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L&L Brigade Newsletter, September 5, 1999


As the Flintstones would sing......
"Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Haaaaaaaapy Anniversary!"

Wow! One year ago today, exactly! Isn't it exciting to think how far we came in one year? We all had a great time at the Anniversary chat, and I have loved reading all of the memories you've been posting on the Anniversary Party thread on the Brigade boards. So many memories! I hope more of you will post this coming week as the celebration continues.

SUPER SOAP WEEKEND: Pvt. Annita found a great Walt Disney World site with tons of information for all of us who are planning to go to SSW in a few weeks. Check it out at Our head count right now is 40. Forty Brigaders in one place! Our Friday night gathering will probably be around 7:30 at one of the Hotel restaurants (possibly the Yacht Club). We have some fun surprises planned for the dinner so, even if you can't make it by 7:30, please try to come by later. Make sure that Lt. Galor ( has your name on the list, though, because the reservation is going to be very tight. If you absolutely cannot make it Friday night, but are going to be at SSW, please email me so you can hook up with all of us later. It's going to be a great weekend!

SSW VIDEO: I've had several emails asking if I will be video taping the Brigaders and our gathering for the SSW video I'm making. I want to know first, though, what you guys who plan to order one would like to see most. Would you like to see some of the group together, or are you primarily interested in the stars? Also, there will be a lot of actors there from GH and other shows. It would help a lot if I knew who, besides Becky, is the most popular so that I can try to get some good footage of them. Of course I will be focusing on the GH stars, but if there are a few from other shows that seems to be very popular with you all then I will try to get some of them as well.

RECAST PROTEST: This was not a Brigader project, but a lot of you participated in it and I thought you might like to hear the results. Pvt AndreaD with her "Dreams of Gold" site and Pvt Karen with her "L&L Daily Recaps" site led a protest to let TPTB know they do not want a recast of Lucky. They had over 137 entries on their protest which turned out to be almost 70 pages long! If you want to see their creative cover page, look at Impressive work, guys!

KEEPERSHIPS: We will have our keeperships page up soon with everyone's keepership alphabetized. I want to thank Pvt. Adrea and Pvt. Jodi, both of Boxcar, for collecting all the keeperships from the regiment pages and alphabetizing them for us. And thank you to Pvt Jackie of Boxcar for creating our new keepership page. I can't wait to see it!

MAGAZINE WATCH: Here are the non soap magazines that you Brigaders spotted JJ or Becky this week. Good "sleuthing" (for those who remember our Nancy Drew days). Keep your eyes open for anything new next week. JJ and RLJ in the new Movieline with a one page article and a nice picture - Pvt. Tigger / Jonathan is on pg 72 of the new TEEN People (Sarah Michelle Geller's on the cover) and there's a survey you can send in including the question "TV Match Made In Heaven" - Dryan NNN / There's a small pic of Jonathan and Daisy Fuentes in this week's Star Mag (Sept. 14, 1999). It's from the charity event they were in together - Gina.

GENERAL HOSPITAL BLOOPERS: I heard that an ABC Special on Sept 9th. is going to have some GH bloopers. I don't know if this is a repeat of the ones they showed a few months ago, but Steve Burton and Billy Warlock are supposed to be among the actors shown. But, if it is a repeat, at least we can hear again Steve's classic "vasectomy" line :).

TRUE RIGHTS: Pvt Moose, desperate to find some new information about JJ and RLJ's movie, True Rights, emailed the peopled involved in the project. They sent her back a very informative email that she wanted to share with all of us. It's very long, so I'm putting it at the end of the newsletter. Thanks for being so persistent, Frances!

