Part Six - Ten

By Nicki Fulkerson


The next morning I was the first to wake up. JC looked so peaceful sleeping that I decided would give him a break and let him sleep in. I got dressed and made my way towards Pam’s room. I opened the door quietly and tiptoed in. When I reached the bed I saw Justin sleeping with his arms around Pam. They were so cute, and I knew she was in heaven. I shook Justin softly.

“Justin. Justin? Justin wake up!” I whispered louder than I expected to.

“Mmph!” He moaned as his arms released Pam, and he rolled over.

Then I had an ideal. “Justin, honey, downstairs I have some apple jacks, and if you get up, I’ll make you a big bowl full!” When all else failed, you could always bribe Justin.

“Apple Jacks?!?” He yelled.

“SHHH! Be quiet or you’ll wake Pam! But yes, Apple Jacks.” With that he jumped up and slid some pants over his boxers. We made our way out the door and down the stairs. As soon as we hit the living room we both started cracking up loudly.

This woke Beth up, who had been sleeping soundly on the fold out bed.

“What are you two laughing at?” She asked.

All Justin could do was point to the floor while I was cracking up still. Lance was on the floor in his boxers, shivering and curled up in a ball.

Beth laughed too. “Oh that. He kept putting his arms around me, trying to all snuggle up and stuff. I told him I would hurt him, but he still did it, so I kicked his ass out of bed!” She laughed then looked at us. “But if you’ll excuse me, I was trying to sleep.

Justin and I started laughing again as we walked into the kitchen. I automatically went to make him a bowl of cereal, as promised. I placed the bowl in front of him and sat down across from him.

“So, spill it already!” I said.

He looked at me and hesitated at first, but I gave him the evil eye. He knew that I meant business then and started. “Okay, but Nicki, you can’t tell anyone, not even the guys. Okay?” I nodded. “Well, okay, where do I start? I’m going to just come right out and say it. I received a couple of death threats. At first I thought they were a joke, but now their threatening my friends and family. So I told Johnny and he told me to go out of town for a while, so I told the guy’s we were going to come here. I knew you would let us, and besides no body knows where you live.”

“Oh my god Justin!” I said as I ran to give him a hug.

"Don’t worry it’s probably some sick fan, they’ll get over their obsession! It will all be okay!” I said.

“I know Nugie! I came here to be safe with you! Because I know you’ll protect me!” We both laughed! As if I could really protect him?!

Eventually everyone got up and ate breakfast. The rest of the day went pretty well. We pretty much just hung out, played some basketball and Playstation. Everyone but Sarah played basketball, but she was Joey’s personal water girl/cheerleader, so it was okay. Justin and Pam had announced that they were official. We all kind of laughed at them, because they had just met. Then somebody came up with the idea to go clubbing.

We all got ready and headed over to Studio 69. As soon as we got in there Pam and Justin headed out on the dance floor. As did Beth and Lance. Beth wanted Lance to help her pick up guys, and promised him she would find him a girl too. We don’t know where Chris and Ashley headed off too, and something made me not even want to ask. ‘Jeez, those to are horny’ I thought to myself. JC and Joey sat down at a table while Sarah and I headed towards the bar to get us some drinks. Sarah can’t do much dancing anyway.

We sat down waiting for the bartender to come serve us when two guys tapped us on our shoulders. We both turned around to see it was Nick Carter and A.J. McLean of the Backstreet Boys. Sarah turned to me with wide eyes, while I shrugged my shoulders. I turned to Nick.

“Hi Nick.” I said. A.J. looked confused. He glanced over at me and then back to Nick.

“You two know each other?” He asked.

“Yeah.” He said. “This is Nicki, one of Justin Timberlake’s friends. I met her last year at a charity event he brought her to. But this beautiful lady” he said as he pointed to Sarah, “I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting her yet!”

A.J and I both rolled our eyes as Sarah blushed and said, “I’m Sarah.”

All four of us sat there for a while and talked. Sarah and I were not the biggest BSB fans, but we decided to be polite. I had kept noticing JC staring over at us, as was Joey, and that’s when an idea formed in my head.

“You know, tomorrow we’re going to have a cookout at our house.” I said.

“We are?” Sarah asked confused. I elbowed her in her side, to make sure she got the hint.

“Yes, we are. I was wondering if you two would like to come?”

