Parts Forty-Six - Fifty

By Carrie Alexander


Carrie got dressed carefully. It was such a hot day, and she wore her favorite cargo shorts, and pink tank top. She threw her hair up in a high ponytail, and sat in front of her mirror to think.

Melissa always knows the right thing to do, she thought. She had always been so level-headed. Carrie was the impulsive one, and when they’d been in high school together, Melissa had kept her grounded, saving her butt on many occasions.

Carrie laughed, remembering old times. If it hadn’t been for Melissa, she probably would have a drag on tattoo on her arm or something equally demented. She might even have starved herself to death or something without her.

When Melissa had moved to the Cities for college, Carrie didn’t have that stability, and then when she’d left Florida 4 months ago, it was even less stable. Now that Melissa was here, she could figure things out in 1 day and get Carrie back on track without skipping a beat. She knew Carrie like her own self, and knew that she and JC belonged together. She’s just like Justin. He always knew what to tell me as well. Those two were like mirror images in personalities.

Carrie went to her dresser drawer and opened it. She found a stack of pictures she’d kept hidden these months. She looked through them.

She and JC at the water park in Orlando, soaked and sunburned, grinning to the camera. Another one of them on the 4th of July, arms around each other. A picture of Carrie and Melissa on the backs of Justin and JC, running around the yard.

Carrie suddenly got up, and walked out of her room. She could hear everyone in the kitchen, rummaging through her cabinets.

She peeped into the spare room. JC was now awake, and he was standing at the dresser in just a white wifebeater tank top and black boxers. His back was to her, and she admired the broadness of his shoulders and back.

Just then, he turned around unexpectedly, and saw her at the door.

Carrie glanced down at her clasped hands, then back up to his eyes. They stared at each other for a long moment.

She stepped forward and entered the room slowly. JC watched herintently, hoping she was here for what he hoped.

They gradually walked to each other. Both felt like they were the only ones in the world right then.

Carrie wasn’t thinking of anything else in the world. JC’s heart was rushing in his ears as she walked towards him.

When they were a foot apart, he waited to see what she would do. Carrie’s eyes never looked away from his. She put her face just inches from his, and felt him wrap his strong arms around her little waist.

And then, their lips finally met in a kiss that was the sweetest, most loving kissthey’d ever had. Carrie sighed, and felt him hold her closer.

“I love you, Carrie,” he said.

“I love you, too, JC.” She felt tears threaten to come out her eyes.

JC smiled and brushed a strand from her face. “Does this mean we’re back together?”

“Well, yes, since your clever little plan worked! You have to be so stubborn.”

“Yeah, I guess I do!” He leaned down to her and kissed her again passionately.

Melissa was walking to the bathroom, and passed the open door. She saw them in their embrace, and smiled jubilantly. It worked! she thought to herself, giving herself a mental pat on the back, then kept walking, leaving them alone.


6 MONTHS LATER... Carrie Alexander wiped at her forehead, and opened the oven to take out the potatoes.

“Ask me the verbs!” she pestered JC, feeling stressed-out.

JC, who was sitting on the counter watching her cook this huge meal, picked up the vocabulary sheet again, sighing loudly.

“Ok... ‘to become worried’.”


“Si, senorita.” JC was quizzing Carrie for her Spanish final. It was now May of her sophomore year. JC, with everyone else, was up at Carrie’s place for a visit during her last few days of school.

After she finished her finals, she was transferring down to UCF in Florida to be closer to JC, Melissa, and everyone else. Right now, they were all up here in Duluth to celebrate Melissa’s birthday, and Carrie was making the birthday dinner.

Over these past months, she and JC had gotten even closer than they were before. Once they got back together, everything fell into place. Carrie got to see JC whenever she wanted, he always wanted to fly her out to wherever he was on tour. And now that their spring tour was over, she would be able to spend even more time with him.

JC had asked her 4 months ago to move in with him down in Orlando. And Carrie had said yes, but that she wanted to finish this school year at UWS.

Carrie was determined to finish college no matter what. She loved JC with her whole heart, and she felt ready to leave Minnesota. Last year, she wouldn’t have been ready, now she was.

