Sealed Fate

By: Kimberly Fry

The slow, peaceful sound of the rain falling outside of the window made Kim think. She laid on the living room floor thinking of all the times her and Justin had sat there, just looking deep into each other's eyes.

"God....I really miss being with him," she whispered to herself.

She couldn't help but think of everytime they laid there just talking for hours, laughing and holding each other until the other had fallen asleep. Kim missed the gentleness in Justin's touch, the sweetness in his eyes and the tenderness of his words.

"What I wouldn't do to be with him right now."

Just then the phone rang. Hoping it was Justin, Kim ran to pick it up.


"Hey Kim. It's me, Jacque."

"Oh. Hi Jacque."

"Kim, what's wrong?"

"I really miss Justin."

"He hasn't called yet?"

"No, why?"

"Well, I just got off the phone with JC and he said they'll be in town sometime tonight."

"No way!" Kim screamed. She was so happy.

"I guess he just wanted to surprise you."

Kim and Justin have been together for about two years and it's been tough on both of them. Justin's always away except for about one week every month.

"Jacque, I'll call you tomorrow."



Kim lit a fire in the firplace and set up candles all over the house. Carefully placing candles around a cozy blanket and pillows. She plaed rose petals on the blanket and lightly sprayed them with Justin's favorite perfume of hers. She left a trail of red and peach rose petals leading up the stairs and to the room.

She ran a warm bubble bath placing 5 red and white heart shapped floating candles in the tub. As she got done, Kim ran to her room and put candles all around.

"I have to find something sexy to wear....this has to be a night he'll never forget."

As Kim was looking for something to wear, she thought about the new white, silk baby tanktop she had just bought. Looking through her closet she came across a skirt that Justin just adored. It was black and fit all the right curves.

She took one last look in the mirror, not knowing what to do with herself. There wasn't much she could do with her shoulder length blonde hair.

Kim walked down stairs to put on some music. As she turned around, Kim saw Justin standing there with a dozen long stemmed, white roses, her favorite.

All Kim could do was grab him and hold on, never wanting to let go.

"Hey baby...." Justin whispered in her ear. "I'm here and I'm not leaving, I love you."

She felt like crying. It had been two months since she had last seen him and she had longed to hear those words. It wasn't like he hadn't told her everyday on the phone, but she just wanted to be able to look into his beuatiful, blue eyes and hear him say that.

"I love you Justin." There were so many things she had longed to tell him. How much she missed him and now she needed him to get through the days. She wanted to tell him about all the times she had cried herself to sleep thinking of all the happy times they had spent together.

"How long are you in town?"

"About a month."

Kim and Justin kissed more passionately than ever before. For some reason things were different this time. It was more special. There were more feelings.

When they finally finished kissing, Justin said, "I have a surprise for you, but it'll have to wait until later."

Justin took her in his arms, "You know I love you right?"

"I love you too Justin."

He kissed her again. His sweet, soft lips pressed against hers. She felt so safe in his arms.

Justin took her hand and said, "It's time for your surprise."

He tenderly put his soft, warm hands over her eyes.

"Don't peek."

"I'm not."

"Okay, you can open your eyes now."

To her surprise, there were at least one hundred white roses carefully placed and there were white lights hanging around her gazebo. There was a beautiful white carpet leading the way. Hand in hand, they slowly walked down the carpet.

**Girl your wish is my command. I would do anything, you need only ask. I'll make love to you, like you want me to**

Justin took Kim in his arms and said, "I love you....may I have this dance?"

She starred into his eyes and thought, "how could I say no?"

"Yes Justin, you already have my heart."

He pulled back and walked over to a table and picked up a single rose and a small box. When he walked back, he simply said, "You are my heart and sould. You mean more to me than life itself. You give me the strength to wake up and face everyday. Nothing would make me happier than to wake up next to you every morning and go to sleep knowing that you are laying next to me now and for the rest of my life."

And with that he got down on one knee and said, "I love you....will you marry me?"

"Of course I will!" she said, crying. "This is the best thing that could ever happen."

Justin picked Kim up and carried her in the house. He gently laid her down on the blanket in front of the fire. He laid down next to her, kissing her neck and slowly making his way down.

*****The next morning*****

The peaceful, warm rays of the sun poured in through the balcony doors onto Kim's sleeping, soft face. The brightness woke her up from her dream. As she turned to look at Justin, she was alarmed to find no one there. Just a simple red rose a note. As she opened the not she could smell Justin's colonge, Tommy Athletic.

Hey Baby,
I woke this morning to see a smile on your face. You must have been dreaming. You've made all my dreams come true. Now everytime you see me, I'll forever be happy. I love you.

Kim could smell the faint aroma of bacon and eggs. As she got out of bed, she walked to the balcony doors. The warm sun and the sound of the birds chirpping made the day bright. She closed the doors and walked downstairs. When she turned the corner, she could see Justin standing over the stove. He looked up and smiled his amazingly, breath-taking smile.

"I'm going to go back upstairs and get ready."

"Okay, but hurry."

*****30 minutes later*****

Kim came downstairs to find Justin nowhere around. Just a note on the refrigerator saying, "Had to get something. I'll be right back. I love you."

As she waited she decided to go outside to get the paper. When she walked outside, two cop cars and an ambulance zoomed past her house. When she got to the end of her driveway, she saw that the accident was only a few houses down. So she figured, why not go see what happened.

When she got close enough to the accident, she could see a red Mercedes.

"Oh my God! Please, God, don't let it be Justin!"

She ran over to one of the police officers and asked about the driver in the red Mercedes.

"Sit down, ma'am. I'm sorry, but there was nothing we could do. The other driver was drunk and he hit him head on."

"Oh God, No!!!"

*****3 Months Later*****

"Our dreams were snatched away from me on that day. All I could do was cry. As far as I was concerned, when Justin died, everything inside of me died with him."

She looked out on the audience that was crying.

"Please tell anyone you love, that you love them. LIfe is too short and precious to waste. Never take things for granted because you never know when it'll all be taken away."

As she wiped away her tears, she said one final thing.

"I will never love anyone again. At least never like I loved him."

The audience stood and applauded.

*****1 Hour Later*****

When she finally arrived home, she looked around and saw the pictures of her and Justin. Smiling and laughing. She didn't have enough nerve to take them down. They were all she had left of him. All of the memories consumed her at once.

She walked upstairs with a picture of her and Justin in one hand and the engagement ring in the other.

When she got to her room, she placed the ring on her hand, looked at the pictures, and said, "I love you Justin. We'll always be together. In life and death, my heart belongs to you."

She took one last look at the picture, laid down, and closed her eyes for the last time.