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L&L Brigade Newsletter November 7, 1999


I'm sending this to you from the beautiful state of Oregon where I'm visiting my family. Let me just say that we do not get colorful falls like this down in L.A. That is one of reasons I had to put that beautiful banner back up at HQ. I love this time of year!

HOLIDAY BASKETS: OK, so I'm officially a dork in my own right. For two weeks in a row I neglected to include the address of where to send the food items for our "Taste of the Brigade" baskets. Even though I've been getting emails asking for the address, I keep forgetting that not everyone has it. It's the usual Brigade address, for those of you who do have it: PO Box 2003, Toluca Lake, CA 91610. It's still early, though, and you've got plenty of time to get them to me. I love all the things you guys are coming up with. I hope more of you will share your ideas with me.

SNAIL MAIL CARD EXCHANGE: We are still trying to get an idea of how many of you will be participating in the Holiday card exchange this year. So please let your officers or me know if would like to be included. I don't know yet if we are all going to exchange with everyone, or if we'll break it down by regiments. Either way you are sure to send and get a lot of cards. This was so much fun last year and I'm so glad we are going to do it again.

E-CARDS: We will still have Holiday e-cards at HQ for you to share with your Brigade and L&L buddies too. Some people are doing ones with there regiment theme, which I think is great! I'd like to try to get these posted by Thanksgiving. Maybe we can keep doing different ones for different Holidays and times of year, if you guys still want to create them.

SSW TAPES: *this is Boo hanging her head* I meant to put something about this in last week's newsletter and I'm sorry I haven't kept you guys more informed. I wasn't able to get the SSW tapes mailed off until last Wednesday. I really didn't want to make you guys wait so long and I'm sorry. I've had major car problems lately, though, and it was hard to get several boxes of tapes carted down to the Post Office. I was thrilled to hear that some of you have gotten yours already and the rest of you should be getting them this week or next week at the very latest. Sorry again for the wait and thanks for being so patient. I hope you like them :)

GOD CANDAY CAMPAIGN: I didn't hear how many of you called STAR 98.7 last week to request "Kelly Lane." However, I did hear that JJ and his brother were guest on KISS FM, the other big radio station out here in LA, last week. So, they are getting some attention and maybe we will hear their music on the radio yet. Thank you to everyone who did participate.

HEFNER: The Hefner movie that Becky did for USA will be airing on Dec. 12, not Dec 8 as earlier reported. So, everyone change your calendars.

TVGUIDE CHANNEL: Becky will be appearing on the TV Guide Channel to promote "Hefner" a week or so before the moive airs. You've seen how the TV Guide Channel will show those "Insider" reports while your program schedule is scrolling below? Well, that's what she'll be popping up on. I'll let you know if I get any more specific times.

BECKY'S SITE: As of now, Becky's fan club web site should be up soon. What I am really excited about, though, is that they WILL be offering a version of the TK Blooper tape on the site. It won't be the same as the one Frances has, for those of you who have seen it, but it will have parts from it. But, it gets even better! They are actually creating an entire tape of Becky's out-takes. I have heard that some of these might include stuff during L&L's trip to NY. I don't know much else, except that it is sure to be funny. I know they want to make these available for the Holidays, so I will let you all know when I get any more specific information. And I don't know yet how much they will charge, but I'm sure it will be worth it!

MAGAZINE WATCH: The American Eagles clothes catalog has an article called "The Jackson2" all about JJ and Richard. Go to your mall and see it your American Eagles store has any available ~Pvt. Allison / The new PEOPLE about the sexiest men has both JJ and Richard featured ~Pvt. Gina.

TRIPLE L AWARDS: Here they are at last! The winners of the Triple L Awards for Leadership, Loyalty, and Laughter. You guys nominated so many great Brigaders that it was really hard to chose. But these are the four your officers and I wanted to recognize this time. But first I want to say "THANK YOU" to all of you who put so much into this group. I don't know of another group like this :)

TKTU: Pvt jen
Jen, thank you for all the love and enthusiasm you put into the Reunion chats every week. You've helped us remember what brought us together in the first place - the great story of L&L. And you've helped to bond the group even more and keep us chatting together through good times and bad :)