JC had only asked her to move in. Ever since they got back together, he hadn’t said a thing about the whole engagement thing because he knew she wanted to take things slow, and he didn’t want to pressure her at all.

Melissa and Sarah came in from the balcony of the apartment.

“Gimme another! A hard one!” Carrie said frantically, rushing about the kitchen. Melissa and Sarah stared in amusement.

“Ok... um, ‘provableness’.”

Carrie thought for a second. “Um... calidad de.... de... Don’t you dare tell me!”

JC grinned, waiting, and Sarah and Melissa giggled at her.

“Calidad de... DEMOSTRABLE!!” Carrie practically screamed invictory.

“Hey, chica, where are all the pops? Justin is whining for one,” Melissa interrupted. Everyone else was out on the balcony, looking at the lake while Carrie made a huge dinner.

“In the fridge, bottom shelf,” Carrie said without even looking up from the stove. “J, ask me some more?”


1 hour later, they were all sitting around the candle lit table with their food, and glasses of champagne, since they were now all of legal age. Even so, Carrie didn’t really drink hers, since she still hated alcohol. JC, like wise, was wary of the stuff, ever since that one night.

They toasted Melissa, and told funny stories about her. Carrie, especially, delighted in embarrassing her with the worst ones from their childhood.

Everyone ate tons of food, and complimented Carrie on it. Even she ate a lot, since her anorexia was almost nonexistent these days.

Then they gave her their presents, and she opened them. She got everyone’s present except Justin’s. He was going to surprise her with it last, after the cake.

After that, Carrie and Justin went into the kitchen to wheel out the birthday cake. As she was placing the candles on the three-layered white cake while Justin lit them, she asked him, “So, how are things with you two?”

Justin smiled hugely. “Awesome. I love that girl so much, Care.”

“Good. Cuz I’d kill you if you didn’t!”

Justin grinned. “I know you would! So do you think she’ll like my present?”

"Are you kidding?! She’s gonna love it!” Justin had gotten Melissaa trip to Italy for her birthday. She had always wanted to go there, and Justin couldn’t wait to romance her in the most romantic country in the world.

Carrie started to push the huge cake to the door and into the dining room while Justin turned off the lights.

Melissa gasped when she saw the humongous cake, and they all sang Happy Birthday to her. She blew out the candles, and Carrie started to cut the cake, but JC stopped her.

“I’ll do that, Care, you sit down.” He took the knife from her and she turned her back and sat down.

“Thanks, J.”

Melissa was watching JC carefully, with one eye, and she kept talking to Carrie animatedly.

JC and Justin placed cakes in front of everyone: Joey, Sarah, Chris, Lance, Melissa, then Carrie.

“Well, eat up, you guys!” said Carrie. They were all watching her curiously.

She brought down her fork to the cake. Then, she suddenly screamed in shock and terror. “There’s something in my cake!”

Everyone smiled knowingly as Carrie looked closer. In the dim light of the dining room, she could see what it was.

It was a full karat, silver-banded diamond ring, nestled among the frosting.

Carrie looked around the table, and JC wasn’t there.

He was at the side of her chair, kneeling on one knee.


JC picked up Carrie’s hand, and held it to his heart.

"JC, what--?”

“Carrie,” he said, looking up at her, still on one knee. “I have loved you since the moment I saw you. I think about you whenever I’m not with you, and when I am, I feel whole and complete. You make me smile, you make me laugh, you make me happy.”

Everyone was watching them, smiling. Melissa wiped a tear from her eye in happiness, and Justin wrapped his arm around her.

JC plucked the diamond ring off of Carrie’s piece of cake, wiping off the frosting.

“Carrie, I want to spend every day of the rest of my life with you.” JC’s voice was trembling, and Carrie could barely breathe.

“I want us to grow old together. I love you so much, Care. I will always love you!”

Carrie was starting to cry with emotion, but her eyes never left JC’s.

"Carrie Elizabeth Alexander, would you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?” He held up the ring to her, kneeling at her feet.

Carrie wiped a tear from her eye. “Yes, JC. I will!”

Everyone started to clap as JC slipped the ring on her left hand and got up off his knee. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her for a long time while Melissa, Sarah, Justin, Joey, Chris, and Lance all applauded.


