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L&L Brigade Newsletters January 2000

L&L Brigade Newsletter January 9, 2000



First, I have to start out with a huge apology. I'm so sorry that I went AWOL for the Holidays without any warning. It was not intentional. I had several emergencies hit my life all at once and I wasn't able to get online for a long time. I have massive Commander guilt for neglecting HQ for over a month, not to mention not having the chance to wish you all a Happy New Year before now. But, I'm back now!

Second, I have to thank you Brigaders will all my heart. In the midst of this chaos that became my life, I wasn't able to get to my Post Office box for quite a while. When I finally picked up my mail, I had a PILE of Christmas cards and packages from all of you. I don't mean just a large bundle of cards, I mean an actually mound! I was almost embarrassed.... and so touched. You've no idea how much that meant to me right then. Christmas had been pushed so far down on my priority list at that point, I'd been so frazzled with other worries, and you guys just handed it back to me. This group means more and more to me every year. I wish I could have sent each one of you a card to tell you that, but I hope you know it anyway. Thank you so much for making my Holidays wonderful!

Third on my list of things to tell is something VERY, VERY important. All of you listen to me closely now. Jacob Young has NOT been recast as Lucky. I know what you've all be reading, but I was sure to check this out very carefully for you guys before I said anything and this is fact. As of right NOW, no one has been cast. However, that is not to say that it won't happen. And, by the sounds of scoops, it might happen soon. But, it hasn't happened yet.

This leads us to something I've been thinking about for a while. What will the L&L Brigade do if one of the "L's" is replaced? Speaking just for myself, I will always think of L&L as the characters and story that Becky and JJ created together. I am a lifer and will always watch GH but, if Lucky ever is recast, I won't feel like my L&L are back. I am so glad to have friends who will remember their story with me, though. As far as where the group will go, I've never had a map for that. We've always just evolved and moved forward together, so I expect that is what we will continue to do. Even IF Lucky is ever recast, it seems pretty clear the Brigaders are here to stay, and we can have fun following JJ and Becky's careers together.

MILLENNIUM PROJECT: Well, we made it to Y2K without any major catastrophes. My dinosaur of a computer didn't even crash. I hope you all had a wonderful time bringing in 2000. I spent most of the celebration with Peter Jennings on ABC, but I did manage to get out of the house and be there to see the Hollywood sign light with sparkles for the occasion. And now that the New Year is here, it's time to start our Millennium Project. To refresh your memory, we decided to help the Pregnancy Help Clinic of Hollywood, one of Becky's charities, but restocking their "store" after the Holiday and Y2K rush depleted their supplies. This store has food, diapers, formula, baby clothes, and all sorts of items that mothers need to care for their children. And it's all free to the people who come to the clinic. I'm planning to get a list from the clinic's director ASAP, but those of you who have already gathered your items can go ahead and send them now. Those of you who emailed me before Christmas that you had things already, thank you for waiting to send them until now. Things were just too crazy for me to start receiving them before :) Remember, you don't have to go spend a bunch of money on this. Check with your family and friends for hand-me-downs, or go to garage sales and thrift shops. No one has to worry about sending a lot. But, if everyone in this group sent one thing we would overwhelm the clinic. I hope a lot of you will decide to participate. I'm always left in awe by the compassion of this group and I know this time will be no different. Because we are getting a later start, I'm going to wait until the end of February to take the final donations over. But, as I said, you can start sending them now:

SOD AWARDS: I made a mistake earlier by saying the Soap Opera Awards were in February again this year. As most of you probably already know, they are on March 10th. They also MIGHT be in Las Vegas this year. It's still unknown if Becky will be a presenter this year or if she'll even go to the show. However, other GH favorites, like Amber, are nominated and it would still be fun to cheer for our show. Also.... Las Vegas with a bunch of Brigaders..... do we really need an excuse??? So, are any of you still planning to be there? I'll wait to hear from you before deciding if I'll make the trip. But, it's not too far for me so, if a group of you wants to meet for the show I'll do my best to be there too.