“Sure, but uh, can we bring some people with us?” A.J. asked me.

Thinking that it would be the rest of BSB I said yes. Then I wrote down the address and what time to be there. I noticed A.J. was writing down something on a piece of paper, and so was Nick. Then, A.J. gave me his paper and Nick gave Sarah his. It was their phone numbers! Just then two girls began walking towards them and Nick noticed.

“Uh… We have to…. Uh go now. We’ll see you guys tomorrow,” He said as they both walked off towards the girls. I saw them both hug and kiss one of the girls. ‘That was odd.’ I thought to myself.

Sarah and I walked back to the table where JC, Joey, Lance, and Beth were sitting. Pam and Justin were still getting jiggy with it. We all talked for a while and I told them that I wanted to have a cookout tomorrow. I had left out the part that Nick and A.J. were coming too, as did Sarah.

All of a sudden I happened to look over towards Pam, when I see a young girl tap Justin on the shoulder.

“Uh oh! This could be trouble!” I said as everyone’s eyes turned to where I was looking.

*~*~*~*~On the Dance Floor~*~*~*~*

“Excuse me?” The girl slurred out. She had obviously been drinking. Justin and Pam stopped dancing and turned to face her.

“Yes?” Justin asked. The girl put one of her hands on his chest.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Well, considering you just did, sure!” He answered.

“Why are you here with your mom?” Justin’s jaw dropped.

“Excuse me?!?” Pam interrupted. “You heard me!” The girl answered back.

Pam was pissed by now. “First of all, you need to get your hands of off my boyfriend, because who knows where those hands have been! Second of all, I’m obviously not his mom; I’m his girlfriend. And what makes you think he would want you anyway? Your obviously just some skank that’s drunk off of her ass!”

“Let’s just go Pam, before things get out of” Justin said, but before he could finish, the girl smacked Pam!

Everyone from the table jumped up and ran to where they were. Justin had this shocked look on his face and you could see the anger in Pam’s eyes.

“I know you did not just do that!” Pam said.

The girl looked around at all of our shocked faces. “Well it looks that way to me, and uh all of these other people around me!”

“That’s it!” Pam said as she punched the girl. She fell backwards and Pam jumped on top of her, screaming and swinging punches at her. Justin, Joey, and JC reached down and tried to get Pam off of her, but Pam was putting up a fight. She was kicking and screaming and everything.

“Fight! Fight! Fight!” Sarah, Beth and I started chanting, while Lance was trying to pull the other girl back.

That’s when security came and pulled the other girl away. We all just looked at Pam. She was finally starting to calm down a little bit, I think the realization of the situation had just set in. She started blushing really bad.

“You are all going to have to leave.” The security guard said.

“But it was self-defense!” Joey yelled back.

“Look your being thrown out! Now go!” The guard snapped back. We all began waling towards the door when we noticed that Chris and Ashley were still gone! I hadn’t even seen them since we got to the club!

“Wait! We have to find our other friends!” I told the guard.

“Well, you’ll just have to page them, because you can’t go back in there.”

“Fine! Ask if a Chris Kirkpatrick and his girlfriend could come to the lobby immediately, say it’s an emergency.” The guard did as I said and with in a few minutes Chris and Ashley were in the lobby.

We all looked up as they came in. Even Pam, who had been crying in Justin’s shoulder, looked up kind of shocked. Chris was zipping his pants, and Ashley was fixing her shirt. Chris looked at us and got really embarrassed and blushed, while Ashley just gave us one of those ‘mind your own business’ looks.

“What happened?” Chris asked.

We all rolled our eyes, walked out to the car and headed home.


The car ride home was pretty much silent for me. Everyone else was carrying on their own conversations though. It was Lance, Beth, Justin, Pam, Sarah, Joey, JC and I. All packed into my Jeep Grand Cherokee. Ashley and Chris had rented a car so they could have all the time together they wanted. They were obviously trying to catch up after being apart for a couple of months. I thought it was rather cute!

Lance was driving with Beth in the passenger seat. I had had a few drinks, so I decided that Lance should be the sober driver. In the backseat it was JC and I. Then, in the trunk part, it was Pam sitting on Justin’s lap, while Sarah was sitting on Joey’s. Everyone was caught up in their own conversations, with the exception of JC and I.

