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L&L Brigade Newsletter October 3, 1999


I feel like two months has gone by since the last newsletter, instead of only two weeks. So much has happened! We had a great time at Super Soap Weekend. It seems like every Brigade gathering we have just gets bigger and better. Last weekend in Orlando was turned out even better than my biggest hope. 35 Brigaders gathered to pack into Disney World with a bunch of soap stars and fellow soapfans. What could be better? As most of you probably heard already, all the Brigaders were surprised with a private "meet and greet" with Becky and just us. It was great! My report was too long to email to all of you so it is posted at HQ. I'll add some other reports to the page if any of you want to email them to me.

PROJECT BOO: I just have to say again how much I loved the "Boo Book" that was given to me at our Brigade dinner. I cannot believe all the work you guys put into it. And I really can't believe you managed to keep it a secret from me for so long :). Thank you to everyone, and especially to Pvt. Kerri for organizing the whole thing. You guys made me feel so special, and I don't know when I've been more stunned!

SSW VIDEO: I'm taking orders now for the Brigade SSW Video. Most of the footage I got is of Becky and our own Brigaders, including our Brigade dinner and the "meet and greet" with Becky. I also got a little of Michael (Juan), Amber (Em), Wally (Ned), Nancy (Alexis), Stephan (Stefan), Lynn (Lucy), Kin (Scotty), and everyone in the last motorcade. My report at HQ has more details of the footage. Just like the Soiree tapes, they are $25 a piece. Please specify that you would like the SSW tape, because I'm still getting some orders for Soiree tapes. Also, since I don't anticipate selling as many of these I'd like to only have one set of dubs made. So, if you do think you will be ordering one, it will help me out a lot to know that ASAP. Thanks! Send your orders to: Carrie Randall, PO Box 2003, Toluca Lake, CA 91610. I hope you like what you see :)

GOD CANDY CAMPAIGN: Did you all know that some Brigaders started a campaign to get JJ's CD, God Candy, noticed by some radio stations? Maxine, JJ's fan club president, passed the information on to his mother and this is the response we got:

** Hi there, I spoke to Mrs Jackson who wanted me to relay this message to you. "The Brigaders are very sweet. However, music is a tough business and if the Brigaders send the CDS into radio stations, chances are the CDS will be tossed aside. The decision to air certain CDS doesn't necessarily end with the manager of your radio station but with a larger firm that owns a bunch of radio stations that might not even reside in your town. She has told Jonathan about your idea, and he is very touched by your thoughtfulness. She feels that if you go through with this plan, it would be just a waste of your time and money. Jonathan, Mrs Jackson nor I would want you to spend your money on something like this. We all appreciate this effort and Jonathan is extremely touched by this idea. Thank you for showing your support to Jonathan in all the ways you have. thank you, maxine **

I'm just very impressed that you guys got noticed so quickly! Even if it didn't work out as you planned, you still did a great job!

NUNIK PROTEST: As some of you know, there is new rumor about Liz and NuNik that has a lot of Brigaders in a fighting mood again. Pvt AndreaD is organizing a protest on her Dreams of Gold website, similar to the Lucky Recast Protest she did, where you just need to sign a guest book and she will send the results to TPTB. So, if you still feel strongly about "No Liz and Lucky's Brother!" stop by her site and sign the book: There is a link to it on the links page at HQ.

VALENTINES DAY WITH BECKY&INGO: So, do you have plans for next year's Valentines Day yet? How about spending it with Becky and Ingo? Some Brigaders are already planning to, since they are the two celebrity guests at a Charity Dinner in Sarasota, FL that night. There is already a Brigade table started so, if you think you might be in the area, maybe you'd like to join them. All the information is on a new page linked to HQ.

JJ'S SOFTBALL VIDEO: Guess what! Our own Pvt. Gina won a video of JJ's softball game the other week. She is also able to offer copies for $6 to any Brigaders who are interested. Just email her to work out the details (email me if you need her address). Thanks Gina!

KEEPERSHIP PAGE: Have you seen our new Keepership page yet? It's incredible! I just want to thank Pvt. Jackie again for doing such a great job, and encourage all of you to check it out. If you don't see your keepership, let her know.

Strap yourself in and hold on to your hat -- we're covering a *lot* of ground this week, finishing off the summer of 1998. Start this week's assignment with Nikolas visiting Lucky in the boxcar and all of the ensuing business related to Stuffy's trial. Then we'll move to Luke and Lucky's confrontation in the park before Luke leaves town as well as Lukcy's visit to Liz afterwards, where he spends the night for old time's sake. We'll also be dealing with the aftermath of L&L no longer having a specific suspect for the rape, including the failed police lineup and Liz's subsequent trashing of her room, followed by the trip to Dr. Baldwin's with Gram. We'll conclude this week's scenes with the epic No Name Date (these scenes are just under an hour, but I didn't want to start the Tammy stuff without being able to finish it, so we'll start with that next week). The memory food consists of day-old brownies (Lucky thinks they're always better on the second day!) and some kind of fancy meal worthy of commemorating the No Name Date -- I was thinking Italian, based on the fact that most of the "connected" people in Port Chuckles seem to be of Italian heritage! Jodi's bringing the wine for our meal, so put on a copy of "The Very Thought of You", and we'll see you on Wednesday in the Yahoo chat room at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST. To get into the Yahoo chat, just ask one of the regiment officers for an invitation and they can hook you up (you only need the invite the first time you go to Yahoo). Questions? Concerns? Contact jen at -- thanks!

BRIGADER AWARDS: As I mentioned before, we'd like to start nominating people for the Brigader awards again. So, if you know someone (Officers excluded) in your regiment who does more than there share to keep things running smoothly, or who is always keeping things fun for all of us, let your Officers know you'd like them to be considered for an award. We are still trying to think of a new name for these medals. Any ideas?

