Parts One - Five

By Kim


"Guys, come on we're gonna be late," Justin yelled through the hotel door.

"We're coming," JC yelled back. The guys were getting ready for their after party at Fixtion's, a local club in Atlanta. They had gotten to the hotel about 30 minutes ago, after their concert at the Lakewood Amphitheater. Just as Justin was about to yell at the guys again, they all came out, ready to go.

"I hope there are some fine girls there tonight," said Joey.

"What are you talking about Joey? Even if they weren't fine, you'd still hook up," commented Justin laughing. The other guys laughed too as they made their way through the hotel lobby to the 'N SYNC bus. Their bodyguards were waiting by the bus as Joey, Justin, JC, Lance, and Chris got in.


"Man, that was the best concert ever!" I said happily as I drove my '98 blue mustang out of the parking lot.

"I know!! I swear Justin has got to be the sexiest guy alive," replied Sara.

As I drove through the traffic, Sara, Jenn, and I talked about the 'N SYNC concert that we just went to.

"I still can't believe we got tickets at the last minute. Thank god my dad told us about the hold tickets they released just before the show," I said, still amazed that we got 7th row seats!

"So, where did that girl say the after party was at again?" I asked.

"She said it was at Fixtion's" Sara answered.

"Hell yeah, that club is cool as shit. We need to go get some alcohol first cause I'm not going sober," Jenn said.

"We know," Sara and I answered at the same time.

"Jenn, you can't go anywhere sober! You're such a drunk," Sara said laughing.

"So what, at least I don't get drunk off one beer!"

"Ok, ya'll shut up there's a store right up there," I interrupted. "Who's going in to get the beer?"

"I'll go," replied Jenn.

While Jennifer went in to get the beer, Sara and I sat in the car and talked about how we were going to meet 'N SYNC tonight if it killed us. Jenn came out 10 minutes later and we were on our way to see 'N SYNC! They drank on the way, but since I was driving, I couldn't. We got to the club around 11:00 p.m. and found a parking place. The club was packed, mostly girls. We paid at the door and went in. It was so crowded in the club that you could barely move.

"God, this sucks," I said to Jenn and Sara.

"Let's find the bar!" shouted Jenn over the loud music.


When the limo pulled up to the front of the club around 12 a.m., there was already a huge crowd waiting for them. As soon as the fans caught sight of the limo, they started screaming.

"Here we go again," said Lance and laughed.

They five guys made their way through the crowd and into the club. They went straight to the back room that was reserved for them and ordered drinks.

"Who's gonna order my drink for me?" asked Justin, since he wasn't old enough to order it himself.

"Justin, you're gonna get us in trouble on of these days," said Chris laughing.

"Shut up man and go get me a beer" ordered Justin.

"All right, all right" said Chris while walking off.

Meanwhile, Joey and JC had made it out into the club and were dancing with some girls. Chris brought Justin 2 beers and told him to hurry and down them so they could go dance.

So Chris and Justin finish their beers and headed out to the dance floor. Justin and the rest of the guys got on the stage and Justin begins doing his beat boxing.

"Which one of you lovely ladies out there tonight would like to come dance with me?" Joey asked. All the girls started screaming. Smiling, Joey then picked out a few girls and brought them up on stage.

The rest of the guys proceeded to do the following. Sara, Jenn, and I were in the front row and every guy had already picked girls to go up on stage, except for Justin. All the sudden, he looks directly at us and motions for us to come up there. So we all go up on the stage and start dancing. Justin walked up to us and said "hi."

"Let's go dance," he said as he grabbed my hand. I couldn't believe it! Justin asked me to dance! We were dancing pretty close and Justin leaned in to ask "what's your name?"

I told him my name was Michelle and he smiled and replied "I assume you already know my name."

"No, what is it?" I said grinning.

The next song to come on was "Back That Ass Up". I had my back to Justin, and he grabbed me by my waist and we began to dance really freaky. Joey came up behind Sara and started dancing with her, and Jenn danced with all of us. After we danced for a while, they told us we had to get off the stage because they were going to sing a song for the crowd.

As I walking off, Justin grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"Stay close by so you can come back up later," Justin whispered in my ear.

