Boba Fett Says:

"What kind of Non-Scorer are you? You are in limbo land; not really a Non-Scorer, and not really a part of the 'Light Side' of the Non-Scoring Force. You could go either way, but the 'Dark Side' can always use a few more Non-Scorers. Besides, if you don't decide to follow the 'Dark Side,' I might be forced to kill you. Your choice."

NOTE: The Non-Scoring Staff would like to thank Boba Fett for giving us a hand here. Mr. Fett (as he likes to be called), does not express the views of LucasArts or that of Lucasfilms. Just between you and us, we're glad he's not here talking to you anymore because he scares us. He kept pointing his gun at us and threatening to kill us. We'll tell ya, though, he may be a person of few words, but he's a sucker for Twinkies and Spice Girl music. Weird, huh?

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