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L&L Brigade Newsletter June 6, 1999


So, have any of you found yourself craving Lucky Charms at weird hours of the night? Or are you getting sick of the site of those "magically delicious" marshmallows? The honest truth is Lucky Charms was always my favorite cereal and my mom would never let me have it. So, now I have an excuse to buy some!

FROM BECKY: Becky wanted to address the entire Brigade and asked me to pass on a letter to all of you. I trust that you all got your copies in your email boxes, but, if you didn't, please let me know. I think that all the problems with my address book are fixed, but I want to know if I'm still missing people. As I mentioned in the email, I decided not to post the letter on the web because it was so personal from Becky to the Brigaders. I don't mind sharing it with other L&L fans who aren't Brigaders, though, and I've already received many, many requests! It always amazes and delights me to realize how many people out there in cyber land quietly follow the Brigade's adventures :).

VOLUNTEER PROJECT: As you probably read for yourselves, Becky mentioned our summer volunteer project in her letter and very graciously offered to donate something from herself to the first, second, and third prize winners. How cool is that?!!! I'm so bummed that I can't compete, but that wouldn't be fair since I'm in charge of keeping the tallies. I am pleased, but not surprised, that interest in the project has gone up since news of the prizes got out. I know a lot of you are still skeptical about committing, though, and I can totally understand that. I think I can help put you at ease This isn't meant to be something to take up your whole summer or to make you do something that freaks you out. When I heard about some Brigaders who had been inspired to start volunteering at rape crises centers, I really just wanted a way to acknowledge them and share their stories. So, when a contest was suggested, I thought it might be nice to get more of you involved and tap into that energy and enthusiasm that Brigaders are famous for. You don't have to work with an organization, although some people end up really enjoying that. For example, I'm thinking of helping out at my church nursery during one of the services on Sundays so the regulars can go on vacation. Do you have nieces and nephews, or little cousins? Why not "volunteer" to take them out somewhere for a couple of hours one day a week to give their parents a break? Or "volunteer" to do the grocery shopping for your mom or cook dinner one night a week? Of course, if you are already volunteering at some place, you can have those hours count too. It's going to be a small contest and I don't think anyone has plans of committing hours every day, so there is no reason to think you couldn't take home one of the prizes and have some fun along the way. I can't wait to hear of the things you guys are going to come up with!

Here 's how it's going to work. We'll start in two weeks. Pvt Sunnyside98 (Jocelyn) is going to be helping me with this project. If you are thinking you'd like to sign up for it, please email her and me to let us know. Try to let us know by the next newsletter, if you can, and tell us the "what and where" of volunteering you plan to do. After that, you will need to send a short email every Friday and tell us if you volunteered any hours that week and what they were. We will keep a tally for 5 weeks, and then we will see who has the most. During that time, I'd also really like it if you guys would write up a little something about what you have been doing to share in the newsletter. I'll be happy to help anyone with that if they'd like. If you have any other specific questions, please just ask me.

KEEP GH "CHARMING": The first week of our campaign seems to be going very well. I've heard from a lot of people, Brigaders and non Brigaders, who are eagerly sending their letters and boxes of Lucky Charms to the Studio to let TPTB know that we want to see Liz remembering and mourning Lucky more. If you haven't seen them yet, there are some beautiful banners posted at HQ with our slogan, "Keep GH CHARMING- Don't make Liz forget LUCKY" for you to print out and use if you like. Pvt. Andrea of Boxcar Regiment made these for us and they are great for making stationary for your letters or cutting out to paste on your cereal boxes. I hope you guys are having as much fun with this as I am! Remember, this is all about having fun being an active fan, even when the show isn't going the way we'd like it to, and doing things together that you might never do on your own. It can be easy to get bogged down in the complaining and venting about the show, but I hope this campaign doesn't create a lot of negative feelings. Let's just have a good time encouraging each other and defending what we all love.

NEW OFFICERS: We've had some Officer changes and I just wanted to fill the whole Brigade in on them. In Liberty Regiment, Captain ELB had to step down because of time commitments and loss of Internet availability. She is still a dedicated Brigader, but Lt. Kris95 is now Captain and jnelmom has been chosen as her Lt. Also, in TK Trauma Unit Regiment, Lt. rockybeach was having time commitment problems and needed to step down, but she will still be around the Brigade a lot, too. To take her place, Captain Quinn has appointed two co-Lts. - Lt Tigerlilly and Lt. Erinsname. I want to say a huge, personal thanks to ELB and rockybeach who have been Officers with me since the beginning last summer. (Wow! Almost a year, guys!) You both have done so much for me I don't even know how to begin! I also want to thank jnelmom, Tigerlilly, and Erinsname for offering to help us continue this summer. You are all the best.... you know the rest.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION: Here are Jen's plans for this week. I'm thrilled that so many of you are participating in these weekly strolls down memory lane!

