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L&L Brigade Newsletter July 11, 1999

I missed you Brigaders!

I do believe that is the first real vacation I've had since I discovered the Internet and got obsessed with L&L. The first two days I tried to check my email just in case something major happened, but it got a little daunting as the numbers kept piling up. After a couple of days, I was just having too much fun and put it out of my mind. So, I'm sorry if I didn't get to some of your questions very quickly. I had near 100 emails when I finally got to them, but now I'm all caught up!

I had such a great time up in Oregon. It was a little cold for my taste (especially since I hardly packed anything with sleeves!) but it was beautiful. Between hiking, volleyball, cherry picking, barbecues, shopping, getting up at 4am and driving though the night, it wasn't exactly restful. But I did have tons of fun. Now, I have tons of work!

Only 2 weeks until the GH Fan Club Weekend and Becky's Soiree!!!

…. excuse me while I go have a minor panic attack over all that I still have to get done……

….OK, I'm feeling better now. As I was saying, Becky's event is just around the corner. There were several common questions that I got email about, so I posted the answers on the Soiree page at HQ for everyone to see. I'll try to start doing those updates again now. I received many of your tape orders in the mail while I was gone and I'm going to do my best to make sure it's the best tape ever.

The thing I am most excited about, though, is how many of you are actually coming out to LA for this. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that so many of you would make it! I have completely lost track of who all is coming out. I had an email list going around, but it's all messed up now. I still don't know when would be a good time for all of us to get together as a group, but I'm thinking about early dinner either Saturday or Sunday. Anyone who will still be around on Monday, that would be a perfect additional time to hang out! Please, feel free to email me with your plans (and don't hesitate to send it more than once because my mind is extremely cluttered these days).

REGIMENT GIFTS: Speaking of the Soiree, how are the regiment gifts coming. I know about some of them, but not all of them. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you'd better email your Officers! :)

SSW: First of all, "Forgive Me!" and "Thank You!" The forgive me is because I've been so wrapped up in the Soiree that I am letting Super Soap Weekend sneak up on me. It's only 11 weeks away! The thank you is for all of you who have gone ahead and planned and organized so much already, and for those of you who keep reminding me not to put it off. I still don't know where I will be staying! There will be two Brigade gatherings (at least) during that weekend. I don't know where or when yet, but we will try to schedule them around the main events. I know that all of you want to know if Becky will be attending. All I can say is that I will tell you when I can. In the mean time, any ideas and suggestions are welcome. Don't be like me and put everything off until the last minute. It's going to be such a great time!

BRIGADE GATHERING IN DC: I have a special invitation for all of you this week -

"Come one, come all! LCiam and llcbear of the No Name Nurses cordially invite you all to a gathering of Brigaders and other Lucky and Elizabeth fanatics living in the area of Washington, DC, and the surrounding states

When: Thursday, July 15, 1999
What time: 6:30 pm
Where: Arlington, Virginia
What: Lucky & Liz foods, a Jonathan Jackson movie marathon, games, prizes, and other treats!
How: Car, bus, train, plane - however you can, but BE THERE!

Please RSVP to llcbear ( or Laura ( Please e-mail for directions, as well, and let us know if you know of someone else in the area we can invite."
~Claire & Laura!

BANNER PAGE: I can't keep up! Every time I go to the Brigade boards there are more of these incredible banners! The "Brigaders Behind Becky" ones are so sweet, btw! I really do want to have a page set up at HQ where we can share all of your creations. Banners come and go so quickly, though, that I need someone who is able to keep the page fresh. Would anyone be interested in having the responsibility of our Banner Page? I'd appreciate the help, but please don't offer if you won't have the time to keep up with it. I know how much work it can be. Thanks!

VOLUNTEER PROJECT: I did record all the hours that were sent to me last week, even though I was away. It's been great to hear how much you guys are enjoying your volunteering and I'm really impressed with all the hours that have been put in! We have another report to share at the end of the newsletter this week. If you signed up for the contest, but haven't recorded any hours yet, that is OK. Some people were only able to volunteer the first two weeks, so please feel free to still participate even if you are getting a late start. You never know how it might turn out.

