Parts Twenty-Six - Thirty

By Carrie Alexander


“C’mon, Justin!” JC pleaded with him at the studio. “You gotta at least talk with her!”

Justin’s eyes were red with lack of sleep. He was tired and ill-tempered. “JC,” he said slowly, “I don’t have to do anything. She obviously isn’t meant to be with me. She doesn’t like me, it’s over.”

“That’s not true! Do you know what she did last night? She ran away to a gas station in the ghetto of downtown, and called Carrie, crying because you had left her. Then she stayed up almost the whole night, waiting for you. Someone doesn’t do that if they don’t like you.”

Justin looked at JC, and didn’t reply.

“Now you better go to her before she’s gone from your life. She’s the best thing that ever happened to you.”

“What do you mean, before she’s gone?”

JC sighed. “She’s gonna leave. She said she’s gonna go back to Minnesota if you don’t come back and talk to her.”

Justin blinked. He knew JC was right, he should go talk to her, but what was there to say? She had Brian now...

“Justin, you do know it was all a misunderstanding, don’t you? You know, Brian just grabbed her and kissed her; she didn’t even know it. And she hated it. She was so pissed! She has no interest in him.”

“Really?” Justin asked casually. “Did she say that?”

“Yeah! So you better go to her before she leaves!”

"What? She’s gonna leave today?!”

“Yeah! She was making the flight reservation when I left!”

Before he could say another word, Justin leapt up and ran outside to his Mercedes.


“Melissa, I really think you should wait until they get back,” Carrie said as she watched her pack.

"No, I wanna get outta here now.” She slung her bag over her shoulder. “Here, can you give Justin this for me? My taxi’s here.” She handed Carrie a note for Justin.

“Melissa, wait!”

But she was already running down the stairs to the taxi, off to the airport.


Justin ran into the house, throwing his keys on the counter.

“Melissa?” he yelled. No answer.

Carrie walked slowly into the kitchen. She was alone. She looked at Justin with sad eyes.

“Oh, no. Where is she?” Justin grabbed Carrie’s hands earnestly.

Carrie shook her head slowly. “I’m sorry, Justin.”

“No! Where is she?!”

"She left for the airport, about an hour ago. She told me to give this to you.”Carrie handed him a folded note.

Justin ripped it open and read it:

Dear Justin,
I’m sorry we couldn’t work things out. I’ve gone back home, where I belong. I just wanted to let you know that I love you, and I always will. I have learned so much from you, and I will never forget the wonderful times we have shared, all the laughs and close talks. Please know that. I wish you all the best in the future, you are so talented and such a wonderful person. Good luck, and goodbye.
Love Always, Melissa

Justin refolded the note, and sighed. Carrie looked at him sympathetically.

“Carrie, when was her flight scheduled to leave?”

“Uh, 12, I think.”

Justin looked at his watch. He could still make it if he sped. “I’m going after her.” He grabbed his keys and ran back outside to his car. Carrie followed him.

“But, Justin, the flight leaves in, like, 15 minutes!”

“I can’t let her go!”

Carrie smiled as he got in the car. “Then you go get her back! Hurry, Justin!”

“I will. Thanks Care!” He peeled out of the driveway.

Carrie sighed, once again alone. She felt giddy with excitement. This is just like a soap opera! she thought as she strolled back inside.


JC came home about an hour later. He went out to the back deck where Carrie was sitting by the pool.

“Hey, Beautiful. Where’s Melissa and Justin? Did they work it out?”

“Well, Justin went after her at the airport. I hope he caught her before the plane left.”

JC sat next to her in another chair. “Yeah, me too. I hate when things like that happen to people who are so right for each other.”

Carrie smiled. Like us, she thought.


Justin raced down the concourse of the airport, oblivious to the pointing and stares from people who recognized his celebrity.

The flight to Minneapolis was all the way at the end of the concourse. He refused to let himself believe he had missed her. But the boarding must’ve already begun...

He ran faster. Almost there! He turned a corner.

There she is! Melissa was just about to board, she was handing her ticket to an attendant.

“Melissa!” he yelled. But she didn’t hear.

“MELISSA!” Justin yelled again. She turned around and saw him.

“Justin?! What are you doing?” she said, shocked.

He grabbed her arms and pulled her away. “Don’t leave,” he said.