SOIREE TAPES: I don't know what started it, but lately I've been getting request again for copies of the Soiree Tapes from last summer. I'm out of copies, but, if there are really that many people who still want one I can have more dubs made. So, if anyone is interested let me know.

CHATS: I've gotten behind and confused about what chats are still going on and what chats are the most popular. I'd still like to start a "Chat Schedule" to keep at HQ. Sometimes, I know, it's hard to make certain chats. But, when you do have some free time, you want to know when others will be chatting so that you can join them. Hopefully, a schdule will help with that and we can find some times that work for everyone.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION CHATS: I know this is one chat that keeps going strong! Here are this week's viewing schedule.

For some reason I can't fathom (yeah, right! :), it seems as though we got a little bit carried away this last week and didn't make it past the first half of the V-Day scenes. We only got as far as the GMHSALMTOY dance (hmmm, I wonder why *that* was the stalling point?). Sooo, this week we'll deal with the rest of V-Day, focusing on the church scenes -- if we make it past that, we'll also be dealing with the scenes immediately following the big blizzard (watch up thru Lucky telling Luke about V-Day on the docks after Nikolas and Lucky have just returned from taking Lulu skating). Grab some more of Lucky's chocolate kisses and head over to the Yahoo chat room on Wed. at 9:00EST/6:00PST. Questions, concerns, contact jen at -- thanks!

MAGAZINE WATCH: In the current issue of "US Magazine", page 46, there's a section on JJ (plus pic) in an article about virgins in Hollywood. ~Amy / JJ is mentioned again, with a picture, on E-Online in the race for Anakin in the next two Star Wars movies. / The most resent Soaps In Depth has a whole spread on remembering the L&L story. Definitely worth getting and saving!

SILLY SPOILERS: Pvt. Allison is at it again!:

Carly causes trouble at the ELQ function.
*She rides in on Michael s little red motorcycle and announces that the Q s are driving her so crazy, she s voluntarily recommitting herself to Ferncliff.

Ned and Chloe reveal their plans for Alan and Gertrude to Monica.
*And of course, since it s the first time in ages that she and Alan are actually happy, why wouldn t she agree to divorce him? (<---sarcasm)

A.J. threatens Carly.
*Actually, he just makes a tape of himself saying I ll take Michael from you and send you back to Ferncliff and then puts it on a continuous loop.

Hannah turns to Jason for help.
* I love Sonny. What we had was real! (And Emily is Juan s girlfrined, Faison killed Mac s brother, it s Liz s life, Carly is AJ s wife, Michael s his son, and Felicia loves her husband...All right already, WE GET IT!!!!)

Felicia makes a surprising discovery.
*After her super-quick recovery from that gunshot wound, she discovers she s actually SuperFlea from the planet Memwah. (And, of course, Jason is her long-lost sidekick, BorgMan)

Luke and Laura band together to take care of Lesley Lu.
*LOL, sorry, but when I saw take care of the first thing I thought of was kill. Maybe we should start a You Know The Mob Has Taken Over GH When... thread...

Liz tries to help Emily deal with Juan.
* I know you re sick of him calling you his girlfriend all the time, but violence never solved anything! Then again, we re all pretty sick of it....

Faison makes an escape.
*While the entire PCPD is busy trying to pin Sorel s bomb on Sonny, he just walks right out of the building.

Felicia decides to confess to Mac.
*But only after he shows her the video, and she can t think of any more excuses.

Edward gives Carly a warning.
* If you leave, we ll take Michael and send you back to Ferncliff...oh, wait, that s AJ s line.

Sonny tries to change his relationship with Jason.
* You know Jason, ever since Hannah left, that couch has been really lonely... (sorry, I guess I ve been reading PCO too much lately!)

Taggert brings Helena in for questioning.
* Hey, how do I get myself one of those NuAris?

Felicia and Luke discuss the videotape.
* Which do you think was better? Ours or Bobbie s & Jerry s?

