Nien Numb Says:

"You may not remember me, but I helped Lando destroy the Death Star once. I'm here because you are the brink of losing yourself. Don't believe me? You're on the 'Dark Side' already, and if you don't make some changes in your life, you'll stay there forever! You don't want that, do you? I mean, a life of never scoring? I implore you, do something about this while you can! It's not too late, but if you wait much longer, it will be!"

NOTE: The Non-Scoring Staff would like to thank Nien Numb for dropping by and scaring everyone into thinking that there's no hope to ever becoming a Scorer. Nien does not express the views of LucasArts however, or that of Lucasfilms. We'd be surprised if he expressed the view of someone with an IQ in the double digits. We hope he didn't scare you too much with what he was saying. We think those big-ass lips of his have been warping his brain or something. He's lots of fun at Halloween parties, though.

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