I smiled and said "I'll try."


"Oh my god you guys, did ya'll see me and Justin?" I shouted at Jenn and Sara after we got down off the stage.

"Hell yeah girl, Justin was all up on you," Sara said excitedly. "Did you see me and Joey? Hot damn that boy can dance!"

"Come on let's go get a drink, I'm so thirsty," said Jenn.

We hung around at the bar for a while, watching 'N SYNC sing and dance on the stage. "They sang Tearin' Up My Heart" and Justin tried to sing along to a rap song.

"Damn, isn't Justin so cute?" I asked.

"Look at him go, that boy can rap!" Jenn said between sips of her margarita she ordered.

They continued to sing for a while, then the guys announced that they were going to go to the pool room for a while, but that they would be back later.


Justin scanned the crowd looking for Michelle. After a while, he began to get worried because he couldn't find her. All the sudden he felt a pair of hands cover his eyes and a familiar voice whispered in his ear "looking for someone?"

He turned around and smiled at me. "Not anymore," he replied.

He took my hand in his and led me back to the room where the other guys were at.

"Hang on a sec, I gotta get my friends, wait here" I said.


"There you guys are," I shouted as I motioned for them to come here.

"Hellllo Michelle," Jenn said, obviously drunk.

"Come on you guys, Justin said we can go back to the pool room with them. He's waiting for us, so hurry up!"

"Aaaahhhh I can't believe we're fixing to hang out with 'N SYNC," screamed Sara.

"I know, I'm like about to pass out, I can't believe it!" I exclaimed.


"Come on Justin, we're going back to the pool room now," Joey said with his arms around two girls.

"Ya'll go ahead, I'll be there in a sec," Justin said still waiting on Michelle to come back.

"Hey, there you are, I was starting to think you left me," Justin said as he saw Sara, Jenn, and me approaching.

"Nope, you're not getting away that easily," I said playfully.


Justin led us to the pool room reserved just for them, where we joined the rest of the guys. Justin started drinking some more and playing pool with the guys. Me, Sara, and Jenn just hung out and starred in shock at all the famous faces we were so close to.

"So how old are you anyway?" Justin asked me when he was in between turns on the game.

"Scared I'm going to be 12?" I replied in a joking tone.

"Yeah, something like that," Justin said grinning.

"Well, it must be your lucky day," I said, "because I'm 20."

"I love older women," Justin said with a smile.

"Hey Justin, quit flirting and go, it's your turn!" JC shouted across the room. Justin laughed and grabbed his pool stick and continued to play. The guys hung out in the pool room for about 30 more minutes.

By this time, Justin and the rest of the guys had gotten quite tipsy. Lance was already drunk, JC was almost there, and Chris could barely stand up. Justin, Sara, and I sat around laughing at the guys.

"So, the guys from 'N SYNC aren't perfect angels after all?" I said grinning.

"You caught us, we're just your typical bad boys" Justin replied.

"That's the way I like em" I said.

Meanwhile, Jenn had made her way into the pool game and was partnered up with Joey. Needless to say, they were losing. All the guys were laughing at Jenn because she couldn't hit the balls.

"Come on guys we better get back out there," Justin said, still laughing.

"Ya'll can hang out in here or go back out there and watch us. Just don't disappear on me," Justin said talking to Sara and me.

Then, they left, and we left shortly after that. First we had to get Jenn and tell her we were going back out into the club.


They performed a few more songs and danced a few more times, and then it was 2:00 a.m. and the club was closing. Justin found me in the crowd and asked me if I wanted to go back to the hotel with them. All I could think was "Of course I want to go with you, are you crazy?"

I said "I'm not sure. Jenn is really drunk and I should probably take her home."

"Come on your not gonna leave me now are you?" Justin said while sticking out his bottom lip and pouting.

"Well, how can I turn down an offer like that?" I replied laughing. "I need to go get Sara and Jenn. Where do I meet you at?" I said.

"Just go back to the pool room," Justin answered while running his finger through a strand of my hair and starring into my eyes.


"Jenn, Sara, come on! Justin just invited us to go to their hotel with them!"

"Your kidding?" Sara asked disbelievingly.