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION CHAT: This sounds like a great week to attend!
I don't know whether this week's festivities can possibly match the incredible discussion we had last Wednesday (over an hour and a half of on-topic discussion -- a new record! Thanks to everyone who was there!), but we'll be killing off Tape #2 with an hour's worth of great scenes including the discovery of the boxcar, the attempted Murty setup in the park, the 'Iris' montage, the Nurses Ball, and the scenes just before the kiss that wasn't. Ooo, and for all you sickos like me, there are a few more scenes in which JJ is sick, so while we don't exactly have the beauty that is Laryngitis Day, we still get a scratchy-voiced Lucky that's pretty tasty! And look out, I'm coming to chat prepared to do some serious waxing on Lucky's "If anything had happened to you...anything...I" the night of the Murty setup -- can you *feel* the love??? The memory food menu will include the TV dinner Lucky pops in his 'oven', the 3 batches of brownies Liz owes Lucky for performing at the Nurses Ball, and the pizza L&L ate in the boxcar -- pluck off those olives! If you're lucky (pun intended! :P ), Lucky will pick you a flower from the window-box at Kelly's. See you in the Yahoo Chat room on Wednesday at 9:00 EST \ 6:00 PST. Questions or concerns: contact me at -- thanks! jen

HOLLYWOOD REPORTER YOUNG ACTOR AWARDS: Well, JJ did it again this year, only this time he did it twice! JJ has been nominated for a Hollywood Reporter Award for GH and for DEOTO. Remember, he has won for GH several times before, but I don't think he's ever been nominated in the film category before. The really cool news, though, is that this year both he and his brother are hosts at the awards. Amber is nominated too. The ceremony will be held on Nov. 7th and the JJ-aholics wanted to make sure we Brigaders knew that you can watch it on the Internet at Thanks guys!

GH SCRIPTS FOR SALE: I have two scripts that I'm going to be selling. One is this year's Nurses Ball script signed by 13 different actors (including Becky, Steve, Maurice, Ingo, Tava). The other is a TK script signed by Becky and JJ. Just think, a TK script for the first anniversary of their first kiss on the 15th! I will probably be putting them up at eBay this week, but I wanted to let you all know about them first. If you are at all interested please email me and maybe we can work something out. At the very least, I'll let you know when they go on auction. Thanks!

Enjoy the rest of our Anniversary week! Thank you all for an incredible year! We are now off on another!

|_ _| Boo

********** TRUE RIGHTS:
Thank you for your interest in "True Rights". The finishing touches are near complete on Meg Thayer's directorial debut, True Rights. This independent feature is a raucous dark comedy that probes directly into the public's fascination with Shock TV and real programming. Pulling no punches, Thayer has composed a poignant and disturbing editorial about our seemingly insatiable appetite for tragedy and violence. Shot "mockumentary" style, the film follows the exploits of two would-be Hollywood producers, Elaine Kilgore and Drew Stein. Perpetually trailed by their 'documentary' crew, the tandem races around Los Angeles, police scanners and contracts in hand, in an attempt to secure story rights to the next great disaster or human tragedy. Having no apparent talents of their own, the fringe player producers plan to use footage they capture in conjunction with the story rights they obtain to wedge their way into the realm of Hollywood elite. Their misadventures take them on a wild journey as they encounter a myriad of peculiar characters and stories. Through their ineffectual "agent" (who considers his garage the ultimate office), the pair happens upon a disillusioned silent film era actor, Thad Whitney. What starts out as an interesting lead, develops into a dark subplot as the film crew discovers that Thad is contemplating suicide. Defying its ultra-low budget, True Rights boasts a stellar array of both veterans and up and coming stars. Anchoring the cast is former "Babylon 5" star, Claudia Christian. Jack Betts (The Next Best Thing, Gods and Monsters) gives a disarmingly heartfelt performance as the old Hollywood actor, Thad Whitney. True Rights also showcases the first feature film collaboration of the hot young acting duo, brothers Jonathan and Richard Lee Jackson. Jonathan, a three time Emmy Award Winner ("General Hospital"), earned raves for his starring role in Deep End of the Ocean. He recently completed principal photography on the forthcoming ABC movie, "Purple Haze." His elder brother Richard, already a television veteran, was signed to a series hold with FOX after his guest-starring role on television's "Ally McBeal." Both Hollywood and the public are taking note of these talented young siblings. Jonathan was named to People Magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People" list, and also came out on top in the recent E! On-line poll, "who should play Anakin Skywalker in the next Star Wars film." In addition to starring in the film, Richard and Jonathan also poured their formidable musical talents into the mix. The duo composed four original songs for the film, including the haunting title track, "Sign Your Life Away." True Rights will begin hitting the film festival circuit upon completion of post production circa mid September. For more information, watch for updates at

