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Just what the hell IS a Non-Scorer!?

A Non-Scorer, by definition, is: "A generally unrespected person who would be unable to score in virtually any given situation that an average person would be able to score in."

Here are the members of the Non-Scorers Club.
To learn more about those pictured here, simply click on their image and read away!




Features to our page...

Take the test to see how you qualify as a Non-Scorer!

Have you taken the test? Match your results with other Non-Scorers!

Learn about the "Non-Scoring Force"
and see how your test results apply!

Not sure if you qualify as a Non-Scorer? Not really sure what the hell a Non-Scorer is? There are answers to be found in the Non-Scoring FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)!


Check out our NEWEST Feature!

Listen to some of your favorite music in a new light! Check out how the Non-Scorer's Club has adapted several songs to fit their Non-Scoring way of life! You can do so by clicking here!


Want to see your favorite Non-Scorer in a whole new light? You can see what the members of the Non-Scorers Club would look like if they were WWE wrestlers! Check out this interesting new twist here!


Check out the first Non-Scoring trial!
"The State of the Non-Scorers Club v. Jason Dumolt"


If you could have any woman turn you down for a date, who would you choose? We asked the Non-Scorers that very same question and the results are here!


Only one member of the Non-Scorers Club has ever been elected to the Non-Scoring Hall of Fame!
Find out who it is and join in the celebration!


E-mail Jake at: