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L&L Brigade Newsletter Feb. 7, 1999


The bad news is, my computer has to go back in the shop again. Can you believe that? The good news, though, is that I've found more ways to get online at work and on my friend's computers. I should be able to get online at least once a day, so you can all feel free to email me again. I might not get back to you as quickly as I use to, but I will get to you soon. Thanks for all of your patience and help during this crises. It's terrible to be without your own computer.

BROWNIES FOR JJ AND BH! We have a wonderful gift idea for Jonathan and Becky after they win the SOD Awards. Of course we know they are going to win. If, however, there is some horrendous and obvious mistake and they don't win, we'd still like to send them something to let them know they are winners to us. To tie in with L&L's love of brownies, we will be sending them a basket of gourmet brownies. These aren't just ordinary brownies, I assure you. They will be 3 pounds and in a dozen of the most amazing flavors you can imagine! The total will come to just $35, which is much cheaper than flowers. If anyone would like to help with this gift please contact Captain LL1998.

R.A.I.N.N. FUNDRAISER: Many of you have been emailing me to ask what R.A.I.N.N. actually stands for and I keep forgetting to include it in the newsletter. I apologize. R.A.I.N.N. stands for Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network. As it turns out, we will be raising money in several different ways, including the L&L mouse pads, for one group donation to R.A.I.N.N. I want to thank all of you who have come to me with your own ideas of how to raise money for the donation. I'm really impressed with your enthusiasm and innovation. If anyone else has something they'd like to do or offer to sell through us to help raise money, I'd love to hear it. As these other ideas get finalized I'll include details about them in the newsletter for all of you. Also, if anyone doesn't care to buy anything but would like to send a strait contribution, I'll arrange a way to collect those in the near future. It's been suggested to me that we try to get our whole donation ready by May so that we can contribute it in JJ and BH's name as a birthday present for them. How do you all feel about that?

SSW TAPES: You can still order an edited tape of last year's Super Soap Weekend, including the concert with Scarlet Road, but emailing MizVamp . Tapes are $12 and $5 from each tape will go towards our donation to R.A.I.N.N.

DEOTO: As March 12 gets closer, and we get closer to the release of DEOTO, there will be more and more interviews and specials that could feature JJ. Sometimes we may only get a day or two warning and it will be hard to get the word out to everyone, especially with ABC boards still down. So, if anyone hears about something coming up, either on TV or in print, please email me and your regiment officers about it. We will try to get the word out to the rest of you asap. Everyone make sure to have an extra tape and your VCRs ready!

CYBER SOAP AWARDS: Be sure to vote in this month's Cyber Soap Awards at Lucky is up for best character of the month!


I have a special treat for all of you this newsletter. Our first feature article - the one I've been promising you for weeks. I hope you all enjoy it!

Everyone have a great week!

|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter, Feb. 14, 1999



It's hard to believe it's been a year since my L&L obsession began! I never dreamed it would last this long, or go this far :) I have some wonderful news - I'm back online! My own computer is finally up and running again. Praise the Lord! I can't wait to start chatting with all of your again.

JJ'S LEAVING A HOAX: Everyone breath a sigh of relief. Those rumors about JJ leaving in March were all a hoax. They were first started last week by TV Guide's soap writer, Michael Logan. This Friday's New York Daily News, however, printed:

Despite a report in TV Guide this week that Jonathan Jackson will leave the role of General Hospital's Lucky in March, a GH rep insists that Jackson has extended his contract and viewers can look forward to a "strong upcoming storyline with Lucky".

Now TV Guide online has also confirmed this same statement. I must say I'm impressed with how much attention this rumor received. I wonder just how swamped the Studio was with emails and letters. Nice going, L&L fans!

BROWNIES FOR L&L: Remember, the Brigade is sending JJ and Becky baskets of gormet brownies to congratulate them after the SOD Awards. Captain LL1998 would like to thank those people who have offered to send contributions, but she still needs more. The brownies will cost $30 or $35 so no one person has to send a lot. Any amount would be appreciated. Please email her if you would like to help and she will send you the information you need. We are going to be sending the brownies to JJ and Becky at the end of the month so anything that you can send quickly would be greatly appreciated.

R.A.I.N.N. FUNDRAISER: Again, I want to thank everyone who's coming up with such great ideas for raising money for our group donation to R.A.I.N.N. SSW tapes are still available from MizVamp . Tapes are $12, and $5 goes towards R.A.I.N.N. Also, we have a committee now working on ordering the L&L mouse pads, so I will have some new information on them soon. If anyone still wants to help, just email me.

BRIGADERS OF THE MONTH: It's time to start choosing our first Brigaders of the Month! We will recognize one person from each regiment who has done something extra for the Brigader or to help fellow Brigaders. Out of those four, the officers will vote on one to be the Brigader of the Month. That person will receive a meddle (*) after their rank and be recognized at HQ. If you know of someone you think deserves this, please send your nomination to the Captain and Lt. of your regiment.

Before I sign off this week, I just have to share something. How many of you saw Boy Meets World last Friday. Now, I'm not talking about the rerun, syndicated episode that JJ was on. I know that most of you tried to catch that one. I mean the new one on TGIF. I wouldn't be admitting that I was home watching TV on a Friday night if I didn't already know about how many of you also saw it :) For those of you who missed it, there was one particularly funny line. During an argument, one of the characters (Cory) was referring to the character JJ played when he guest starred last year. Instead of calling him an artist, which the character was, he called him, "That Soap Opera guy!" I just about choked when I heard it! How funny! JJ's popularity must really be growing if they used an "in joke" like that on prime time. Either that, or they know how many of us L&L fans watch Boy Meets World. How sad is that?

Everyone have a great week and enjoy Valentine's Day!

|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter Feb. 21, 1999




I wish you could all come out here for it, but don't forget to be watching and cheering Friday night on NBC!

What a fabulous week this was on GH! Tuesday was, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful episode on any show ever! The church, the snow, the vows..... I will confess that I bawled like a baby. Erica24 can testify to this. I left a message on her machine shortly after the show ended and when she heard my sobs she thought I had been fired or somthing. She left me a message on my own machine ordering me to never scare her like that again :) I also have to say that I found Luke to be in rare form this week. He had me laughing one day with Tammy and Felicia, and crying the next with Laura. It's good to have Tony Geary back! Geez, I love February sweeps!

VALENTINE FLOWERS: Several of you have mentioned to me that you want to do something for the writers of L&L's story as a "thank you" for Valentines Day. Originally I responded that the Brigade was already doing a lot of projects and I really don't want to ask people to contribute anymore right now. However, in the greatest of ironies, that very day I happen to meet Shelly Moore, the GH writer that actually penned Tuesday's script. You can read all these details of this meeting in my feature article below. I mentioned to her that there were some of you who were really moved and wanted to send flowers to the writer responsible. With a lot of graciousness, she said that, although she did write that particular script, it was under the direction of a group of people. She gave all the credit to her editor, Michelle Val Jean, who has continued to hover over the L&L story like her baby to make she ever moment meets her dream. The Brigade has talked before about doing something for Michelle, and Shelly told me that Michelle really doesn't get all the appreciation she deserves. This has caused me to rethink the idea of thank you flowers right now. Shelly told me what day next week Michelle will be at the Studio. She doesn't usally go in so this would be a good opportunity for us. If anyone is interested in sending her something please email me asap. I'm not asking the Brigade to take this on because I've already asked for your support with the brownies for SOD Awards and the R.A.I.N.N. fundraiser. However, I would be very happy to help anyone, or group of Brigaders, who are interested in sending Michelle something on their own. I think it is a very nice thought that you all had and we will be sure to continue remembering Michelle in our future projects.

BROWNIES FOR JJ&BH: Thank you to everyone who contributed to the brownie fund for JJ and Becky. When they return to the studios for work after winning their SOD Awards (which we all know they will), they will have a basket of gormet brownies waiting for them, along with a Congratulations card from the Brigade.

BRIGADER PROFILES: We are going to start doing profiles of our members for the newsletter again. We've grown so large and I hope this will help us get to know each other a little more. Watch your emails box for a new questionnaire from DSARA and Tigerlilly. You don't have to be profiled, but please respond so that we know one way or another. Thanks!

I won't be doing a newsletter next week because I will be busy with the SOD Awards. I will give you all a complete report of the event, though, just as soon as I am able.

Everyone remember to watch!

|_ _| Commander Boo


Soap Opera Digest Reports


L&L Brigade Newsletter March 7, 1999


By now I hope you have all read the report on the SOD Awards weekend. It was more fun than I can possibly say. That seems to be just the beginning of events to talk about, though.

BROWNIES: As we all know, and as we all expected, JJ and Becky did win the SOD Award. They received their basket of gourmet brownies when they returned to the set this week along with a congratulations card from all of us. Thank you again everyone who contributed. It was nice to see both JJ and Becky thank the Brigade for our gifts during the online chats for SOD!