NNN: Pvt Angie
Angie, a lot of Brigaders wanted to thank you personally for all the kind things you have done for them. You've reached out to so many Brigaders and been so organized in helping me greet all the new troops. You are unbelievably generous and the first one to offer to help someone or share with them something you have. You always think of others first :)

BOXCAR: Pvt. Andrea
Thank you Andrea for all your work on the Lucky Recast Protest, your Regiment gift to Becky's Soiree, and helping to build your Regiment's website. Thank you also for always promoting the Brigade and it's projects on your other websites. You are one of the hardest worker we have and everyone appreciates it so much :)

LIBERTY: Pvt. Andi
Thank you Andi for letting so many Brigaders be a part of the scrapbook you made Becky for her second Anniversary on GH. Thank you for all the laughter you have brought into the Brigade and for always being available to talk with. Your participation and enthusiasm has encouraged a lot of Brigaders and made things more fun for everyone :)

Congratulations on your Triple L Awards! You may now put a medal (*) next to your signature as a thank you from all of us :)

DC GATHERING: Did you all hear about the fun time that was had at the DC Brigade Gathering? In case you didn't, here are some of the details I've been able to gather. I sure wish I'd been there too!!! Pvt. Moose (Frances) hosted it at her house and there were 8 Brigaders in all. They watched the Soiree tape, the TK Bloopers tape that Frances had won, and JJ's baseball tape, while sharing scrapbooks and pictures (I always love doing that!). Frances made cheese fries and barbecued ribs, and Claire supplied the brownies. Then they played Liz & Lucky Pictionary. LOL! That sounds like fun! Frances made up a bunch of clues and had an erasable board. It was the NNN's vs. the TKTU. The NNN's won by a half point. That was followed by more tapes and Frances giving out door prizes. I'm sure all of this was accompanied by nonstop talking and laughter, just like every other Brigade gathering I've ever been to. Sounds like everyone had a blast! I hope there can be more regional Brigade gatherings like this in the future. If anyone ever wants to host one, just let me know. Thanks, Frances, for all your work.

MISSION LOG: I realized that our Brigade Mission log at HQ is almost a year behind! If anyone would like to work on the page and catch us up, please let me know. You can access all of this year's newsletters in the archives off the newsletter page. Just make a list of the projects we've done and what there outcome was and put them in chronological order. In fact, if someone just wanted to do that then I could put it on the page. Let me know if anyone is interested. It would really help out. Thanks!

CHATS: I'm very happy to say that we have had a lot of chats lately. (The 2nd Annual Liz's Birthday Chat last Monday was so much fun!) I thought I would experiment with making a chat calendar and I'll start first in the newsletter. We'll see how it works.

Monday: Roswell Chat 6:00 PST/9:00 EST (The episode shown on Wed. in the US is show Mon. at 8:00 in Canada, so at this time we'll all be caught up).

Monday: Liberty Regiment Chat 8:00 PST/11:00 EST (All Brigaders welcome)

Tuesday: Mid Day Chat 10:00 PST/1:00 EST

Wednesday: Reunion Chat 6:00 PST/9:00 EST

Friday: NNN Regiment Chat 7:00 PST/10:00 EST (All Brigaders welcome)

I think the phrase "Witness Day" pretty much sums it up for this week! The long-awaited scenes are finally upon us. We'll start with Witness Day, and watch the scenes in Lucky's room after it's over, Liz's birthday stuff and L&L's first flashback sequence, and through the night of Nik's birthday party, when Lucky goes back to the docks to look for Liz's bracelet, and Luke finds him with that "Lose somethin'?". This is a little under an hour on my tape, but since Lucky's kidnapping starts a whole new storyline, I thought we could hold off on it while we revel in Witness Day and the aftermath. Get yourself some hot chocolate with stale little marshmallows and a frosted brownie for Liz's birthday, and be prepared for waxing the likes of which have never before been seen (this is a sunny-back guarantee!). See you in the Yahoo chat room on Wednesday at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST. Contact jen at with any questions -- thanks!

SILLY SPOILERS: See if you like Allison's version of sweeps better than what we get. Her's are maked with the *.

Next week, on General Hospital:

Sonny struggles to keep up appearances with Hannah.
* Oh God, is it Monday already? Maybe I should have just killed her after all!

A.J. tries to bargain with Carly.
* If I give you a diamond necklace, will you sleep with me again?