It was now the day of the wedding. They had picked a date in mid-August, and were getting married at night, while it was cooler.

Carrie’s bridesmaids were Sarah, and her neighbor and good friend Angie. Carrie’s sister wasn’t able to make it. Melissa was her maid of honor. It was about noon, and all the girls were getting their hair done.

“You know, Care,” said Melissa from the other chair, flipping through a magazine. “I always thought you’d be the very last of any of us to get married.”

“I never thought so either. I can’t believe this is happening!” Carrie’s hair was in the process of being rehighlighted and curled. “Hey, did the alterations work out good on your dresses?”

“Yeah,” piped up Sarah from under the hair dryer. “Perfect.” The bridesmaid’s dresses were various shades of blue, Carrie’s favorite color. Melissa’s was the baby blue, of course, and the others were only slightly darker.

“So, Angie,” Carrie said. “How about you?”

“Oh, fine,” she said. “I’m excited, but I hope Chris - that guy who I’m walkingdown the aisle with - doesn’t try to trip me like he said he would, last night at the rehearsal!”

Carrie laughed. “Don’t even mind Chris, he’s a big joker. But he usually is so shy at first, isn’t he?”

“Yeah,” said Sarah. “He must feel very comfortable with you, Angie!”

Melissa grinned, knowing Chris had confided in her last night that he had a crush on Angie.

“So, Carrie, is the church all ready?”

“Yeah, I hope so!” Carrie and JC were getting married here in Duluth, in the same church her parents had gotten married in, some 30-odd years ago.

Carrie had been worried that JC wouldn’t want to marry in Minnesota, that he would want to in Florida. But he actually was the one who suggested it, because they could have their privacy and friends in their small ceremony. They planned to live part of the year in Minnesota, for a place to go when they wanted to get away, and the rest of the year in Florida.


JC examined his hair in the mirror of the bathroom. He couldn’t get himself to calm down, his heart was jumping.

Justin came into the other room. “JC?” he asked. “Are you here?”

JC walked out, dressed in his tuxedo. “Hi,” he said, sounding like a nervous wreck.

Justin was also dressed, and holding the corsages. He was the best man. “How do you feel?” he asked.

“Like I’m going to throw my lungs up.”

“Welcome to married life!” Justin laughed. “Just kidding. You’re just worried she’ll stand you up.”

JC’s eyes widened. “Well, now I am! Thanks a lot!” he yelled. Justin burst out laughing. “JC, relax! I know she’ll show up. You will too, right? You’re not getting cold feet?”

“No way, man. I’ve waited for this night since the day she ran us over in that park. I love her, Justin, I really truly do.”

“Good. I’m happy for you, J. Let’s get going.” Justin patted him on the back as they went down the hotel elevator.

JC hadn’t spend the night with Carrie, due to the bad luck it would’ve been to see each other before the wedding. They were taking every precaution with this day, following every superstition...


Melissa lowered the veil over Carrie’s head, and handed her her bouquet.

“You look great, Care,” she said.

“Thanks. You do, too.” They were now at the church, almost ready to start.

Carrie’s wedding dress was custom-made. She had always wanted to marry in the same dress as her mother had, but that dress had been destroyed years ago in an accidental fire, much to Carrie’s dismay.

But she had tried to make her dress as close a replica to it as possible. Sarah happened to be a very accomplished designer, and made it for her. It was ivory white satin, with diamonds encrusted on the shoulders. It was very simple, but it had a long train, just like her mom’s had.

Carrie smiled at Melissa. “I can’t believe this is happening to me!”

Melissa smiled back. “Care, your dad would be so proud of you right now.”

Carrie glanced down at herself. “I know he’s here, Meliss. I can feel him. And even though he’s not going to walk me down that aisle in person, he will in spirit.”

Melissa hugged her tightly. “Carrie, he’s not the only one who’s proud of you.”

Lance came over to them. They could hear the music starting in the church. He was going to escort Carrie down the aisle in place of her father. She had asked him to because he always seemed like a father figure to her, and he had been glad to do it.