I was glancing out the window when I felt something on my leg. I looked down and it was JC’s hand. He wasn’t rubbing it or being perverted or anything, his hand was simply resting on my thigh. I decided to place my hand on top of his. When he felt this he looked at me. We both gave each other a meaningful smile, then he grabbed my hand so that he was holding it. We smiled at another again.

Justin must have seen us look at each other and wondered what was going on. He had Pam lean up so he could poke his head over the seat.

“Pam kicked some ass today, didn’t she?” He asked, trying to spy on us.

We quickly pulled our hands apart from each other’s.

“What?” I asked, trying to sound as casual as possible, as I turned to face Justin and Pam.

JC decided to try and save me. He had turned to face Justin and Pam now too. “Well Nicki, while you were spacing out, Justin asked you if you thought Pam had kicked some serious ass today.” He gave me a glanc eas if to say ‘Thank you’.

“Oh…Yeah, of course I did!” I said as I looked to see if we had convinced both Justin and Pam. Pam looked convinced and was saying something to Joey.

That’s when JC took his finger, so that Justin or Pam couldn’t see, and poked me in my side. I was so tickilish there! I couldn’t help but start to laugh hysterically!

“What’s so funny?” Justin questioned.

“Um…oh…nothing. I was just thinking about Pam whupping that girls ass!” After I said that, JC and I both turned back around. What was with Justin giving me the suspecting eye?

“Yeah, I bet.” Justin smirked. Then I layed my head on JC’s lap. When I did he began stroking his fingers through my hair.

‘Who are the trying to kid?’ Justin thought to himself. ‘Certainly not me! Oh well, if they want to act like kids sneaking around behind their parent’s back, then I guess I’ll let the have their fun. Nicki will tell me when she’s ready to. She can never keep anything from me for too long!’ The he went back to pulling Pam’s hair and kissing her neck.

Apparently Sarah had had a few more drinks than I though, because she was passed out on Joey’s lap. Joey had wrapped his arms around her and had her head resting on his chest.

As we pulled into the driveway, Chris and Ashley were there waiting for us. Pam and Justin had fallen asleep; and Beth and Lance were whispering about a girl Lance had met at the club. I had my eyes closed while JC continued to be playing with my hair. I could feel his eyes on me. When the car stopped, I could hear Joey humming the tune to ‘Angel of Mine’ while looking down at Sarah.


As soon as we got home, everybody went to bed. They all knew that we had to get up early to get ready for the cookout. Joey carried Sarah upstairs and watched over her all night while she was sick. She was going to have the biggest hangover!


I awoke the next morning feeling someone’s arms wrap around me, while his head rested on the side of mine. I let a smile slip, but still kept my eyes closed.

“Wake up.” He said as he kissed my cheek. I stayed still though, trying to enjoy the moment. “Come on, I know you're awake! We need to talk.” He said as he nuzzled his head against my neck. I rolled over to my other side, so that I was facing him.

“About what?” I asked smiling.

“Us.” He simply said.

My smile diminished. “Oh.” I rolled out of his arms and onto my back. He saw my change of expression and reached over and brushed some hair out of my eyes.

“What’s going on with us? I mean first, the airport, then the other night, and then last night.” He asked.

“Okay first of I want to apologize for the airport and the other night. Sometimes I get a little crazy and spontaneous.” I explained.

“Tell me about it.” He smirked.

“I just want you to know that I don’t just want you for sexual pleasure or anything like that. I do actually like you. I have every since we met, but I swear to god that you thought I was the most annoying person in the world!”

He laughed a little bit. “I never though you were annoying! I’ve had a crush on you ever since Justin brought you to Orlando to meet us! Its just that I had to convince my self to stay away from you, seeing as how you weren’t even legal! I mean, when we met, you were 14 and I was 19. If that’s not illegal, I don’t know what is! So I just tried my hardest to stay away.” He explained to me.

“Oh.” I said after he finished. Then he reached down and met his lips with mine.

“But now,” He began kissing my neck all over. “You’re all grown,” He was now talking in-between kisses. “And legal,” He lifted his head so he was staring straight into my eyes. “And I can’t stay away any longer!” With that he gave me a passionate kiss. It was cut short though because he pulled away.

“Go out with me.” He asked suddenly.