Jerry and Roy meet for the first time.
*Roy: So, how s Bobbie? Jerry: Good, do you want to see the video?

Jax and Chloe's boat trip takes a dangerous turn.
*They run aground trying to escape Aunt Gertrude, then realize it was only a beached whale.

Luke and Sonny make a decision about their partnership.
*Um....didn t they do that already?

Stefan and Laura assess the evidence they have on Helena.
* Elementary, my dear Lasha, the Hair-On-The-Nail defense will surely clear us!

Faison shares his latest plan with Helena.
* I m going to steal another earring from Felicia. Then I will have a pair to hang on her photograph!

Stefan and Laura catch Helena in a compromising position.
*Her bedsores were starting to itch

Jerry asks his brother for advice.
*Jerry: What do you do when your fiancee s old flame comes back?
Jax: Keep them away from the catacombs!

Sonny gives Jason a warning.
*Coming out of the bathroom after eating Hannah s cooking: Whew, you do NOT want to go in there!

Tony provides Laura with information about Helena.
*Then returns to the Outback to wait with Justus, Dara and Audrey for TPTB to give them another scene.

Faison makes a surprising confession.
* I m not just a client for Hair-Wings Club for Men, I m also the President!

Sonny gives Hannah an opportunity to reveal the truth.
* Okay, on the count of 3, I want everyone who s an undercover FBI Agent to step forward!

Jax tries to change Alexis's mind about the Cassadine fortune.
* Please, pretty please, with sugar on top? Oh no.....I ve been hanging around Chloe WAY too long!

Mac pays Helena a visit.
*Desperate to bring down Faison, he questions coma patients and cadavers as well

FYI- I might not be as prompt about my emails this week since I'm not home, but I'll be back in L.A. next Saturday. Everyone have a great week!

|_ _| Boo

(Sorry last week's newsletter only got emailed and not posted here - computer troubles. Here are both this week's and last weeks, for those who missed it)

L&L Brigade Newsletter 11/14/99


Were you all as sad as I was to learn that Steve Burton is leaving his part as Jason on GH? Poor Becky losing another costar. And now Anders Hove is leaving too! Without Faison, does that mean no more Lucky references for a while? At least we still have Luke, and he and Roy are still cracking me up :)

HOLIDAY BASKETS: I got the first couple of items for our "Taste of the Brigade Baskets" last week. It felt like Christmas was coming early :) I can't wait to see what the rest of you send. Someone asked if I'd post a final list so you could all see what was sent, like I did with items on last year's Christmas wreaths, so I'll do that. If you want to contribute please get your items to me by the first week in December so I can put the baskets together in time for the Holidays. And don't forget to send two of whatever you get for both Becky and JJ. Again, send them to PO Box 2003, Toluca Lake, CA 91610. Thanks, I think they are going to love this!

CARD EXCHANGE: I'll be doing a final count this week. So, if you would like to be on the snail mail card exchange during these Holidays please make sure you've let your regiment officers know. Also, just a reminder that we'd like to get your Brigader email cards posted soon. I'd still like to have more to chose from, so, if you are in the creative mood, I hope you will create some more cards. And thanks to those of you who have already sent me your designs. You guys are so clever :)

SSW TAPES: I hope that most of you have gotten your SSW tapes by now and I'm thrilled to hear from so many of you like you like them. I've found, though, that there were some problems with a couple copies. I'm so sorry. This happened at the Studio where they were dubbed and I'm really upset about it. But, they are going to take care of it and you guys will get new tapes. So, please, if any one else has had problems with your copies, let me know ASAP and I'll take care of it for you. Again, I'm really sorry about this.

SAN DIEGO GATHERING: After reading about the fun everyone had at the Brigade gathering Pvt. Moose hosted in DC, Pvt. CurlyQgrl has offered to host a Brigade gathering for anyone who can make it in San Diego. I'm so thrilled about this because it's close enough for me to attend :) She is thinking of hosting it in January, but first she would like to get an idea of how many of you might be able to come. So, if you are interested, please email her at

NEW NNN LT: The NNN's now have a second Lt. to assistant Captain DSARA and Lt. Galor5 and I am THRILLED with there choice - Lt. Gator (Reca). As many of you know, Gator is pretty easy to find on the boards or at the chats, so everyone congratulate when you see her next. And I want to thank her for taking on this job for us. I know she's gonna be great!

