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L&L Brigade Newsletter Oct. 19, 1998

L&L Brigaders,

Hi everyone! As promised, I'm starting a weekly newsletter for all Brigaders. Soon we will have these letters posted at HQ for everyone to be able to read, but I will also send them out to each active member individually. I hope to have a lot of fun things in each letter, like scoops and quizzes, and also to use them to report on all of our Brigade activities. Please bear with me for the first few letters as I get myself organized and all :)

How are the letters to Rosie coming? I've heard from a few of you about your Lucky Charms boxes and they sound great. Soon, Rosie may make a comment on her show about this, if she keeps getting them. I think we need to try to watch her show every day in case she does mention us. I cannot always catch it because of work, so I hope some of you can help me. If anyone, or any group, would like to be responsible for keeping tabs on Rosie, to make sure someone watches every day, please let me or dentonj know. It would be a great help.

By now I'm sure you have all heard that our favorite blue-eyed-boy is going to be missing from the show for a time. No one seems to have an idea of how long he'll be gone, but I've heard that both Lucky and Luke will be on the first part of November. So take heart, Brigaders, it can't be for too long. If anyone has more concrete scoops on this please let me know. I'd like to include scoops in this letter, but I need you're help to gather them. So everyone get to sleuthing!

If there is anyone who would like to participate in the Birthday Club, but is not yet on the list, please send me an email I can forward to our birthday coordinator, Galor. Thanks.

Part of this letter will be our weekly L&L quiz provided by Captain LL1998 of Boxcar Regiment. Hopefully there will be a link at HQ soon where you can send your answers and get a response back to how you did. In the mean time, I will post the answers to these in next weeks newsletter. Good Luck!

That's it for this week. Keep the faith, Brigaders! May L&L live forever!
|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter for Oct. 25, 1998

Hi Brigaders!

I hope everyone had a nice "Allen Free" week (just a little joke, no offense to Allen fans intended).

For those of you who might not have heard yet, Becky will be doing a live chat on aol this Wednesday, Oct. 28, at 4pm est. Go to Keyword: AOL Live. I just hope I can get home from work early that day. If anyone is able to be in the chat, please let me know how it went. Maybe someone could try to ask if she got the basket from the Brigade for TK. Tell her it had flowers, balloons, and two stuff animals just to jog her memory. And remember that we signed it from The Boo Brigade at that time.

Also, on November 4th we finally get Liz's birthday! It should be a episode for SP and many rewindes. We will have an official party to celebrate in the Private L&L ocalachat room on Nov. 4 at 8pm est/5pm pst. Hope to see you all there!

I have an exciting announcement to make. There will be an official Brigade meeting at Super Soap Weekend next month! Our first official gathering! Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend, but Captain Kreyn of the No Name Nurses Regiment will be acting as leader there for me. If you are planning to attend and would like to meet some of your fellow Brigaders, please email Kreyn. SSW will be held on Nov. 14 & 15 at Disney's MGM Studios in Orlando. Anyone wanting more information can call (407) 397 - 6808. We will post a complete report, with pictures, when our "delegation" gets back.

The nomination forms for the next Soap Opera Awards should be coming out in SOD soon. Keep your eyes open for them! I'll let you know as soon as the voting can begin. L&L deserve Best Super Couple!!!!!

Lt. DSARA of the NNN Regiment made a suggestion concerning Operation Rosie. She suggested getting other L&L groups, such as the aol L&L club, involved in the letter writing campaign. How would the rest of you feel about this? If anyone has a problem with it, PLEASE let me know this week. I want everyone to be OK with the idea before anything is done. How are those letters coming? Email or snail mail? It's good to spread them out, but don't forget :)

There has been some confusion about bringing in new members. I just want to clarify a few things. You all have been so patient with me as I work to get this whole group organized, so it's important to me to keep it organized. For that reason this is the only way a person can become a member of the Brigade: they must email ME. I need to know who is who, and who is where. When they email me I can officially put them into a regiment or the reserves and put them on the mailing list. Please feel free to invite people to join, but they have to join through me, because if I don't have their email addy how can they be put on the mailing list? It's fine to give my brigade email out to someone who is seriously interested in joining, or to share the url now that we've made the site public again. I hope this clears up any confusion. If you have brought someone into the Brigade on your own, just have them email me and we'll make them official. If they are not on the roster and they have not received a "Welcome-email" from me, then they aren't an official member. Please contact them and have them email me. I don't want anyone left out. Thanks.