"I swear, he did! And Jenn, I think Joey wants to hook up with you. He kept staring at you in the pool room," I informed her.

"Get out? Hell yeah, I'll hook up with his cute ass!"

Laughing, I told them "ok so let's go."


Finally, after everyone met back up, we all went out the back to get in the bus. I can't believe I'm in 'N SYNC's bus and I'm going back to their hotel with Justin! This can't be happening! I probably drank more than I should have, but the guys kept buying us drinks and I didn't want to turn them down. Besides, I was already extremely nervous, and drinking helped me relax some.

On the way to the hotel, Justin sat by me and put his hand on my leg. All I could think about is how good his hand felt there. I still couldn't believe this is happening. I'm not a huge fan of 'N SYNC, but I know who they are and I have heard their songs quiet a bit. I also knew enough to know that Justin is wanted by millions of girls. Millions of girls, and he picked me. I can't believe it. I never want this night to end, I thought to myself as the tour bus approached the hotel.


"And this is my room," Justin said with a smile as he finished the tour of their hotel suite.

"Nice room," was all I could think of to say. I wish I wasn't so nervous. In the club it was easier because there was a lot of noise and people, but being one on one with Justin was more than enough to make my heart race.

"Let's go back to the living room and see what the other guys are doing," Justin said as he grabbed my hand and led me back to the living room. There were a few fans in the room when we got there and Justin told me to wait here while he went to talk to the fans. So, I went to find Jenn and Sara and see what they were doing.


"I am such a huge fan Justin, can you please sign this?" a young girl with blonde hair asked as she handed him a 'N SYNC poster.

"Sure, what's your name?" Justin asked.

"Allison," the girl replied looking as if she was about to burst with excitement.

"Here you go sweetheart, thanks for your support," Justin said with a smile. He proceeded to take a picture with Allison and then her and her friends left the room.


"I can't believe he said that to you," I exclaimed when Jenn told me that Joey has asked her to join him in his room for a "wild night that she would never forget."

"I know," Jenn said laughing, "If he wouldn't have been so direct I probably would have gone with him, but he kind of put me on the spot... so I chickened out."

"Screw that, you should do it. How often are you gonna have the opportunity to say you slept with one of the guys from 'N SYNC?" Sara asked grinning.

"I know right? Go for it girl!" I said.

"Go for what?" Justin asked as he snuck up behind me.

Laughing, I replied "um, nothing that would interest you. Just girl talk."

"Oh, there's that girl talk excuse again... can't you girls ever think of anything else to answer with?" Justin asked playfully. We all laughed.

"Well, I'm gonna go find Joey and see if the offer still stands," Jenn said as she walked away.

"Don't do anything we wouldn't do," Sara and I called out simultaneously.

"And just what would you do?" Justin asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I replied coyly.

Sara, Justin, and I sat on the couch and talked for a while, mainly about Justin and the tour.

Lance came over and sat down and said, "Hey guys, how's it going?"

We all answered and Justin introduced us to Lance.

"Nice to meet you ladies," Lance said in a sexy voice.

The group conversation went in different directions and eventually, me and Justin were having our own conversation, as were Lance and Sara.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" Justin asked me. "I'm starving."

"Sure!" I said, realizing that I was starving as well.

"See ya later guys, we're gonna go get something to eat," Justin informed Lance and Sara, who were deep in conversation.

"Later," Lance replied.


"So your pants really fell all the way to your ankles," I asked, laughing hysterically.

"Yes, it was so embarrassing. I had to bend over and pick them up, button them back up, and then finish the song!" Justin said.

We sat in a small booth in a coffee shop that was around the corner from the hotel. It was about three in the morning and there were a few older kids, probably college students, in the café amongst us. The atmosphere was loud with the sounds of people's conversation and dishes clattering in the kitchen.

But I hardly noticed the noise or the people. I couldn't take my eyes off Justin and his beautiful blue eyes.

Still laughing I said "I can't believe that happened to you on stage, I would have died!"

"Yeah, stuff like that happens all the time. We have all gone on stage a million times with our zippers down!" Justin said laughing.

"That's awful! Although, I'm sure the girls don't mind much," I said grinning.