L&L Brigade Newsletter, September 12, 1999


You guys are getting this a little early this week. It's usually close to midnight on Sunday by the time I get the newsletter sent. I'm getting it out while the sun is still up today, though, because my sister is coming by tonight AND because I want to remind you all to watch the Emmys tonight. JJ is supposed to be attending. Now, the chances of him actually being seen might be slim, but you never know. I'd watch the preshow too, just in case they show him walking in.

TK ANNIVERSARY: Don't forget this Wednesday is September 15, and I'm sure you all remember that is the date of "The Kiss". I'm choosing to be optimistic and hope that TPTB will remember the date on GH, but we all know that they probably won't. I put a special picture up at HQ this week to mark the occasion. This was, after all, another milestone for the Brigade. Sending flowers and balloons to the studio in appreciation of FINALLY having TK was the very first project we did together as a group. So, even if GH lets the anniversary go by without notice, we won't forget!

SUPER SOAP WEEKEND: The plans for the Brigade dinner are all set. We are meeting at the Cape May Café on Friday night. I sent out a detailed email to everyone on the list. If you are planning to come, but did not receive my email, you MUST email me ASAP. I've had to hold our reservations on my credit card and we must give them an exact number. We can only add or subtract from that number for a short time. So, if you are not on the list then you won't be able to join us. I don't want anyone to miss out so, again, if you didn't get my long email called "SSW dinner plans" and you want to come, then you have to let me know right away. The same goes for guests. If you did not tell Galor you'd be bringing a guest when you added your name to her list, then we won't have room for your guest. All guests are welcome, but we MUST know ahead of time. As my good friend always says, "I cannot stress this enough!" If anyone has any questions, just email me. And, remember, if you aren't coming to the dinner but you will be at SSW, please let me know so I can clue you in to any other plans. Thanks! This is gonna be a blast!!!

THANK YOU LETTERS: My main reason for bringing this up again is that I had forgotten about it so I wondered if anyone else had too. I mentioned a few weeks ago that it would make a good impression if, now that TPTB have responded to our protest and are having Liz show her grief, we were just as vocal in our approval as we'd been in our disapproval. I suggested trying to get letters in the magazines saying that GH fans appreciate that they are listened to. Then, I went and forgot all about it. Oops! I still think it's a good idea, though. TPTB need to be told when they are getting it right just as much as when they are messing things up. I also intend to "encourage" them to learn from their mistakes in recasting Nik too soon because, personally, I couldn't handle a recast of Lucky yet. But, that's just my opinion.

SOIREE TAPES: This is the last week that I will be taking orders for tapes unless it's a special request. I'm sorry the second set of dubs has taken so long, but I kept getting orders and I wanted to get all of them made at once so that this could be the last mass set of dubs. They are being made now, though, and most of them should go out Monday or Tuesday. If you've emailed me that you want one, then I'm making one for you. If you haven't emailed me or sent your order in yet, and you still want one, you need to let me know ASAP. I'm going to be starting the SSW tapes right after I get back from Florida, so I'll be putting the Soiree tape up for a while. Thanks!

