Parts Six - Ten

By Kim


"I'm a genie in a bottle, you gotta rub me the right way," played on the radio as my alarm went off at 8:00 a.m. I hit snooze and slept for 15 more minutes.

As I crawled out of bed I remembered the incredible night I had last night, and I smiled because it wasn't just a dream. I got in the shower and proceeded to get ready for work. The whole morning I was giddy with excitement, even though I had only gotten two hours of sleep the night before. I hopped down the stairs and grabbed my keys off the table.

On my way to work I began to get sad. I started thinking that last night was probably the last time I would see or hear from Justin. This brought my mood down dramatically.

I pulled into to the mall parking lot and parked my car. I walked through the mall on my way to Sam Goody Music Store, which is where I work. I went to the back to clock in and then got on my register and began checking people out. I was overwhelmed with sadness. I couldn't get Justin out of my head no matter how hard I tried.


It was 1:00 in the afternoon and Justin awoke to the sounds of the tv playing music videos in the living room. He sat up and looked at the clock. "It's already 1:00, god I slept all day!" Justin said to himself.

He groggily walked into the kitchen where JC sat eating a sandwich.

"Hey man, it's about time you got up," JC commented as Justin walked in.

"Yeah, why'd y'all let me sleep all day? Where is everybody anyway?" Justin asked looking around the room.

"Joey and Chris went shopping and Lance went to pick up something to eat," JC replied.

Justin went to the cabinet and pulled out a bowl and his box of apple jacks. As he poured himself a bowl of cereal, he thought about last night. He couldn't take his mind off of Michelle. He had never met anyone quite like her before. He began to wonder if she felt the same way about him.


"Thanks and have a good day," I said for about the 50th time today as another customer made their way through my line at the check out register.

It is 2 o'clock now and the day keeps getting worse. Sara and Jenn called earlier and they haven't heard from Joey or Lance so far. And I called my mom and Justin hasn't called my house either. I should have known better than to get my hopes up. I'm sure Justin has one night flings like what we had all the time. God, why does he have to be so adorable! It isn't fair. Thank god I've only got 4 more hours of work and I get to go home. I can't wait to go to bed. I'm exhausted!


"What do you want to do today?" Justin asked JC.

"I don't know. I feel like just sleeping all day! I'm so tired from last night."

"I was thinking about going to town and going shopping. Do you want to go with me, since Joey and Chris left me?" Justin asked.

"Yeah I guess," JC replied.

Justin finished his cereal and went to take a quick shower. In the shower, his thoughts wondered back to Michelle. "I wonder if I should call her?" he thought to himself.

Justin finished his shower and got ready. He put on his NC Jersey with his dark blue jeans and his baby blue fila's. He topped it off with his NC baseball hat to disguise himself from the fans so that they could get some shopping done without being interrupted. JC came in the room wearing a purple collar shirt and khaki pants. He wore a hat as well.

"Hey man, are you ready," he asked Justin.

"Yep," Justin answered, and they left. Justin told the driver to take them to the mall.

As the limo pulled into the mall entrance, JC told the driver to drop them off in the front and they got out.

"Hey Justin, check out these shoes," JC said holding a pair of white addidas with a baby blue stripe on the side.

"Hell yeah, I want those," Justin said as he motioned for one of the sales people to help him. Justin tried them on and went to check out at the register.

"Let's go to the record store, I want to see if that new Missy cd is out yet," Justin told JC.

"All right, I wanna get some cd's too," said JC as they made their way through the mall to Sam Goody's.


The store is so dead today, I thought as I continued to stock the new cd releases in the rap section. Once again, my mind wandered back to Justin as I remembered him talking about how he loved rap music. I was lost in my thoughts of Justin when I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I looked up to see none other than Justin and JC walking towards me. Justin looked so good in his baby blue jersey. My heart began to race and my knees suddenly went weak.

I smiled as they approached me and Justin asked, "Excuse me miss, do you know where we could find a beautiful and sweet young lady to help us find a cd?"

Smiling, I replied, "Sure, let me go get someone to help you."

They laughed and my eyes met Justin's for a moment, and we just stared into each other's eyes. All the feelings I had for him last night came rushing back and I fell for him all over again.

Trying not too sound too nervous, I said, "y'all are the last people I expected to see today."

"I know. How come you didn't tell me you worked here?" Justin asked.

"You never asked!"

It was about time for my break, so I told the guys to look for their cd while I tell my boss I'm taking my break now.

"I'll be back in 15 minutes or so," I told Helen, my boss. "I'm taking my break now."

Justin and JC bought their cd's and then we left to go to the food court and get something to drink. JC wanted to get something to eat, so me and Justin grabbed a table, while JC waited in line.