~~For this Wednesday's reunion chat, we'll *attempt* :) to discuss the scenes from Liz talking with Lucky at Kelly's re: the Cassadines being responsible for Gramps's death (aka, start right where we left off before -- this would be the first new scene) through the beginning of the stolen test answers caper, to the part where Sarah storms out of the union to find Nikolas, Lucky utters the famous, "How can she be so *dense*?", and we are left seeing Liz stare after the both of them in semi-disgust. The cut-off point is a little awkward, but several folks have expressed to me the desire to keep the weekly assignment right around an hour in length (this week's is approx. 53 minutes, so I am trying! :). I was really pressed for memory food, but Liz came to the rescue by giving Lucky some powdered donuts in the union -- I think anything from a vending machine would also count for this stretch of scenes, because stuff from the vending machines does constitute the 5th important food group! As usual, if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, direct them to me, pvt. jen. -- See you on Wednesday night, 9:00 EST/ 6:00 PST! ~~

CYBER SOAP AWARDS: In case any of you haven't seen the results of last month's cyber soap awards at, I wanted to brag about our victory. How can ABC and GH ignore their own poll! Listen to this! Best character was Elizabeth who beat out Sonny and Laura with 58% of the votes! Best story line was 77% for L&L relationship and the aftermath of Lucky's "death." And, best moment was finding out that Lucky was still alive after all, buy 81% of the votes!!! We cleaned up on those, Brigaders! It's obvious what the public wants. Now, if we can just get TPTB to listen.

RUMOR MILL: There was some talk this week, that snowballed into a rumor, that I might be thinking of changing the Brigade's name and focus now that JJ is gone.... at least temporarily. That is 100% false. If you didn't hear that rumor, just ignore all of this. If you did, just know that we are still the L&L Brigade and I've no plans right now of making us anything else. Thanks! I just wanted to clear that up.

Now, let me end with a good rumor! I've heard it spread around that JJ might be taping a few scenes for GH when he gets done filming "Purple Haze" this month, so we might get some blue-eyes with our sparklers in July!!! Keep writing those letters! And don't pick out all the marshmallows before you send your Lucky Charms!..... or, maybe I'm the only one with that problem :). Have a terrific week!

|_ _| Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter June 13, 1999

Wake up, Brigaders!


Becky is going to have her very own event at the GH Fan Club Weekend this July and you Brigaders are the first fans to be given the news!!!! But.... wait.... the news gets even bigger! Guess who is going to be helping her put this event on ----ME!!! Your own Commander Boo is going to be working with Becky, her mom and her aunt to make this thing happen! Isn't that exciting?!!!

I have even more exclusive news for you! Becky's aunt is starting the Official Rebecca Herbst Fan Club, and you Brigaders have the first chance to join! The Official web site will be up sometime next week and you can learn about membership from there, as well as order ticket for her fan event. The link to her new site will be posted FIRST at Brigade HQ as soon as it's up. I've realized recently just how much the Brigaders mean to Becky and she really hopes that you will all stay with her on her journey.

Wow, there is so much to tell you guys that I'm losing my train of thought here. It's been hard for me not to hedge at the possibility of this over the last few weeks, but I kept my mouth shut.... or, rather, my fingers still.... until I knew for certain from Becky. We still have a lot of details to work out, but I wanted you Brigaders to know about the event as soon as possible because tickets will be extremely limited. The GH Fan Club weekend runs from Friday, July 23 - Monday, July 26. The main luncheon is Sunday afternoon, but it is already sold out. There are tickets available still for other star events, though. It is held at the Sportsman Lodge and Event Center in Studio City, CA (for those of you who don't know LA, it's just northwest of Hollywood). I hope to have a gathering, separate from any other events, for just the Brigaders and friends of Brigaders who will be coming to town that weekend.

Now, back to Becky's event - Guys, it's going to be such a blast!!! We have so many cool things planned already! It will, most likely, be held Sunday, July 25 in the evening at the Sportsman Lodge. We will be raising money for R.A.I.N.N. and using the opportunity to look again at the incredible story that Michele Val Jean told through Becky's character and the impact it had on the viewers. There will be a silent auction, and you guys will not BELIEVE the cool stuff Becky is willing to let people bid on. Because we will be keeping the numbers small, there will be a chance for everyone to speak with Becky personally. And….. there just might be some special guests joining her, but that is as much as I can say about that :). I promise it will be a night that none of you will ever forget!!!