“Justin, I... I am going home. Didn’t you get my note?”

"Yes! Yes, I did! I know you didn’t kiss Brian, that it was all him. I’m just too jealous and stubborn. And I have to say this now.” He took a deep breath.

Melissa glanced over her shoulder. “But, Justin, my flight is about to--”

“I love you, Melissa,” he interrupted.

She opned her mouth in surprise.

"I'e loved you since the day I met you. I love everything about you. I even love the things I hate about you because they’re you.”

Melissa dropped her bag and just hugged him tight.


Carrie and JC were still sitting by the pool, chatting, when Justin and Melissa came back. When they heard the door open, Carrie and JC looked at each other with triumphant eyes.

“I told you!” she whispered as they came outside.

“Hi, guys!” JC said to Justin and Melissa.


Joey was having a huge party that night at his place. As JC and Justin fought over the PlayStation downstairs, Melissa and Carrie were upstairs getting dressed.

“So is everything cool now with you amd Justin?” Carrie asked her.

“Oh, Carrie! We’re so great now! He understood about Brian, thanks to JC explaining everything!”

"That’s great, Meliss!” Carrie sat down on the bed in frustration. Her arms hurt from trying to fix her hair just right.

“And guess what!”


“Carrie, he told me he loves me! He’s never said that before! I was shocked!”

“Wow! That’s wonderful!” Why do I feel so tired? Carrie thought to herself. Probably all the excitement of the day, plus hardly any sleep last night. She shook it off, and finished getting ready.


“No way, you are goin’ down!” Justin argued with JC over the video game, as they waited for the girls to get ready.

They were playing against each other in some boxing game. “Haha, what was THAT, Justin?” JC yelled as he won.

“Excuse me, boys, but are you ready?” Melissa announced from the foot of the stairs.

Both JC and Justin turned to look at the girls. “Wow,” Justin breathed. “Y’all are lookin’ hot!”

Carrie laughed. Melissa said to her, “That’ll be the best we can get outta him!”

JC bowed grandly to them “Ladies, you are looking marvelous!”

“Hmm, take a hint from him, Justin!” laughed Melissa.

They had dressed carefully for the party. No one knew what to expect whenever they were at Joey’s, so they made sure to be comfortable.

Melissa was wearing a navy blue halter top and black capri pants. Her hair was up in a cute high ponytail, which made her look older.

Carrie had also dressed comfortably, since the last time she went to a party at Joey’s, she had been thrown in the pool fully clothed. She was wearing dark blue jean shorts, and her Old Navy t-shirt. She carried her UWS Jackets Cheerleading sweatshirt in case it got cold.

“Are we ready?” she asked. The guys hadn’t even changed, not to anyone’s surprise.

“Yeah, let’s take JC’s Jeep.” They all filed out the door and headed to the party.


Joey Fatone ran to the front yard when he saw them arrive. He was super-hyper, Carrie could tell right away.

He hugged them all when they got out of the car. God, he’s more wired than Chris usually is! Carrie thought.

"Hey, Joey!” Melissa said to him. “Are you drunk?” she asked bluntly.

“No! Come on in!”

They went inside, where there were tons of people, lots of other groups that were on the same label as ‘N Sync, and other friends of the guys.

One of Carrie’s favorite songs, “Nookie,” by Limp Bizkit, was playing. She dragged JC with her to where a bunch of people were dancing. She could already tell this was going to be a really fun night...


Later that evening, Melissa was dancing with Joey to some slow song. He kept peering over her shoulder at someone.

“Hey, whatcha lookin’ at?” Melissa asked.

“That girl that’s talking to Christina Alguilera. She’s supposed to be some journalist.”

Melissa glanced over at the girl he was staring at. She was tall, about 5’7, and had blond hair and bright aqua eyes. She was wearing a short black skirt and a red top. She looked about 19.

“She’s cute,” Melissa commented. “Why don’t you go talk to her?”

Just then, the girl made eye contact with Joey. She smiled warmly.


Joey gaped at the blond girl across the room. “Did she just smile at me?!” he whispered frantically.

Melissa giggled. “Joey, you can’t possibly be shy now! Go introduce yourself, stud!”

“Ok, here I go.” Joey walked across the room up to the blond girl. She kept smiling mysteriously.

