"The Non-Scoring Force flows only through those most worthy..."

We, as the leading authority in the field of Non-Scoring, believe that Non-Scoring is a "Force of Nature." It has always been. It is a part of everything. Plants, animals, of course humans, but in most people it plays a minute role in their lives.

Only in a special few does the "Non-Scoring Force" become apparent to the people around them. The proof of its existence is that everyone, at one time or another, has been turned down for something. The "Non-Scoring Force" plays a large role in how frequently a person is rejected or shunned. To know the Force is to control the Force.

It's not all bad, though. There is a "Light Side" to the Non-Scoring Force. The people who master this art are capable of wonderous things; they are able to call upon the Force when they need it. A true Non-Scoring Force Master, called a Scorer, can bring forth the Non-Scoring energy and put it to work for them.

Confused? That's how the "Dark Side" of the Non-Scoring Force wants you to be. We are here to help. A person who relies upon the "Dark Side" of the Force will certainly die single. A Scorer, however, can lead a virtually normal life, but because they are in touch with the Non-Scoring Force so well, they will not let their rejections consume them. That is the difference between the "Light Side" and the "Dark Side."

How can you tell which side of the Force you harness? Look at your score again, and follow the links appropriately. A few characters from Star Wars who knew much about the Force will help you. Or, for a more in-depth look at the Non-Scoring Force and how it can apply to your everyday life, click here.

The Non-Scoring Force flows only through those most worthy. May the Force be with you.

A score of 1-9? Click here!

Point your mouse and click here if you scored between 10-19 points!

People who scored 20-29 points should click on this link!

30-39 points? Was that your score? If so, click here!

Scores between 40-49 should click here!

Tired of these links? People with scores between 50-59 can click here to get away!

60-69 Points? 'nuff said.

Click here if ya got 70-79 points...

A score between 80-89 lands you right on to this link!

Didja score between 90-100 Points? If so, click here!

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E-mail Jake at: JakeFirst@aol.com