C3PO & R2D2 Say:

"R2D2 and I have been fortunate enough to know both Obi-Wan and Master Luke. From them we have learned about the Non-Scoring Force. It's in everything, even us, although we are not alive in the same sense that you are. So you can see that having control of something that inhabits all things is very important. You have a long way to go, however. Don't give up! This may sound odd coming from a droid, but you have it in you! Don't let the Emperor have you. Study hard, and work your way to becoming a Scorer!"

"Boop click beep beep click boop click. Beep beep! Click click beep!"

"R2 says that he wishes you luck and knows you can become a Scorer if you so desire."

NOTE: The Non-Scoring Staff would like to thank C3P0 and R2D2 for stopping by and chatting with us. The two droids do not reflect the ideas of LucasArts or that of Lucasfilms. We would like to tell you, though, that if you ever have them stop by your home, ask R2D2 to show you where C3PO's turn off button is because C3PO wouldn't shut up! We almost thought we were going to have to kick his ass. Fortunately, it didn't come to that.

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