WEDESDAY NIGHT REUNIONS: If you want to participate in the chat or the discussion on the Brigade boards, here is Jen's viewing schedule for us this week:

"Well, this week we bury tape #1 -- we'll be watching the rest of the scenes on the tape, starting with the day Liz spends in bed thru the first part of Lucky's conversation with Luke at the club (the final scene on the tape, if I remember correctly, ends with Lucky's, "Dad, why are you looking at me like that?"). This is again almost exactly one hour's worth of scenes. I know the cut-off point is somewhat awkward, since the rest of Luke and Lucky's conversation is at the beginning of tape #2, but I couldn't resist the idea of a cliffhanger. Okay, so it's not as exciting as "Who shot J.R.?", since we all know exactly why Luke is looking at Lucky like that, but it's the best I can do. :) Once again, food seemed inappropriate for these scenes, but just hold on to the happy thought of all the brownies, pizza, and ribs in our future! See you on Wednesday in the Yahoo chat room at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST. Newcomers are welcome! And don't forget that if you can't make the chat itself, you can always post your thoughts on the assigned scenes under the weekly post on the Delphi boards, in the "Remembering Liz & Lucky" folder.
~Pvt. Jen

KEEP GH CHARMING: I hope you all saw where our Lucky Charms campaign was mentioned in SOD! And, I'm sure you haven't missed the few, tiny, bones TPTB have thrown at us lately. Hey, at least Liz is mentioning Lucky's name! Maybe we are making a difference! They do listen to the fans eventually. Of course, a recent poll in one of the magazines (I think it was Soap Opera Weekly) showed that some fans voted "Liz comforting Nik" as a favorite moment. I don't think this means that there is really a big group of Liz and "Lucky's Bro" fans out there. Those who voted probably just liked the sentimental scene that had Liz showing some real emotion. But, TPTB won't read it that way. So, we've got to keep the heat on! The new Nik will be airing soon. Maybe we should support this guy by asking TPTB to give him a storyline that won't make every loyal GH fan hate him! Here, again, are some addresses to write to. I took these from MizVamp's post at the Brigade Boards, so thanks MizV!

SOW Polls -
SOW letters -
SOD Mail Bag -
ABCTim -
Cindi Rinehart - go to site and go to contact

Snail mail to Bob Guza or Wendy Riche or anyone at GH:
General Hospital
4151 Prospect Ave.
Hollywood, CA. 90027

Angela Shapiro
Pres of ABC Daytime
77 W 66th. St.
New York, N.Y. 10023

BRIGADE SONG: You guys had so many wonderful ideas for our Brigade theme song, but I've narrowed it down to two ideas. Please email me what your choice would be. Either just "Iris" or a medley of "Iris," "GMHSALMTOY" and the song that was played when L&L were buying Elizabeth's V-Day dress (one of you emailed me and said you had a copy, but I forgot to make a note of who it was). I won't get the song up until after the event, I know, so just let me know your choice. But, please, only email me with one of these choices. I got so many awesome ideas, but these are the two we are going to pick from. Thanks!

One of the best things about coming home from vacation was having 6 new episodes of GH on tape to watch all in a row. I have to say that I LOVE Ned/Alexis/Jax/Chloe! Or, maybe I should say Nexis and Chloax. Do we have an Internet name for the four of them yet? Someone needs to think of one. Anyway, I know their story is a little contrived, but I don't care. They are too funny! I have also loved Luke and Felicia. Or, maybe I should say Fluke. It's great that GH is so entertaining again. Even so, it feels like there is a hole in the show. It just doesn't have the same emotional charge that it use to. I really miss L&L. I can't wait to see Becky and JJ together again at the Soiree!

Have a great week!
|_ _| Boo



Hi, My name is Angie and I joined the Brigade as a member of the No Name Nurses Regiment in May of this year. I just need to say that you guys are great and it is such a pleasure to talk to you all about Lucky and Liz.

Because of my own personal experience with a violent attack and the inspiration from Becky, Michelle, and the characters in the storyline, I chose to volunteer at a Women's Crisis Center in early January. The Center treats many kinds of women in various crisis. I see rape victims, girls sexually or physically abused by adults, woman who are victims of domestic violence, and girls and women faced with unplanned pregnancies.