MISSION LOG: I want to thank Pvt. Ice-cream for offering to update our Mission Page at HQ for us. It's been an eventful year so I'm sure she has her work cut out for her, but I'm excited to get it posted and relive all that we've accomplished. I'll let you know when it's up. And, thanks, Ice-cream!

OUT-TAKES TAPE, ORDER NOW! I know that many of you have been anxiously waiting and I can finally give you the information on ordering Becky's "OUT-TAKES" tape, similar to the one auctioned off at the Soiree. The cost is $25 plus $3 S&H. Only MONEY ORDERS will be accepted. You can send your order to Ginny Mahl / RHOFC, PO Box 141452, Spokane WA 99214. Just in time for the Holidays :)

RHOFC NEWSLETTER: The members of Becky's fan club got their copies of the first newsletter, "Take One", last week. For those of you who didn't, though, I thought I'd let you know that the Brigade was mentioned a couple of different times and several Brigaders were mentioned by name. I thought the newsletter turned out great, what did you guys think?

YOUNG STAR AWARDS: Congratulations to JJ! He won the Hollywood Reporter's award again this year for GH, but, unfortunately, didn't win his nomination in the movie category for DEOTO. Were any of you able to catch the show in the net? You should be able to read a transcript of the event at

JJ'S NEW MOVIE: More congratulations for JJ. He has landed a part on a new movie where he will play a patient in a psychiatric hospital. It was called the "Smiling Suicide Club," but is untitled now.

MAGAZINE WATCH: JJ is on page 56 of the December issue of Teen People. Christina Aguilera's on the cover. ~ Pvt. Dryan, NNN /

CHAT SCHEDULE: Here are the times for some of the chats scheduled in the Brigade Yahoo room this week. If you want a different chat put in next week's newsletter, please just let me know.

Monday: Liberty Regiment Chat 10:00 AM PST/1:00 PM EST (all Brigaders welcome).

Monday: Roswell Chat 6:00 PM PST/9:00 PM EST (I'll try to make it this week)

Tuesday: Mid Day Chat 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST

Wednesday: Reunion Chat 6:00 PM PST/9:00 PM EST

Have all you regular Wednesday night folks recovered from the magical thing that was the 'Witness' chat? A solid two hours' worth of on-topic conversation, and we only got through about 15 minutes of scenes! Unprecedented! We'll start this week's chat with a wrap-up of Liz's birthday scenes, since we didn't even make it that far last week (woo hoo! another opportunity for a memory food brownie!), and then we'll move on to the new stuff. This week's assignment deals with the first section of the Luke and Lucky kidnapping saga. We'll start with Liz leaving Lucky a message at his apartment when he doesn't return to her after searching for her bracelet on the docks, and end with Luke getting his leg caught in the trap. This block of scenes is about an hour long. The memory food this week is rather scarce, although I did hear Lucky say something about beef jerky -- mmm! See you in the Yahoo chat room at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST on Wednesday. Questions or concerns, contact jen at -- thanks!

SILLY SPOILERS: by Pvt. Allison

Carly rebuffs A.J.'s advances.
*She buys a lifetime supply of ?Weasel-B-Gone?

Chloe and Jax team up for a fact-finding trip to Greece.
*They dress up as Zeus and Hera and go to Athens in search of the perfect fountain.

Bobbie scrambles to cover her feelings when she sees Jerry.
*She thrusts out her boobs and giggles incessantly so he won?t know anything?s wrong

Liz tries to reassure Nikolas.
*?Maybe you could cry if you stopped trying so leave me alone and go play with that mop!?

The FBI questions Roy.
*?What is your name? What is your quest? What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?? (for all those Monty Python fans out there! :-)

Stefan gives Nikolas news about Helena.
*?She killed Katherine, so go yell at her for a while. And don?t come back until you?re Tyler again!?

Alexis makes a promise to Stefan.
*?I won?t tell Lasha that you poisoned Helena if you give me the formula. Aunt Gertrude?s getting on my nerves!?

Roy gets an unexpected invitation.
*Tired of Sonny spurning her advances, Hannah decides to get her Friday sex elsewhere.