Faison makes plans to meet with Luke.
*He kidnaps Felicia again, figuring it s the best way to get his attention.

Bobbie questions Monica about A.J.'s behavior.
* Are you sure he hasn t fallen off the wagon? I just saw him hugging his land-sea crane this morning!

Alan makes a surprising realization.
* Gasp! I haven t had a storyline since I got off of Hydromorphone!

Luke and Mac witness a fiery explosion.
*Felicia says memwahs too loudly and the hospital blows up. Oh well, it s not like they ever show it anymore, anyway...

Luke decides to follow up on Faison's claims.
*He refuses to believe that he s moving to London to become Psycho Spice until he sees him in those platform shoes with his own eyes!

Jax and Chloe grow closer. (Torn between two on this one)
*They go Muppet-hunting together and get caught in the rain...again.
*Guza crowns them the new King & Queen of Monday/Friday couch sex (right now, the Mon/Fri part remains to be seen, but I have faith in TIIC on this one.)

Alan and Monica ponder their future together.
*They decide to go for the record in multiple divorces and marriages to the same person.

Jason makes a moving decision.
*Tired of the penthouse, he packs up the motorcycle, grabs Michael, and heads for Africa so they can see the giraffes up close. (Side note: A moving decision? Who are the ad wizards that came up with that one? Bad Puns R Us?)

Nikolas and Liz start to mend their relationship.
*To disgusted to even make a joke about that one...

I missed you guys! It's good to be back! Have a good week!

|_ _| Boo

L&L Brigade Newsletter January 16, 2000



Yes, it's true! Becky and her boyfriend, Johnny, got engaged on December 30th. Wow, the rumor mill works fast with these things. I was hoping to be the first to tell you guys, but somehow it got in the magazines and on the Internet before anyone realized it. But, at least I can confirm that the rumors are true. They are such a great couple and I'm so happy for both of them!

BIRTHDAY GREETINGS: Thank you so much to everyone who sent me cards for my birthday last week. The emails and the snail mail cards were all so sweet. I still can't believe that I'm 26. How did that happen? It's been a great birthday weekend, though, and I've been too busy celebrating to think about what happened to my early 20s :) Thank you all for making it so special.

FLORIDA DINNER: I have some bad news, I'm afraid, for those of you planning to attend the dinner in Sarasota, FL on Valentine's Day. Ingo has canceled his appearance there. No one knew this would happen and they are trying to find another actor to appear in his place. I know a lot of you were especially looking forward to seeing him, though, and are going to be disappointed. I don't have all the details yet, since this just happened, but they might be offering refunds to people who don't want to attend now. It's still going to be a great night with Becky, though, and it's a good cause. Besides, you never know who they might get to replace him. It might be someone even better :) Wish I could be there.

HOLIDAY BASKETS: I got our first report on the Holiday baskets. Becky loved hers! She said it was a perfect idea for a Christmas gift and she thought it was great that everyone picked different things. She mentioned that Johnny would LOVE the barbecue sauce because he puts it on everything. And her dad has a big weakness for maple syrup. She and her sister had fun experimenting with the Jelly Bellys too, and they both love Hot Chocolate. I can't remember all the things she mentioned, but I know she loved it all. No report from JJ, but maybe soon. Great job, everyone!

MILLENNIUM PROJECT: I don't know why I'm still surprised by the generosity of this group, but I am. So many of you emailed me this week with questions about our donations to the Pregnancy Help Clinic of Hollywood. I know this is going to be yet another successful fund raiser for us. A lot of you asked if it would be all right to send money. Absolutely! But, again, I didn't mean this to be a project that would cost anyone a lot. If you are really moved to contribute, that is wonderful and I'll be glad to deliver your check with the other donation. But, I'm not asking anyone to send money and this isn't meant to be any kind of solicitation. I just know that a lot of us have these kinds of things lying around, or can find them easily, and we can work together to get them to the people who really need them. A lot of you also asked me about toys and clothes for older kids. I'm sure toys will be fine to send. I am sorry, but I wasn't able to talk with the center director to get a list this week. I will try to talk to her soon, though, so I have a specific list of items.