One thing I have decided is that I need to get as many people the help they need as possible. I have made it a priority to watch for new people when they enter and then sit with them and talk about silly things to keep them there until a staff member becomes available. Nothing is more heartbreaking than seeing someone cut-and-run before they get help.

I don't have an official title or anything, I do a little of everything. I file, type, answer telephones, make snacks, and many other menial things that need to be done. I have a few other duties, mostly self-appointed that I take care of as well.

I sometimes care for children so that their mothers can keep appointments with the professionals on staff. I make appropriate phone calls when the police or hospitals refer a new victim to the Center and no staff members are present. Every Friday, my day off from my full time job, I make phone calls and deliver literature to businesses and schools so that everyone knows about the services offered. I organize a volunteer schedule and convinced two of the local high schools to let students volunteer while they earn Social Science credits towards graduation. I am working on the colleges in the area, but they are much more difficult to convince. I also spend time scavenging thrift shops for maternity clothes and baby items for those that need them.

Recently, I was approached about helping with a possible educational video aimed primarily at teenagers on what to look for, how to protect themselves, and how to get help.

I think that is about it. I love the work that I do, no matter how stressful. I have General Hospital to thank for the inspiration because I truly don't think that I would be doing what I am if it wasn't for the show.

NNN Regiment


L&L Brigade Newsletter July 18,1999


Only one week until Becky's Soiree! I can't wait to finally meet so many of you! I can't wait to finally kick off Becky's fan club! I can't wait to finally see Becky and JJ together again! I still can't believe this all came together. It's so cool!

Now, you might think that this newsletter would mostly be filled with stuff about the soiree. Wrong! That is just one big project, but we've got a lot going on right now. You might as well get comfortable, but this is going to be a long newsletter.

SSW4: Becky will be there!!!! For those of you who missed it at Daily Scoops this week, Becky will be at Super Soap Weekend this September in Orlando. I'm so excited! By the time I wrap up the Soiree and get all the tape orders out, Super Soap Weekend will be here. My first trip to Disney World! I would like to plan two meals that the Brigaders can all meet at. Since it seems we are going to have quite a large crowd this year, I'll want to make us a group reservation at these restaurants ahead of time. So, eventually, I will need to get a head count of everyone who will attend so I can have a list, but we have time for that. You don't need special tickets to go to the soap events, just tickets into MGM Studios Theme Park. You do, however, need a place to stay and rooms are filling up fast. I know that a lot of you have your reservations already, but some of you are still looking for roommates. I will do my best to help pair you guys up. I'm still trying to figure out where I'm staying too. So much to plan, but so much to look forward to!

VOLUNTEER PROJECT: This is our final week for the volunteer project. If you originally signed up for the project, but haven't recorded any hours yet, it's still not too late. True, you probably won't win at this point :), but I'd still like to have you on our list. So, if you did any work, please let us know. I'm so proud of all that you guys have done already. It's just incredible! We will continue to run Brigader reports on their volunteer experiences for several weeks after the contest ends. I still don't know what Becky's has in mind for the prizes, but I'm as eager to find out as the rest of you.

TRIPOD DOWN: Some of you might have noticed some things missing at HQ. We had a minor disaster, but we are fixing it. Because our original site was at Tripod, we still had some of our pages and pictures link from there. Well, Tripod deleted our account this week and all of those items were lost. Some of them were just pictures, which we can try to replace. But we also lost the entire NNN Regiment page and the almost finished TK Regiment page. Both of those will have to be rebuilt. I'm afraid the old MIA Scenes pages were lost too and I don't have copies of those files. If anyone has any of those old scenes saved, please pass them on to me. It could take us awhile to find and replace all that was lost, so please forgive the dust while we sift through the rubble (so to speak).

BANNER PAGE: Have you seen our new banner page? Pvt. CarlyVH of Boxcar Regiment offered to do the page for us after last week's newsletter and it's already done! She did an awesome job too! She even included an HTML page that tells you how to post your banners and do other fun tricks on the boards. If you have any new banners to add to our page, just send an email from there. I'm thinking of posting some of these banners at the top of HQ from time to time to make sure more people see your amazing creativity. There is one there now that I just love! I love them all!