Jax shares his findings with Alexis.
*Not only is Chloe allergic to bear rugs, but she swells up like a blowfish when she eats baklava

Nikolas spies a moment between Jason and Liz.
*While stalking her, he sees how well Jason listens to her and yells at him for reminding her of Lucky -or, for those of you who read the boards- ?Duh.....why Liz talk to mobster??

Mac meets with Helena.
*So far, she?s the only person in town that hasn?t heard that Faison killed his brother.

Faison continues with his plans for Felicia.
*More earrings, must get more earrings...

Luke and Carly try to stop Bobbie from going through with the wedding.
*Luke wants to kidnap her and take her to his hunting cabin, while Carly sets out to prove Jerry?s a Fed (hey, it worked once!)

Helena threatens Stefan.
*?Stop accusing me of Kat?s murder, or I?ll tell Lasha about you kissing me...if that won?t send her packing, nothing will!?

Laura meets with Luke.
*?Have you seen Lulu lately? I?ve been too busy playing Inspector Gadget with Stefan to remember where she is...?

Things do not go as planned at Bobbie and Jerry's wedding.
*Her past love shows up (no, wait, that was Felicia and Cotlon?s...or Jax and Brenda?s...or Luke and Laura?s...okay, they really need a more original storyline!)

Everyone have a great week!
|_ _| Boo

L&L Brigade Newsletter, November 21, 1999

Happy Thanksgiving, Brigaders!!!

I have a lot of things to be thankful this year, but right now the one that comes to mind is that I'm so thankful I can put the Brigade on my "list of things to be thankful for" the second Thanksgiving in a row (that's a lot of "thanks" in one sentence.) This time last year we were wading through all the newest rumors of JJ leaving the show and I wasn't really sure where we'd be in a year. And, although we've been through an awful lot as a group, we are still together…. And I'm very thankful for THAT.

SOD AWARDS: Some disappointing news this week. Becky was not nominated this year for a Soap Opera Digest Award. Just one more example of how she and us fans have been robbed this year! But… wait… I was focussing on being thankful this week. So, we won't dwell on that. Tony Geary, Sarah Brown, Amber Tamblyn and Maurice Bernard were all nominated. And, of course, all the shows are up. So, pick up your copy if you want to vote! I'd be thrilled to see any of these great actors win.

MILLENNIUM PROJECT: I thought that the Brigade should do something special to mark the new Millennium. This could be our January project, so it isn't anything you need to really be concerned with during the Holidays, but I wanted to let you all know about it now so you could be planning ahead. The Pregnancy Help Clinic of Hollywood, which is one of Becky's charities along with RAINN, has a special store for mother's in need. This store has baby clothes, diapers, toys, baby food, etc. What's really amazing about this store, though, is that everything is free to the people who come to the center. With the Holidays, though, and everyone stocking up for the Millennium, I imagine that there stock will be pretty low by January 1st. So, I thought the Brigade could make it their project to help restock them. Now, I don't expect anyone to spend a lot of money on this. However, if you check with your family and friends for hand-me-downs, go to thrift shops, or just get one or two small things at the store I think we could be SHOCKED with how much we were able to collect. And, believe me, it would make an incredible difference to the center. If you all agree that this is how you'd like the Brigade to mark the new Millennium, then I will contact the center director about getting a more detailed list of what they need. This group constantly amazes me with the generosity and enthusiasm to help. I am so excited to see where this might go.

HOLIDAY BASKETS: More goodies keep coming in for our "Taste of the Brigade" baskets for JJ and Becky. I did want to remind all of you that it will be nice if you can include a SHORT note with your items saying where you are from and why you chose it. It's a fun way to personalize each thing and help them get to know their fans a little better. Also, if you'd like to be a part of this gift but can't think of any food item to add, or just don't have the time to shop and send something, you can send a couple of dollars to go towards the baskets and ribbon that I'll decorate them with. That would be a big help and the more we have the prettier the baskets will look! Here is the address again: PO Box 2003, Toluca Lake, CA 91610.

HOLIDAY CARD EXCHANGE: If you would like to participate in our Holiday, snail mail, card exchange, please send your name and the address where you'd like the cards sent to Lt. Galor at I think we will be doing two lists, so that the number of cards each person has to send should be under 20. But, you will also be getting about 20 cards in the mail. Believe me, it's so much fun when you mailbox is stuffed with cards day after day.