I was shocked of course! I was not expecting that at all. “Are you for real?”

“Come on, please?” He asked again.

“I think I should warn you, I can be the world’s biggest bitch sometimes! And that’s just putting it moderately.” I felt a need to tell everyone that wanted to get close to me that. Justin had grown up with it; Pam and Sarah had gotten used to it, I just didn’t want it to scare JC off. “So was that a yes?” He asked smiling.

I laughed at him. “Yes, but do not, and I repeat, do not, say that I didn’t warn you!” He bent down to kiss me again, but this time I pulled back.

“JC, how about we not tell anyone for a while? Just until we find out if this is actually going to work.”

He laughed at me. “Okay, I can see how you would want that. This was nobody will meddle in our business.”

“Thanks.” I said as I gave him a quick kiss. Then I glanced up at the clock.

“Oh shit! It’s 9:10!” I said as I jumped out of bed and got dressed. Then I proceeded to get everybody else up. We sent the guy’s off to the store, while us girls cleaned the house and began making food. All 5 of us girls immediately bonded. The morning went by really fast.

It was about 12:30 when I heard a knock at the door. Joey and Chris were grilling the chicken, hotdogs, and hamburgers; Ashley and Pam were setting up the stereo; Sarah and JC were hooking up the sprinklers and slip-n-slide; while Justin was upstairs getting ready. They were all busy, so I walked to the door and opened it. There was nothing there but a letter marked ‘Justin’.

‘That’s weird.’ I thought. ‘Nobody’s supposed to know where he was at.’ So I picked up the letter and opened it.

“Oh my god!” I barely got out. The letter read:

SO- you think that you can hide from me? Well, I’ve got news for you, you can’t. And watch out because today is going to bean explosive event! I’m going to get YOU, YOUR VOICE, and ALL OF YOUR PRETTY LITTLE FRIENDS. And take me seriously when I say, I WILL HURT THE MOST IMPORTANT MEN AND WOMAN IN YOUR LIVES,AS WELL AS YOU.

“Justin!” I yelled as I sprinted up the stairs to show him.


I got to Justin’s room and burst through the door. I nearly choked on the smell of aftershave and cologne. ‘Someone’s trying to smell good for a special somebody!’ I thought. He was putting on some mousse when I barged in.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. I guess he had seen the look on my face.

“Here.” I said as I shoved the letter into his face. He read the letter and then looked back towards me.

“I thought nobody was supposed to know where you were at?” I asked him.

“Their not! I don’t know how they found me! The only people I told were my family and Johnny. The rest of the guys just told their families that they were going on vacation!” His voice started to get more panicky by the second. I could tell that he was scared.

I started to think about how somebody could have found out where he was. “Well, what about poparastzi? I mean, they follow you all the time, the could have followed you here.” I was trying my best to seem calm.

“Your right. I’ll call Johnny.” He picked up his cell phone and dialed. All I could hear was Justin’s side of the conversation.

“Johnny, look I got another letter…Yeah, it was at Nicki’s house…Has any tabloids printed anything about where we’ve been? No? Okay. Well, I have to go.” He hung up and looked at me.

“Johnny says that nobody has printed anything about my where abouts.” I immediately started crying.

“Then who the hell is following you?!” I cried.

“I don’t know, Nugie. I don’t know.” He said as he tried to comfort me by pulling me into a hug. Just then there was a knock at the door.

“Yo, Justin! You seen Nicki?” It was JC.

We pulled apart from eachother. I wiped my eyes while Justin put the letter in his pocket.

“She’s in here man!” Justin called back. JC walked in and looked at my red eyes. He gave me a questioning look.

“You were looking for me?” I asked.

“Yeah, uh, A.J. McLean and Nick Carter are downstairs. They said that you invited them.” He explained.

“Yeah, I did. Did they bring anyone else?” I asked JC.

“Sure did, their girlfriends. I think their names are Brie and Krystal.” He looked satisfied now, like he had nothing to worry about anymore.

Then Justin announced, “Cool! I’m going to go see if Nick wants to get a game of ball going!” Then he walked out of the room, leaving JC and I alone.

