Portland Beaglefest 2000
Gabriel Park -- July 22, 2000
Drawing by Sara Jensen
Many Beagles and their attending humans arrived in the drizzle that began Portland Beaglefest 2000. Being from the Pacific Northwest, no one was daunted, and everyone began socializing right away.
From the left (just beagle names): front row -- Bailey Rolla, Bailey Dodgson, Murray Grissom, Mr. Jhan Utt, Chaucer Jensen, Nacho Shih, Kanga Stevenson, Baxter Chetlain, Patches Chetlain, BetteLoo Frye, Barley Law-Leer -- back row -- Bogey Porter, Abbey Shih,
(gee I hope I remember this right -- email me with corrections at teddysma@netzero.net)
By the time all noses were accounted for (and sniffed, along with other unmentionable body parts), we had a total of 16 Beagles, and three non-beagle canine guests. Some didn't make it by group photo time, but all were photogenic -- as are all Beagles.
Patches Chetlain watches BetteLoo Frye do one of her tricks. What a good girl! She is 8 years old, maybe all our Beagles will be so well trained at that age (wishful thinking).
Bogie is enjoying a good roll in the grass -- it really is a dog's life isn't it?
Sara Jensen gets Chaucer to stand pretty for the camera (using the tried and true "treat method").
This is just the first draft of our page for Portland Beaglefest 2000. Thanks to Joelle Chetlain for having a digital camera so we could get some pictures up right away. We all had a good time, and I'm sure most of the Beaglebabies (and their attending humans) went home tired and content. Check back again for a more comprehensive page as pictures come back the old fashioned way -- from the developer.
Page completed July 22, 2000
Questions or comments, email Teresa Stevenson at