BRIGADE SONG: You guys surprised me. I was expecting most of you to vote for the medley of three songs, even though my first choice was "Iris." I guess I should never second guess you, though, because a big percentage of you voted for just "Iris" as our Brigade theme song. I'm sorry for those of you who liked the others, but I hope you will like Iris too. I don't know how long it will be until I can get a wave up at HQ but, from now on, when you hear "Iris" know you are hearing your Brigade song. I wonder if the Goo Goo Dolls know how honored they are :).

CHARMING CAMPAIGN: Remember last week I reported that SOD mentioned our Keep GH "Charming" campaign in their magazine. Well, if you read that, you know that they quoted a couple of different fans. I found this week that one of those fans was our own Pvt. Tara (Lucky12345) of Liberty Regiment. Her quote in regard to a Liz and Nik pairing was,"The ratings of GH will drop faster than when Katherine fell off of Stefan's parapet." Nice job, Tara. No one could have said it better. Keep writing the magazines, guys. This next week Coltin starts airing as NuNik. What I still think we really need to emphasize is that we want to see Liz remember Lucky! We want Lucky's memory and the memory of what L&L were and are to be respected and shown on the show.

JAXSTONS: Last week I mentioned that there needed to be a name for the foursome of Ned/Alexis/Jax/Chloe. One of you (I'm so sorry I forgot to make a note of who) told me that some people were calling them the "Jackstons" for the Ashtons and the Jaxes. Well, when I saw Jackstons, my mind went to the understandable place that an obsessed L&L fan's mind would go to (it looked to much like Jackson). So, I thought we Brigaders might be better off spelling it the Jaxstons. It also keeps us from repeating "The Fab Four" which, to me, will forever be L&L and Em&Nik. I just love this name, though, and I love this group!

LLB4s: I have something to run by all of you that I've been kicking around in my head for a long time. I think it's time for the Brigade to branch out a little. We keep growing and we all have so much fun together dishing about GH, that it's only understandable we enjoy other parts of the show together along side L&L. Now, before anyone gets worried, we are still first, foremost and forever dedicated to L&L above all other characters, couples, or stories. However, different Brigaders also have different second favorites that they like to support. There is a very large group of Brigaders who love Jax and Chloe. Lt. Galor5 and Pvt. Kels2 started a room at Yahoo for them and they are having a ball together and are working on a web page that could be linked from HQ. Of course, this is just a little sub group of Brigaders who also love Jax and Chloe. They don't have separate membership because they are all already Brigaders. But, now they have a way to connect to other Brigaders who love Jax and Chloe AND L&L. Am I making any sense here? This isn't replacing or dividing the Brigade, just expanding it. I think it would be great if we had other sub groups for other couples eventually too. I've decided to call these groups our LLB4s. That's "L&L Brigaders For...." We now have our Jax and Chloe LLB4. So, when they decide to do a project or have a chat, I'll be letting you know about it in the newsletter and you will know what I'm talking about. Here is a link to their room if you want to check it out If anyone has any feedback on this new idea, please just let me know. I think it's only going to help the Brigade grow better and stronger than ever!

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION: Here is this week's viewing and chat schedule from Jenn.

"This week we finally launch into tape #2 (let's all take a moment of silent thanks that we have L&L tapes to alleviate the dismalness of the current GH -- "1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war"? Deliver us -- not exactly Emmy-winning writing there!). We'll be watching the scenes from the start of the tape (the end of Luke and Lucky's conversation in the office) thru Lucky's fight with Nikolas in the park (Nik's last line is something like, "October 8th -- the date to remember." I wish Lucky would have caused Nik another head injury in that little scuffle!). As usual, this group of scenes runs at almost exactly an hour. I am happy to report that we get some real, official memory food this week -- the scenes include L&L's first eating of ribs, so barbecue something and celebrate! For those of you in the non-barbeque mood, let's also count the microwave popcorn Lucky takes to Liz with the silent movie as viable memory food. See you in the Yahoo chat room at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST. Wednesday night!"

L&L QUOTES: I got this email last week and I thought some of you might want to participate. This isn't a Brigade project and I don't know any more than what's written below, but it seems like a good idea.