It seems our blue-eyed-boy will be absent Nov.6 - Nov.12. That's only one week, but an unLucky week is an unlucky week :( Things should be heating up after that, though, so keep the faith! I'm still looking for someone who can do scoops for this newsletter and the site. I'd like to only have magazine scoops, not internet rumors. Perhaps I could have someone for each of the magazines, especially if they get them in the mail? Let me know if you are able and interested.

It was also mentioned to me that we start doing "profiles" of different Brigaders in the newsletter in order to get to know more about one another. Maybe one a month? Would anyone be interested? Would anyone want to be profiled, or write the profiles? I will make a decision based on the responses I get, so if you have an opinion on this let me know

One more thing before I forget, Captain Quinn had to go AWOL unexpectedly. She barely had a second to send me a quick email, so I don't know if she got in touch with her regiment or not. She'll be back Nov. 1. In the mean time, TK Trauma Unit, any emails you would send to Quinn you can send to me.

That's it for me. If you have anything you would like included in next weeks newsletter, please email it to me by Friday. Everyone have a good week!

Keep the faith, Brigaders! May L&L live forever!
|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter Nov.1

Hi Brigaders!

Happy Halloween! I trust everyone is still on a nice sugar high. I know I am! Have you all checked out ELB's haunted house on the ABC boards? SCARY!

Speaking of scary, what about Friday's episode? I thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest. Even knowing, to a certain extent, what was going to happen, I bit my nails past the point of saving. Poor Liz! Weren't you all just dying for her? To tell the truth, I'm a little nervous for tomarrow - I'll be screaming at the TV I'm sure! It was a nice Halloween touch for GH.

Now, on to something seriously scary, I'm having my own crises right now. Yesterday, after coming home late from a Halloween party, I was getting all settled for a nightly dose of L&L to put me to sleep........ when suddenly my VCR broke!!! (Insert screams of terror here). The repair shop doesn't open until tomarrow morning and they might not get it fixed before 2:00! Oh, the humanity! What a cruel world! Of course, I am a seasoned soldier who has been prepared for vicious assaults such as this. I have friends who can tape it for me. But I need all the silent support I can get from you Brigaders as I am L&L-less for an indefinite amount of time. I've already gone since Friday night with no GH and serious withdrawls are beginning.

Did any of you get to participate in the online chat with Becky last week? I was actually able to get home from work in time for it. None of my questions were asked, and I did try my best, but it was still exciting to see her chatting live. The most interesting "new" thing I heard was her answer to the question of what her favorite GH scene has been. She said it hadn't aired yet, but was coming up. Think it'll be this week? Anyone who hasn't yet, you can read the transcript at ABC.

There is still no confirmed information on the status of JJ's contract. However, our chance to make our feelings on the subject heard is just around the corner. As you all know, our blue-eyed-boy will be gone from the screen for awhile. During this time, I suggest the L&L Brigade "Take the Boards Hostage!" like the V. board did until she got her contract. In fact, this idea was suggested to me in an email from Meldy1968 who participated in that historic siege herself. She said their determination was even mentioned in one of the soap mags! So TPTB do pay attention! I further suggest we Brigaders flood the GH email box with at least one message a piece per day that Lucky is absent. Make it loud and clear that, without Lucky on screen, we are not happy viewers!

Thanks for all the responses on the idea of profiling Brigaders in this newsletter. We will have the first profile next week. And who should the first guinea pig be? Well, I thought it only fair that it be me. That way all of you will know exactly how it will be done before deciding if you want to be profiled. I hope you all will be. I think it will be fun to get to know each other a little better.

Don't forget CHAT ROOM PARTY for Liz's Sweet 16 on Wed. Nov 4 at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific, in the private Lizzie and Lucky room.

Well, that's it for me this week. Keep the faith! May L&L live forever!
|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter Nov.8


Wow! What a week! I think these are the best sweeps ever!!! It was also the worst week ever for my VCR to be in the shop. I have it back now, though, and my view on life has vastly improved. Thank you so much to everyone who emailed me offering to share tapes. That's why I love this group, you are all so sweet and thoughtful! I'm covered, though, and I didn't have to miss a single episode.