MAGAZINE WATCH: Jonathan is in the October 1999 issue of Seventeen (it has an orange cover). He is featured on page 122. ~Allison / There is a pic of JJ in STAR magazine taken from the Youngstar Awards nominations. He's with Danielle Fishel from Boy Meets World. ~ janice /

We have a special article this week from Pvt. Andi about this past weekend and the Brigade. I hope you guys love it as much as I did. Thanks Andi!!!

|_ _| Boo

The Brigaders, Becky, and Tigger Too (actually, I only saw Eeyore)

When my friend Michelle asked me back in April to watch Lucky's "last" week on General Hospital, I had no idea what would happen to me as a result. Sure, I had grown up on Luke and Laura, but Mom had stopped watching when I was about 12, lo those many years ago. So Michelle asked me to watch, and I agreed for her sake, but with no intentions to keep doing so after Lucky was gone.

Then it happened. A week later there I was, struggling painfully to watch Elizabeth dealing with Lucky's death. Taggert asked Liz if she was up to taking a look at something forensics had found, and then he held it out to her: Lucky's subway token. She took it, she dissolved into heartbreaking grief, I dissolved into tears, and for me a favorite actress was born. I was hooked. Just ask anyone: is Andi a tremendous Becky fan? ;)

Since then I feel that I have more than made up for my transgression of not watching Lucky and Liz before. I have all the episodes and I've stopped keeping track of how much money I've spent on them. I joined the Brigade, I filled my favorite places with Lucky, Liz, and Becky sites, and last weekend I went to Super Soap Weekend Four, my first soap event.

What is it like to actually meet a large group of people you've only ever talked to on e-mail, or in a chat room, and some not at all yet? I will tell you. It's like being in a room with 35 or so of your best friends that you've known for a very long time but just don't get a chance to see that often. I thought maybe I would be a little shy at first, but to my delight and even amazement there was none of the awkward discomfort you sometimes feel when meeting new people. Almost immediately I found myself laughing and joking as if I had known everyone for years, and best of all they were people I could natter on about my obsessions with and there would be no smirking or rolling of eyes or embarrassment. Who cared if "normal" people on the bus stared at us while we chanted "No Lucky recast" or simply talked or laughed a bit too loud? We were the fortunate ones; we were Brigaders! And when I got to meet one of my very favorite actresses in the whole world...I don't have to tell you what that was like for me. :)

I truly believe that I was meant to find the Brigade, and that it is a gift from God. Outsiders might think this is's just an online fan club for a soap opera, right? I feel sorry for the people who actually believe that. They just don't understand the love, the caring, the genuine friendship and respect that Brigaders have for each other. Without the amazing talents of two incredible actors and a wonderful storyline the Brigade might never have existed, but it is the people in it that make the Brigade what it is, and for this I am truly grateful.

On Monday morning as I drove home from the magical weekend back into my usual life, I couldn't stop thinking about the time I'd had, the things that had happened to me, and the people I had met. I am still thinking about them. I feel as if I am looking at a painting so beautiful I have to keep looking at it again and again in order to remember it always and never forget a single detail. It's beauty has lodged itself in my heart and will never go away. I cannot wait to see the next painting.

Pvt Andi
Liberty Regiment

L&L Brigade Newsletter October 10, 1999


Did anyone else have the worse sense of déjà vu on Friday? I could have sworn that we'd seen Kat go that rail in a white dress before. And where was Emily anyway? Wasn't she planning to go to Nik's wedding? Oh well.... I'm just anxious for November sweeps.

SSW TAPES: Thank you to all everyone who ordered you SSW videos already. I'm going to be having the dubs made this week so, if you would like one and haven't let me know yet, please do so ASAP. Just a reminder, these tapes have footage of the Brigade dinner, Becky first motorcade (also with Amber, Michael, Lynn, and Kin), Becky's first talk show (with the same group), Becky and other GH stars at their autograph booths, the Brigader's "meet and greet" with Becky, and other random occurrences like Andi's Lucky impersonations :). They will be professionally dubbed but, because, unlike the Soiree tapes, there were two tapes to combine into one, they will lose one generation. But, since I started with a High 8 camera, it will still turn out very clear. Keep in mind that it could take up to 10 days after I mail the tapes out before you get your copy. Send $25 to Carrie Randall, PO Box 2003, Toluca Lake, CA 91610. Let me know if you have any questions. CANADIAN ORDERS please send US money order or US cash only. Sorry, but I can't take Canadian checks. Thanks!

SSW GROUP PHOTOS: I haven't forgotten about getting copies of the group photo we took of Becky with all the Brigaders at SSW. The scanner I use is... again... not working. But, I hope to get it scanned in the next day or two. So, please keep checking HQ this week to see it. Please feel free to download a copy for yourself from the site. Or, if you want a regular snap shot, you can get copies from me. It's a cool pic!

EXTRA SSW FOOTAGE: If you just can't get enough SSW stuff, MizVamp is offering video tapes of the second day's talk show and the game show that Becky did. Email her for more information, (let me know if you need her addy).

LIZ AND NIK PROTEST: The guest books are now up at both Dreams of Gold and L&L Daily Recaps sites (links at HQ) to protest any pairing of Liz and Nik. All you have to do is post a message in the book saying why you don't want to see this. Pvt. Karen and Pvt. AndreaD will take care of the rest by printing and binding the book to send to TPTB. So, take a minute and lets try to keep this from happening.

REUNITE THE SPENCERS: Lt. Erica thought that you all might like to know about similar protest going on to reunite Luke and Laura. Some people are especially adamant that Laura, not Felicia, should be the one to help Luke find Lucky. So, if you feel the same, there is a guest book you can sign for this at (click on Petition).

ANY DAY NOW: Richard Lee Jackson's first appearance on the Lifetime show, "Any Day Now," was tonight, Oct. 10. Did any of you catch it? They reshow this program during the week, though, so you might still be able to.

DC BRIGADER GATHERING: Pvt. Moose has a special invite for all Brigaders:
***Are you feeling down because you couldn't go to SSW this year? Or are you feeling low because you are back and miss being with other people that truly understand your obsession? Or are you neither and just want an excuse to get away from it all and spend the evening pontificating some of the wonders of L&L? Or do you not care about any of the camaraderie and friendship stuff and just want to see the TK1 Tape? If you answered yes to any of the questions and are in the DC area (or within the surrounding states!), we would like to invite you to spend an evening "enjoying being alive."