FLOWERS FOR MICHELLE: While visiting the set for a meeting, Michelle Val Jean received flowers as a thank you for her wonderful work on L&L's story, especially over Valentine's Day. We sent half a dozen white roses (just like Liz's bouquet) and a card that said, among other things, "You wrapped up Valentine's Day and gave it to us as a present." Thank you to everyone who, not only donated money for this, but kept the idea for it alive.

A CHANCE TO MEET JJ: There will be a special screening of DEOTO, with a reception beforehand, in Madison Wisconsin this coming Tuesday. The event is being hosted by the author of DEOTO, Jacquelyn Mitchard, to benefit local libraries. JJ will be attending and mingling during the reception so anyone lucky enough to be there will have a chance to meet him. I don't think you can get tickets anymore, but there are several Brigaders who do have tickets and will be there. We expect a full report next week! Have fun you guys!

DEOTO OPENS FRIDAY: Don't forget Deep End of the Ocean will be released this Friday, March 12. The movie is 2 1/2 hours long, but I heard JJ appears at about 40 minutes in. I can't wait to see him on the big screen! This might be a good time to set up some chats with your regiment and friends. I hope to be online to discuss it Saturday afternoon. JJ will probably be very busy promoting it this next week. I heard he will be in NYC on Monday, so check the morning shows and other talk shows that day. We know he will be appearing on the Donny and Marie show on March 15th and that DEOTO will be reviewed by Siskel and Ebert next week. If anyone learns of other interviews and appearances, please let me know so I can get the word out.

EMMYS: The Emmy nominations will be announced this Thursday, March 11, at 8:30 est. You should be able to find it on most of the networks. I know that many Brigaders are planning to be in the Yahoo Brigade room to watch the announcement together. There are also several Brigaders planning to attend the Emmys this year. If anyone else is interested in going, let me know and I will put you in touch with them. Everyone cross your fingers that JJ and Becky will get the recognition they deserve!

PRIVACY ISSUES: Before I sign off, I need to address this one more time. Please respect the privacy of your fellow Brigaders. Please do not send forwards, announcements, or any other mass emails to any members of the Brigade unless they have asked to be on your mailing list. We have 135 members now and many of them get their emails at work or have a limited amount of space for mail. Also, as a member of the Brigade you are under NO obligation to give out ANY personal information to anyone, including myself. Sometimes surveys get passed around as a fun way to get to know people better, but this is done by individuals on their own. You do not have to respond if you don't want to. If you get a survey from either DSARA or Tigerlilly for the newsletter profiles you still do NOT have to participate. Just let them know and we won't send any more to you. I think it's important to be smart when getting to know people online. For what it's worth, my feeling is that you shouldn't give your name or any personal information out to ANYONE until you have known them for several months at least. Thanks!

There is going to be even more to talk about next week! I'm very excited for everything that's coming up! Enjoy your week!

|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter March 21, 1999


I wasn't going to say anything about all the statements that have come out this week in regard to JJ leaving GH. However, I've been getting emails from so many of you who are understandably upset, that I changed my mind. I really don't think it's time to start mourning L&L just yet. So far I've just see blanket statements that leave plenty of room for interpretation and changes. I don't think anyone knows for sure what's going to happen with JJ's career or L&L's story just yet. It's pretty obvious that JJ would like to stay around GH at least off and on, and even more obvious that GH has reason to move heaven and earth to keep him there. I will confess I can get myself worked up into tears pretty fast if I start imagining Lucky being killed off someday... even if it's down the road. But, then I just remember how quickly things can change on a soap. L&L may yet ride off into the sunset together. So, until we know for sure... until JJ's dressing room is cleaned out for good....until Lucky's face is off the beginning credits.... let's just enjoy every minute of L&L we are blessed with.

Enough said? Let's get down to business!

L&L MOUSE PADS: We took a lot of orders for L&L mouse pads this week, but most of them were from non-Brigaders. Now, I don't mean to be a nag, but if you are planning to buy a mouse pad please place your orders ASAP. We must have 100 orders before we can have the mouse pads made. I am attaching a picture to this email of what the mouse pads will look like. For those of you who can't download pics, they will be royal blue with white letters that say "Lucky & Liz: Everything about you is the best.....the best there is." Each mouse pad will cost $10 with a donation from each sale going into our fund for R.A.I.N.N. If we don't get 100 orders then we won't be able to have the mouse pads made. You will be reimbursed $4 and what's left will go as a strait donation (unless you'd like to contribute the whole $10). The total contribution from all Brigade fundraisers will go to R.A.I.N.N. in May in JJ and Becky's name in honor of their birthdays. I want to thank again everyone who has put so much work into this fundraiser. It seems like I can't go to a GH website without seeing them advertised. You all have done a wonderful job!