So keep checking HQ in the coming days and weeks for more information. I can't wait for the chance to meet so many of you there next month!

KEEP GH "CHARMING": The campaign is still going strong! Keep mailing in those letters and the Lucky Charms cereal to the studio. I know its easy to get discouraged if you read the recent scoops, but I want to remind you of something. Everything we are seeing and reading was decided long before the first letter or cereal box hit the studio. It might be a while before we see any results, but that doesn't mean we aren't doing any good. For those of you who still have time and fighting energy to go, though, why don't you focus this week on writing to the Soap Magazines? While every peace of mail at GH gets noted, the magazines are all carefully flagged with anything GH and given strait to Wendy Riche and the other producers to read. If we can generate a lot of good, old fashion, fan "griping" in the press, that's bad PR for GH. And they just might think of making some changes to keep that from happening. Now, I do want to stress, PLEASE keep your complaints from being attacking or mean spirited. And, always remember to stress that we love Becky even without JJ, but we just want to see her given some good material that isn't ruining Liz. Here, again, are some magazine addresses:

Speak out!
c/o Soaps in Depth
270 Sylvan Ave.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632


"Sound off"
Soap Opera Digest
261 Madison Ave
New York, NY 10016


"Public Opinion"
Soap Opera Weekly
261 Madison Ave
New York, NY 10016
(Be sure you include full name, address and phone # with these letters, or they won't be printed.)


STRAIT TO THE TOP! We can also take our complaints strait to the top! Write a letter to Angela Shapiro, the president of ABC Daytime in New York. Tell her your concerns that the GH fans are not being listened to or respected and ask her if she will come to our aide. After all, she is the boss's boss!

Angela Shapiro
President of ABC Daytime
ABC Inc.
77 W 66th Street
New York, NY 10023

FARNE - Fans Against the Romance of Nikolas and Elizabeth: Brigaders, we are not alone! This is a new web site and Internet group started by a Nik fan who also hates the idea of him being paired with Liz. She has started a protest of her own, so I urge you all to support her plan as well. After all, we are together in the same fight!

Just remember, guys, that this is supposed to be for fun. If you don't have time to write any letters at all, or you just aren't comfortable doing so, don't worry about it. I always feel better when I can take some sort of action against something I don't like, regardless of the end result. If that's just not you, though, then that is fine too. Please don't let anyone make you feel hassled or pushed into doing something. There is nothing wrong with finding some good things about GH these days too, even while we are mad at their treatment of Liz. I try to find any little thing I can to enjoy in the show every day, or I just get myself depressed. I hope you all can do that too. (OK, Boo stepping off her "soap"box now - pun not intended.)

ASK DR. BALDWIN: The TK Trauma Unit has a new project for their web page that they would like to share with you:
Dear Brigade Members:
I am Pvt. Amber and I am with the TK Trauma Unit Regiment. Our Regiment has a new project. The project is called "Ask Dr. Baldwin." The name came from our one and only Captain Quinn. I want to ask for your help in getting this project underway. As you may know, the Trauma Unit likes to think of themselves as the Brigade support group. So, we would like to create a place on our Regiment web page where Brigade members, old and new, as well as non Brigaders, can go for answers to common questions. These questions could be about the Brigade, about GH, or they could be about anything at all! We Trauma Unit members will answer those questions to the best of our knowledge. We may not be "Dear Abby," but we do have our own Gail Baldwin to inspire us :). This project will also help Commander Boo with all the e-mail we know she gets swamped with. As much as we all love Boo and all she does for us, and as much as she loves to hear from us, we at the Trauma Unit thought it would be nice to give her some help with those questions. Now don't get us wrong, we are not saying that you can't e-mail Boo with your questions. You might check our "Ask Dr. Baldwin" page first, though, because your answer just might be there. So, help us out! Send some questions, serious or "wacky" ones, to "Ask Dr. Baldwin," at Please support the new project of the Trauma Unit. Thank you so very much for you time. Take care and God Bless.
Pvt. Amber and the entire Trauma Unit.
I_ _I forever.

VOLUNTEERING PROJECT: Thank you to everyone who has signed up for our volunteer project. I am absolutely thrilled to see so many of you jumping into this activity. You can begin keeping track of your hours starting next Monday, June 21. Please email your hours for that week on the following SUNDAY. (I know I said Friday last week, but I realized it will be easier to keep track of weeks if we go Monday to Sunday.) Email them to me and to Pvt. Sunnyside98 so we can both keep track. If you haven't signed up for this yet, you still can. Just be sure to email both of us this week and tell us what sort of volunteering you plan to do. I can't wait to start running the reports in the newsletter. And I can't wait for us all to see the great prizes Becky has in store for the winners!