Next weekend is SSW! I know I'm certainly jealous of all you "Lucky" people who are getting ready to go. Captain Kreyn has scheduled meetings for you and arranged for Brigade T Shirts to commemorate the events. The T Shirts are forest green and say Lucky&Liz Brigade on the front with SSW'98 on the back. They will be $13 a piece and are in XL or XXL. You must reserve one from Kreyn through email and if you need a different size you must email her asap. There are 3 different meeting times schedualed:

#1 Friday 7:30pm - Meet at the Comfort Inn Maingate lobby to go to dinner (You can pick up your shirts then)

#2 Saturday 8:30am - Meet at the MGM front gate (If you can't make the Friday night meeting you can get your shirts then, but Kreyn will NOT be taking them inside MGM)

#3 Saturday 1PM - Meet at "The Great Movie Ride" in MGM to go to Superstar TV where they are holding the first JJ and BH event at 2:30. If you haven't met up with the others yet, just look for the T shirts and introduce yourself. Salutes required!

Saturday and Sunday (Nov. 14th & 15th), MGM's hours are 9:00 a.m.--9:00 p.m. Tickets are $42 for adults and $34 for children (3-9 years old). At any other time you want to meet Brigaders, or need to get a message to Kreyn, just call the Comfort Inn, Maingate from 3:30 Friday to 11pm Sunday. HAVE FUN!!!

Soap Opera Digest Awards are schedueled for Feb. 26 at the Universal Amphatheater in L.A. I've heard that this year only subscribers will be able to vote, so all of you with subscriptions have an important duty to remember to vote! Is anyone planning to attend the awards? I've heard that tickets are still available from Ticket Master or the Universal box office. I am going to try to go, so anyone else who will be in the area and wants to go please let me know ASAP. Maybe we can get seats together!

I have another voting assignment for all of you. CurlyQgrl brought to my attention that Soaps In Depth has a weekly poll of the "Top 5 Actors/Actresses from ABC", and our beloved couple has never even placed!!! This is an outrage! Everyone can vote by emailing SID Reader's Poll at SOAPIN@COMPUSERVE.COM Let's put Jonathan and Becky at #1 where they deserve to be!

There continues to be a lot of stress, and the occational panic attack, about the status of JJ's contract. I approve of all the efforts being done on the abc boards and I promised several frantic Brigaders that I would stress this to all of you. Please continue with the constant emails and snail mail to ABC, GH, Wendy Riche, and JJ. As for myself, I'm emphesizeing that I might not even watch GH anymore if Lucky leaves, but I will certainly not tolerate a recast! I know I couldn't watch L&L with someone else in the role! JJ is the ONLY Lucky and I think it'd make me sick to my stomach to watch Liz with anyone else. Captain LL1998 suggested organizeing a petition through email or snail mail. She has written a letter stressing all our concerns and would like to include on it all of our names (first initial and last name would be fine), home town or state, age, and email addy. She will send copies to ABC, Wendy Riche, and JJ. If you are willing to "sign" this petition please email LL1998 with your information. Also, please take a close look at MizVamp's thread on both abc and our L&L message boards about JJ's contract status. All the addresses you could need are posted there. I hope many of you will take the time to write a few letters, snail mail and email. They really do have a greater impact than you might think. Demographicly, one letter equals the projected opinion of 10,000! Just ask yourself, what would we do without our blue-eyed-boy? :(

Pvt. CarlyVH is organizeing the 1998 Best of the Best GH Awards and wants all Brigaders to participate. She is in the process of setting up a web site/voting booth and will have more information for us next week. In the mean time, be thinking of good categories for her - such as Best L&L dance, Lucky's most sarcastic line, and I suppose something for the other characters on GH too :). Yes, there are other characters, I forget sometimes. So, keep your eye out for more infomation on this. It should be a lot of fun!

That is it for my chatter this week, but following will be the other columns that Brigaders are doing for me: Profiles, Quizes and Scoops. I hope to add even more columns (and catchy names for them) so anyone with an idea please let me know!

Enjoy the rest of sweeps! And, for those of you getting ready to go to SSW next Friday, have a safe trip and take notes for all of us! We expect a report soon!