ABC BOARDS BACK: As most of you know, the ABC message boards are back. Some of us have already discovered that you need a degree in geometry to navigate them, but I still think it's one of the best places to show TPTB how we feel about L&L. I hope to keep seeing a lot of you posting there as well as the Brigade boards. For some reason the new boards would not let me sign in or reregister under my old screen name, Boo24. So, I wanted to let you all know that I'm now using my Yahoo screen name, CommBoo, at ABC as well. I will still probably use Boo24 (even though I'm now 25 :) in other places, though. So, you will know me either way!

EBAY AUCTION: I wanted to let you Brigaders know first that I'm auctioning off on ebay some of the things I acquired while visiting the GH set. Now, before you go thinking I'm a disloyal fan, I want to assure you I'm not getting rid of anything I don't have duplicates of. Right now I have an autographed taping schedule and a copy of next Thursday's script for sale. If you want to see a full description or check the current bid, their item urls are and Or, just go to and search General Hospital. You'll find all kinds of great stuff! If anyone can't get on ebay, please feel free to email me directly for the information. I may be putting some other things up soon, so I'll let you know.

BIRTHDAY CLUB: Just a reminder, if you haven't joined our Brigader's Birthday club and would like to exchange birthday cards with some fellow L&L fans, just email Galor5 . Galor has been doing a great job of running this club for us all these months and, it just so happens that tomorrow, Monday, is HER birthday. So, everyone be sure to wish our "birthday girl" a great day!

BRIGADERS OF THE MONTH: I'm so excited to finally announce our first "Brigaders of the Month" from each regiment. When I saw the nominations this past week, I was reminded of just how many people put so much time and effort into this group. That's what make the Brigade so special. They don't always "love every minute of it," but they love the group so they keep going. Thanks to ALL of you! Right now, though, I want to give a special thanks to these four.

TK Trauma Unit Regiment: Tigerlilly

Thank you for all the profiles you've written, for being the "welcomer" to all the new troops in your regiment, and always picking up the slack when your officers get overwhelmed.

Boxcar Regiment: Nadia

Thank you for all the work and creativity you have put into the website, especially your new regiment page, and for always volunteering when a job needs to be done.

No Name Nurses Regiment: Galor5

Thank you for sending out announcements for every Birthday Club member so we all can remember to send them a card. And thank you for always being so faithful with the Regiment chats.

Liberty Regiment: China74

Thank you for being such a dedicated "sleuther" for all of us, especially your officers, and keeping us so well informed on all the latest news and everything that's out on the web. There are so many things we would have missed without you.

These Brigaders were nominated by members of their regiment. The 8 Officers and I will decide which one will get the medal (*) to post after their rank as Brigader of the Month. Now, despite the name we originally chose, we aren't going to do this every month. Although there are so many of you I want a chance to recognize, it's a lot of work and I think will mean more if we do it every 3 months. Perhaps we should think of a better name so it's not confusing. Does anyone have a suggestion?

FEATURE ARTICLES: I wanted to thank all of you who have sent me stories to use as feature article. We've had so many timely events to write about lately that some of them have had to wait, but I promise to get to all of them eventually.

L&L QUIZZES: I'm still looking for someone new to take over writing our L&L quizzes every week. If you like to remember all the little details of our beloved story, you might want to give it a try!

Have a good week! Enjoy L&L and don't let gossip and rumors get to you!

|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter March 28, 1999


VERY SAD, BUT UNFORTUNATELY TRUE: I'm going to start by going back on what I said last week. Most all of you have heard the news (and those of you who don't like to know what's going to happen better stop reading now), of JJ's announcement. He has told his fans that he only extended his contract, he didn't sign a new one, and that extension will be up very soon. That much we know strait from him. Other sources have reported that he will film through April and air into May. We are still waiting for someone official to confirm this, but it does seem likely that he will be written out during May sweeps. As sad as this is, and believe me I've cried my tears, it doesn't have to be the end of the world. It is still very open for him to come back. Even if he only came back for a short time, TPTB may yet write L&L off together someday. I will be holding on to this hope indefinitely. It also doesn't mean the end of the L&L Brigade. I'm certainly not about to give up you guys as well as Lucky! We will just continue to be GH fans together and fans of the L&L story, even if our favorite story is on hold for a while. Besides, I figure Lucky will continue to be a major part of the upcoming story-lines even though he won't physically be in P.C. There is no getting around the fact it will be a sad couple of months, though. Those of you who know me best know how I cry at the drop of a hat! But I promise to do my best to hold it together for my troops.