BIRTHDAY CLUB PAGE: Our Brigade Birthday Club has gotten so popular that it will soon have it's own page at HQ. Take a look at all the great work Lt. Galor has put into this for us (you're the best, Gayla!). If you still haven't joined, you will find a link to do so on the page.

"LUCKY" AS LUKE'S FATHER? (Sorry, but I couldn't resist that!) Did you all see the results of the E! Online poll of who should play Anakin Skywalker in the next Star Wars? I was blow away! Just look at these results:

56.5% Jonathan Jackson
25.6% Leonardo DiCaprio
9.2% James Van Der Beek
8.7% Matt Damon

Wow! JJ really cleaned up! And even over Leo. I think there might have been some major Brigader voting going on.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION: I'm sorry I keep missing these weekly meetings, and even sorrier that I'm missing all the "memory food," but I'm glad to see that isn't slowing down the rest of you. Here are Jen's plans for us this week.
**************************** ***

For all of you diehard Wednesday night chatters, here's the viewing assignment for this week: We'll watch from when Lucky comes home after the big test day thru Sarah "catching" Liz in Mr. Murty's room and confirming that Liz set her up -- the last scene is the one that ends with Liz saying, "I only wish I'd thought of framing you earlier," and stomping out of the room. This section is 1 hour and 6 minutes -- the cutoff point is a wee bit awkward, but if we'd didn't stop there, we'd have to watch way over an hour. The teens on GH were particularly malnourished during these scenes -- I couldn't find any memory food to save my life! Canned beverages definitely count for this week as does any other vending machine-type item (those machines at the PC union sure raked in the cash!). I could swear we see Lucky leaving the house with what appears to be PB&J on wheat bread, so those of you not interested in the vending machine food can partake of a sandwich instead. See you Wed. night in the Yahoo chat room, 9:00EST/6:00PST! All are welcome! Contact jen with questions.

Well, Brigaders, is that enough information to keep you busy for a while? I'll be sure to keep you well informed as things progress with Becky's event and her new Fan Club. Keep checking HQ for updates and new information. Also, be sure to check out the new issue of SoapFan as I will be covering all my "adventures" in planning this event. I hope to see a lot of you in July! I can't wait!

|_ _| Keep the faith!


L&L Brigade Newsletter June 20, 1999


What does everyone think of the Nurse's Ball so far this year? Except for the obvious, unacceptable and disrespectful parts that I won't even name…. I am loving it for one specific reason. The clothes are fabulous!!! I give my personal "best dress" award to Chloe, but all the PC women look especially elegant this year. And the guys look pretty good too! I absolutely loved seeing old Edward with that blue shirt and those shades. That scene made Friday's show a lifelong keeper for me!

TICKETS ON SALE: I hope you all saw at HQ that tickets for Becky's "Soiree" are now on sale. We have moved the event to a different room so we can handle a FEW more people, but there is still a limited number. Tickets are $40 in advance, $45 at the door, and can be ordered by sending a check or money order to:

The Rebecca Herbst Official Fan Club
PO Box 141452
Spokane, WA 99214-1452

BRIGADE GATHERING: I know of 5 Brigaders so far who are planning to be at the Fan Club weekend in July, and I hope that a lot more of you might be able to make it too. If you are planning to come out, please let me know so that I can include you in our plans. The Sportsman Lodge is already booked, but I have the names of other hotels in the area. Please feel free to email me for the phone numbers and information. Getting to know the Brigaders who came out for the SOD Awards was more fun than I can put into words. I can't wait for the chance to get to know more of you face to face!

REGIMENT PROJECTS: I've been getting so many emails from people asking if they could send me a letter or gift to hand deliver to Becky from them. I hope you understand that I cannot possibly do this for everyone. So, the idea was suggested that each regiment come up with their own thing for Becky to represent those who can't attend the event but still want to show their support. I would like for these to also reflect the personality of each regiment. We have such a diverse and creative group that I'd like to show it off. Please, keep in mind that these do not, and probably should not, be extravagant gifts. Perhaps each regiment could come up with a group letter to print out with some graphics that represent their regiment or something. So, if you have any ideas or would like to help with this, please let your regiment officers know. I'm sure it will mean a lot to Becky to know that we aren't going to turn on her, like other fans, because of what TPTB are doing to her character.