"I'm really glad I ran into you today," Justin admitted.

"Me too, I must admit, I didn't think I was ever going to see you again," I answered truthfully.

"I was going to call you, but I wasn't sure if you wanted me to or not."

"I guess this chance meeting was good thing then." I said as Justin reached for my hand across the table.

"Yeah, I guess you could call it a twist of fate.


"Hi, is Sara there?" a deep voice asked on the other end of the line.

"Yes, hold on...I'll get her," Sara's mother said.


"Hi Sara, this is Lance."

"Oh, wow, I mean... um, hi, how are you?" Sara stammered nervously.

"I'm good, I just thought I'd call you and see what you were up to."

"Not much, just recovering from last night."

Laughing, Lance asks, "Did you drink too much?"

"A little, but I stayed out pretty late too!" Sara complained.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to do something tonight? Me and the guys are going to be in town till Sunday."

"That's cool. I'd love to!" Sara said, trying to hold back a scream of excitement.

"Great!" Lance added. "Joey is here and he said to tell Jenn hi for him and to tell her to come with you tonight because he wants to see her."

"Ok, I'll let her know. Where are we going?"

"Well, I don't know yet. Why don't y'all just come over here around 7, to the hotel, like y'all did last night and we'll figure it out when y'all get here!" Lance explained.

"All right that sounds good. See ya then," Sara said with a huge grin on her face.

"Ok, bye sweetheart. See you tonight!"


"Well guys, I got to get back to work," I said, not wanting to leave. Just then Justin's cell phone rang.

"Yo wassup?" Justin said and continued to talk on the phone for a short while. Justin hung up and informed us it was Lance on the phone and he invited Sara and Jenn over to the hotel tonight around seven to hang out.

"You're coming, right Michelle?" Justin asked.

"I can't. I already have plans. I have to wash my hair tonight," I joked.

"Aaawww please come Michelle," Justin begged as he tilted his head and made a puppy dog face.

Laughing, I said "come on Justin, that's not fair! You know I can't say no to that face!"

He continued to pout and JC even joined in, so I told them, "of course I'll come!"

They smiled and Justin grabbed my hand as he stood up to help me out of my seat. We walked down the mall to Sam Goody and just as we approached the front of the store about four young girls screamed "LOOK...IT'S 'N SYNC!" They ran over to the guys and asked for their autographs and told them how much they loved them. They are so good to their fans, I thought to myself. So after Justin and JC finished talking to the girls, Justin grabbed my hand and led me into my work.

"Well guys, I guess I'll see y'all tonight then, right?"

"Definitely!" Justin answered. "Bye Michelle, see ya at seven," he added.


"Jenn called while you were out. She said it's important and to call her back as soon as you get back," Helen informed me.

"Ok, thanks," I replied and went to the phone. Of course, I already knew she was calling to tell me about tonight. I called her and sure enough, she wanted to tell me about going to the guys hotel room tonight. We discussed it and I told her I get off work at five, so I'd call her back when I got off.

The rest of my work day went by so slow. Finally, it was five and time for me to go. I clocked out and began walked to my car. I got home at around 5:30. I called Sara and Jenn and told them that I'd pick them up at 7 o'clock.

I took a quick shower to freshen up and applied my make-up. After 15 minutes of rummaging through my closest, I finally decided on a pair of blue jeans with a short, black shirt so that I could show off my belly button I had pierced a couple of weeks ago. I fixed my hair and did all the finishing touch ups and was ready to go at 6:50. I'm running a little late, I thought, but making the guys wait a little can't hurt. I picked up Jenn and Sara a few minutes after seven and we were on our way.


"Didn't the girls say they were coming over at seven?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, it's already 7:30," Lance added, "I wonder what's taking them so long."

"I don't know, but I wish they'd hurry. I'm starving!" Joey replied.

"When are you not?" Justin asked laughing, as he walked in the living room wearing a red abercromie and fitch t-shirt and khaki pants. As he waited for the girls to get there, Justin couldn't help but smile. He was so happy he saw Michelle today. He just kept thinking how beautiful she was with her long, brown hair and big blue eyes. She had the sweetest face and the cutest laugh he had ever heard. Justin knew he liked her more than he should. He'd be leaving in two days and wouldn't get to see her very often. But he can't help it. There is just something about Michelle that he is drawn to and he can't seem to get her off his mind. Justin's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"That must be them. I'll get it," Lance offered.

Lance opened the door and Sara, Jenn, and Michelle stood there smiling.

"Wow," thought Lance, noticing how great they all looked, especially Sara. Her long blonde hair hung loosely around her face and the bright blue shirt she had on brought out the blue in her eyes.