When: Saturday, October 30, 1999
What time: 5:00 pm
Where: Arlington, Virginia
What: Lucky & Liz foods, TK1 Tape, games, prizes, and other treats!
How: Car, bus, train, plane - however you can, but BE THERE!
RSVP for Reservations and directions.

~Frances |_ _| Today, Forever

TRIPLE L AWARD: Guess what! We have a name for our Brigader medals. Remember the Spencer's Triple L Diner? Well, we have, "The Triple L Awards." The triple L's stand for: LEADERSHIP, LOYALTY, AND LAUGHTER. Leadership is for the Brigaders who help organize and create projects for all of us. Loyalty is for the Brigaders who are always encouraging us when the group needs it helps make everyone feel welcome. The laughter is for the Brigaders who always help keep things fun for all of us. So, if you know someone who fits one or all of these characteristics, maybe you should nominate them for a Triple L Award. Let your Regiment Officers know ASAP, though, because we are going to be giving the next set of awards out soon.

MAGAZINE WATCH: "Celebrity Teen" featured Richard talking about JJ in it's November issue. He wrote an absolutely beautiful letter to JJ that was published in this magazine. It was eloquent and well-written and he said some really nice things about how much he loves JJ and what a wonderful person he thinks he is. This is a great magazine to get! ~ Pvt. Jessica and Pvt.LuckyJane4

SID POLL - WHAT HAPPENED??? Did you all see the result of the latest Soaps In Depth poll? "Hannah" is voted as a top actress and Becky isn't even listed? Becky has been consistently #1 or #2 with Genie Frances for ages. I'll admit, I've not been voting either, but this is just criminal. So, how about this for a challenge? Let's see if we can work together to keep Becky on top through November sweeps. I know that if all the Brigaders pull together, there is no reason this can't work. So, all you have to do is email them at every Monday and say, "I vote Rebecca Herbst to be the best actress of this past week." Maybe this should be an experiment to see how much power we Brigaders really have. Can we see a drastic change by the next issue?

At last we have officially arrived at TK1, so everyone who missed the TK1 anniversary chat a couple of weeks ago now has the chance to wax poetic on this classic L&L moment (and, of course, those of us who were at the chat will be unable to keep ourselves from re-waxing!). The scenes for this week start with the day of the visit to Tammy, just after the No Name Date, and run thru the first kiss and the day after, the night L&L spend in the boxcar, Lucky's momentary homelessness, and the plan to have Lucky stay at the Hardy's. We'll end up in the middle of the day that Emily and Nikolas come to Lucky for help with the blackmailing situation. Watch thru Liz's discussion with Emily about being raped and Lucky and Nik's initial computer search, right up to the point when Lucky says, "Check this out", and everyone is sitting on the couch huddled around the computer (that's right, it's another one of Jen's patented cliffhanger assignments! This is, of course, all part of the "I love your mouth" night, but watching all of that would make the assignment *way* too long, so we'll get to that in next week's scenes). This week's memory foods include the corndog Liz offers to buy Lucky at the carnival, the fries L&L eat with Emily at Kelly's, the BLT Lucky wants the day after TK1, the cherries and hot chocolate L&L have in the boxcar, and the pizza and soda from the night L&L's involvement in the blackmail story begins. See you in the Yahoo chat room on Wednesday at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST. Questions, concerns, contact jen at -- see you on Wed.!

TV GUIDE ARTICLE: There was a very interesting article with ABC Daytime Executive, Angela Shapiro, in TV Guide. I was really amazed with how she seemed to sum up some of the problems with the soaps these days and I thought some of you might like to see it. I put part of the article below. This is just an excerpt that someone sent me and I'm not sure where it originated on the web. I'll be very interested to get on the boards and see what you all think about it too.

There are actually several articles included this week, so be sure to take a look. Everyone have a great week!

|_ _| Boo
SILLY SPOILERS: by Pvt. Allison
WARNING!!! If you are spoiler free, then don't read this next section. Pvt. Allison has done a spoof on this week's spoilers. The top line is the actual spoiler. Below it is her own interpretation of what that means. Thanks Allison for some much needed comic relief. I hope we can have more of these in other newsletters :)

Jax finally confronts Jerry.
"The way you say 'Bobbie' is driving me crazy!"

Carly offers Bobbie advice about love and marriage.
"You can't marry the man you really love, marry his brother instead."

Jax pours his heart out to Alexis.
"If I have to chase after Chloe's shoes one more time, I'll kill myself."

Nikolas makes a shocking discovery.
He sees an old tape of Tyler as Nikolas and realizes he's been doing it all wrong

Stefan makes a startling confession.
"I haven't had sex since Katherine fell off that parapet"

Carly questions Larkin.
"So, tell me the truth, the hootchimama's boobs aren't real, are they?"

Taggert begins a murder investigation.
He figures that if he kills someone, it would finally give him a storyline

Luke realizes the magnitude of Mac's hatred of Faison.
He won't stop saying "Faison killed my brother"

Jax and Chloe begin to have second thoughts.
They realize that aside from shoes and hot dogs, they have absolutely nothing to talk about.

Larkin attempts to halt Carly's meddling.
He tells her Hannah used to live in Siberia, and she immediately goes there.

Emily must find a new hiding place for Juan.
She puts him in the Outback with Foster and Annabelle.

Felicia and Luke discuss their kiss.
They realize that after being in the Mexican desert for so long, they really should have brought along some breath mints.

Mac shares surprising news with Nikolas.
"Faison killed my brother"

Jason catches Hannah in a lie.
He sees her removing her fake boobs.

Roy spies a private moment between Bobbie and Jerry.
And catches it on video for the next Nurses Ball

Pvt. Allison

Oct. 2 TV Guide Talks about Soap Writers

"Network suits tend to blame the current erosion in soap ratings on things they can't control. But most remain in denial when it comes to the damage being done by their own head writers, who all too frequently foist predictable, uninvolving, even repellent plots on an increasingly exasperated audience. So ABC Daytime president Angela Shapiro seems a rarity among execs. Not only is she candid about this writer crisis, she is determined to stop the madness."