"My name is Elissa and I am a big fan of Gh's Liz and Lucky. Now, most of you know by now that Bob Guza is going to put Liz and Nikolas together. I and many others are not a bit happy about this, so we are going to do the "Liz and Lucky Quote Collection." We are going to collect quotes to Bob Guza to show him how special L&L2 were and are! This is how we will do it!!! Please send me ( all of the L&L2 quotes that you have or any webpages where I can find some at. Then I will put the letter with the quotes together and forward the completed one to each of you. Then all you have to do is print it out and mail it. I will include the address to send it to when I forward the whole letter to you. Hopefully this will work. If you have any questions or comments please e-mail me."

MBE AUCTION: I have a special feature for you this week. It's an announcement of an auction that Mary Beth Evans is holding to raise money for a school for the deaf. This is very cool for me because I was her biggest fan when she was Kayla on DAYS. I was so into the storyline where Kayla lost her hearing that it motivated me to take sign language my freshman year of High School. I went on to take it even into college. So, now, to have it come full circle and be able to help with the charity that this same story line inspired, really means a lot to me. The announcement of the auction was written by Mary Beth and her fan club president.

As you probably expected, there won't be a newsletter next week. I will, however, try to get reports on the GH Weekend and Becky's Soiree posted and emailed to you guys later that week. Becky's Official site is supposed to be up after the event, so I will post the first link to it at HQ just as soon as I can. You know I will be thinking of all of you the whole time. How could I not? Without you guys, none of this would be happening. I can't wait for you all to see the tape!

One last note before I sign off. In the midst of all this excitement, I just want to say how sad I am about the Kennedy tragedy. It's just awful! And it reminds me how blessed I am. Both families really need prayers.

|_ _| Boo


Pvt. Amber of TK
Wow, what an amazing last couple weeks. I am having so much fun with this volunteer project.

For the past few weeks I have been volunteering my time at my neighborhood pool. I have offered free baby-sitting to some of the families in my little condo community. Since I am not working at this time, I have been able to dedicate a lot of my time to this project. Actually I did just get a job, but i told my future boss that I could not start until after I was finished with this project because it is very important to me and I want to finish it. I will most likely continue with it even after I start working. But I wont have as much time.

I told my neighbors when I would be at the pool and if they wanted to bring their children and drop them off I would watch them during my time at the pool. Most people jumped to the chance. Some parents told me they were able to go to the food store in peace or just have some time to themselves. I had one woman thank me up and down for doing this because her sex life has improved. Well, I am so glad i could help with that LOL..

Dispite the fact of being water logged and completely tan less because I don't tan or burn for that matter *sigh* this has been so much fun and great practice. I am majoring in education. So this project has given me a great trial run. Each day i have about an average of 10 to 12 kids at the pool. Most of them usually bring their own lunch, however I have cooked some hot dogs on the grille and they turned out okay. Oh all right I burned a few. I also always bring a fresh pitcher of lemonade each day.

While at the pool we play all kinds of games. The kids' favorite seems to be Marco Polo. It has been so long since I played that game. Needless to say I always lose. We play volleyball, I am good at that, and we have contests to see who can swim the fastest from one end of the pool to the other. I usually lose at that game too. Those kids are like fish. They swim so fast and I can never keep up.

I have been truly blessed, each kid is so amazing. They all listen well. They are good about getting out of the pool when they are told and about putting on their suntan lotion every hour. They are best kids I could have asked for.

Anyway the main thing this project has done for me is boost my self esteem. I think one day I might actually make a good teacher. All the doubts I had about being not good enough to be a teacher have all gone away and I owe that all to the Brigade. So I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for making me realize that I am good enough. This project has shown me that in more ways than one.

I_ _I amber
TK Trauma Unit


This is Pvt. Rachel, from the Liberty Regiment; here is my summary of the volunteer work I'm doing:

