A Non-Scoring Profile For: Lucie

Why Lucie is a Non-Scorer:

If you're feeling lucky, you can e-mail Lucie at: Lucie_X@yahoo.com

You want more Lucie!? You got her (and Jake, unfortunetly)! Here's a pic of when the two met at a Mariah Carey concert in Portland, Oregon! Enjoy!

You want even more Lucie? You got it! Check out these great sites featuring our one and only female Non-Scorer!

You can now learn all about Lucie by visiting her very own site! It's at: http://www.myspace.com/dizzymisslucie.

You're STILL not satisfied!? You want MORE LUCIE!? (Yeah, us, too.) Now you can hear her angelic voice and listen to one her awesome songs (did we mention that she's a musician?)! Go to: http://www.lucieonline.com/yesterdays.mp3.

What's that? You want to see more of Lucie as well as hear her? Gosh, you ask for a lot! Well, just for our loyal viewers to the 'ol web page, we'll set ya up! You can see Lucie perform LIVE (the song is "Dreaming My Dreams" by the Cranberries) by going to this address: http://www.lucieonline.com/lucie1.mpg. (WARNING: If the video does not load right away, don't panic. It may take a few minutes to download properly. If nothing appears AT ALL, you may not have a video player that can play her performance. The original video uses QuickTime.)

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E-mail Jake at: JakeFirst@aol.com