“Hi,” he stuttered. “I’m Joey.” He held out his hand.

“Hi, Joey. I’m Sarah.” She shook his hand with a firm grasp. Her eyes looked like she was laughing at him. They danced merrily.

"Hey, Christina,” Joey said. She snickered, and walked away.

“What?” he wondered aloud.

“Maybe it’s that.” Sarah pointed to his shirt. He had a huge glob of mustard on his chest.

Oh, my God! Joey thought, feeling his face start to flush. How embarrassing!

“Here you go.” Sarah picked up a napkin, and dabbed at the stain on his chest. He tried to laugh it off. “Thanks.”

“So you’re the host of this party, huh?” she asked.

"Yeah, this is my place. You’re that reporter, right?”

"Yeah, I’m a journalist for Entertainment Weekly. I’m writing an article on the whole boy bands phenomenon. And I guess I should start with you.”

Joey was enraptured by her eyes. “What?” he asked.

“An interview? I was planning to interview you all individually. And I know you’re in that one group, ‘N Sync.”

"Oh yeah! ‘N Sync. Um, ok, sure. Whenever you want,” he stuttered. He had already fallen for this girl, even though he knew nothing about her.


“Hey, Joey!” Justin called from upstairs. “I think you should get up here! Now!” he said urgently.

Joey continued to grin like an idiot at Sarah. There was a loud crash from the upstairs hallway.

“Uh, aren’t you gonna check that out?” Sarah asked. “I think your house is getting trashed.”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. Well, it was nice to meet you Sarah.”

“You too, Joey.” She smiled and turned to walk away.

“Stick around!” Joey called before dashing up the stairs.


Carrie and JC were almost alone outside on the back deck. They had been dancing the entire night, and now they just wanted to chill alone. Carrie felt dead-tired, but she didn’t want to leave. She was having too much fun.

“Hey,” whispered JC in her ear. “Do you wanna leave?”

“Uh-uh,” she shook her head. “I’m cool here if you are?”

“Ok.” JC loved that about her. She was always so easygoing. But it sometimes worried him. Carrie never wanted to damper anyone’s good time, so she never complained. She was always thinking of someone other than herself.

“You look tired,” JC said worriedly. “Maybe we should get you home.”

When JC said home, she immediately thought of Minnesota, her home. What he was thinking was of his house, here in Florida.

I don’t know how I’m going to be able to leave here, she thought. How can we be apart after all we’ve been through? Carrie had been in Florida for more than a few months. Her professors had all given her leave-of-absence excuses for her courses. She would be able to make them all up within a few weeks in the summer semester.

But school wasn’t the only thing Carrie had on her mind. She wanted to be home to see her friends, to see the Lake, just to breathe the air up there. She loved Florida, but it wasn’t home. Unlike Melissa, who had found that she loved Florida, Carrie was homesick.

I have plenty of time here still, she thought. The doctors still say I’m not well enough to travel. I’m supposed to soon, when my anorexia gets better.


Melissa laughed giddily as Justin pulled her into another kiss. She was having the best time at this party.

The next song that came on was Ricky Martin’s “She’s All I Ever Had.”

“C’mon, let’s go dance,” Justin said, leading her to the dance floor.

“She’s all I ever had.
It’s the way she makes me feel.
It’s the only thing that’s real.
It’s the way she understands.
She’s my lover, she’s my friend.
When I look into her eyes,
It’s the way I feel inside.
Like the man I wanna be.
She’s all I’ll ever need.”

As Justin danced with her slowly, he felt like this song was describing exactly the way he felt about Melissa. He really did love her, and would do anything for her.

She sighed, and wrapped her arms tighter around his neck. He kissed her neck, and they danced all night...


Joey had been stealing glances at Sarah all night. She had been mingling with all the stars at this party, once in a while jotting down something on a pad of paper for her article.

Man, I wanna go talk to her! he thought.


Carrie went up to the refreshment table, and got a cup of pop. JC was over talking to some friends he hadn’t seen in a while.

“What up, Care?” Justin greeted as he strolled by with Melissa.

“Hey, guys. “ She slapped his hand in return as they passed.

Just then, a girl Carrie didn’t know came over to her.

"Hi, I’m Sarah,” she introduced herself. “Are you another singer here?”