JJ AUDIO CHAT: Once again, our JJ-aholics pales have passed on some great information to us. Read the info below, and check out JJ and Richard's official site for a direct link;

***Hey all, I work at a company called iXL and we are producing a live audio and video chat with Jonathan Jackson and his brother Richard Lee! Come ask them anything your heart desires...details below: Astrologie and MXG LIVE present Jonathan and Richard Lee Jackson MXG Cybercast Tuesday, September 14, 4:00 PM PST/7:00 PM EST. Go to: MXG LIVE, a new and innovative cybercast series, focuses on such issues fashion, beauty, music, celebrities and boys and will feature high-caliber role-model type, celebrity teen talent. This week we have teen actors brothers Jonathan and Richard Lee Jackson, who star on General Hospital and Saved By The Bell: The New Class, respectively. Come and listen to the brothers talk about their upcoming indie movie, True Rights and ask them any question your heart desires! MXG site: Official Jackson Brothers site: ***

BECKY'S USA MOVIE: According to TV Guide, HEFNER UNAUTHORIZIED will air on USA on December 8, 1999. I'll let you know when that feature on Becky will appear in TV Guide as soon as it's known, but it will probably be November.

GOOD FOR RICHARD: Hey, it looks like Richard got booked for another job! He just got a part in an upcoming independent feature film called Madison, in addition to doing Any Day No on Lifetime. Sounds like he's catching up with his little brother a bit. Good for him!

JJ AND RICHARD'S BASEBALL GAME: JJ and his brother are playing in a celebrity softball game at the Oakland A's stadium on Sept. 18. So, anyone who lives around there call the stadium and see about getting tickets. And we'd expect a full report!!!

JACKSON LANE: There is a new website dedicated to the Jackson brothers, call "Jackson Lane." It was created by our own Pvt. AndreaD and Pvt. Kara. They do two of my favorite sites on the web - Dreams of Gold and L&L Daily Recaps. All of you JJ fans out there should check it out at:

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION CHAT: Come celebrate the anniversary of TK and relive some great L&L moments this week!
Well, well, well! We are progressing nicely into L&L's 'summer of love' with this week's scenes. We begin with what I always refer to as the 'kiss that wasn't' on the docks after Liz comes out of therapy. This is the scene in which our beloved 'I've wanted to kiss you a hundred times...' is uttered. We'll also be dealing with Lucky taking Nikolas to task for daring to speak to Liz about the rape at the Nurses Ball (go Lucky!) and Lucky finding out that Liz went to see Laura. Also included will be Luke and Lucky's confrontation in the park, Luke and Laura attempting to speak to Lucky on the docks (yikes! that one's ugly!), and Liz's first tutoring session with Murty. We'll stop with Liz and Lucky at Kelly's after the tutoring session -- watch thru that conversation (we're stopping right on the verge of 'Tape Night', which we'll save for next week). All kinds of memory food this week: popcorn from L&L's movie-thon, peanut butter and banana sandwiches (deep-frying optional!), fresh fish that Lucky will cook up for you, and whatever tasty-looking sandwich and fries that L&L are sharing at Kelly's. Yummy! Items of note: I am no longer working off of CurlyQ's tapes (I've got 'Jen's original edits' from here on in!), but I'm doing my best to make sure that an hour of what I've got is an hour of CurlyQ's stuff as well. According to my calculations, the scenes for this week are right at the hour limit -- can somebody let me know if there is a major discrepancy there? Also, since this Wed. is the TK1 anniversary, and since we never stay totally on-topic anyway (har har!), let's honor TK1 with some discussion time during the reunion chat. See you Wednesday night in the Yahoo chat room at 9:00 EST \ 6:00 PST. Questions or concerns, please contact jen at -- thanks!

SCRIPTS AT EBAY: The two scripts I mentioned last week are currently up for sale at eBay: A copy of the TK script signed by JJ and Becky, and a copy of this years Nurses Ball signed by 16 cast members. If you are interested, please go to and search "general hospital script." If you have any questions or problems, please just email me. I really want a true L&L fan to get these, so I'll help in any way I can.

Hope everyone has fun watching the Emmys tonight. Let us know on the message boards if you catch a Jackson siting, because the rest of us might miss it.

|_ _| Boo
ARTICLE: "Follow UP" by Pvt Angie, NNN

Hi everyone! I asked Boo for the opportunity to address some of you through the newsletter and she graciously agreed.