Keep the faith! May L&L live forever1
|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter Nov. 15


ANOTHER SSW HAS COME AND GONE. For those of us who didn't get to go - maybe next year. For those of you who did go - SPILL!!! We want details! I hope to get several different SSW Reports to include in a special midweek letter to everyone. If any of you have snap shots from the event that you can send me through email or snail mail I'll try to put them on the site asap. We'd all love a closer look at what we missed. How many of you got to see the live feed of Saturday night's concert? I had to get someone to cover the last two hours of my shift at work and kicked my friend off of his computer, but I didn't miss a minute. The picture and sound weren't always the best, but when JJ pulled Becky on stage and sang "Elizabeth" to her I swear I melted right into the chair! I've heard that there are lyrics to the new verse of "Elizabeth" he sang floating around the web. If someone finds a copy, could you please send them to me? I'll try to include them in the SSW Reports letter.

SOD AWARD NOMINATIONS ARE OUT, as most of you know, and JJ and BH were both nominated for best younger actor/actress. YEAH!!!!!!!! There were rumors that only subscribers would be able to vote this year. However, I've now heard that ballots are available ONLY in this weeks issue, dated Nov. 24. I know some people have purchased magazines with ballots, so I suggest we all go to the store and look for them. If you can find them - vote! vote! vote! A few of you have contacted me about going to the awards show here in LA. I'm so excited! Please, if any of you are even considering going let me know so I can keep you informed of our plans. The show will be live from the Universal Amphitheatre on Friday, Feb. 26 at 6pm pst. I still haven't found out ticket prices, but I will soon. I don't anticipate that tickets will sell out before January, but we will want to try to purchase them together in the next 5 weeks or so. I've also heard that Deep End of the Ocean is opening that same day. I hope that those of us attending the awards can get together early and see the first showing in Hollywood. What a great day that would be!

CHRISTMAS IS COMING, and it's time for us to plan our Christmas gift to Jonathan and Becky. I would like to make them each an L&L themed wreath that they can hang in their dressing room during the holiday season. This is something the whole Brigade can be a part of making. I need Brigaders to find and send me things to put on the wreath that are or have been part of L&L's story. For example: a little boxcar from a train set, a tiny teddy bear (missing an ear) to be Boris, an ornament of a computer or a guitar, a magnet of a brownie, a little paint set, a little pug dog to be Foster - you get the idea. Depending on how many things I get I'll buy a bare wreath of the right size and put it all together. My mom use to work as a florist and made wreaths professionally, so she has offered to help me make them look really great. Then I'll deliver them myself to ABC Studios with a card from all of us. If necessary I'll include an explanation of what each thing in the wreath is suppose to be. How does that sound? I'd like to deliver it by Dec. 1 so they have time to enjoy it before they go on hiatus for the Holidays. I know this is short notice, but please start looking for things and send them to me. Also, I don't want everyone to be so afraid of repeating things that no one gets the ones I mentioned above. We've got to have those! And remember that we are doing two wreaths so repeats are no problem. I don't expect all or even most of you to be able to find and send stuff, but I hope many of you will. I will also need funds to cover supplies; wreaths, ribbon, wire, etc. Please, no one worry about sending a lot. If even a third of you sent just a couple of dollars everything would be covered. And I know some of you can't send even that (believe me I know how it is!) so I don't want anyone to feel obligated. Having said that, let's have some fun with this! Please share ideas with each other and let me know the things you find. When the wreaths are all done I will try to get a picture of them posted on the site.

THE PETITION FOR JJ'S CONTRACT is going well. Thanks you to everyone who has "signed" it so far. I understand if some of you would rather not be a part of this. I hope none of you felt too pushed to do it this week. I just want to make sure JJ know how much he is loved, and that GH know it too! The first set of letters went out this Friday with 65 names. Anyone who would like to add their name for next week's mailing may still send their information (First and last name with one of them as an initial, age, home town or state, screen name and email addy, and ONE reason why you want JJ to stay at GH) to Captain LL1998.

THE BEST THERE IS AWARDS web site is up! CarlyVH has done an incredible job! If any of you have not yet seen it you really should check it out at She is still looking for ideas on categories for other GH characters, but she has all the L&L categories she can handle. If you have any ideas you can email her from the site. Some of you have cast your votes already, but this is just practice voting. The votes will be cleared next week when the questions are all complete and the real voting will begin. So, everyone must cast their votes then, whether for the first or second time. She is also still looking for someone to design The Boris, the award itself. If anyone has any ideas, let her know.

Well, I guess that is enough stuff to keep you all busy this week! I'll do my best to keep you posted on all these upcoming projects. Have a great week!

