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Member list


pn1 - Maurice "Mo" Threat
Founder, and elder statesmen of the organization

PN2 - Blackie White
Also known as White Chocolate
Co-founder, and relative of Mo

Second wave members:

PN13 - Jose Vespa
The first new inductee, and chief enforcer

PN69 - Vincent "Money" Brasco
Called the "Buscemi" of the group. Although
he bears no resemblance to the actor.

PNBobbyJohnson - Bobby Johnson
The final member of the second wave. His hatred for numbers compelled
him to use his actual name as his syndicate name as well. A relative
of Mo and Blackie.

Third wave members:

PN7 - Marietta Guadalupe
She is the youngest full-fledged member, and also the first female to be
accepted completely into LPN. Her words of encouragement inspired
Mo to make LPN more visible to the outside world.

PN-X or PN10 - Veronica X. Nixon
Also know as VxXxN. A long time friend of WC, and a
more recent friend of Mo's. A misdirected note to her
helped originate the name "LPN".


A bored Mo, an angry Blackie, and an alcohol-fueled Vincent.

As part of his campaign to bring LPN into the light of the mainstream world, Mo has been endorsing companies whose products and services he and the others enjoy the use of.