VOLUNTEER CONTEST: Our volunteer contest is starting tomorrow. I simply cannot tell you guys how thrilled I am with the results already. I never imagined that so many of you would participate. This is just wonderful! What I need you guys to do now, is to start keeping track of how many hours you volunteer from Monday to Sunday. Then, email those numbers to me and to Jocelyn. It's important that you write to both of us so we have a backup, just in case one of us loses the list (which you know is bound to happen). I'd also like each of you to write a report of some kind for the newsletter at some point over the next 5 weeks. You only need to write one and it doesn't have to be long. If you'd like a better idea of what to say or just some help writing it, you can email me. I'll be thinking of all of you as you get started this week in whatever work you are doing. I can't think of a better way to represent the Brigade, so thank you from all of us!

KEEP GH "CHARMING" CAMPAIGN: Hey, guess what! I asked Becky's mom if they had heard about our campaign yet, and she, excitedly, said that they had! In fact, she and Becky got a big kick out of it! So, we are getting noticed, but now is the time to REALLY put the pressure on! I'm afraid that TPTB are waiting to see how the fans react to the recast of Nik. So, we can't slack off after he arrives or they might think we are going to be accepting. Even non-L&L fans at PCO (and you know how nasty they can be) are posting about what a slap in the face the writers have given everyone for the way they are handling Liz "non-grief." I just can't get over what an insult it is to us… not to mention JJ and Becky! Here they spend all this time creating this wonderful couple and bringing all these new fans to GH, and this is how their work is treated? Now, with that said, I do want to thank all of you who have kept the enthusiasm for L&L and this campaign so alive. I've loved GH for so long, I've got to have faith that they will come to their senses eventually. Keep up the good work! And check out the beautiful new banners Pvt. carlyrulez made for us! They are linked to the campaign page at HQ and I love using them for stationary!

NEW ABC EMAIL: For those of you who might not have heard this yet, the reason your emails to ABC were getting sent back wasn't because they were trying to blatantly ignore us… although that might have crossed their minds :). There is a new address we need to use now. It's We didn't have the "go" part before. You should be able to get through now.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION: If you are behind in watching the scheduled episodes, don't let that keep you from the chats! I've gotten behind myself, but I intend to remedy that because we are moving into one of my favorite episodes - when L&L crashed the car in the snow! Everyone needs to watch that to remember how it REALLY happened since, apparently, the GH writers have forgotten. But, I'm jumping ahead. Here are Jen's plans for this week.
You've been asking for it since the very first chat, and now I'm bringin' it to you -- the one, the only, the great condom caper (or, as it is often referred to in chat, the prophylactic patrol)! That's right, folks, this week's scenes finally include the beginning stages of the condom caper. I predict our most off-topic chat yet, and I still haven't even recovered from last week's madness! :) We'll be picking up where we left off, with Sarah and Liz feuding in the front yard of the Hardy house about the stolen test answers fiasco (at last, we get to put that stuff to rest!), and we'll be watching through the Thanksgiving Day episode -- this set of scenes is apporx. 58 minutes and contains all sorts of great "Liz hates Nikolas" moments. I know you don't want to miss that! The memory food includes the Spencer family orange juice (drink it out of the bottle like Luke and Lucky -- I know you want to), Audrey's meatloaf dinner at Kelly's, or anything featuring that beloved holiday bird, the versatile turkey! Hope to see you in the Yahoo chat room on Wednesday night, 9:00EST/6:00PST!

BRIGADE THEME SONG? I got an email, surprisingly not from a Brigader, who suggested the Brigade should have a song that plays whenever people log onto our message boards. This got me wondering if we should have an "official" Brigade theme song. Now, some people get annoyed when they have to listen to a song over and over again every time they visit a site. We could just have a few short measures that play, though, and then quit. I'd like to know if you guys like or hate this idea. And, I'd also like suggestions on what our song should be. I know a lot of you will probably suggest "Elizabeth" but, personally, I've always identified the most with "Iris." There is also, "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You," which have been played more for L&L than any other song. Or, maybe, we want our own song. Basically, I'd just like to know if you guys have any feelings on this at all. Thanks!

98 DEGREES: Most of you have heard the rumor that 98 Degrees will be musical guest on GH in July. Well, thanks to Pvt Sunflower, we now have the dates. They will be on PC July 6 and on GH July 7. Whether or not they will sing "It's All Because Of You" (another great L&L song) remains to be seen.

JJ ON LIFETIME: The one movie of JJ's that I have yet to see, The Legend of Ruby Silver, will be shown on Lifetime this Thursday. I believe the time is 8:00, but you will want to check your local time just to make sure. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this an ABC movie of the week about 3 or 4 years ago? I remember seeing the last 10 minutes of it, what seems like ages ago, and saying, "Hey, that's the cute, little blond kid on GH!" Oh my, how things change :).