Melissa joined Justin as the best man, and linked her arm in his, standing just in front of Carrie and Lance. Sarah did the same with Joey, and Angie warily stood next to Chris, who grinned at her.

“Psst! Hey!” Carrie whispered, feeling panicky and nervous.

Melissa and Justin turned around.

“Are you absolutely POSITIVE he’s up there?” she asked.

Justin laughed. “Yes, Care! He did not stand you up!”

"You’ll do fine, Carrie! Just relax!” Melissa said as they went through the doors.

Lance and Carrie waited for their cue. Her hand was shaking like a leaf on his arm. He squeezed it. “Care, are you ready?”

She nodded. “As I’ll ever be!” She looked at Lance’s sweet, kind face, but didn’t see him. She saw her dad, looking at her.

“I love ya, Care Bear,” her dad said. “I’m proud of you.”

Carrie blinked, and was looking at Lance again. That was her dad, always popping in on her to say hi. Her heart was no longer pounding, and she felt calm. She was now ready. All she wanted to do was walk down that aisle and marry JC.

The doors swept open, and the congregation stood up when they saw Carrie and Lance.

JC was there, standing with his hands clasped in front of him, at the alter. When he saw Carrie, his heart almost stopped. She looked so perfect to him, it almost hurt.

She’s gonna MARRY me! he thought as she slowly walked down the aisle. He grinned at Justin, standing next to him, feeling like he was about to burst.


Melissa was holding both Carrie’s bouquet and her own. She glanced over at Justin, who was twirling the rings anxiously. She smiled at him. He looked so cute, nervous, but happy.

“Do you, Joshua Scott, take Carrie Elizabeth, to have and to hold, in sickness and health...” The priest went on with the vows, while JC never once took his eyes off Carrie.

“I do,” he said without a moment’s hesitation.

“And do you, Carrie Elizabeth, take Joshua Scott...”

Carrie looked into JC’s deep blue eyes. This really is forever, she thought. I do love him a lot... even though he sometimes drives me crazy, I just love him more.

“... as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.”

Melissa was holding both Carrie’s bouquet and her own. She glanced over at Justin, who made eye contact with her. He stuck out his tongue a little and winked at her. She winked back, feeling giddy with excitement.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the priest announced. “You may kiss the bride.”

JC lifted Carrie’s veil slowly, his hands shaking. He leaned down to kiss her, both of them smiling, then their lips met in a tender kiss as everyone applauded.


“WHOOOOOOO!!!!!” Justin hollered at the top of his lungs a half hour later. They were now at the reception, in the Greysolon Ballroom, and he and Melissa were dancing like porn stars on the floor to “Anywhere” by 112. The crowd of guests all cheered them on.

As soon as the song was over, the DJ, a friend of Carrie’s (she couldn’t exactly DJ herself during her own wedding, so she hired a good coworker) tapped his mike.

“Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please? It’s time for the new couple to make their first appeaance as husband and wife. So please welcome... Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Chasez!”

The double doors opened, and Carrie and JC walked in, arm-in-arm to the cheering guests.

Then it was time for their first dance as a couple. Their wedding song was theperfect one. Carrie and JC had picked it. It was “I Do (Cherish You)” by 98*, who were good friends of ‘N Sync.

“And we have something very special, everyone!” the DJ said. “98* is here to perform their song for Carrie and JC, as their wedding gift to them!”

Carrie’s eyes widened, and JC laughed. They were both surprised, as the guys of 98* took the stage.

“Did you plan this?” Carrie whispered to Melissa.

“Uh uh, not me!” Melissa glanced at Sarah.

“Sarah!” JC said. “How did you manage that?”

Sarah shrugged nonchalantly. “That’s what a journalist can do! Go dance, guys!”

98* were on stage, standing by the mikes. JC and Carrie were alone now out on the dance floor.

“We wanna say congratulations to JC and Carrie,” said Drew Lachey of the group. “And wish them all the happiness in the world!”

They started to sing their song, and JC took Carrie in his arms, slowly dancing with her.

“I do... cherish you
For the rest of my life,
You don’t have to think twice.
I will... love you still
For the rest of my days...”