CHAT SCHEDULE: Here are the times for some of the chats scheduled in the Brigade Yahoo room this week. If you want a different chat put in next week's newsletter, please just let me know.

Monday: Roswell Chat 6:00 PM PST/9:00 PM EST (I'll try to make it this week)

Tuesday: Mid Day Chat 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST

Wednesday: Reunion Chat 6:00 PM PST/9:00 PM EST

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION CHAT: I remember last Thanksgiving taking out the turkey while listening to "My Girl" because we'd just had that dance. We actually get to re-watch that scene this week! How fitting! Here's Jen's schedule for us.
We are actually going to catch up to a real-time anniversary this week -- the reunion chat scenes are now officially running exactly one year behind with the inclusion of the "My Girl" night at Luke's in this week's assignment (just for you, Becca!). We'll start off this week with the remainder of the kidnapping story, dealing with Luke's accident and the hallucinations of Laura's rape. We'll watch Lucky return safely home to Liz and deal with their visit to police headquarters to talk about Emily's case, including Liz's conversation with Tom (Sunny, one of your personal favorites, no? Everyone, prepare for waxing!). And then, finally, we'll end up with the "My Girl" date and dance. The scenes are just around an hour. Our memory food menu consists of popcorn from Lucky's first night back home and the magical meal of ribs and cheese fries -- order out from the place on 8th Street! See you in the Brigade's Yahoo chat room on Wednesday at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST. Questions, concerns, contact jen at -- thanks! And Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

SILLY SPOILERS: I'm also "thankful" for Allison making me laugh every week at these.

Jerry faces arrest; his parents turn to Alexis for support.
*After reminding themselves how the bad Cassidines are, a little money laundering doesn't seem so bad.

Carly lashes out at Jason.
*Fifty times, with a wet noodle

Hannah goes against orders from the FBI.
*They order her to stop sleeping with Sonny, but she just can't give up her Friday Sex!

Nikolas shares the truth about his father with Laura.
*I heard Stavros had a mop collection. Now I finally understand where I came from!

Faison initiates the last part of his plan.
*Proud of his new steel room, he calls Home & Garden TV and asks to be featured on their show, "Decorating for Hostages."

Nikolas reveals the truth to Liz.
*Yes, I'm stalking you, but I can't help it, it's in my genes!

Ned and Chloe offer their help to Jax.
*Ned writes a song about Jerry and Chloe designs him a prison uniform.

Luke confronts Sonny.
*Now that Jerry has been arrested by the Feds, he's worried that he's going to be audited again.

Carly makes a decision about her future.
*Tired of the chafing, she throws out all of her leather clothes.

Bobbie asks Jerry for the truth.
*"Are my boobs big enough yet?"

Roy tries to advise Hannah about Sonny.
*I got my bust without sleeping with anyone, it can be done!

Jax and Chloe try to find time to be together.
*While waiting for him in a romantic bubble bath, Chloe gets her big toe stuck in the faucet..oh, wait, that was Kevin and Lucy.

Laura reminisces about her past.
*She remembers what it was like to be Laura, and not Lasha.

Chloe makes holiday plans for herself, Jax, Ned and Alexis.
*In the spirit of Thanksgiving, they play Cowboys & Indians, then Pin the Tail on the Turkey

Carly distances herself during the Quartermaine Thanksgiving feast.
*She hides in the bathroom, no one ever goes in there!

SHOP MY NEW SITE: This isn't Brigade related, but I wanted to let you guys know that I've got a new business with an online shopping site. I'm so excited about it and I'm already doing most of my Christmas shopping from myself. Some of you also heard about this new site from Becky's fan club newsletter, because Becky's mom was the one to tell me about it. Remember that little "make-up" section that Becky wrote in her newsletter? Those products were from that site. So, anyway, if you guys just want to check it out, go to and use the password "ebiz". If anyone would like to hear more about this site or how it works I would be THRILLED to tell you. I don't want to clutter up the newsletter for people who aren't interested, though, so just email me directly and we'll "talk." Thanks, and I hope you do check it out because it's a lot of fun :)

Before I sign off this week, I'd just like to ask you all to remember the families and friends of the students who were killed in the tragedy in Texas this week. Please keep them in your prayers.