Keep the faith! May L&L live forever!
|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter Nov. 22


Happy (early) Thanksgiving!!! Are you all excited about seeing Luke and Laura's wedding on Thursday? I know it means we won't get to see L&L have turkey together, but I'm still looking forward to the event. I'll be at my sister's house and we were both in grade school the first time Luke and Laura tied the knot. It's going to be such a treat to watch it with her again now that we are both grown up.

FLASHBACK TO LAST THANKSGIVING! Will you all indulge in me in a short walk down memory lane? I was just thinking how much has changed for L&L since the Thanksgiving episode last year. Do you all remember it? It started with Liz smoking out on the porch - right away you can see how much she changed. Nick was dating Sarah and was invited to the Hardy's for dinner. Liz was so rude to him who would have guessed that a year later they'd be friends and he'd be staying with her while they both worried about Lucky? Lucky did show up that day too, remember? He and Nick could barely be in the same room together. Lucky came to returned a lost Gatsby, who Foster then tried to eat. Lucky and Liz had to chase them down and afterwards they had the cutest conversation about whether people have wishbones. Liz put her hands right below her ribs and said she pretends they do and if she pulls her wish will come true. Lucky asked if it ever worked and she said, "Today it did." They were so cute even then. I wonder where they will be and what will have happened by next year's Thanksgiving episode......

MOVING ON TO CHRISTMAS, the wreaths we are making Jonathan and Becky are going to be fabulous. I didn't expect the response that I've been getting. You all are so creative! I really appreciate how quickly you have gotten things sent, but there is still time for those of you who haven't found anything yet. Remember, we want things for the wreaths that represent moments from L&L's story this year. It doesn't matter if I get repeats because there will be a wreath for both of them. I still need some basic ones though, like a boxcar, brownies, a window (maybe like you'd put in a doll house), a dog to be Foster or a cat to be Gatsby, and a charm braclet. I have two boxes waiting at the post office that I haven't been able to get so, if you sent any of those things already I'll probably get them in the morning. I'd like to be able to deliver them sometime the week after Thanksgiving so they can enjoy them over the holidays. You can send all contributions to the usual Brigade address but, remember, this is purely a voluntary activity.

ON A MUCH SADDER NOTE, as we all know, Norma Connally who played our beloved Aunt Ruby died last week here in L.A. A bouquet of Irises and white Lilies mixed with fall flowers in a wicker vase was sent on Friday to the cast and crew of GH. The card read: "Please accept our deepest sympathy for the loss of your friend and co worker, Norma Connolly. Many of us grew up with "Aunt Ruby" and will also miss her terribly." I signed it The L&L Brigade (an Internet fan club for the Lucky and Liz story). I decided to add that description of the club so someone might make sure JJ and BH saw them. I want to thank those of you who have already helped with the flower fund. I haven't heard anything on whether they will recast the role or have Ruby die on the show. I can't imagine they will recast, but if anyone hears anything please let me know. She will certainly be missed.

THE BRIGADER PROFILES are coming in and I want to thank those of you who have sent them back. We have run into a problem, though. LT. DSARA's computer crashed a few days ago. I'm sure you can all sympathize. Her address book, files, anything saved to the HD - gone. Unfortunately, this includes the questionaires that had been sent back. So, if you are in the NNN, Boxcar, Naval Support, or L&L Lads and you sent yours answers to her already, she needs to have them again. I hope you can just go into your old sent mail file and find it so you don't have to redo the whole thing. If you need the questionaire sent again, though, please email DSARA. And I want to encourage those of you who haven't sent yours in yet to do so, or to let DSARA and Tigerlilly know if you don't wish to be profiled. Thanks.

WE HAVE A NEW CHAT ROOM, that all Brigaders should be able to use. If ocalachat gets working again this will still be available for those who prefer it. However, I know some of you couldn't get in there very well, and some couldn't get into the Yahoo room, so now we have one that should work for everyone. THIS ROOM IS FOR BRIGADERS ONLY! There isn't a password for this room, but the only way to access it is to have the url. There are no links to the room. So, the url for this room must be guarded as closely as the pass word for the private ocalachat room in order to protect it. We will have the same procedure that only I or regiment captains can give the url out and if someone needs it you must tell them to email one of us for it. OK? It will be a real pain if we ever have to move this site, so please help us keep it private. Be sure to bookmark the url. Also, you will have to register before using the room. This is good because it means no one can impersonate us. However, since this company sets up many rooms for other people your preferred name might not be available, just like at Yahoo. I'm registered there as "Commander Boo." Try using your rank (Pvt whoever), and/or your regiment name (like NNN), and/or add a nickname (like dork or brownie whoever) so we have an idea who you are. Hope to chat with you all soon!