"My writers will tell you I ofte find their story outlines very hard to accept. I keep saying, Where is the romance? Where are the laughs./ Tell me why I, as a viewer, have to watch this. I can't tell you how frustrating it is, especially when my worst fears about a story are realized on the air. Shapiro says a recent problemat AMC was that WRITERS DID NOT WANT TO DO THEIR HOMEWORK. They'd rather create new characters, because it was easier than getting to know the history and relationships of the existing characters, the ones the viewers love. Also, many of those new characters were not well thought out or well cast, or both. That's very disconcering for the viewer."

"Another major problem facing daytime is the small talent pool of experienced soap writers which forces the net works to recycle the same well-credentialed hacks. Thus, ABC (which, like NBC and CBS, has never had a truly thriving soap-writer development program) has joined forces witht he Writers Guild to scout talented writers who may not have written for soaps but would be right for the genre. We're looking to see if there's a way we can teach them how to write what we need. We're also working with colleges to identify prospective writers."

"Meanwhile, she says, some scribes could use an attitude adjustment. They need to take pride in soaps, and clearly some of them don't, because if they did, they wouldn't be trying to copy other mediums. They's embrace the idea of writing about character relationships and sweeping romances, the things soap viewers want."

All of this was quoted from an article written by Michael Logan who was quoting Angela Shapiro the ABC Daytime President.


Well Brigaders, here it is - my volunteer report. After reading all the other reports, I'm kind of ashamed to tell you all what I did. All the other volunteers did something that made a difference in their community. That is what I had planned to do - really I did. I wanted to volunteer at the distress center or at the animal hospital, but I just couldn't find the time with the crazy hours I work. But I did volunteer this summer. I volunteered to work at the National Science Fiction and Comic Convention when it came to Toronto. See why I would have rather you believed my volunteer work was just about anywhere else? It sounds so lame when I think about what everyone else did. But , I did have fun, so I guess that's the main thing. It was over the last weekend in August and it was the largest convention of this type ever to come to Toronto. We had Seven of Nine!!! (from Star Trek: Voyager) You wouldn't believe how many people came out to see her!!!! Star Trek fans are really hard core!!! The first day I sold tickets, and I was so busy!!!! I barely had a moment to breathe all day. The event started at 4pm on Friday and I had to be there at 1pm to help set up - people had already started to line up at that time!!! By 4pm there were about 400 people lined up in the lobby of the convention center and they were starting to get rowdy because we hadn't started to sell the tickets yet. All the volunteers were scared we'd get lynched by angry Klingons!!! The day ended at 11pm, but people were still buying tickets right up until about 5 minutes before they shut the doors!! (You could buy weekend passes) I had to be back the next morning at 8am so I went right home after they counted my till - I was exhausted!!! The next day I was back at the same position, selling tickets and the line was twice as long that day. I got yelled at by so many people for things that were beyond my control it was unbelievable!! It's a good thing they gave us a walkie-talkie because I was using it to call the guy in charge every two minutes!!! I was kind of upset because I had volunteered to work at the convention because I was hoping to get to meet some of the celebrities attending the show, but so far I had been working at the ticket counter the whole time. So I started asking if I could take a break and just walk around the show for a bit. They let me and I went upstairs and looked at everything. Kenny Baker was there (R2D2), the guy that played Willow and was also Wicket from Return of the Jedi. Lou Farigno (the Incredible Hulk) was there and I just had to get his autograph! I used to watch that show all the time!!! I was so excited after I got it - I was showing everyone that came to buy a ticket from me!!!! The guy from Charlie and the Chocolate factory was there too. And so was Kevin Smith (Clerks, Chasing Amy, Mallrats). Sunday was defiantly my favorite day of volunteering though because instead of selling tickets I got to sit with Lou Farigno all day and help him with his autograph sessions!! Lou is hard of hearing and I had to write down the names of all the people that wanted autographs so he wouldn't get the name wrong. He was a really nice guy, very interested in me and my life. We talked a lot and when he left he gave me a big hug!!! I also talked to the guy from Charlie and the chocolate factory. I can't remember his name. I felt bad for him because no one really wanted his autograph. I think he played Willie Wonka. He told me that he wasn't having a good time because his movie isn't as popular in Canada as it is in the States. Have any of you seen it?? I'd like to know, cause I had to admit I didn't know they made a movie out of that book. He told me it has a huge cult following in the States and he usually is swamped with autograph seekers. I told him I'd rent it, but I'm ashamed to say I haven't yet. I also met Kevin Smith and got his autograph! He signed a Canadian two dollar bill (which we don't have anymore, but I was saving for something special) He wrote: "Sandi: This is illegal. Kevin Smith." Then he wrote "The Canadian Queen" with an arrow pointing to Queen Elizabeth. The guy in front of me had Kevin sign a copy of the Superman script he wrote and Kevin signed it "F**k you, Tim Burton". He was a nice guy, but he hates crowds and there was a constant line up for his autograph, one of the other volunteers that got to work with him said he started to freak out at one point. Kevin Smith, Willow and Jeri Ryan (7of9) were by far the most popular guests. People attending the event were dressed in all sorts of outrageous costumes. There was a guy dressed as Sailor Saturn!!!! And if you have ever met me - well you would know that this was the perfect place for me to volunteer!! Thank you to all the other participants of this project, you made me proud to be a Brigader!


L&L Brigade Newsletter October 17, 1999


Well, things were rocking and rolling here in LA this weekend. For those of you who didn't hear, there was a 7.0 earthquake in Southern California on Friday night. It was out in the desert, about 100 miles east of LA, though, so we didn't feel it too bad. It just woke us up and rocked us back and forth for a while, but no one had serious damage. I want to thank all of you who sent me emails asking if I was OK. Except for missing a whole night's sleep to aftershocks, I'm just fine. I'm more concerned about my Brigader friends in Florida. I hope you guys are staying dry!

