So, now when someone asks what a Gorpie is, we can tell them where to look! But this page won't be any good without your imaginative, humorous (or maybe not so humorous) submissions! So, send me an email!
This cool icon was created for us by Shiro.
Page last updated 8/5/00
Footnote - It seems that these marsupials are cute, cuddly, huggable-looking chaps with a large spike growing out of their chest, so actual hugging is not advised for non-gorpies. A question was raised about the method used for procreation, since the spiked chest was a potential health hazard, but that is best left to the imagination with the simple assurance that gorpies are quite agile. The society of the East-Antarctic Gorpie is matriarchal, with the females asserting their dominance by frequently beating their mates, as male gorpies are incredible pansies. The male gorpies never retaliate, due to a fear of Janet Reno. Gorpies spend their time chatting on Yahoo, developing their conspiracy to overthrow Luxembourg by sending all 9 of the Luxembourgers woolly socks so that they will slip, fall down, and hit their heads on the kitchen floor. When they are incapacitated, the Gorpies plan to slip in and assume control. So, although they appear huggable and cuddly, Gorpies are, in fact, a force to be feared and respected. Even though they are, technically, a potential threat to the safety of some humans, gorpies are an endangered species, due to their quickly diminishing food supply (of arctic rain forest canopy blossoms), and are protected by the governments of the world. Killing a gorpie is punishable by a fine of up to 32 cents and life in prison at the moving gorpie Protection Detention Center, which was last seen near Barbados.
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