I have been doing some volunteer work for a Women's Crisis Center and, several weeks ago, I had Boo print an article to all of you concerning safety during the outdoor summer activities everyone was sure to attend. In it, I listed some of the safety issues and situations to avoid in order to prevent a possible violent attack when going to carnivals and such. I hope that all of you have remained safe over the summer season, whether my warnings had anything to do with it or not.

In the article, I also included my email address and a phone number for RAINN in case some of you needed some assistance. Since then, I have received many messages from people all over looking for help for themselves, friends, or relatives. I just wanted to thank all of you for sharing your inspirational experiences with me and for giving me the opportunity to help out by putting you in touch with counselors and rape treatment centers all over the US and Canada.

For those of you who contacted me, or were able to seek help elsewhere, I want to congratulate you for finding the courage to fight back. You may have a long road ahead to recovery, but you have begun the journey. You WILL get where you need to be someday. Be patient, and remember Lucky's words, "it won't always be the most important thing about you". I encourage you to remember that, as a victim, you have every right to ask for whatever you need, so don't hesitate to cry for help when have too.

For those of you who have suffered an attack and have not gotten help, please seek help now. It is never easy to take that first step, but you will be glad you did. Feel free to contact me anytime, I will be more than happy to listen to you and put you in touch with professionals that can help you. I perfectly understand if you don't want to confide in me, so contact RAINN directly. RAINN is a wonderful organization that can help you in times of crisis. They can help you get back some of what was lost.

For those of you dealing with a victim, the most important thing to do is to make sure they understand that you support them. There is an organization near everyone that can help you help a victim of a violent attack recover. RAINN is also wonderful at helping the loved ones of rape victims A woman in a situation such as this is extremely vulnerable and requires specialized care. I urge you to ask for help as well.

Again, anyone needing information or just wanting to blow off some steam can contact me anytime at

Or, call RAINN directly at 1-800-656-HOPE. Here is RAINN's official web site should you want to check it out yourselves:

Thank you for your time. Just remember that you are not alone in your struggle and that there are people who can help. Be smart and stay safe!

NNN Regiment

L&L Brigade Newsletter, September 19, 1999


This time next week I'll be at Disney World!!! I can't tell you how excited I am. The truth is I'm twice as excited about our Brigade gathering as I am about the soap stars. So many of us in one place.... I don't think Orlando will know what hit it!

SSW DINNER: Just a reminder that the Brigade Dinner is next Friday at the Cape May Cafe. If you got an email from me with all the detail about the dinner, than you are on the list and we have a reservation for you. If you aren't going to be able to make it , but you are on the list, PLEASE let me know right now so I can change the reservation and I don't get stuck with a huge bill :). Thanks!

LUCKY RECAST: Don't panic yet, but I wanted to warn you all that one of the GH news pages quoted a source saying that GH is looking at actors who might be able to take over the role of Lucky. I know that some fans are eager for the L&L story to continue even if it means I recast. But, I also know a lot of you are horrified at the idea. So, if that is you, I suggest you forget those "Thanks for letting Liz grieve" letters for a while, and flood the studio and magazines with protests against any recast. I just can't let go of my hope that someday, in some way, JJ might come back, so that's what I plan to do.

BRIGADER AWARDS: Remember our "Brigader of the Month" Awards? They didn't really stay a monthly thing, but it was brought to my attention recently that now might be a good time to start thinking about them again. To refresh your memory, these are to recognize certain Brigaders in each regiment who you guys feel go above and beyond the call of duty. If you know someone you think deserves some special recognition (Officers excluded) please let your regiment Captain and Lt. know in the next few weeks. Be sure to tell them why you think they deserve the award and, while you are at it, maybe you could help me think of a better name for the award. So far I've had the suggestion of "The Iris Awards" What do all of you think?