CHRISTMAS IS COMING: The Holidays are almost here and we all know how busy it gets that time of year. So, I figured we'd better start planning our Christmas gifts for JJ and Becky now. Although I doubt we'll be able to top the success of our infamous wreaths from last year, I'd like to recapture the fun of making something as a group. It occurred to me, though, that the two of them really have tons of GH and L&L memorabilia now. So, I was thinking, what is one gift that you can never get too much of? FOOD! What do you all think of doing a "Taste of the Brigade" basket for each of them? All of you could pick out some special food item that's either unique to your area or is a favorite of yours. These would have to be store bought and sealed items, of course, nothing homemade. Attach a SMALL, LITTLE note to it saying what it is and why you picked it. For example, someone from Vermont might send some maple syrup. This would also be a fun way to show JJ and Becky just how wide spread and diverse the Brigaders are. I would put all the treats together in a basket and make sure they both get it early enough to enjoy and share all the food over the Holiday season. How does that sound? Give me some feedback, either yes or no, and I'll let you all know in an upcoming newsletter if it's a go!

MID-DAY CHATS: Pvt Lori brought to my attention this week that all of our chats have been scheduled for evenings. Not everyone can attend evening chats, especially if they have kids at home or work nights. So, she would like to start hosting a mid-day chat every Tuesdays at 10am PST/1pm EST. We don't have a specific topic for these chats, but how often do our chats stick to the topic anyway? So, just come if you can and visit with some of your fellow Brigaders. Thanks, Lori, for hosting these for us!

SSW PHOTOS: If you haven't check out HQ recently, you've been missing out. The Tower of Terror pic and the group shot with Becky at the "Meet and Greet" are both posted. There are also links off of the SSW Report page to 5 or 6 Brigader's SSW picture pages. And, if that's not enough, there are new photos posted at the Brigade's Yahoo room. So, check them out! If you would like a copy of the group shot at SSW, email me.

VALENTINES DINNER: Just a reminder that tickets are on sale NOW for the Valentine's Dinner with Becky and Ingo. So, anyone near Florida (or anyone who wants to be) check out the page linked at the bottom of HQ and on Becky's Fan Club site. There is already a Brigade Table started, so you won't be without company!

BRIGADERS PUBLISHED: Remember when Movieline did an article on JJ and Richard awhile back? Well, our own Pittsford and MIzVamp wrote letters in reply and they've both been printed in the latest addition of Movieline. Congrats, you two. Good going!

MAGAZINE WATCH: Pvt. Janice did a great job keeping her eye out for magazine sitings this week ~ JJ is one of the "20 hottest guys" in the special BOP fall magazine / The November issue of 16 Magazine has a pic of JJ and Richard from the Teen Choice Awards.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION CHAT: Well, guys, I actually made it to the chat last week. But then I ended up getting booted out by Yahoo. Oh well, I intend to try again this week!
Yay! The rest of "I love your mouth" night is the starting point for this week! Our assignment for the week is filled with the Fab Four's early adventures in hunting down Emily's blackmailer. There's lot of great Lucky and Nikolas snarkiness as all of the early computer stuff gets down -- gotta love that! Included in the scenes: Laura seeing Lucky and Nikolas working together at Kelly's, Lucky's first day of work at the bike shop (with the great "You make me feel like I'm finally living up to my name" line!), moving in to Lucky's apartment, TK2, and the trip to New York to track down Maggie Christian. The stuff that concludes this week's scenes will be just after the return from New York, when everyone is on Spook Island, and the plan is hatched for Emily to leave the blackmailer a downpayment (this block of scenes is a little under an hour, but that turns into a *really* long night, so save the actual dock stuff and the slumber party for next week -- just watch until the point when Emily goes back to the table to grab the money, and they all head out to catch the launch). The memory food includes the popcorn and chocolate chip cookies and milk from ILYM night, the pizza Lucky plans to bring back to Kelly's to eat on Liz's break, and something French in honor of the Cafe Matisse lunch. See you in the Yahoo chat room on Wednesday at 9:00 EST/6:00 PST! Questions or concerns: contact jen at -- thanks!

SILLY SPOILERS: I don't know about you guys, but I am LOVING these spoofs on the spoilers! Allison, you crack me up! Remember, the top line is the real spoiler and the bottom line is Allison's unique interpretation. If you are spoiler free, skip this section.

Carly confides in Jason; they agree to keep a close eye on Hannah.
"I swear to you, the woman doesn't sweat, even after those long runs she supposedly takes."

Alexis makes an offer to Jax.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." (hey, hey, out of the gutter people! I'm talking about their financial portfolios!)

Taggert helps Emily and Juan.
"Juan, she knows she's your girlfriend, you don't have to keep saying it!"

Laura attempts to make amends with Luke.
"Please help me, he's turning me into Lasha again!"

Stefan learns something disturbing from Mac.
No one really cares who killed Katherine, unless it was Faison. "He killed my brother, you know."

Nikolas takes out his frustrations on Stefan.
He beats him with a mop after trying for hours unsuccessfully to cry

Laura and Stefan grow more suspicious of Helena.
They notice a strange scuffling sound inside her room every time they start to open her door.

Jax and Chloe recreate a special time.
Chloe falls off his horse again

Taggert makes a deal with Armando.
"Let the kid stay, maybe he'll get beat up again, then I can finally arrest Sonny."

Alexis offers her services to Stefan.
"You know what you need? Microwave popcorn!" (I can't believe I managed to stay out of the gutter on that one!)

Roy eavesdrops on a conservation between Bobbie and Carly.
"Mama, give it up. My diamond's bigger than yours."

Hannah faces a deadline.
Monday's almost

Luke continues with his plan of revenge on Faison.
This time, he hides the diamonds in a bottle of shampoo....he'll never find them there!

Jerry interrupts a private moment between Jax and Chloe.
Chloe is painting Jax's toenails with her purple sparkly nail polish

Before I go, I have to make on shameless plug. Lt. jnelmom has gotten me hook on a new show. In fact, I know a lot of us are hooked on it because it even has it's own thread going on the Brigade boards. So, I must share with the rest of you. If you are missing some romance and drama without new L&L scenes in your life, check out the new WB serious, Roswell. It's on Wednesday nights at 9:00. LOL! I can't believe I'm plugging another show in this newsletter, but I really think you guys will like it too.