Carrie laughed at the idea of her being a singer. “Oh, no! I’m not. My name’s Carrie.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m a reporter for Entertainment Weekly. So are you a friend of someone here?”

Carrie didn’t know whether she should reveal that she was the girlfriend of JCChasez from ‘N Sync. “Um...” she faltered.

Just then, JC gestured for Carrie to come over on the other side of the room.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I have to go. It was nice to meet you!” Carrie left.

Hmm, Sarah thought to herself. She closely watched Carrie join JC as he introduced her to someone. Very interesting. I bet they’re dating...

Just then, Joey came up to Sarah. “Hi, Sarah,” he said.

“Oh, hi, Joey!” She smiled warmly. It went straight to his heart.

"Uh, wanna dance?”

Sarah considered. She was on the job, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t still have a little fun.

“Sure! I’d love to!” A good fast song, “Bust A Move,” was playing.

Joey tried to act cool and sane, but his heart was jumping in joy. He led her to the dance floor...



Carrie popped 2 aspirins into her mouth and wearily swallowed them. She had a raging headache, even though she hadn’t drank any alcohol last night. Someone must’ve spiked my drink, she thought. She hated alcohol.

JC came into her room, and she smiled brightly. She didn’t want him to think anything was wrong with her, or he would overreact as usual.

“Hey there!” she said. “What are you up to?”

He came up behind her from her seat in front of the vanity, and rubbed her shoulders, then kissed her neck.

“Good morning!” he said.

“Well, you’re in a good mood!”

“I know. I don’t know why, cuz I have to leave now. I came to tell you that I have to go somewhere.”

"Oh, ok.” She turned back to the mirror. “Are you going to the studio?”

“No, I have to go to some interview for a magazine. I think you met the journalist last night, right?”

“Oh, the one from Entertainment Weekly?”

"Yeah, that’s it. Did she try to interview you at all?” JC was fiercely protective of his friends and family from the media, he never wanted them to ever have to be hassled by any paparazzi.

"No, JC, she was nice!” Carrie giggled. “She asked me if I was a singer!”

“Well, what’s so funny about that? I bet you’re a great singer!”

"Uh, nope!”

“Maybe I should take you to the studio sometime--”

“JC, I cannot sing! I’m tone-deaf!” Carrie laughed.

JC hadn’t known that. “You are?!”

“Yeah, have been my whole life. I can still hear music, but I can’t distinguish notes well or read music.”

“Really? How do you dance and stuff then?”

“I can still dance cuz I memorize steps and then the music just falls into place after that.”

JC looked amazed. “Wow...”

“So don’t be thinking I’ll be singing back-up for you anytime soon!”

The moment to ask him about being public with their relationship had passed, and Carrie just forgot about it.

“Ok, well I should be home later on tonight. Will you be ok here?”

“Of course! You better go, you don’t wanna be late!” Carrie smiled and kissed him.

JC kissed her back. “Ok, see ya later. Love you!”

Carrie smiled with delight, like she always did when he said that. “I love you too!”


Melissa and Carrie spent the day lounging at the pool and chatting.

“You know what I want?” Carrie commented as they tanned.

“Hmm?” Melissa asked, her eyes closed.

“I am dying for an iced cappuccino from Espana!” Espana was a cool little coffee shop up in Duluth.

“It sure has been a long time since we went to Espana.”

“Yeah, they don’t have one here. Hey, let’s go try to find some other coffee shop! It’s been so long since I had any coffee!”

“No way! Coffee is way bad for you, and I won’t let you near anything bad for you. You need to get well if you want to go back home.”

Geez, she’s almost as bad as JC! Carrie thought. They must be in on it together, watching me like a hawk.

Carrie flopped back in her lawn chair, bored.


Joey walked with JC and Justin into the building where they would have to interview with the journalist Sarah they had met last night. Joey was talking about her nonstop.

“We danced a lot. Do you guys think it would be totally unethical to ask her out?” Joey pestered.

“I don’t know, Joey!” Justin replied, annoyed at having to listento him go on. Joey was very girl-crazy.

They went into the room where Sarah was. She greeted them, saying she would interview each of them separately.

Great! Joey thought at this. He would get to be alone with her. Maybe he could ask her what she was doing tonight...