I have to say my volunteer work is some of the funnest "work" I've ever done. I get to hang out with kids all day, and its a blast. I volunteer at a place called Brighton Center that runs a summer program for kids of working parents. The kids I work with range in age from 5-11, and they all have very distinct personalities. Kids say and do the funniest things, and I always get a kick out of just listening to them. For instance, one day, this little girl Shay fell asleep on my lap. While she was asleep, her brother stole her shoe (he was slick about it, because I didn't even see him do it) and hid it on the other side of the room. When Shay woke up she started crying because she thought she would be in trouble for losing it, and so I gave her a hug, and assured her we would find it. As I was hugging her, this little boy, Jamar, who is like the "class flirt" came up and gave me a hug. Then raising his eyebrows he looked at me and said "I lost my shoe too," then he winked at me and walked away. I was thinking "What planet do these kids come from?" But it was actually pretty funny, an 8 year old flirting with me. LOL. But all the kids at the center aren't as happy, and that's the sad reality of it. I'm trying to spend more time with one boy, Jock, because he seems like he doesn't have anyone who really pays attention to him. He told me one day, that he just wished someone would kill him because life isn't fair. I had no idea what to say to that, I just wondered what could have happened in his life that made him so jaded at such a young age. That's the main reason I chose Brighton Center to volunteer at, is because I've always wanted to help kids, and that's what I intend to do.

|_ _| forever
Pvt. Rachel
Liberty Regiment



There will be a raffle held later this summer to benefit the Aliso Academy. This raffle will contain items from General Hospital cast members and other memorabilia. You may purchase any number of chances. Each chance will be placed towards the item that you specify. This eliminates the winning of something that you would not want and helps to increase your chances of winning something that interests you. Items are already coming in for the raffle. There will be a complete listing of items ready for the beginning of the raffle. Here is a preview of some of the items that will be included in the raffle: an autographed script from Real Andrews, autographed photos from Jonathan Jackson, Vanessa Marcil, Real Andrews, Mary Beth Evans, Stephen Nichols, Richard Lee Jackson and Julian Stone, a magazine containing an autographed article on Julian Stone, various fan club memberships, the original sketch Becky Herbst's did for the dress she wore to the Daytime Emmy awards and a few Vanessa Marcil photo items.

Mary Beth Evans is so pleased with the tremendous response that she has received in helping to get the Aliso Academy off the ground. She's really passionate about this program. Here's what she says about that.

"In the late eighties while playing Kayla on Days of Our Lives, I experienced the enormous challenge of acting deaf after an explosion took my hearing. As the storyline continued I began to realize how much hearing plays a part in our every day lives and, especially, how difficult life must be for those profoundly deaf or hard of hearing. I learned sign language and met several people from the deaf community whose friendship changed my life.

I asked my sister, Debbie, to find a way to pay back the fans and do some good for the deaf community. She coordinated a half dozen charity events for the Providence Speech and Hearing Center and we were able to raise some awareness of this communication disability. The great need for a school which could teach these students prompted Debbie and I to help the Rancho Viejo School found the Aliso Academy for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, a non-profit organization.

For deaf and hearing-impaired children, school can be a place where they become discouraged, rather than encouraged. Kids with these challenges may be very bright; they simply have trouble processing language at their level of intelligence. The Academy doesn't modify curricula or introduce new methods of teaching. Instead, they want to really change the learning environment."

Stephen (Nichols) and Mary Beth hosted the first fund raising gala in November of 1996 at the home of her brother Rick and his wife Pilar. There was a $100 donation asked in return for dinner and cocktails. In March of 1997, Stephen and Mary Beth went back on stage in a performance of "Love Letters" to benefit the Aliso. Rick Biggs (who is an actor as well as being hard of hearing) directed the play. Many of you might remember him as Marcus Hunter on DOOL or from playing Dr. Franklin on Babylon 5. After the performance, there was a champagne reception. Another different and exciting thing that was done was an on-line auction of soap memorabilia. This auction was a tremendous success and raised over $12,000 for the Aliso. The money from the auction was used to help fund the construction of the Aliso's playground. Rick Biggs also hosted a Babylon 5 Convention at the Aliso on March 28, 1998. Rick is a great friend of the Aliso.

The school had its grand opening on January 20, 1998. It is a brand new 6200 sq. foot facility. The children range in age from 1 1/2 to 7. There are many quilts hanging in the atrium of the school. They have been getting plenty of oohs and aahhs from the visitors and parents. The quilts are hung up high to help cut down on the noise. The quilts are so beautiful that they even got a mention in a local newspaper article. Many of these quilts were donated to the school by fans of Mary Beth's and other Mary Beth has loaned to the school herself.

If you would like to receive a list of items (when it becomes available) that will be included in the raffle, please email Please check this site for other updates on the raffle.

|_ _| Keep the faith!