Have a good week!
|_ _| Boo

L&L Brigade Newsletter October 24, 1999


Finally! Who squealed with me on Friday when they saw the picture of Lucky and it was still our JJ? I'm hoping this means there are no plans to recast for at least a little while more. I was so glad just to hear Lucky's name mentioned. It seems like this story is being dragged on forever. Did you all catch the editorial in SOW about how boring GH has become. The author seem to take the words out of my mouth and I hope TPTB pay attention to it. We've had another Brigader's letter published too. So, at least some people are agree with us.

SSW VIDEOS: I'll be getting the SSW video dubs back tomorrow and put them in the mail to you just as soon as I can. I've gotten a lot of orders, but I'll do my best to get them all out ASAP. I can't wait to hear what you all think of it!

HOLIDAY BASKETS: I got mostly positive response to the "Taste of the Brigade" Holiday Baskets I suggested last week. So, we are going to do these as our gifts for Becky and JJ this year. We will want them to be able to enjoy these treats during the holidays, and I'm also going to be out of town for a while in December, so I'd like to be able to deliver the baskets the first of December. Of course this is all voluntary but, if you want to participate, please try to get me your items by the end of November. Remember, these are to be store bought, sealed foods. Ideally, make it something unique to your area or something that's a favorite of you. I've already heard several wild ideas from some of you that I thought were great. Of course, any sort of Holiday treat will do too. So, have fun with this. And, remember, we are doing a basket for each of them so you might want to send two of whatever you get.

HOLIDAY CARD CONTEST: Ready for some more early Holiday spirit? We are going to be creating Brigade themed email cards on HQ to help everyone who might want to exchange greetings with their email buddies, especially over the Holidays. I hope that all of you creative Brigaders might take a break from banners and make us some cards so people have a lot to chose from. I was thinking we might even make this a contest, if enough people were interested. So, if you think that would be fun email me this week and let me know. We could have regiment themed cards as well as just Brigade and GH themed. I can't wait to see what you all will come up with!

MIDDAY CHAT: Our first midday chat last Tuesday was a big success! Things didn't really get going until about 10:30, but then we all had a great time chatting. I hope that more of you might stop by the Yahoo chat room this Tuesday at 10:00AM pst / 1PM est. It's a great break in the middle of your day. Thanks Pvt Lori for hosting these chats for us.

ROSWELL CHAT? Sorry, but I have to mention this show again because I just keep getting more and more into it. I would really like to set up a chat for all the Brigaders who can't get enough of this show either. The ideal time would be after it airs on Wednesday nights. Unfortunately, by the time we've seen it on the West coast it's 1AM for the East coasters. So how about Thursday night at 6:30 PST/ 9:30 EST? Email me if you are interested, even if this isn't a good time for you. I think it's great that Brigaders share so many interests outside of L&L too so, if any of you ever want to host a chat for fans of something you really like, email me about it and I'll try to help you set it up.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION CHAT: Didn't seeing Lucky's picture on Friday make you all long for the good old L&L days? Why don't you come this Wednesday and remember with all your friends? Here is Jen's schedule for us this week:
We continue this week with the blackmail story (hey, perhaps "back to the blackmailing" will become as popular a phrase as our old chat favorites, " back to the condoms" and "back to richard marx"! har har!). Start this week's scenes with Lucky on the docks waiting for someone to pick up Emily's "downpayment" for the blackmailer. Watch all of the ensuing dock scenes with Nikolas and Lucky (don't you just love Lucky acting all snotty there?!) and the slumber party scenes with Liz and Emily. Then we'll move to the scenes where the Fab Four break-in to Tom's studio (with the famous ball gown dance!) and where Liz hatches the internship plan to get someone into Downtown Faces. Watch Nikolas and Lucky's attempt to use Stefan's computer on Spook Is., where they find Laura in the infamous white dress, and Lucky's return to Liz where he talks about suspecting that something is going on between Laura and Stefan -- Lucky's last line for the week is, "'s just *weird*." This block of scenes is short (just over 40 minutes), but before anyone objects, let me say in my defense that I'm having to play around with the viewing assignments for the next couple of weeks so that Sunnyside will not miss the "Witness" montage when she misses chat on Nov. 3rd! She's threatened to do something desperate if we wax "Witness" without her, so we'll just have to wait! :) Work with me, people! The memory food this week consists of the slumber party popcorn and that sad-lookin' plate of donuts Liz brings out the afternoon of Mr Murty's visit to the house. See you on Wednesday at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST in the Brigade's Yahoo chatroom. Questions, concerns, contact jen at -- thanks!

TRIPLE L AWARDS: I want to thank all of you who sent your nominations into your regiment officers. There were so many great Brigaders suggested, I don't know how we are ever going to chose. But, we will announce who gets our Triple L Award in next weeks newsletter.

JJ'S SITE UPDATED: There are some new items up at JJ's official site, including a new Scarlet Road pendants you can order if you are a fan of JJ's band. Check it out from the like at HQ.

SILLY SPOILERS: Our resident wit, Allison, has done it again. Real spoilers are on the top line, and her interpretation is on the line below. Get ready to laugh!

Roy tries to explain his disappearance to Bobbie.
“Oh, come on, this is Port Charles! No one ever stays dead!”

Jerry tries to ignore his brother's indiscretions.
He spies Jax in a McDonald’s drive-thru

Nikolas shares his suspicions with Liz.
“I think Emily is Juan’s girlfriend.” (He’s kind of slow)

Luke attacks Faison; later, Roy runs interference for Luke.
He gets tangled up in Faison’s greasy hair, so Roy has to cut him out.

A.J. and Carly ask for advice from Edward and Lila.
“How do you kill a man and keep it a secret for 50 years?”

Chloe, Jax, Ned and Alexis come up with a plan to throw Gertrude off their trail.
They all braid their hair and wear glasses, then assume phony German names: she’ll never find them now!

Laura tries to convince Mac to end the investigation into Katherine's death.
“You’ve already done this once before, do you really want to go through it again?”

Nikolas confronts his father.
“Okay, admit it: I’m adopted, aren’t I?”