Have a great Thanksgiving! And, those of you who don't celebrate Thanksgiving this week, use it as an excuse to stuff yourself anyway :) Have a great week!!!

|_ _| Boo

L&L Brigade Newsletter, December 5, 1999


Well, it was certainly an action packed week on GH! I heard some of you saying it was the most interesting week since Lucky's "death." I actually watched the whole week's worth of episodes all at once this weekend, and it just kept getting better and better. It's so good to see Becky getting some meaty material again… now all we need is for JJ to visit the set to film a few scenes. Just a shot or two of Lucky trying to escape or even playing that darn chess game would make me happy. Wishful thinking.

HOLIDAY BASKETS: Well, I guess most of you are procrastinators like me, because I got a flood of packages this week for the "Taste of the Brigade" baskets. I also got so many emails asking me to please wait just a few more days so more things could be sent, that I will wait until at least mid week and will try to remember to wait for the ones I got emails about. It's amazing, but there are almost no repeat items. There is such a variety! The few notes that I have read were perfect too. And thank you so much, those of you who sent money to help with the baskets and ribbon. I'm going to have to get some mighty BIG baskets to carry all these goodies. I forgot, (again), last week to put the mailing address for these items. It is: PO Box 2003, Toluca Lake, CA 91610

SNAIL MAIL CARD EXCHANGE: We had a few last minute sign-ups for our Holiday, snail-mail card exchange. So, the number of Brigaders participating is about 60 now. I hope you guys like to get a lot of cards. The address list went out last week. So, if you thought you signed up for this, but you did not get your list, email Lt. Galor at so you can get on it. I think we will be doing our part to keep the postal service busy this season.

SSW VIDEO: If you have not received your SSW video by now, and you sent me an order for one, please email me ASAP. I've been meaning to mention this for weeks now. Since I haven't heard from anyone, I am assuming that all the orders arrived all right. I just want to double check that no one is still waiting for there's. Some of the pre-orders never sent in their checks, so I have a few extras if anyone would still like one. I'm not going to make any more dubs, though, so it's first come / first serve.

CHATS WITH BECKY: As most of you know, Becky will be in the USA movie, "Hefner Unauthorized," starting December 12 on USA. They've already begun running ads for it and Becky is appearing on the TVGuide channel. She is also having several online chats coming up. The first one is this Tuesday at 6:00PST on, the second one on Wednesday at 8pm PST on TVGuide Online, and the third is on Thursday at 3PM PST on Soap Opera Digest Online. I'm sorry I don't have more info right now, but I just learned this a few hours ago. I will post any new information on the boards at HQ or, if it's really crucial, I'll send a separate email. Hope you guys can chat with her and don't forget to say you are Brigaders!

BECKY'S OUT-TAKES VIDEO: A lot of you have been asking me if the out-takes video for sale by Becky's fan club has a different price for Canadian orders. Well, I finally have an answer for you. The video is $2 more for Canadian orders, making it $27 total. It's $25 for US orders. I also found out that there are out-takes from L&L's first Christmas on this tape, which is very appropriate. Even better news, though, is that they are already creating a new out-takes tape that will be for sale in February. That tape will have the waterfight/kissing scenes, which I understand had some hilarious bloopers. I was told that the orders will be mailed out this Tuesday. However, if you get an order in this week it should still arrive by Christmas. Send orders to Ginny Mahl / RHOFC, P.O. Box 141452, Spokane, WA 99214

BECKY'S JACKET AT EBAY: I thought you guys would like to be the first to know. Becky is going to be auctioning off the leather Planet Hollywood jacket that she got when she and JJ donated the guitar. I'm not sure yet when the auction will be up, but I'll be sure you guys get all the details.

MAGAZINE WATCH: (I know we saw this before, but a lot of people are just now finding it) JJ's in the new issue of Seventeen- Celeb Insider. J. Love Hewitt's on the cover. He's one of the 50 most beautiful teens ever. ~ |_ _| Trish /

GREAT BECKY INTERVIEW: There is a new, four page, Internet article on Becky with lots of new pictures. This was just done and posted on the first. It is definitely worth checking out! Go to

SPANKERS MAKE THE TOP TEN: TVGuide Online has done a list of the "10 Soap Moments that Rocked the 90's" and the Spencers made the list! Check it out at Thanks to Pvt. LuckyJane for this info.