JJ'S GOING AWAY GIFT: As soon as news of JJ's announcement was posted, I started receiving tons of email about what the Brigade could give him for a "going away" gift. I refuse to call it a "good-bye" gift because that implies we don't believe he is coming back :). I love the way you guys think! You are always so generous and enthusiastic! Many of the ideas were along the lines of a scrapbook for him or testimonials from all of us. I really think that those kinds of gifts are better done on an individual basis, if it's something you feel like doing, and we have already given him the wreath to remember the story-line by. I have been thinking about something that is more about HIM, and less about the show. I have an idea, but I'd like to do a little more research on it before sharing it with all of you. I just wanted to assure you that we will be doing something soon, and it isn't going to be a financial burden on the group.

BRIGADE GATHERINGS: Several of you have brought to my attention the desire for more opportunities to meet your fellow Brigaders in person. Those of us who have had that chance can tell you what a great experience it can be. A lot of us can't afford to go to all, or any, of the soap events, though, and find that our best email buddies live too far away. So, Pvt. Tigerlilly (TK) suggested to me that people might offer to "host" a gathering in their area. You could chose a restaurant or some other gathering place in a central area near you and coordinate a time for Brigaders near by to meet there. I will post in the newsletter when someone is interested in hosting a gathering, and if anyone wants to try to attend they will contact that person. The "host" will then be responsible for coordinating everyone on time, place, etc. I would just ask to be kept informed of what your plans are and, of course, the rest of us would like to hear a little about your time together after you've met. If anyone is interested in hosting a gathering in your area, please let me know by the Friday of that week so I can put it in the next newsletter.

RAINN FUNDRAISER: There is still time to place orders for an L&L mouse pad. They will be royal blue with the phrase "Liz and Lucky...Everything about you is the best, the best there is". They are $10 a piece with approximately $4 going to RAINN. The donation will be a gift from the Brigade to JJ and Becky for their birthday's on May 11 and 12th. Please note that we can't order them if we don't receive a minimum of 100 orders. However, if you feel you can't pay the whole $10 for the mouse pad but still want to contribute, any donation would be very appreciated. Please email Cpt. LL1998 at if you would like to order a mouse pad or make a donation. All orders and money must be received by April 15th. I want to thank everyone who has contributed by ordering a mouse pad and by helping spread the word. I encourage all of you to take a look at the page that's been devoted to R.A.I.N.N. and this fundraiser on the L&L Soul Mates site. It's extremely moving! Her's the url: This could be the last chance for the Brigade to do a project like this in JJ's name, so if you want to do your part is the time. Also, those of you who have ordered a mouse pad but haven't sent your money, the deadline is approaching so please send your money asap. Thanks!

BRIGADER OF THE MONTH: I didn't have a chance to discuss this with the officers, but I really think they will all agree with me. It's just impossible to pick only one Brigader of the Month from the four nominees listed last week. It was nearly impossible to nominate only one from each regiment. So, since we've decided to only do this 4 times a year, I'd like to give a "medal" to the nominated Brigader from each regiment instead of singling out one. You've all done such a great job! So, here are your medals (*), wear them with pride :) Congratulations:

*Pvt. Tigerlilly, TK Trauma Unit Reg.

*Pvt. Nadia, Boxcar Reg.

*Pvt. Galor5, No Name Nurses Reg.

*Pvt. China74, Liberty Reg.

NNN GIFT SHOP: Have you all checked out the new gift shop at the NNN Regiment page? It's a great place to find videos of all your favorite L&L episode, as well as other GH stuff. You'll be amazed at all that's avaiable from your fellow Brigaders. It's worth taking a look!

"GOD'S CANDY" COMING OUT SOON: "God's Candy," JJ's new CD with his band, Scarlet Road, will be available on April 30th. It can be ordered from Soundtracks (the same site that carried CLASH) and from for $16.99. If you go to Amazon now and search under Scarlet Road you can check out the titles of all his new songs. Everyone who has heard CLASH will be glad to know that this time the CD will come with the lyrics written down. Thank goodness! I can't wait! Thanks to Pvt. Tara (Liberty) for gathering all this information for me.

Everyone have a great week! Because of the Easter holiday, I'm not sure how much of a newsletter I will send out next weekend. But, I'll do my best! For those of you who are on Spring Break - HAVE FUN!!!

|_ _| Commander Boo


April/May 1999 Newsletters

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