Hannah tries to deal with her feelings of guilt.
By eating lots of dessert and having sex with, wait, she always does that.

Jason and Carly make a shocking discovery.
Their “romance” storyline isn’t going anywhere, and probably never will.

Roy meets with Sonny.
Even he knows that Hannah’s up to something

Laura makes a startling realization.
Without Nikolas, her and Stefan would have absolutely nothing to talk about

Jason tells Sonny the truth about Hannah.
Carly was right: she really is a banana

Luke and Felicia admit their feelings for each other.
Felicia: “You remind me of Frisco”
Luke: “You remind me of Laura”

STEVE BURTON'S COMEDY SHOW: A couple of our lucky Brigaders got to see Steve Burton perform his GH centered stand up last week, and Pvt. Gator wrote us this report on it. I wish he'd perform more in LA!

"What else is there to do on a Saturday night besides drive three hours to see Steve Burton do stand up comedy? Especially if you can convince a fellow Brigader to go with you, too. I drove nearly three hours each way to see Steve do comedy and it was well worth the drive. This man is funny! Of course, I had to do my Brigader duty and get some questions answered when he took audience questions. Of course I asked him about the Liz/Jason storyline and he said he didn't really know where it was headed, but a lot of it would depend on whether or not he was staying with the show. He wouldn't discuss anything regarding whether he was staying or going, though. His contract is up in December, so we shouldn't have to wait much longer for news. Maurice is the actor that cracks him up the most, and he said most of the time they can't get through scenes since they are laughing so hard. He says things are starting to get like that with Michael (aka Monkey Boy, a nickname made up by Steve himself).
When he first got on stage, he said he wasn't a stand up comic, but you could have fooled me! He was hysterical making fun of GH. Now, please be reminded that all of this is to be taken as a joke. He started off making fun of the Katherine thing: Is she dead this time? How did she die? Same balcony? Didn't she learn to stay off that balcony the first time? There were audience members telling them it was a parapet, and Steve response was: a what? Same thing.
Then he started in on his storyline as Jason with burn Lucky burn, I'm going to take his woman now and then he made fun of the writing that had him discussing the trace on Hannah's gun right in front of where she lived. Proof that the actors can object to writing, but obviously it does not get changed. He also made a lot of fun of Carly saying that everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie, but since he's brain damaged, he puts up with her.
He also does this GH poem that he wrote and L&L's part went something like this: Lucky and Liz a love so innocent and true, I gave Lucky a place to live, now he's barbecue. I also loved the one about Lasha. Who's Lasha? Lasha, run far far away as fast as you can. Don't look behind you it's Goatee man!
When he asked about Nikolas, everyone (about 300 people) booed! That probably got the most unanimous reaction of the night from the audience.
There were only a few characters that did not get made fun of, but those that he did make fun of were hysterical. It's hard to remember everything, but I did try to remember the main points. I would definitely recommend this event if Steve is coming to your area for this. And you all might be lucky enough to get Maurice, too, since Steve said Maurice usually does the event with him."

Have a good week and a fun Halloween! And don't forget to change your clocks next Saturday.
|_ _| Boo

L&L Brigade Newsletter, October 31, 1999

"BOO!!!" from Boo :)

Trick or Treat, Brigaders!

Did you all remember to turn your clocks back last night. I was so thrilled at the thought of an extra hour of sleep, but then I just used it as an excuse to stay on the computer an hour later before bed. And the sugar high I'm sure to be on tonight will probably keep me up late again. You might notice that you are getting this newsletter much earlier than usual, but I've got to have plenty of time to carve my pumpkin and get into my Pirate costume before tonight. I hope whatever you all are doing that you have fun and stay safe.

We have a lot of different projects and events coming up for the Holidays. I really hope that all of you will join in, but, please remember, all of these are voluntary and you don't have to participate in any of them. We've tried to come up with a variety, though, so that there will be something for everyone. If you would like to be even more involved by helping organize some of these or if you have a project suggestion of your own, please email me so we can talk about it. It's going to be a fun Holiday season for us :)

HOLIDAY BASKETS: Several of you emailed me this week with your plans for JJ and Becky's "Taste of the Brigade" basket. I'm thrilled that you are putting so much thought into it, but remember you can keep it simple if you want to. Just think of something you'd like to get in a goodie basket. If it's something that is specific to you, your family or your area, that is great! But, if it's just something you think they would like, that is great too. Just have fun with it! I would like to get the items by the first week of December, but you don't need to worry about mailing them out just yet. Also, I do want the notes attached to be short, but I hope you can include on them where you are from even if it doesn't relate to the food item you selected. I think JJ and Becky will be amazed to see they have fans all over. Remember to include 2 identical items with 2 notes so we have one for each of them. Thanks!

E-CARD EXCHANGE: A few of you told me you are already starting to design Brigade and L&L themed Internet cards for us to put up at HQ and exchange during the Holidays. So far, though, there isn't enough to make it a contest. So, if you are thinking you will want to create something for this, please let me know. Either way, this is going to be a fun way to celebrate together this season. So, thanks in advance to you creative Brigaders!

SNAIL MAIL CARD EXCHANGE: Our snail mail Holiday card exchange went so well last year that Lt. Galor has offered to organize it for us again this year. I remember when my family came to my place last Christmas they couldn't believe how many cards I'd received. My house was full of them and they were each so unique. I loved it! Last year Galor made a list with the name and address of everyone who wanted to participate, and then emailed the list to everyone on the list (do you follow that?) The Brigade is so much bigger now, though, that we may need to divide it up into smaller groups. It's been suggested that maybe we trade regiment lists, like the TKTU exchange cards with the NNN. So, if you think you'd be interested in participating this year, send an email to your Regiment Officer now so we can get an idea of the numbers. Remember, you'll have to be sending out a lot of cards too, so please don't sign up if you don't think you'll have the time. It's also not a bad idea to use a PO Box or your work address, if you can. These addresses will totally stay within the Brigade, but it's good to practice these safety habits on the Internet.