"Hey ladies, come on in," Lance said, opening the door all the way.

"Thanks," we all replied in unison.

We went into the living room and sat down on the couch. JC, Justin, Joey and Chris were all sitting on the couch watching tv and talking. JC and Chris got up off the couch when we came in to make room for us to sit down. I sat next to Justin and he looked at me and said, "hey there beautiful," and smiled at me. I smiled back. Justin looked absolutely gorgeous. "He gets cuter every time I see him," I thought to myself.

"So do y'all want to get something to eat?" Joey asked, who couldn't take his eyes off Jenn. "Damn, she looks good," he thought as he observed the black shirt she wore that cut off just above her belly button and the tight jeans she wore that showed off her great curves.

"Yeah, that sounds great. I'm starving!" I replied.

"Cool, let's go then." Justin said as he stood up. "Chris, JC, are y'all going?" he added.

"Nah, were gonna stay here. I called Christie and she might come over later. So call us when you finish eating and we'll meet up later." JC said.

"All right, later guys." Justin said as he, Lance, Joey, Sara, Jenn, and I left the hotel room. Their bodyguards were already waiting for us in the limo when we got outside. We all got in and decided to eat at Chili's. We asked for a table at the back to avoid being interrupted by fans.

After dinner, Joey suggested that we go back to the hotel and watch movies. We all agreed. I noticed all through dinner, Joey and Jenn were getting along really well. They seem to have a lot in common. They both love to party and have fun. Jenn has always been attracted to guys who are spontaneous and wild. Joey was definitely her type.

Sara, who is kind of shy and quiet, was obviously attracted to Lance. She laughed at everything he said during dinner and couldn't stop smiling. It was great to see Sara smiling again. She has had a rough time this past year. Her ex-boyfriend that she had been with for three years broke up with her a couple of months ago. He had been cheating on her and when she found out, he broke up with her. He told her he didn't love her and that he never did. She took it pretty hard. For the last couple of months she hasn't been herself. But after last night, with Lance, she hasn't stopped smiling. I am really happy for her but I'm scared she is going to get hurt again. The guys will leave on Sunday and I'm not sure Sara will handle it very well. I can tell she is already falling for Lance pretty hard.

"Come on Shelly, we're leaving now." Jenn said, calling me by my nickname. I guess I had been deep in thought because I noticed everyone was already standing up to leave.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something." I replied, embarrassed. We all piled in the limo and the driver took us back to the hotel.



When we got back to the hotel, there were at least 20 people in the room.

"Wow, looks like JC and Chris are having a party," Joey said excited.

"Come on Jenn, let's get something to drink," Joey said as he put his arm around her and led her to the kitchen.

Justin turned to me and asked if I wanted a beer.

"Sure!" I replied. He and Lance went to get us drinks and me and Sara stood by the door.

"There sure are a lot of pretty girls here." I said worried.

"I know! Look at that girl JC is with. She's gorgeous." Sara replied enviously while pointing at the girl sitting in JC's lap. JC, Chris, and about 10 other people all sat around the table, playing a drinking game.

Sara and I went up to the table and said hey to JC and Chris.

"Hey there! I'm drunk so watch out!" Chris told us while making a goofy face. We both laughed.

"He is too funny." I thought to myself.

"Y'all wanna play this game with us?" JC asked.

"Sure," I replied. "What are y'all playing?"

"President and Asshole, and guess who's asshole?" Chris asked, pointing to himself.

Laughing, JC informed us that Chris is really bad at card games. Justin and Lance came up behind Sara and me and handed us each a bud light.

"Thanks." We replied. Jenn and Joey came in the room and we all sat down to play the game. After about an hour of playing cards and drinking, I was pretty drunk. I was almost as bad as Chris and so he and I had to drink the most. Justin kept laughing at me because I couldn't play. I looked up and saw Christie, the girl with JC, whisper something in his ear, and they both got up and went outside. They were really cute together. I asked Justin if that was his girlfriend and Justin informed me that he had just met her last night at Fixtion's.

"So I guess this is pretty normal for you guys huh?" I asked jokingly. "Just picking up girls you meet in clubs and taking them home with you?"

"No, this is the first time we've ever done anything like this." Justin replied grinning.

"Yeah, I bet!" I said sarcastically.

"No, I'm just kidding. I'm not going to lie to you. We do meet girls and we hang out with them after concerts and clubs. But I honestly haven't found any girls that I was interested in seeing again." Justin said sincerely.

"Until now that is."

I smiled and looked deep into his eyes. I saw something in his eyes at that moment that I will never forget. He looked at me as if I was the most important person in the world. And it was at that moment, that I fell in love with him.