BLOOPERS TAPE: I got several emails this week about the second bloopers tape from Becky's fan club. This tape is not for sale yet. I haven't seen it and I'm not even sure it's done yet. I'm glad so many of you liked the first tape and I'll try to let you know when the second one is going to be for sale. The last I heard was February and, as far as I know, that is still the plan, but I don't have a specific date.

ANAKIN CASTING: This is driving me crazy! As most of you know, I'm obsessed with Star Wars in addition to GH and I'm dying to find out if JJ is cast as the next Anakin. He keeps being mentioned in the many websites devoted to the next Star Wars films and still seems to be the front runner. But, they keep pushing the casting back. I will let you guys know as soon as I find something I can report, but for now we all just have to keep hoping and keeping a place on our shelves for those Jonathan Jackson "Anakin" action figures. LOL!

SOD AWARDS: I still haven't heard for certain if the Soap Opera Awards are going to be in Las Vegas. The truth is, I haven't been online much so they could have announced this already and I might not have realized it. Several of you emailed me that you want to go to Vegas if they are there, so now I'm really thinking about how I can be there too. It's not even about the awards show, really. I just want the chance to hang out in Vegas with some of you. So, keep me posted on your plans and I'll try to make my final decision soon. Of course, if the awards do end up in LA again this year, you know I'll be there.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION CHAT: Here is Jen's schedule for us this week:
This week we are going to finish Valentine's Day, I swear! :) Those of you who came to last week's chat know that I had several unseemly computer issues that prevented me from chatting. The Wed. Night Crew kindly postponed the V-Day discussion until I could participate in the waxing, so the scenes for this week are the same as they were for last week. The third time is the charm! Can't wait to see you all in the Yahoo! chat on Wednesday at 9:00 EST/6:00 PST. Question, concerns, contact jen at
-- thanks!

SILLY SPOILERS: Allison wants to give special thanks to Gayla for helping with a couple of these this week! :-)

Jason continues to keep his secret from Carly.
*When he s alone, he puts on the fur coat and diamond jewelry she left behind and prances around his penthouse.

Carly makes a surprising discovery.
*She sees Jason prancing around in her diamonds and fur coat

Hannah makes a shocking discovery.
*When Jason s done, Sonny borrows them and does the same thing. (Now, why is this shocking, but for Carly, it s only surprising?)

Bobbie spies Roy comforting Hannah.
*Also a shocking discovery (or is it just surprisng? More like sickening...)

Monica shares information about Jason with A.J. and Edward.
*She too, has seen him the fur coat and diamonds, but what she doesn t know is that AJ and Edward do the same thing. It s a secret Quartermaine tradition.

Helena's celebration is tempered by a visit from Stefan.
*He s looking for her fur coat and diamonds.....nah, now I m just getting silly.

Chloe confides in Jax.
*She admits that she has a secret handbook of everything he and Brenda did together and is doing them on purpose. All that Muppet fur is making her mentally unstable.

Sonny takes out his frustration on Carly.
*Sick of her flaring nostrils, he grabs Michael s Silly Putty and plugs them up.

Chloe shares her fears with Alexis.
*All those PETM (People for the Ethical Treatment of Muppets) people outside the gatehouse are starting to make her nervous.

Nikolas comforts Liz.
* Here s my favorite mop. It always makes me feel better.

Hannah goes to extreme measures to prove her love to Sonny.
*After graduating from the Cassidine School of Romance, she stalks Sonny relentlessly and starts stealing mops from Kelly s when Tammy s not looking.

Larkin meets with Roy about the Corinthos investigation.
*And accuses him of sleeping with Sonny, too.

Roy gets a job offer.
*Claude finally quits, tired of being fired every day.