JC was first. he sat down across from Sarah, alone in the huge conference room.

She asked a lot of questions, and then came to the inevitable question they got in every single interview.

“Do you date?”

“Yes, of course. We all date, but our schedules limit dating alot,” JC responded automatically. They always gave the same answer.

“So do any of you have anyone serious?”

“Well, you’ll have to ask the other guys about them, but I kinda have someone that I’m very involved with.” JC smiled at the thought of Carrie.


The Entertainment Weekly article came out 2 weeks later. Sarah had accepted Joey’s offer to go out on a date. She lived there in Orlando, and they had gone out a few times. Joey talked about her nonstop, but wondered if she felt anything for him since he hadn’t kissed her or anything yet. She was sort of shy, but once he got to hang out with her more, she was very carefree and easy going.

Carrie was at a Starbuck’s. She had snuck off to it to get some iced cappuccino, unknown to Melissa or JC. She saw the magazine, and picked it up in order to read the article.

When she got back in Lance’s car that she had borrowed, she fipped it open to read it.

“WHAT?!!!!!!!!” she screamed after she read a few paragraphs.


Carrie slammed the door shut so hard, Lance’s car rocked on its hinges. She stalked up the driveway. JC was in the backyard, playing badmitton with Justin, Melissa, and Lance.

“Carrie!” He ran over to her. “Thank God you’re here. You gotta come help me, they’re killing me!”

Justin and Melissa laughed triumphantly, and slapped their rackets together.

“Good,” Carrie said seriously. “Hope they bury you too.” She dropped the magazine on the grass and walked into the house.

JC stared after her, stunned and confused. “What’s up with her?” he asked.

Justin shrugged. “Women,” he stated simply.

Melissa dropped her racket and picked up the discarded magazine. She opened it to the ‘N Sync article, and scanned it quickly.

“JC! Justin, what the hell is this?!” She started to read aloud: “‘The band members say they date, but none have exclusive girlfriends. They like to stay accesible to their fans, and wouldn’t say no to dating one.’ What the HELL is this?!”

“That’s not what we said! I SAID I had a serious girlfriend! That’s a lie!” JC cried.

“I said the same thing!” Justin added, miffed.

“Melissa, I don’t know why they wrote that!”

“I do,” a voice spoke up. It was Sarah, Joey beside her.

JC stalked over to her. “Why did you say this? My girlfriend is gonna kill me!”

“I had nothing to do with it! You management, Transcon, put it it.They said I could write nothing in it that said that any of you had any girlfriends. My hands were tied. They were the ones who put in that part. I didn’t.”

JC was already running inside after Carrie. She’s everything to me, he thought. I can’t lose her now. I’ll just explain to her, she’ll understand.

“Carrie?” he called. She better not be packing to go home and leave me! He raced up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

“Care?” He knocked lightly on her door. There was no answer. “Care, please listen. That part in the article was a lie. Transcon put that in without us knowing--”

There was still silence. “Carrie?” he called tentatively. JC slowly pushed open the door. “Oh, my God! Carrie!” He ran to her.

She was in a crumpled heap on the floor. There was a cordless phone laying in her hand. She was unconscious.

Flashbacks of the competition where she had fainted after cheering flashed through his mind. No, I can’t lose her now, not after all we’ve been through. JC checked to see if she was breathing.

“JUSTIN! MELISSA!” JC screamed at the top of his lungs. Justin was already upstairs, and he raced into the room. When he saw Carrie on the floor, he gaped.

“CALL 911 NOW!” JC yelled. He checked Carrie’s chest for a heartbeat.

Justin grabbed the phone out of Carrie’s hand and dialed 911. He called for an ambulance, giving them the address.

“... She’s unconscious. JC, they wanna know if there’s a pulse?”

"Yeah, but she’s not breathing, Justin!” JC cradled her head gently.

“JC, they say to do CPR until they get here!” Justin said.

JC immediately started to breathe into Carrie’s mouth.

Melissa raced into the room. “Oh, my God!” she whispered. She sank next to Carrie’s lifeless form.

Justin was still on the phone with the 911 dispatcher, taking orders.

“Ok, don’t move her. She may have a head injury... Well, she’s an anorexic, but she’s been recovering for the past weeks... No, she’s been eating all this time... Yes, he’s still doing CPR...”