"Yeah, really. I'm sure they all got a kick out of seeing me with no pants on," Justin said. "But enough about me, I want to know something about you."

"What do you want to know?" I asked.


"So, ya'll have been best friends since fifth grade?" Lance asked Sara as they sat on the couch in the living room.

"Yep, long time huh?" Sara replied.

"Sure is!"

"What do you think Justin and Michelle are up to?" Sara asked.

"I take it you're the one who always looks out for your friends. Am I right?" Lance asked jokingly.

"Yeah I guess you could say I'm the responsible one." Sara said.

"That's cool. Michelle is in good hands. Justin is a real gentleman. You have nothing to worry about. Besides, I think he really likes her. I haven't seen him like that in a while about a girl," Lance informed Sara. "Now your other friend, Jenn, you should be worried about. Joey is quite a womanizer," Lance said laughing.

"Well, if you knew Jenn at all, you'd know she's probably the one taking advantage of Joey," Sara replied with a smile.


"Tell me something about yourself that not many people know," Justin requested. "Well, I like guys who drive Mercedes and have a killer smile," I replied coyly.

"Is that right?" Justin asked trying not to smile.

"Yep, not many people know that about me."

"Come on let's get out of here," Justin said. As we walked out of the coffee shop, the cold air brushed again my skin and gave me the chills.

"Here, I can take care of that," Justin said as he put his arm around me and I leaned against his chest.

"Thanks," I said looking into his baby blue eyes. We walked back to the hotel, arm in arm as Justin shielded me from the cold air. As we approached the front doors of the hotel, Justin opened the door for me and I walked inside. It was warm and quite inside.

We walked back up to the room and before went in, Justin pulled me back gently and cupped my chin in his hand.

"I just wanted you to know that you have the most beautiful, sweetest face I've ever seen," Justin said, looking deep into my eyes. I leaned up toward him and gently pressed my lips to his. He held me in his arms and kissed me tenderly. We were interrupted by a loud crashing sound inside. We opened the door to find JC had dropped the bottle of Vodka and pieces of glass were scattered about the floor.

"Way to go JC, that was the last of the liquor," Lance said annoyed. "Why do you always have to be so clumsy when you get drunk?"

"Sorry dude, there wasn't much left anyway!"

"Still, that shit's annoying man," Lance replied.

"Sorry, I'll buy some more tomorrow," JC offered. "I'm going to bed. I'm about to pass out."

Everyone said goodnight to JC and Chris decided to go to bed too. I said goodnight to them both and they told me it was great to meet me and they hope to see me again soon. I spotted Sara in the kitchen with Lance, cleaning up the glass that JC broke. I went to the kitchen and told Sara we had better get going.

"It's already 4:30 a.m. and I have to work at 9:00 in the morning!" I said, not wanting the night to end.

"Ok, let's go get Jenn and we can go," Sara replied.

"All right, you go get Jenn, I'm gonna go find Justin."


Justin was in one of the rooms with JC and Chris talking to them before they went to bed. I knocked on the door and Justin said "Come on in."

"Hey, I just wanted to say bye. I have to work in the morning, so we're gonna get going," I informed them sadly.

"You're leaving already? Aaawww Michelle, don't go yet," Justin pleaded.

"I have to, but you can walk me out if ya want."

"Sure, let's go," Justin said as he walked toward me.

"Your friend looks like she had a rough night," Justin said laughing and pointing at Jenn walking down the hall with Sara.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'll get to hear all about it on the way home."

"Ya'll ready?" I asked Sara and Jenn as they walked toward us.

"Yeah, let's go," Sara said. We said our goodbye's to everyone, and then we left. Justin had a limo waiting for us to take us back to our car. The girls got inside and I turned around to say goodbye to Justin.

"I had fun tonight," I said looking at his beautiful face.

"Me too," he replied sadly. "I don't want it to end."

"Me either," I said as he leaned down to kiss me. I lost track of time. I don't know how long we stood out there and kissed, but I do know I couldn't pull away. It was like we were drawn to each other and neither of us were strong enough to pull away. Finally, I stopped and told him to call me sometime. We exchanged numbers and then said goodbye. He said he would call me tomorrow, but for some reason, I knew tonight would be the last I heard from him.


