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L&L Brigade Newsletter April 4, 1999


Are you having a good Holiday weekend? I hope you are all on a nice chocolate high right about now. I thought about starting this week's newsletter with a little April Fools joke, but I think we all got enough of that last Thursday. How many of you saw the gag posted around the Internet saying JJ had decided to sign a new three year contract after all? You must admit, it was written very convincingly. Too bad it couldn't be true.

GOING AWAY GIFT FOR JJ: I continue to refuse to call this a good-bye gift because that implies he will never come back. I'm keeping the faith that L&L will still ride off into the sunset and spend the rest of their lives together. However, since JJ is going away, for now, to tackle some new challenges, we want to send him something to let him know our support goes with him and we are grateful for all he has already done on GH. The officers and I have been talking about something that is more about HIM, and less about the show. You've got to admit he must have closets full of GH memorabilia and letters from fans. I was thinking about an engraving he could hang on the wall or put on a desk - something small, simple and "keepable." I would like to suggest this as the inscription:

"But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Php. 3:13-14

Thank you for all you have given us.
Our love and support go with you into the future.
The L&L Brigade

I have to confess this is one of my favorite verses. My mom gave it to me when I went away to school. It's not really about "forgetting" the past, but keeping your eye on the bigger goals of life. Anyway, that verse just won't leave my mind when I think about JJ and I think I can see him really appreciating it. He's got to feel, on one level, like he is letting people down by leaving. I just want him to know he's not getting a guilt trip from us. Right? I want this to be something that everyone is comfortable with, though. If there are any of you who have a real problem with this, PLEASE let me know. I don't want to offend or push anyone. If I don't get any negative reactions in the next few days, though, I'm going to assume I have all of your blessings. I am willing to get this made and deliver it to the set like I did with the wreaths. I think we should get right on it, though, so he can receive it before his last taping day. I've done some research, and it should cost us about $50. There is no need for anyone to be burdened to contribute a lot. I've already asked a lot from you guys this year. Did you know, though, that we now have 150 members!!! If only 1/3 of you would simply stick a dollar or two in an envelope and mail it to the Brigade PO Box, we would be covered. I think it would be special if as many of us as possible were a part of this gift. So, I really would rather see a lot of small donations than large ones from just a few, but I'll leave that up to all of you.

REMEMBERING BECKY: Along with our good wishes to JJ, we want to make sure Becky knows we aren't going anywhere and won't be forgetting her. I still have a bunch of things that were left over from the wreaths, included several one-eared "Boris" bears. You guys sent so many I couldn't use them all J. So, I will put together something cute to give her along with a card expressing our support. I'm not sure exactly what it will be, but a long trip to the craft store should take care of that. I'll take it to the studio at the same time I deliver JJ's gift, hopefully by the last week in April.

BROWNIES FOR TYLER: There was an email on the JJ-aholics mailing list that several Brigaders forwarded to me. One of their members got to meet JJ at a DEOTO party, and you won't believe what he said! I know a lot of you have seen this already, but I will post it here for those who haven't, (I did email the original author of this, btw):

~~"My sister did the advertising for DEOTO and she took me to one of the parties when it premiered. He was great. Totally sexier in person, if that's possible. He was quite generous with his time. We talked about the movie a little, about Michelle cutting his scenes. Couldn't get too much out of him at that time about him leaving. He just said that it would be late spring and that longtime GH fans would be intrigued by one of the possibilities. So, of course, I think it's Faison! I told him how often I come online to read stuff and how often he is mentioned. He asked if I was an L&L Brigader. I said no, but that I knew many of them. He said that he gets more gifts from them...and that Tony and Tyler call him "little stud" because he gets more fan things than anyone at the studio. He said that Tyler is always stealing his food that people send in! Anyway, that's about it. Definitely a night I will never forget."~~

LOL! One of the first thing he asked is whether she was a Brigader! I think we are giving him quite a reputation around the studio. I thought the part about Tyler eating all the treats we send him was pretty funny too. So, we decided to send Tyler a basket of brownies of his very own! I hope that all of you agree with this decision. There wasn't a lot of time to wait for everyone's reactions because we wanted to make sure Jonathan would also be at the Studio when they were delivered. Thanks to Capt. LL1998 for taking care of this for us. The brownies weren't too expensive, but if anyone would like to help her out you can send a contribution He should get his basket of brownies Monday or Tuesday with this note:


We've heard a rumor that you like to "help" Jonathan and Becky eat the treats we've sent them, so we thought we'd send you some of your very own. Don't worry, you won't go hungry after Jonathan is gone.

