and I. She turned back to the dresser drawer.

We nodded to each other. I calmly picked up the forgotten knife. “Nick.”

They both stopped momentarily to look at me. It was that split second that was all we needed.

I knew that there was a gun in the dresser that Gregg kept locked away. Gerilyn knew it too. When we had locked eyes earlier, she had known what I was thinking.

Now, while they had been fighting, Gerilyn had gotten the gun. She was standing directly behind Nick, aiming it at his skull. He could feel the gun, and he let go of JC and raised his hands.

Keeping the knife raised, I slowly walked up to Nick.

“You bastard,” I whispered.

JC said, “Don’t cut him, Carrie. Or you’ll be just as bad as him.”

I felt very calm now. “Who has the POWER now, you asshole?” I asked.

He was silent.

I dropped the knife, drew back my fist, and punched him directly in the eye, with all the power I could muster. I had wanted to do what he had done to me for 2 years. He reeled back, a look of utter astonishment on his face. He fell to the floor.

“Whoa, way to go Carrie!” laughed Gerilyn, still aiming the gun.

I knelt next to him as he clutched his swelling eye.

“A little cover-up will help that so people don’t ask questions,” I said in his face ironically. “How does it feel to get the shit punched out of you by a girl?"

He didn’t say anything. He knew he was beaten. Gerilyn handed JC the gun, and went and called 911.

“... yes, that’s correct. Please hurry.” I could hear sirens approaching.


A few hours later, we were still in the complex. Cops were everywhere. Gerilyn was getting examined by a paramedic, and telling the story to a policeman.

JC was talking to Justin, Elyse, Joey, Sarah, and Chris, telling them. I was sitting alone, on the couch, facing the window. I stood up and looked outside.

I could see Nick handcuffed, in the back of a squad car. His face wasa mess. It had felt really good to give him a taste of his own medicine.

I felt suddenly so weak and drained. Thank God Gregg hadn’t been here when Nick had broken in. He was at his play group. Nick had taken Gerilyn by surprise alone, then we had burst in, and so on.

The car with Nick crove away, to jail. I sighed with relief, wiping a tear quickly. Then I felt JC’s arms encircle me, and I relaxed into them. He turned me around. “Oh, God, JC. Your face,” I cried, gently touching his cheek. It was brusied.

“It’s ok, doesn’t hurt.” He took my hand. “But are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I tried not to think of having to kiss Nick, or what would have happened if JC hadn’t been there, if there wasn’t a gun, if, if.... “JC, I--”

“Shh. I know.” He just held me tight.


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