FEATURE ARTICLE: We have a special feature article this week. Pvt Angie has been working in a Rape Crises Center for some time and has learned a lot. She asked me for the opportunity to share some of this knowledge to help us all learn more about keeping ourselves and our friends safe from attack. I think that this time of year, as we go into summer, is an excellent time for all of us to refresh our minds with this important information, so I hope that you will all take a few minutes to read what she has to say. It's a serious article, but I think you will be very grateful to have read it. Thank you Angie for caring enough to do this for us.

Have a fun week Brigaders! I will try to keep all the plans for Becky's "Soiree" updated as often as possible.

|_ _| Boo


Hi fellow Brigaders. I hope that all of you are enjoying your summer, and I don't mean to rain on your parade, but there is some information that I feel is important to share with you. Keep in mind that I am not an expert or anything, I just thought that sharing some of my experiences as a volunteer at a Women's Crisis Center might make you all a little more cautious. I'm just trying to keep you all safe and aware.

So far, in just the first few weeks of summer, the cases of violent attacks reported in this area have risen dramatically. That means the cases that have gone unreported are even higher. I would like to tell you a few of the situations I have witnessed to help you protect yourself during this summer season. Street fares and festivals are very popular right now, even more so for those of us who live in climates with long cold winters. These events are perfect places for predators to blend in and catch women off guard. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

I saw a 17 year old girl that had been dragged beneath the metal skirting surrounding a ride at a street fair. The noise of the people and music made it impossible for anyone to hear the attack happening. I can't stress this point enough, NEVER stand alone near a fixed structure. Simple things we never think about like garbage dumpsters, bushes, and doorways make perfect hiding places when you are alone. Be aware of your surroundings, be aware of the people and the places around you and try to stay in the middle of things.

There was a woman in her early twenties last week that was attending a festival with her young son. A man grabbed her son and held a knife to him to force her into an RV used by the traveling carnies. He violated her and left her there. This was in the daytime, so don't ever let the crowd and daylight lull you into a false since of security. A Woman alone with a young child gives a perpetrator even more leverage. It is easy and inconspicuous to pick up a child and get a woman to do anything. Try to take another adult with you to outdoor functions.

Those are just a couple of the specific instances I see out of dozens everyday. It is easier to relate when you hear an example. I know that we have all heard the warnings our whole lives, but they never seem real until we see what really happens. I would also like to give you a list of general things to think about though, things we all forget about now and then.

Never park your car someplace in the daytime that will not be well-lit after dark. Pay attention to your location.

Never separate from friends or allow children to go get something on their own unless they are within your line of sight at all times. You may think that it will only be a few minutes, but that is really all it takes for an attack to happen.

I see people everyday that say "I didn't think that this could happen here, not to me." Trust me, it can and it does. Being aware and using common sense are the best weapons we have.

Now, a few more general ideas. When we think of rape, we think of someone lurking in the dark, but the sad truth is that most attacks are committed by people we know. "Date Rape" is very common. Know who you are with, keep things public until you feel comfortable and never be embarrassed about getting out of a situation that makes you uncomfortable. Always let someone know where you will be and with whom.

If you have been attacked, don't be afraid to get help. Remember Elizabeth's strength, it wasn't your fault and you have the right to ask for anything you need. Contact RAINN at 1-800-656-HOPE. If you want to, feel free to contact me. I WILL get you the help that you need no matter where you live. I will do anything I can, and I check my messages frequently. Don't hesitate to contact me, we are all in this crazy world together, and we all need to survive together.

I will step off of my soap box and bid you farewell, just remember that I could not possibly list all of the dangers here, common sense is our best defense. Just be aware and on guard at all times. Everyone is a potential victim. Try to learn from others tragedy and lets not make it easy for these creeps to get to us.


L&L Brigade Newsletter, June 27, 1999


Happy early 4th of July! OK, I know it's REALLY early, but I won't be able to wish you one next week. I am going to visit my "home" and family in Oregon for the first time in 18 month! So, I will be gone next weekend and won't be doing a newsletter. I will have access to a computer, though, so you can email me if you need to. I just might not get back to you as quickly as usual. You all have NO idea how much I need this vacation!

JJ AND BECKY WIN: I have a special announcement to make and, once again, you guys are getting it here first! Every year the GH Fan Club members vote on their favorites from the past year for awards to be given out at the luncheon in July. For some reason, this year they decided not to give the awards at the luncheon, but the results are already in. JJ won best supporting actor! Becky won best supporting actress! And L&L won favorite couple!!! Why don't TPTB take a look at those results from their own fan club members and CATCH A CLUE?!!! We have Becky's mom to thank for sharing these special results, and Debbie Morris (GH fan club president) for giving me permission to share with you guys a little early. Yeah for our L&L!!!!