The L&L Brigade

RAINN FUNDRAISER: There is still time to place orders for an L&L mouse pad. As you all know, they will be royal blue with the phrase "Liz and Lucky...Everything about you is the best, the best there is". They are $10 a piece and approximately $4 going to RAINN. The donation will be a birthday gift from the Brigade to JJ and Becky for their birthdays on May 11 and 12th. If we are going to be able to get them made, though, we will still need a lot more orders by the 15th. However, if you feel you can't pay the whole $10 for the mouse pad but still want to contribute, any donation would be very appreciated. Please email Cpt. LL1998 if you would like to order a mouse pad or make a donation. All orders and money must be received by April 15th. This could be the last chance for the Brigade to do a project like this in JJ's name, so if you want to do your part is the time. Also, those of you who have ordered a mouse pad but haven't sent your money, the deadline is approaching so please send your money ASAP. Thanks!

EMMY NEWS: Thanks to Pvt. Lidia for passing on this email from ABCTim regarding the upcoming Daytime Emmys in NYC:

~~"I've been told that (tickets) will go on sale sometime after April 20. You might want to check the Ticket Master website at (or call 212-307-3171) around that time. They sold tickets last year and I think they will be doing so again. It's also a good idea to call Madison Square Garden directly.--Tim"~~

Madison Square Garden's url is It would helped me out a lot if those of you who are still seriously planning to attend would send me an email, even if you've sent me one before. I'm trying to get a finalized list to help all you lucky people going. Thanks!

QUESTIONS FOR JJ: The featured guest for this week's Soaps In Depth "Ask the Stars" forum is our own JJ! You can send in questions for him now through next Thursday, April 8th. Some of them will even appear in the magazine, so you might want to mention you are part of the L&L Brigade. Go to OR: You can also email questions to, but be sure to specify they are questions for JJ as part of the forum. Thanks to Pvt. Mel for getting all this information for us.

GOD'S CANDY REVIEW: As I mentioned before, "God's Candy," JJ's new CD with his band, Scarlet Road, will be available from Soundtracks and Amazon on April 30. I listed the track titles for you below. Those of you who saw the concert at SSW3, live or on video, will recognize some of the new songs he sang there. Also, check out the album description. Very interesting :)

Track Listings

~~"Album Description
Scarlet Road's second album God Candy combines four decades of rock and two generations of brothers. Actors Jonathan and Richard Lee Jackson wrote the music and lyrics and recorded the 16 song album at Soundtracks in Washington State. The songs are written about the struggle between the beauty of women and the glory of God. BAND_MEMBERS: Jonathan Jackson, Richard Jackson, Gary Jackson, Rick Jackson~~"

MAURICE ON ROSIE: Well, we still haven't gotten Rosie to have JJ and Becky as guests on her show. However, on Monday the 5th Maurice Benard (Sonny) will be on. I wonder if he'll make any comment on JJ's leaving. After all, he left GH and then came back…

It looks like next week is a BIG week for L&L. I've loved all the discussions and friendly debates surrounding the upcoming scoops. That's what makes this group so special. There should be more to talk about in the coming days, and I can't wait to read all of your opinions.

Have a good week!
|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter April 11, 1999


A lot of what I have to say this week centers on the new scoops. In case there are some of you who do not want to know what's going to happen ahead of time I will cover all the basic Brigade business first and leave a "spoiler barrier" before I give anything away. However, if you don't read the whole newsletter right now, I hope that you will save it to read after Friday's show so that you don't miss out on anything.

L&L SCRIPTS AT EBAY: I wanted to let you all know that I am selling copies of the scripts to last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday's episodes of GH on Ebay. This is probably the last time I'll mention an ebay auction in the newsletter, but since there was so much good L&L stuff in those particular scripts I wanted to make sure you guys didn't miss out. The set of three is marked as item #88856648, or go to and search General Hospital. I titled the item "LUCKY AND LIZ FANS!"

WIN A TRIP TO THE EMMYS: Want to go to the Daytime Emmys to cheer JJ & Becky on? Me too, but I don't have the money for a trip to NYC. Anyone have the same problems? Well, one of us might get Lucky (pun intended). There is a contest to win a trip to the Emmys with all the perks! Check it out at It only make sense that a Brigader win this since Brigaders are the best fans! So, everyone give it a shot! Thanks to Pvt. TJTiggler for bringing this to our attention.