BRIGADE POLLS: Have all of you seen the polls we've been doing on the Brigade boards? I think it would be fun to see what more of you think, so I hope you will check them out. I especially like the one on Johnny, the body guard. LOL!

CHAT SCHEDULE: As many of you know, computer problems have kept me out of the chat room for too long. So, I haven't been able to see first hand how these chats are going. Let me know which ones are working and which ones aren't so that we can find times for everyone to meet. Thanks!

NNN REGIMENT CHAT: The Nurses will be having their regiment chat on Friday night, 7pm pst/10pm est. All Brigaders are welcome to come chat with them.

To take a couple of lines from a well-known holiday tune: "It's that time of year/Christmas time is here!" (Okay, yes, it's from 'N Sync! Did you expect anything less?) This week we'll be getting all festive with L&L as they celebrate their first Christmas and New Year's Eve together -- what better way is there than that to get in the holiday spirit? :) The scenes start with the photo session at Lucky's apartment for Laura's birthday gift and end with the kiss at midnight on New Year's Eve. In between are scenes including the heated exchange between Liz and Audrey over L&L's relationship, Laura's birthday party, the exchanging of Christmas gifts and the first "I love you"s, and the GH Christmas shindig at the hospital. This assignment should be somewhere around an hour's worth of scenes. Our memory food includes the jelly beans Lucky keeps under his pillow and Laura's birthday cake (or if you don't want any of Laura's cake, have some of that chocolate cake from the Bachelor's Auction -- that looked yummy!). Watch, remember, and feel the L&L love! Then come to the Brigade's Yahoo chat room on Wednesday at 9:00 EST/6:00 PST and share! Questions, concerns, contact jen at -- thanks!

SILLY SPOILERS: Allison does it again :)

Hannah tries to reason with Sonny. *”You can’t throw me out because Mike likes me, and, um....who will you have couch sex with?”

Liz offers her help to Jason. *”Okay Jason, let’s try this again: one, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war!” (credit for this goes to Jaime, I was stumped!)

Jax tries to help get Jerry out of jail. *“Chloe made me play Monopoly last night, and look what I got!” (holds up “Get Out of Jail Free” card)

Luke teams up with Roy to search for Felicia. *They follow the greasy trail left behind by Faison’s hair

Nikolas worries about Liz's safety. *”Duh...Why Liz with mobster? Duh...must stalk more!”

Carly pleads with Jason; *What else is new? later, Liz makes Carly a promise. *”Look, if you go away now and let me help him, I’ll give you a pillow! I know how much you like Sonny’s...”

Roy and Luke uncover a piece of evidence. *Blond hair! Felicia killed Katherine!

Helena meets with Dara. *”You know Dara, if you joined the mob or started killing people, you might actually get a storyline!”

Bobbie receives a special request. *Please, PLEASE, stop wearing such skintight clothes and start dressing your age!

Jerry gives Jax advice for the future. *”Watch out for those recasts! One minute you’re perfectly happy in your storyline, then the next thing you know there’s a new guy in town and you’re sent packing!”

Sonny and Sorel call a truce. *Sonny makes him a peace offering: Hannah.

Taggert offers Hannah his support. *”Sonny dumped you? Poor baby... Hey, I don’t suppose he told you any secrets?”

Bobbie makes a difficult decision. *Kelly’s or the hospital? Hm, Kelly’s get more airtime, but the hospital pays better....

Chloe tries to comfort Jax. *”Do you want to play some more hopscotch? That always makes me feel better!”

Alan asks Sonny for his help. *”My wife seems to have disappeared. I don’t suppose you can find her for me?”

Nikolas receives the results of the DNA test. *Turns out he’s actually Sonny’s kid. Now we know why Sonny is always so nice to Laura!

Helena confides in Nikolas. *”Truth is, I’M your father!”

Mac begins a search of his own for Felicia. *He puts together a crack team of his best officers, and.... oh my, she’s doomed.

Nikolas misinterprets a moment between Jason and Liz. *He stalks her to her studio and sees Jason there, immediatly assuming they’re secret lovers.

Felicia confronts Faison. *”These nightgowns are hideous! And I have to pee!”

Jax turns to Sonny for help with Jerry *And Hell promptly freezes over.

Everyone have a great week!

|_ _| Boo