Alan and Monica talk to Emily about Gertrude.
*When they re done trying to explain everything, Emily thanks her lucky stars that she s not genetically related to any of them!

Bobbie confronts Sonny.
* How dare you plug up my daughter s nose with Silly Putty! (When Carly s not looking, she leans in and whispers) Thank you, those nostrils were driving me nuts, too.

Edward gives A.J. advice about marriage.
*Oh, this should be good. Then again, he is the only Quartermaine who has had a long, successful one!

MAGAZINE WATCH: JJ and Richard are both in Movieline! ~Gina

I will confess that I got behind on GH and haven't seen this week's shows. I know a little of what happened, though, and it sounds like things are getting good. I can't wait to watch my tapes now. Even if we don't know what will ultimately happen with the character of Lucky, I've been waiting a long time to watch Luke's reaction and I'm not going to let anything spoil that for me. I hope all of you can enjoy it too.

Everyone have a good week!
|_ _| Boo

L&L Brigade Newsletter January 23, 2000


OK, I have to confess to something. During the last month or two I've been continually behind on GH. This week, I finally was able to catch up on all the tapes. AND.... now I finally get all the muppet jokes on the message board!!! What is up with Chloe's clothes? She really is skinning muppets to make them! J/K, but I do get the humor of it now. LOL!

MILLENNIUM PROJECT: I spoke with Kathy, the director of the Pregnancy Help Clinic of Hollywood this week. She is so excited about our project! It really stuns her that this group of people from all over would want to help like this. As I suspected, they really need the help right now too. She gave me some ideas that I wanted to pass on to all of you. Maternity clothes! This includes any stretch pants or baggy shirts. They don't get a lot of donations like this, but they really need them. Baby clothes up to 3 years old. Make sure the clothes are clean and in good condition. Toys without any sharp or tiny parts. Again, make sure they are clean and in good condition. Blankets and crib sheets. They give a new set to every mother just before their baby is born, so it would be nice to get them a few sets. New diapers for newborns to size 5. New bottles. And, basically, anything a mother-to-be would need. The only thing they can't take are car seats because of some complicated law. This is such a special project and the things you guys have already sent for it are wonderful. I can't wait to see how it turns out. So, keep asking around and checking out those thrift shops. Any checks can be made out to The Pregnancy Help Clinic of Hollywood.

SOD AWARDS: It looks like the Soap Opera Awards are going to be in Las Vegas this March. I'm so excited! Those of you who are planning to go, email me this week so I can start an email list for us all to communicate and make plans. I'm not going to be buying tickets for the group this year, but you should be able to get tickets from Ticket Master again. If anyone has any information on tickets, please let me know so I can pass it on to the group.

SOAPNET: Just FYI, the new cable soap channel, SoapNet, is going to be starting tomorrow, January 24. GH is going to be shown 3 times a day, and there won't be those nasty ABC-Special Reports to interrupt. So, I hope a lot of you can get it.

SECRET BRIGADE BUDDIES: Valentine's Day Project Coming Soon! We have a project in the works that should be a lot of fun for everyone! Pvt Kerri of the TK Trauma Unit has come up with another Great Idea for the Brigade to participate in. This will all tie in with Valentine's Day (which we all know is a special time in all Brigaders hearts:) and will be filled with lots of fun and exciting things!! Kerri is currently working out all the details and she will have a full report very soon, so Be Sure to Watch For it!

NEWSLETTER HELP: As some of you have found out, I'm not able to keep up with my emails as well as I used to. I'm sorry if I'm not able to respond to all of them as diligently right now. Because I get behind, though, I might not get them all read before I do the newsletter. So, if you ever send me something that should go in the next newsletter, please put "For the Newsletter" in the subject so I'll be sure to read it in time. Also, if anyone would like to write anything for the newsletter, please just let me know. I'd love to add things to it.