SEARCHING FOR HOLLY GRAY: Becky's mom is looking for a copy of the L&L montage that won "The View's Get Joy Hooked On Soaps" contest. She told me it was 14 minutes of L&L set to music and that I've got to see it for myself (as if I needed convincing!). We'd really like to offer a copy at the auction. So, if anyone knows how to get in touch with the person who made this tape, please let me know. Thanks!

TAPE PREORDERS: As you might have read in my updates at HQ, I will be able to offer video tapes of our Soiree. This isn't something being done by or through the fan club. This is just from me for you Brigaders and any other L&L fans online. Becky's family is being incredibly sweet and generous by giving me their permission to do this. I'm not sure how much I will have to charge for these tapes, yet. I want them to be very good quality, so I plan to get dubs made at a professional studio. I will also be borrowing some of my friend's equipment (stuff I could never afford on my own) which includes a cordless microphone. It will be onstage, so you will be able to clearly hear Becky… and anyone else that happens to be there :). I'm going to try to get Becky to say a few words to you guys on tape, and also show you some of the soap boutique and auction items. We'll have to wait and see, but you never know what sort of stuff I could capture over the weekend. Since I have to get all the tapes dubbed at once, it would help me out to have an idea of how many of you plan to order one. I may even offer them at a lower price if you get your order in the mail before the event…. but that is something I'll have to think about. For now, please just email me if you think you will be ordering one.

GH WEEKEND: I think we are up to 17 Brigaders coming to Becky's event at the GH Fan Club weekend in July. I have listed the other events on the "Soiree" Page at HQ, as well as hotel information. If a person wanted to they could go to events back to back practically all day long. It might be a little hard to find a time that all of us can get together, but we'll find a way. I will be at the hotel Friday night anyway so, since the PC Event that night is sold out, let me know if any of you plan on arriving early and want to get together. I'm also going to Real Andrew's event on Saturday, so let me know if any of you are planning to attend that as well. And, if not before, you can be sure to find me at Becky's booth at the soap boutique Sunday morning from 8:00-10:00.

REGIMENT PROJECTS: I know of a couple of Regiments are working on their projects for Becky already. I just want to remind all of you again that this is meant to be a chance for you to show Becky, as a regiment, that you support her even though most of you couldn't attend her Soiree. So, have fun and be creative, but don't worry about anything being big or elaborate. You guys always come up with the best ideas.

VOLUNTEER CONTEST: Today ends week #1 of our contest. If you haven't emailed your hours to me and to Jocelyn yet, please do so ASAP. Please remember to keep track next week and email them to us next Sunday too. The last Sunday you will have to email your hours, and the end of the contest, will be July 25 - the day of the Soiree. Perfect timing, wouldn't you say? Especially when you consider we chose the end of the contest before the date of Becky's event was set! Again, I have to say how thrilled I am that so many of you are participating in this. I honestly don't know what prizes Becky has planned, but I'm sure they will be awesome! We have our first report this already this week, too, and I want to thank Pvt MusMury for getting it done so quickly.

THEME SONG: I didn't know what kind of response I expected last week when I brought up the idea of a Brigade theme song, but a lot of you had definite opinions on the idea. "Iris" had the most votes, but there were several for "GMHSALMTOY" too. I am really leaning toward "Iris," but I'd like to hear any major objections to that. It was also suggested that we come up with something unique to us, maybe something like a marching song. Or, someone could make us a montage of several L&L songs. Are their any opinions on that or does anyone have one to suggest? If not, I will probably go with "Iris." Now, I need to know if we want it to play at HQ or the boards or both. So, talk to me, troop! Tell me what you'd like :).

NEW NIK: Have you all seen the picture of the Nikolas recast? Darn it all, he's cute! I didn't want him to be cute, but he is. His name is Coltin Scott and you can see a picture at He will begin airing in late July, so make sure you still have plenty of fighting energy at that time. Keep in mind this poor guy is just doing his job, so let's not be sending him hate mail or anything. It isn't his fault that Guza seems obsessed with ruining the best couple ever. Just keep letting TPTB and the press know how we feel - recast or not!

PROTEST BANNERS: I've been noticing some incredible protest banners on the boards these days. You guys are so creative! Even though the Brigade isn't protesting all of these different things as a group (for example, some Brigaders aren't as anti a Lucky recast as others), I thought it might be nice to have a place for you guys to share your different banners. Then, people can chose which ones they want to post on their own. If there is an interest in having a "Banner" page at HQ, let me know by sending me your banners to post there. I can't download on my computer, though, so please send them as JPG or GIF files. Or, just send me the url where they are posted and I'll snag them myself. Don't forget to check out the new banners on our campaign page too! I don't think we've quite drowned the Studio in "magically delicious" marshmallows yet, but we are getting close!