DONNY&MARIE CAMPAIGN: Pvt pittsford came up with a great new campaign idea for all of us!
"I have an idea for a campaign we should start to help Jonathan and Scarlet Road. Remember last spring when Jonathan was on the Donny and Marie show, they talked about the band and Donny said they would have it on the show sometime. Well I think now would be the perfect time. Richard has the two episodes of Any Day Now that will air soon. Jonathan could mention Purple Haze. Plus of course True Rights. The biggest reason I think now would be perfect is because Jonathan and Richard will be working with Donny and Marie at the Young Star Awards. Since they will be running into each other while doing rehearsals etc for the Awards show if enough of us write Donny and Marie hopefully they will personally say something to Jonathan and Richard. I just feel that with all the recent interviews and appearances, the boys momentum is starting to build and we should do whatever we can to encourage it. Heck maybe we should even ask to have the awards televised this year. After all Dick Clark is producer of the Donny and Marie show. I plan on writing Donny today. Here is the information I have so far.
Their email addy is and they have an email button.
Their snail mail is:
Donny and Marie
Sony Picture Studios
10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Barrymore Building
Culver City, CA 90232-3195

MAGAZINE WATCH: If you spot JJ or Becky in a "non soap" magazine send me an email so we can all be sure to catch it. Thanks! ***Rebecca Herbst is in the huge September double issue of In-Style magazine. There is a picture of her in one of her own long jacket design. It's on one of the many fashion pages (somewhere in the middle). - Amanda

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION CHAT: Here is Jen's schedule for us this week:
You want romance? You want drama? You want danger? You got it! We'll start this week's scenes with the much-anticipated "Tape Night," when Liz first hears "Elizabeth" and we get the first serious almost-kiss moment with the big pause before Lucky climbs out the window. We'll continue with another Lucky and Laura confrontation, this one in the park with Lulu, Mac and Flea's wedding, Lucky going to Jason for a job, Liz's second tutorial with Murty and subsequent passing of English, and watch thru the day Liz stabs Lucky in Murty's house. This includes Lucky and Laura's second big conversation in the park, this one about Lucky's dream and his fear of being like his father (how amazing is JJ that day?!?). We'll end this assignment with the Friday cliffhanger of Liz wheeling around and stabbing Lucky by accident (You know I can't resist a cliffhanger!). These scenes should be just about an hour in length, although, again, I'm working off of my own tapes now, so there may be some discrepancies for those of you with CurlyQ's compilation tapes. Our memory food for the week will be short ribs and corn on the cob, in honor of Lucky's feast for fixing up the tape deck for the guy in Sly's band. Oh, and you want suspense? What 80s song lyrics will possibly be quoted this week?!? :) Come find out on Wednesday night in the Brigade's Yahoo chat room at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST! Questions or concerns? Contact jen at -- thanks!

BALL GAME REPORT: Guess what! A few "lucky" Brigaders made it to the Celebrity Softball game that JJ and Richard played at last week. There is a report from AngelT2 at the end of the newsletter. It's pretty long but a great read. Thanks Angel!

There won't be a newsletter next week since I'll be in the middle of SSW. I don't know exactly how we'll handle the reports since I don't think even dedicated Brigaders can read 40 reports on one event :). But we will find a way. I do have one favor to ask, though. I'll be away from my computer from Wednesday evening to the following Tuesday night. I'm sure I'll have a lot of emails waiting for me when I get back and I'll try to get through them as quickly as possible. So, please help me out by trying not to email me that week (especially with forwards and such) unless you have to. That way I'll have more time when I got back to get the pictures posted and the video edited :) Thanks!

Everyone have a good week and safe travels!