R.A.I.N.N. FUNDRAISER: There are only a few more days left to order L&L mousepads. We must have all orders by the 15th. So, if you still want to get one then you must at least email Capt. LL1998 by Thursday. I really want to have enough orders to do this, especially now that JJ is leaving, so if you are still trying to make up you mind I hope that you will decide to get one. Keep in mind, though, that even if we don't get the 100 orders we need to have them made, we will still be making a donation to R.A.I.N.N. and you can always contribute to that. Thank you to everyone who has already helped so much with this.

JJ'S GOING AWAY GIFT: I'm still refusing to call it a "good-bye" gift. Thank you to everyone who so very promptly sent contributions for the engraving for JJ! I am very close to having enough money to order it. Also, I really appreciate all the emails you sent telling me how much you liked the gift idea. It was really important to me to know that you all felt the same way about it as I did, so thank you. Once again, this is what it will say:

"But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Php. 3:13-14

Thank you for all you have given us.
Our love and support go with you into the future.
The L&L Brigade

BECKY'S GIFT: As I mentioned last week, we want to send Becky a little something to let her know that we continue to love and support her on GH as well. We really need to be sure to remember her in the next few months. She's always worked with a partner on the show and it must be very strange to go at it solo now. It took me three craft stores to get inspiration for her gift :) but I finally did. I used one of the left over "Boris" bears from the wreaths and some other stuff, but it would be too hard to explain exactly what the gift looks like. I will get a picture of it up at HQ as soon as both gifts are finished.

SOAPFAN MAGAZINE: This is very exciting for me! For a long time I've wanted to do an online magazines dedicated to all of us GH fans. I love writing the articles for the newsletter and helping all of you share your stories. It only makes sense to open this up to all GH fans so, I've started SoapFan Magazine! Even though this isn't a Brigade project, I hope you guys will all be a part of it. After all, you were my inspiration! So, please check it out! Please let me know what you think! And please be my eyes and ears for new stories! Thanks!


UPCOMING TRAGEDY: If you haven't read the detailed scoops for the next two weeks, they are posted below. This is going to be such a very sad time for all of us. I don't know about the rest of you, but I find a knot in my stomach at all different times of the day. This isn't what any of us wanted, but let's all remember that this is a soap and that anything can happen. I, for one, intend to keep the faith that L&L WILL live forever! That doesn't change the fact that the next few weeks are going to be very hard to watch. I'm so grateful for the Brigade right now because I know that none of you will have to go through this without a friend who knows exactly how you feel. Don't you hate it when people say, "Get a grip, it's not like a real person died!"?! I hope that all the regiments will schedule chats often. I plan to be in the Yahoo room on next Saturday at 9 pst/noon est to discuss Friday's show. If anyone doesn't have an email buddy to share this with, let me know. I'm serious! I don't want any Brigaders going through this alone :) Next Monday's show is going to be one of the hardest, I think. I intend to wear black that day. You can laugh at me if you want, but I know some of you are doing the same. It's not a Brigade "requirement" or anything, but it's going to help me to think of all of you feeling the same sadness as me. Knowing some of you are dressed in black too is just another way to know we are in this together.

KEEP THE FAITH: I'm not looking forward to mourning Lucky. I'm really not looking forward to watching Liz, Luke, and everyone else in P.C. mourn him. Here is my trick, though, and I wanted to share it with all of you. Whenever it gets too sad to bare, I just tell myself that no one really dies on a soap. It's true! Anyone can come back from the dead... any number of times. As long as I believe he isn't really dead and that, someday, he will come back to Liz I can keep the sadness under control. JJ has expressed in many different ways that he isn't "overjoyed" with how the L&L story is ending and that he wishes the characters could be written off together. He has also said he wants an opening left for him to come back. I have a feeling that the boy is going to take Hollywood by such a storm that he won't return to daytime as a career (although I thought the same thing about Maurice Benard). However, given how much JJ has invested in the character and how sensitive he is to the fans, I can easily see him returning for a limited time at some point, if/when Becky's contract is up, so that the L&L can be written off together. What the Brigade needs to do is to make certain JJ, Becky, and TPTB are reminded, OFTEN, that we are still here, watching GH because we are waiting for that very thing! Of course, we will want to do this is such a way that we don't seem unsupportive of the other projects JJ decides to do or the other work Becky is doing on GH. The new mission of the Brigade, though, is to remember the greatest love story ever in history and to KEEP L&L ALIVE!

|_ _| Commander Boo


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