MAGAZINE WATCH: There is a tiny article in February's CosmoGirl on page 35. ~ ghlizlucky

Although I have a sneaking suspicion that last week's V-Day chat will go down in history as the best, the best there is, and that any future chatting is merely superfluous after the utter and inestimable bliss that was the V-Day waxings, we will forge bravely onward! :) Before the assignment I would like to take the opportunity thank everyone who stopped by last week's chat -- it really was a magical experience; even the running around campus hunting for an open computer had an air of fate and intrigue about it (of course, the standing for 3 hours at a terminal was another matter altogether! har har!). Last week's 3 hour on-topic discussion (a record!) only got us through the vows themselves and Liz's after-vows speech to Lucky, the magician speech, so this week we'll pick up with L&L being stranded in the church and work our way forward from there. Next comes the working on Lucky's portrait at the house, the day of Lulu's ice skating lesson and Lucky's talk with Luke about V-Day, the filling out of Liz's art school application, the first sex talk (after the Chinese dinner, in the wake of Lucky finding out about Nikolas and Katherine), Lucky's conversation with Tammy at Kelly's, and Nikolas's announcement that he would be moving out of Wyndemere. We'll stop at the end of the glorious "cottage day", when Nikolas and L&L go to scope out Brenda's cottage -- the last shot for the week is the one of Lucky with his head in Liz's lap. These scenes are around 50 minutes or so (it's hard for me to tell for sure since I taped JJ and Becky's SOD wins in the middle of all of this!). The memory food this week consists of hot chocolate and Chinese food, complete with fortune cookies and a container of something you can't remember ordering! :) See you in the Yahoo chat room on Wednesday at 9:00 EST/6:00 PST. Questions or concerns, contact jen at -- thanks!


A.J. walks out on Carly during a passionate moment.
*He figures he should leave her alone with her picture of Jason.

Roy decides his new job is not for him.
*What tipped him off? The Customs officers? Sonny setting him up?

Laura looks for information from Mac.
*Mac: “He killed my brother!” Laura: “He’s dead Mac, give it up! Now can you please answer my question???”

Liz confides in Laura.
*”Could you please tell your son to stop stalking me?”

Chloe spies a moment between Jax and Hannah.
*All that hair gel finally getting to his brian, he’s chasing her around, yelling, “Brender! I know you’re Brender!”

Liz gets a surprise when she returns to the studio.
*There’s a mop on her couch...wonder where it came from?

Felicia shares her feelings with Chloe.
*”Chloe, dear, please stop wearing those Muppets! You’re starting to scare the children.”

Taggert offers a stern warning to Juan and Emily.
*”I swear, if you call her your girlfriend one more time, I’m going to have to take you into custody!”

Sonny offers protection to Tammy and Liz.
*Too bad he didn’t offer it to Carly last month!

Laura confronts Felicia, and Mac must break up their heated confrontation.
*But only after watching the cat fight for a few minutes first.

Carly comes up with a plan, but first she tests the waters with Sonny.
*”I know, I’ll tell everyone it’s AJs!”....oh wait, that really is what she’s doing. Can’t Guza think of anything more original?

Luke returns to Port Charles.
*With yet another new haircut.

Everyone have a good week and keep an eye out for sheered muppets :)

|_ _| Boo

L&L Brigade Newsletter, March 25, 2000


MILLENIUM PROJECT CONCLUSION: I just wanted to share with you guys what happened with all the donations you sent in for the Pregnancy Help Clinic of Hollywood. I kept putting off delivering them because more and more stuff arrived. When I finally called Kathy, the director, on Friday I wondered if she even remembered my call months ago telling her about our project. She certainly remembered and our donations were desparately needed. In fact, the very next day they had a seminar scheduled for all of their new mothers. They had wanted to send them each home with something, but their little store was practically empty. She said they had been praying just that morning for some way to still give them some things. When she came out to my car and saw all 11 boxes she just said, "All of this is for US???" They were so excited and the timing was perfect! So, a huge thank you to everyone who supported this project. I know it really meant a lot to them. You guys really are the best!

|_ _| Boo