~*~*~*~Meanwhile Downstairs~*~*~*~

Sarah, Pam, Ashley, and Beth had been introduced to Krystal and Brie. They pulled them over to the patio table and started talking. Both Brie and Krystal seemed really nice. Justin and Nick started up a game of one-on-one. I knew Justin didn’t like Nick much, and had a feeling that Nick felt the same way about Justin. They were only playing to prove that one was better than the other was. I don’t know why Nick even bothered tough, everyone knew that Justin would kick his ass at ball.

Lance and Joey were now running through the sprinklers like two little kids. All of the girls could not help but laugh their ass of at the site of those two!

Chris was getting the grill ready. He opened up the gas valve, making sure he kept it on low. Then A.J. came up to him.

“Yo, Chris, did you see what your girl was wearing? Damn she looks fine!” Chris turned around to look at Ashley, while A.J. stayed facing the grill, messing with something. Then Chris turned back around.

“Yeah, she is fine. And all MINE!” He said, giving A.J. a glare. Then Joey came up to them.

“You guys have to look at Lance!” Joey said. This caused Chris and A.J.’s attention to turn to Lance. Joey quickly reached for something. Then ran back to where Lance was jumping over the water from the sprinkler like it was a jump rope.

A.J. looked at Nick. He was chugging down a beer. There was already three beer cans next to the driveway. ‘Their probably Nick’s.’ A.J. thought.

“Man, that kid’s going to be in rehab before he’s 22!” He told Chris. Then he ran off to try and get Nick to stop drinking for a while.

Chris just shrugged as he lit a match. He dropped the match into the grill. It fell slowly and then….

~*~*~*~5 minutes earlier Upstairs~*~*~*~

After Justin had left, JC called me over to him with his finger. I gave him a sly smile as I walked up to him, placing my arms around his neck. He put his forehead against mine.

“If I can make you come with one finger, think what I can do with three or four!” We both started cracking up! That was the funniest thing that I have ever heard JC say! Then he picked me up and swung me onto the bed. I was still laughing uncontrollably when he crawled next to me.

“I’ve been wanting to do this all day!” He said.

“What?” I asked him, confused about what he was talking about. Then he bent down and kissed me. I had just started to get really into it when, BOOM!


The loud noise was followed by many shrill screams. As soon as we heard the noise I jumped, and JC quickly pulled back from our kiss. Fear washed over me as I could feel the blood drain from my body.

“What the hell was that?” I asked JC. Hoping he would be able to reassure that it was just thunder or something like that.

“I don’t know but I’m going to find out!” He jumped up and headed out the door. As soon as I was able to gain some composure over myself, I followed behind him.


By the time we got downstairs Joey was putting a fire out with a fire extinguisher while Nick was throwing up in the yard. Then I noticed Ashley crying hysterically, as Sarah, Beth, and Pam were all crouched around Chris. Lance, Justin, and A.J. were standing around the girls, their eyes wide. JC and I rushed over there.

“What the hell happened here?” JC asked once we had reached them.

Chris looked up with us, his eyes big as shock shown in his face. His right arm was completely singed. I’d say it had third degree burns all up and down it. “I don’t know,” his voice was shaky and you could tell he was in pain, “I just lit the grill, and then Kaboom! Now look at me! I was almost sure I had kept the gas level on low. I must have mis-read it or something. You know me, always fucking up. ” Good old Chris. Always trying to make everything into a joke. But I knew this was no accident, and by the look in Justin’s eyes, so did he.

Ashley finally spoke in between sobs; “We have to get him to a hospital!” The poor girl, she was hysterical.

“I’ll drive.” Lance spoke up. “Come on Chris.” He said helping him up. Ashley got up to go with them but was shaking she had been crying that hard. Beth jumped up and put her arms around Ashley’s shoulders to help her walk.

“Here I’ll go with you.” She said as helped her walk to Chris’ rental car.

Then Pam begins to cry and Justin takes her upstairs and gets her to lie down while he tries and comforts her by telling her that Chris is going to be okay. That left JC, Joey, Sarah and I with Nick, A.J., Brie, and Krystal. We all looked at each other. Well all except for Nick, he was still throwing up. That’s when Brie decided would be a good time to speak, too bad she thought wrong. “Is this what you guys do every time you have a barbeque? Have major explosions? Because if it is, I’m getting the hell away from your asses now!” She said rather snottily to Sarah. We all had a shocked look on our faces.

“EXCUSE ME?!?!” Sarah said as she was getting ready to go ballistic.