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION: Here are Jen's plans for us this week as only Jen can put them - LOL!
Well, folks, this is our most action-packed set of reunion scenes yet! We'll watch from where we left off (the first new scene begins with Liz and Emily talking at Kelly's) and watch through the New Year's Eve montage. This runs just over an hour (but, hey, you can fast-forward Dara's song if you have serious time constraints! Just kidding!). We have the much-anticipated conclusion of the condom caper -- aka, the prophylactic patrol, part 2. We have Lucky uttering those immortal words, "It's the fuzz!" We have Nikolas shot and nearly dying (ahh, the good old days!). And we also have one of my personal favorites, the day I affectionately refer to as "Laryngitis Day." The only food references I could find were to hospital food since everyone spent so much time hanging around GH after Nikolas was shot, so in honor of hospital cafeteria food, I'm declaring this week's memory food to be (drumroll, please!) JELL-O! Pudding would work too, if you're more into chocolate than fruit flavor. And for those of you of the proper age and inclination, the memory beverage will be anything that makes you say "It's the fuzz!" like Lucky does, if you know what I mean! :) Come one, come all to the Brigade's Yahoo chatroom on Wednesday night, 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST. If you can't make chat, there will be weekly threads on the viewing assignments in the new "Remembering Liz and Lucky" folder on the Delphi message boards -- I know a lot of people have been wishing they could participate but cannot make chats, so I hope these message board threads will give everyone who's interested a chance to get involved."

FELLOW PROTESTERS: L&L fans aren't the only ones protesting TPTB's choices these days. The ever-devoted fans of V. are at it once again. I thought that you might like to see this post from Lisa Cerasoli's fan club president to see what they are up to and, if you are so inclined, give them a hand in their fight too!
"It seems that our notes and letters had a big impact and if we keep it up, we might be able to get Lisa back at GH. So keep posting, e-mailing, writing, and calling, if you are able. And thank you for everything you have done already. We really appreciate it.

If you're a fan of the V & Simon storyline, we have a new campaign for those of you who would like to participate. Meg has created two beautiful fliers you can mail in along with your comments regarding V. One is black and white, one color. Choose whichever you prefer and mail it in to the addresses at the bottom of this letter. Or if you want to design your own lier with violets and Simon and V as the theme, you can do that, too. And if you would like, share them with the rest of Club Cerasoli.

We want to show the powers that be that it's a simple, elegant romance - no need for fancy ad campaigns or marketing pr - we love them just the way they're acting it.

For anyone who cannot afford to send in violet fliers at this time due to budget restraints, you can e-mail us at: Include your name, address, and comments, and we will mail them for you."
~Club Cerasoli

I just want to end by saying "Thank you" to all you guys for always keeping me so well informed. I don't have the time to be all over the web searching out the newest information and I don't know where I'd be if I couldn't count on the information coming to me in email usually only minutes after it hit the web. You guys are the best! If I don't always single out who brought certain things to my attention, it's probably because I got it from several people and I can't remember who all I should give credit too. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate, and absolutely depend, on your emails, though. So, thank you! I couldn't do a thing without you guys and, (OK, I'll admit it), I love having my mailbox full :).

|_ _| Keep the faith!

VOLUNTEER REPORT: by Pvt MusMury of What I do to volunteer my time: Hi im Krissy :-) I volunteer my time by helping an old lady out around the house. I go up there everyday around noon to take care of her dog and play with it. The dog's name is Jessica. I guess you can figure out by the name it's a girl. Anywho…. I clean her house, cook for her and get her things when she needs them - a drink or something like that. I even take care of her pool. Of course I also get to use it whenever I want. I like to help her out because she's a nice person who is having a hard time, (Her husband died 6 months ago.) It makes me feel good and I like her dog. Boo suggested including a story of something funny that happened before. Hummmmmm….. I got it. Once I was at my house with Jessie the dog and I had a very old shirt that looked like a dress. It was pink so I put it on Jessie. She wore it all day and, when her owner saw her, we just said how beautiful she was. I thought she looked funny so I painted her nails a matching pink so she would look better. Well, anyway, she wore it all day so we started to take pictures. We couldn't keep her still, though. We tried to hold her down but it didn't work. So, we started to give up. Then, all of the sudden, she sat on me (not covering my face) and looked right in to the camera. It looked like she was smiling :-). We got her picture and had it developed and it sits on a drawer at the house. She was so cute! She was just adorable!