It was the perfect song, and Carrie never once took her eyes away from her new husband.

The rest of the reception was a great party. Everyone danced like crazy, and had a blast. When it was time for Carrie to throw the bouquet, both Sarah and Melissa came up to Carrie separately, and whispered conspiritorily, “Hey, Care, aim for ME!”

Carrie got up on a chair, closing her eyes, and whipped the bouquet of blue and white daisies behind her to the group of single girls. The guys all gathered to watch, laughing at their girlfriends, who lunged at the flowers like maniacs. (Picture the scene from “Clueless”)

It ended up where Sarah had one half of the flowers and Melissa had torn away the other half. They called it a draw, and smiled at Joey and Justin triumphantly. The crowd clapped, and Carrie just laughed at them.

Then JC, who had taken off his coat sometime during the partying, had to slip off Carrie’s garter, only he had to use just his teeth.

“Consider this foreplay, Honey,” he whispered to her as he pulled at the garter. Carrie could only laugh.

JC stood up on a chair, and the eligible bachelors gathered behind him. Drew Lachey and Justin were pushing at each other as they vied for the garter.

JC threw it over his shoulder, and the guys all tackled each other for it.

“Boys,” Carrie said to Angie and Sarah. “They’re so macho.”

“Yeah, over that silly tradition!” Sarah said, still holding her torn-up half of thebouquet. Carrie and Angie giggled at her.

Finally, after the guys removed themselves from the pile, Justin victoriously jumped up, brandishing the garter. He ran to Melissa, and twirled her in his arms.

“If you think this means we’re gonna marry each other now, think again, Dear!” Melissa laughed.

Justin stuck his tongue out in his classic manner. Well, now we HAVE to! It’s destined, since you caught the bouquet, and I’ve got the garter!”

“Half the bouquet!” she corrected.

Justin took her in his arms, and twirled her onto the dance floor, dancing with her for the rest of the night.

JC and Carrie also danced, whenever they could get another moment alone together, since people were constantly coming up to them, wanting to dance with either the bride or groom.

When the reception was winding down, JC took Carrie out onto the veranda, overlooking Lake Superior, and the street below.

“Why are we going out here, J?” she asked.

“Because I never gave you my present.”

“JC, you didn’t have to get me anything--”

“Shh! I know this is something you’ve always wanted. And I wanted to give it to you. Cover your eyes.”

Carrie did so. He led her over to the edge of the veranda, and signaled to Drew, who was down on the street.

Drew threw a switch. “Ok,” said JC, putting his arms around her waist. “Open ‘em!”

Carrie opened her eyes, and looked down. She gasped when she saw it.

“Do you like it?” JC asked, smiling.

“I... can’t believe... how did you....?” Carrie was utterly speechless.

“I know you’ve always wanted it, and here it is. It’s all yours!” JC said.

Carrie was looking across the street at the building. The switch Drew had turned was a neon sign that said “Carrie Alexander Studio of Gymnastics and Dance.” Carrie had once told JC that she had always dreamed of owning her own studio, like the one she had gone to growing up. She had only said in casually one day, never believing JC would remember it.

“JC... I cannot believe this! How on Earth did you remember?”

“Care, I know how much you love cheerleading and dance. So I decided to give this to you, as your present. You can run it from here, or in Florida, whatever you want. And you can keep all the money you make from it. You can even open one up down in Florida, and start a chain! This is your passion, I know. So I ran the idea past Melissa, and she helped me out. It’s all ready for you, it’s all yours. Because I love you.”

Carrie pulled JC into her arms, and hugged him fiercely. “God, I love you so much! Thank you, I love it! It’s absolutely perfect!”

“I’m glad you like it. You wanna go check it out?”

“Oh, yes! Wait, how can we leave our own reception?”

“We’ll just leave. Who cares? We’re married now, we need to make it official, you know!” He winked at her seductively, taking her to the elevator.

He opened the door to the studio across the street, and Carrie walked in. She walked around the huge dance studio, and into the gym where the bars and mats were all waiting for the soon-to-be-students.

Carrie grabbed JC, never loving him more in this moment than she ever had. She kissed him enthusiastically, and they sank onto the mats, kissing each other.