SOD AWARDS are still months away, but the excitement is already building. I hope all of you remembered to send your ballots out as Monday, Nov. 23 is the deadline. I am truly floored by the response from people planning to come out to L.A. for the event. We're going to have us a regular convention! Ticket prices are $28, $38, and $48. Everyone who has told me they are definitely coming out has said they want the best seats available regardless of price. Because the number is so much larger then I anticipated I will have to get tickets much earlier in order for us all to sit together. If you would like me to buy you a ticket together with the rest of us I will have to ask you to send me a check or money order ahead of time. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, or won't have the money till closer to February, you can order your own from Ticket Master. I did look into Hotel for some of you, but I don't have any final prices to report yet. For one thing I waiting to get a better idea on numbers because we might be able to swing a group rate some how. It would be nice for all of you to stay at Universal City because all events would be walkable (mass transit does not exist in L.A. and cabs are so expensive), but it might be a little pricey. Let me know if you are wanting to room with other Brigaders. 4 to a room would help cut down your cost a lot. Again, the awards are at The Universal Amphitheater on Friday, Feb. 26. Flying in Thursday the 25th would probably be best. As I mentioned before, we could go to the opening of Deep End of the Ocean on Friday morning, but that will leave us plenty of time need to arrive for the Awards by 4:00. (When it's a televised event you have to get there so early!) All who would like could spend Saturday together at Universal Studios Theme Park. Again, we can probably get a group rate on tickets. All of these plans we can discuss more in the coming weeks. I just wanted to put them here to tempt anyone who is still debating about joining us. Oh, come on - it's going to be a BLAST!

THE BEST THERE IS AWARDS are ready to be officially voted on now! CarlyVH has done a great job on this web site. You can find it at For those of you who haven't been here before, this is a site where we can vote on our favorite things about L&L and GH in general. Remember, those of you who voted before Nov. 20 will have to vote again. That was just a practice vote to test the site, but CarlyVH has added a few surprises for us since then. This is a great way to recall all your favorite GH memories from this past year. You will all want to check it out!

BEFORE I SIGN OFF I want to share something cool with all of you. In looking over the roster updates for this week I realized that we just got our 80th Brigader. Wow! I never dreamed this group would grow so much so fast. Then again, with such enthusiastic and supportive members, who wouldn't want to be a part of the L&L Brigade?

EVERYONE ENJOY YOUR TURKEY DAY!!!! I, for one, have a lot to be thankful for, but this year I'm especially thankful for all of you!

Keep the faith! May L&L live forever!
|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter Nov. 29


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! One of the highlights of mine was when "My Girl" came on the radio just as I was taking the turkey out of the oven. I squealed and started dancing around the kitchen with the pot holders still on my hands. My sister stepped into the room and immediately exclaimed, "Oh brother! Is this a Lucky and Liz song?" I wonder how she guessed.......

WE ARE PICKETING ABC! Those of you who have been on the ABC boards this weekend have probably seen some of our signs. Since the hostage thread didn't take off as well as we hoped, Huntingtonmama and ELB came up with the great idea that the Brigaders will end each post at ABC with our own picket sign. They created a wonderful image with a pic of JJ and the words, "Oh no! We don't want JJ to go!" to be our picket sign. To attach it to your post type < followed by, img src=""> The only space is between img and src. Everything must be typed exactly, and don't forget the quotation marks around the url or it won't work. The first time you try it hit preview before post to make sure you have it right. For variety, you can also come up with your own signs. CarlyVH also created 3 for us to use. Her url is, Just change it to picket2 or picket3 to see the others. I hope every Brigader will sign every post on every board with this picket sign. That should help get TPTB's attention! Thanks ELB and Huntingtonmama for this great idea!