"So, Michelle, come on tell us what happened with you and Justin?" Sara asked excitedly.

"Yeah, did you get with him?" Jenn asked with enthusiasm. For some reason I didn't feel like talking about it. I had the best time of my life and I just didn't want to ruin it by sharing it with my friends. It was something special that happened between me and Justin. I can't explain it really. I've never felt this way about anyone before. I keep thinking to myself the only reason I feel so strongly about him is because he's famous, gorgeous, and talented. But it is more than that.

"Michelle, earth to Michelle," Jenn said sarcastically.

"Sorry, nothing happened really. We left the hotel and went to that coffee shop on the corner and ate hamburgers and talked. Then we came back to the hotel and I kissed him."

"You kissed him? Way to go Michelle!" Sara exclaimed.

"Never mind me, what the hell were you and Joey doing, Jenn?" I asked.

Laughing, Jenn replied, "I swear I'm such a slut! I go in the room to see if Joey still wanted to hook up, and Joey immediately started hanging all over me again. So we start kissing and before you know it we're on the bed about to have sex!"

"Jennifer, you didn't sleep with him did you?" Sara asked.

"No no no, I stopped before we went all the way. He wasn't too happy, but he was nice about it and said he understood. He knew I was really drunk and he said he didn't want to take advantage of me. So then we just stayed up and talked for a while and we actually got to know a lot about each other!" Jenn told us happily. "Joey told me that he really liked me and he wanted to see me again."


Justin watched as the limo pulled away. Sadly, he walked back to the hotel room and saw Joey sitting on the couch with Lance.

"Hey Justin," Lance said when he saw Justin come into the living room.

"Hey guys, what are y'all doing sitting here?"

"We were just talking about the girls," Joey replied as Justin slouched down in the chair. "Lance likes Sara."

"Oh yeah?" asked Justin.

"Yeah she was nice," Lance added. "What about Michelle, what did y'all do?"

"Nothing, just went to get something to eat and hung out," Justin told them.

"Well, I don't know about y'all but I am exhausted," Joey announced. "Goodnight guys."

"Night Joey," Lance and Justin said.

"So you really like her, don't you?" Lance asked Justin.

Laughing, Justin asks, "how can you tell?"

"Come on Justin, it's written all over your face!"

"Yeah, I like her a lot. I was afraid this would happen. I didn't want to like anyone right now because of the tour and everything. I like Michelle so much and I can't even see her because we're leaving in 3 days!"

"I know how ya feel. I told Sara I would call her tomorrow, but I don't know if I should. It seems kind of pointless to start something when I'll never be able to see her, ya know?" Lance asked.

"Yep I know exactly what you mean. Oh well, I'm beat! See ya tomorrow."

"Goodnight," Lance replied to Justin.


"Wow, do you guys realize that we have been in 'N SYNC's hotel room all night?" Sara said.

"Yeah I saw you and Lance were getting along pretty good. What happened with you guys?" I asked.

Sara, who is the shy one of us three, answered with, "nothing happened, we just talked."

"Just talked? You sure about that?" Jenn enquired.

"Yes, I'm sure. He is a really nice guy," Sara informed us laughing.

"Forget being nice, did you hear his voice? Oh my god he has the sexiest voice!" I exclaimed.

"No shit, he really does," Jenn added.

"Lance told me that he hasn't seen Justin this excited about a girl in a long time." Sara told me.

"For real?" I asked smiling. "I swear, Justin is such a sweetheart!"

The rest of the ride home we discussed our night with 'N SYNC and how much fun we had. It was so unreal! It still seems like a dream to me. As I pulled into Jennifer's driveway, Sara and I told her goodbye and I told her to call me tomorrow if she hears from Joey.

I dropped Sara off next and told her the same about Lance. On my way home all I could think about was Justin. His deep blue eyes, the way he looked at me, and the way he kissed me. I got home around 6:00 in the morning and slipped into a t-shirt and shorts. I set my alarm for 8:00 a.m and cringed at the thought of having to wake up in 2 hours for work.

I crawled into bed, exhausted, and fell right to sleep.