TRIPLE L AWARDS: I've still waiting for the decisions from of couple of regiments, so I'll announce our Triple L Award winners next week. We have so much in this newsletter already, though, that I think it's better to save it anyone. Let the suspense build a little :)

MAGAZINE WATCH: JJ is in "Teen Celebrity Insider" ( or just "Celebrity Insider--not sure which). I'm not sure if the magazine is out yet but Love-Hewitt is the covergirl. ~ Pvt. Gina .

GOD CANDY CAMPAIGN: Pvt. Kate has been doing an awesome job on this campaign to get JJ's CD played on the radio. She again contacted Ryan Seacrest of STAR 98.7 out here in LA. He responded that he had just seen JJ and that he might play his CD, but only if it really got a lot of requests. So, if we could get a lot of Brigaders and other JJ fans to call in on the same two days that we might actually get him to do it! Ryan's show doesn't air everywhere, but for the places that get it he is on from 2:00 - 6:00 PM PST. You can also go to and listen to it on G2real audio player which can be downloaded for free. The station number is 1-800-star987 anywhere in the country. We decided on "Kelly Lane" as the song from God Candy that everyone should request. So, this is all you have to do. Between 2:00 and 6:00 if you are on the West coast, or 5:00 to 9:00 if you are on the East coast, this Monday and Tuesday afternoon just pick up your phone and dial 1-800-7827-987 and say you'd like to request "Kelly Lane" off of the "God Candy" CD by Jonathan Jackson's group, Scarlet Road. That's it! You don't have to give your name of anything and if they say they don't know that group just say, "Ryan has said before that he has the CD, so he will know what it is." Simple, right? And can you imagine how cool it will be if we Brigaders can be the ones to get Scarlet Road on the radio? But, please, don't be obnoxious or anything. A couple of calls a day wouldn't be bad, but don't call over and over again. We don't want that kind of annoying reputation and it won't get us the results we want. Thanks Kate for being so diligent with this! I'll let you all know if they play it!

MAXINE'S AUCTION: Just wanted you guys to know that Maxine (JJ and Richard's fan club president ) is having an online charity auction for a really great charity called the Interfaith Hospitality of Las Vegas. She has two cool things of JJ and Richard's up for auction. They're a little pricey but it's for a great cause. You can read more about it on her site at: Thanks, Gina, for this info.

LIZ AND NIK PROTEST: Pvt AndreaD and Pvt Karen want to thank everyone who helped with the Liz/Nik protests on their websites. They sent a total of 137 entries to TPTB! If you want to see what the cover of the letters looked like, go to

LIZ BIRTHDAY CHAT: Someone asked me if we were going to have a party for Liz's birthday and I thought, "Why not?" I love any excuse to chat and celebrate with my Brigader buddies. So, I'll be in the Yahoo chat room tomorrow (Monday) at 6:30 PST/ 9:30 EST. Yes, I will actually be there this time :). So, I really hope to see some of you there!

ROSWELL CHAT: **This is Boo hanging her head in shame** I'm so sorry I missed the Roswell chat last week. I was the one who wanted to host it and then I didn't show, but I had a last minute meeting I had to go to. So, if anyone wants to schedule one for another time, just email me and we'll plan another one.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION CHAT: I just realized that these chats are conflicting with Roswell on the east coast. Is that a problem for you guys?
We've got another set of abbreviated scenes this week (around 40 minutes worth) in the the efforts to hold off "Witness" for another week, but this is still pretty action-packed stuff. Start with Lucky and Laura's confrontation about Stefan (how amazing is JJ there???) and move on to the day of Liz's follow-up HIV test, the first day of the internship at Downtown Faces (beware, Lucky's deadly with that mailcart!), the plan to have Nikolas act like he wants a modeling career so that Lucky can snoop around in the DF computer files, the visit to Tom's studio where Nikolas gets those ridiculous pics in the hat taken, Lucky and Nik's trip to the police station, and Liz's realization that Tom is both the blackmailer and her rapist. We'll end with the Friday cliffhanger (yes, a dreaded cliffhanger! :P ) of Liz going to the studio to get Emily and finally figuring out Tom was her rapist. Eat your memory food early in the scenes -- get yourself one of the sandwiches Lucky picks up for Liz, with or without tomato, depending on whether it's one of the days you like them or not. See you in the Yahoo chatroom on Wednesday at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST. Questions or concerns, contact jen at -- thanks!

SILLY SPOILERS: Here are this week's silly spoliers. The lines with * before them are Allison's interpretation of them. Remember, don't read them if you are spoiler free!

Hannah contemplates telling Sonny the truth.
*”They’re not real.”

Sparks fly during an argument between Felicia and Luke;
*”I saw were enjoying SheDaisy. You probably liked Boyzone too!” later, Roy spies the two in a clinch. *A clinch? Can they show that on TV? (j/k)

Liz gets a surprising birthday present from Nikolas.
*Thumb-wrestling lessons!

Sonny explains his plan for Hannah to Jason.
*No more dessert, and sex only on Mondays, not Fridays anymore

A.J. makes an unusual admission to Alan.
*”When no one’s in the house, I like to dress up like Reginald and serve tea to Michael’s dolls.”

Stefan comes up with a plan to reveal Katherine's true killer.
*”Eeney, meeney, miney, mo...”

Carly makes a realization about Roy.
*He just showed up out of nowhere.....maybe he’s a Fed too!

Laura and Stefan confide in Nikolas.
*”We’re sending you to Mopaholics Anonymous. You need to get some help.”

Bobbie defends Roy to Mac.
*”He’s been in jail for the past 20 years, I doubt he even knows Faison!”

Chloe comes with an idea to help her spend time with Jax.
*She strategically leaves her shoes in his penthouse so she’ll have to return for them later.

Carly asks for Jason's help with Sonny;
*“If you don’t want me any more, then set me up with Sonny. Hannah gets more action than everyone else in Port Charles!”
later, A.J. catches the couple together.
*They decide to go to Radio Shack and get those matching cell phones after all

Bobbie tries to reassure Jerry about their upcoming nuptials
*”Just because my soulmate is back from the dead and my brother and daughter don’t approve of, wait, what was I trying to say again?”

Time to start that sugar high now! Happy Halloween, everyone!
|_ _| Boo


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