BRIGADERS WILL BE FEATURED IN SON! A fellow GH fan who attended SSW with our Brigaders is having her article on the event published in the Dec. 22 issue of Soap Opera News. There will be a picture of her with Kreyn, MizVamp, and jjsjoy printed along with the article! Isn't that exciting?! Everyone be sure to pick up a copy and I will try to get a copy of the pic up at HQ. National exposure for the Brigade - way to go guys :)

THE CHRISTMAS WREATHS will be delivered to ABC Studios this coming Friday. I think that is as long as I should postponed delivering them because we want JJ and BH to have time to enjoy them over the holidays. If I was impressed by the donations last week, that was nothing compared to the things I got this week. You all are truly amazing - creative, generous, and enthusiastic! JJ and BH are going to be floored by the care and attention put into these gifts for them. The scanner I use is broken right now, but I will try to borrow a friend's so that I can post pictures of the wreaths for all of you as so as they are done. Thank you again everyone who donated items. If anyone still wants to send something, Monday is probably the last day it could go out and still get to me in time. Again, send everything to the usual Brigade address

REGIMENT PAGES are going to be set up at HQ so that each regiment will have the chance to express their unique personality. ELB has created some wonderful new wallpapers for each page that ties in to the regiment's name. The roster will now be divided onto the separate regiment pages as well. The pages are for you to fill with regiment mottos, songs, art work, nicknames, whatever you decide. If you have any brilliant ideas, and I'm sure many of you do, send them to your Captain to discuss. Also, if any of you are especially talented in web design and want to help run the regiment page, let your Captain know asap so you can get started. It might take a few weeks to get all the new pages up and running, so I hope you will spend that time creating wonderful things to fill them with.

THE RANKING OF BRIGADERS has undergone some changes, as some of you might have noticed. When we started out on ABC boards, ranking was just something we each did for ourselves without any real meaning. With so many new members, though, giving and keeping track of promotions would be impossible. I've already had emails from people who want to know why someone has a higher rank and what they can do to be promoted. I hope you can all understand how this will just lead to problems and misunderstandings that no one wants. However, I'm not about to ask any of you to give up your rank. I know that how you sign your posts is very important to you. I can tell by how long some of your titles have become :) Everyone coming into the Brigade is a PVT. If I accidently refer to someone as a PVT who has always been called a SGT or something, please forgive me. The only ranks that are officers are Commander, Captain, and LT. I hope that is OK with all of you and you all understand why it needs to be this way. Please email me if you have any problems with this at all.

OPERATION ROSIE has been at a standstill for awhile now. Many Brigaders who sent the letters and Lucky Charms Boxes to Rosie did receive a reply, but no word yet on whether the show has taken our suggestion to heart or not. I encourage anyone who did not contact the show, and is still thinking about it, to still do so. Any letter now will only serve as a reminder of all the previous letters. The actual length of time the letters continue to come in will probably have a greater overall affect than the number of letters. We just won't let them forget! I think we should try to keep this campaign going until the end of February when Deep End of the Ocean comes out JJ and BH win the SOD Awards (which we all know they will). Also, don't forget that Deep End of the Ocean was the first book of Oprah's Book Club. I'd be very surprised if Oprah did NOT have the whole cast on her show. So, all you Oprah fans, keep us posted!

SPEAKING OF SOD AWARDS, I will be getting the first group of tickets later this week. If you want me to purchase a ticket for you with this first group I must have your money, $45, this week. If you have not already emailed me that you are sending it please do so asap. As of one week ago there were 350 tickets left. Considering the size of the Amphitheater, that's not a lot. However, anyone who decides later that they want to go can try to order tickets through Ticket Master. I am also willing to purchase another group of tickets at a later time if there is a number of you who still want to go and want to sit together. Just let me know. I'm so excited that so many of you are coming out! I hope more of you can also join us!

HERE ARE SOME REMINDERS of ongoing Brigade projects some of you might have forgotten or not heard about:
THE BIRTHDAY CLUB is a group of Brigaders who send Internet cards to each other on their birthdays. Galor does a wonderful job of reminding us so no one is forgotten. If you are interested in joining the birthday fun, you can email Galor.
THE BEST THERE IS AWARDS are actively being voted on. CarlyVH set this site up for everyone to vote on their favorite L&L and GH moments of this past year. She is also still looking for someone to design "The Boris" to be the award itself. You can vote from the site at
JJ'S CONTRACT PETITION is still being circulated and mailed out to all TPTB. If anyone has not signed the petition to keep JJ on contract, you can do so by emailing Captain LL1998 at
CYBER SOAP AWARDS, on can only be voted on one more day. L&L are up for several things, so if you have not yet voted for Nov. please do so asap. It's a direct way to tell TPTB who we love!

That's it for my chatter this week! Remember, if you want something in next week's newsletter please get it to me by Saturday night.

Keep the faith! May L&L live forever!
|_ _| Commander Boo


December 1998/January 1999 Newsletters