|_ _| Boo

Hi all. I have so much to say, and my hands are so like shaking, so bare >>with me while I collect my thoughts and ramble. First, I read on the boards >>one day that I JJ would be in Oakland, and I was so delirious, I had to call >>my friend. I am in Berkeley, and I had to ask her where's Oakland? Like >>Lidia said, that's what you can expect to happend when JJ is in the air. So >>yes, I just got back, like five minutes ago from an entire day w/ JJ. In my >>company were fellow brigaders, Rachelle and the aforementioned Lidia. Also >>w/ me were fellow Berkely-ites "Jasmine" and Tracy- who are L&L lurkers- >>there are so many! Tracy, Rachelle, and Lidia had been to the soriee. >>Jasmine and I had never been anywhere! I read it all the time, how people >>get to meet JJ or BH, and I never ever ever once thought that could happen >>to me. Even when I bought the tickets, I never said anything, cause I >>didn't think this would happen. I am so glad I didn't hear of this >>afterward, let me tell you. And gosh, I suffered so much from blanking >>out... I said I wouldn't and I did, it's inevitable... when JJ is in the air. >> >>Okay, I will try to start from the beginning and give excrutiating details. >>The five of us heard this on Brigade Boards, communicated through email. >>Then we bought tickets (Tracy and I met to buy them; Lidia and Rachelle live >>in SF and had met once before; none of us had met Jasmine, though I talked >>to her on the phone). Sunday morning I wake up at 7 and my manual camera >>that I borrowed didn't work, and I was so so scared. I call Jasmine to walk >>w/ me to bart (where we'd take to Oakland Collisium). As I'm walking, I run >>into Tracy by total coincidence! Then we all go together. We get there >>real early, around 9:30. We walk around, try to get in and find the other >>two. There were crowds, but thankfully, it turned out to be for a Bruce >>Springsteen ticket line. So we go to customer service and try to confirm >>this is happening (believe me, you never think these kind of things are >>going to happen). They say Jonathan Silverman will be there, and "no name" >>stars. That it will start around 11 and that's when the gates open too. >>And the man helping us said if we were LUCKY, maybe other big stars would >>show up. We cracked up! We found the other two. We HAD to get in before >>11 because the game was starting at 11. We asked guards and were told >>people were warming up. We got crazy! Had they arrived last night, and was >>HE merely feets from us? I tried to sneak a peek but was held back. I was >>quite an agressor, I was told. So then I walked around, and we saw all >>these people dressed in baseball attire. I found out they were from the >>KISS radio station (sponser of the event), playing for Faith for Friends >>against the celebrities in the softball game. It was a cause for breast >>cancer. You will not believe it. I got us to follow them through another >>entrance and we went in early!! So our tickets were obselete, but that's >>okay. Since we had tickets, we didn't really sneak in, really! Before I go >>on, I should say we were all so nervous if there would be a crowd, or if >>we'd be able to move to better seats since this was just a pre-game before >>the "real" A's game. There was no crowd. We were right above the dugout. >> >>Oh my god, our first JJ spotting. He was warming up. One of us got out >>binoculars and then our video camera (more on that later!) and our zoom >>cameras. We were so so excited. Let's see, JJ was wearing what all the >>celebrities were wearing- cap that said "Hollywood Baseball", striped blue >>shirt w/ those words on it too I think, tight black/dk. blue pants and >>soccer shoes w/ grips. Basically a baseball attire. His hair was long- so >>was Richard's. He had on a red belt. He talked to the coach and Richard a >>lot. We took so many pictures as he warmed up at bat and was outfield. JJ had a small band around his >>right hand- it probably wasn't hurt, just he was pitching. In the beginning >>Richard had his hat on, and put some hair to stick out of the hole in the >>back -very cute. Note I think Richard bats to the other way- so he's a >lefty. >> >>Now to the posters. We had four of them. I made two. One of them said >>"Jonathan, Home Base is Here." (do you get it? telling him to come to us). >> I used all pictures of him, in black and white pictures to cut the block >>letters. The other was for Richard, it said, "if every tiny flower wanted >>to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness" (recognize that anyone?) and >>it said, "one shining I is too glaring. together we are a gentle glow. >>together we can realize the goal." and there was a huge pink ribbon made >>from a collage of pink flower magazine cutouts. Lidia made two; one said >>"JJ- The L&L is behind you." (It was literal!) and the other said "Richard, >>we look forward to seeing you 'Any Day Now.' I loved that! Since we had >>sneaked in early, we were worried about being so conspicous w/ our signs. >>But finally we put them up. Let me insert now that by the end of the day, I >>had contacts w/ news reporters, A's guards, the main lounge waiters, the >>Kiss workers, the Friends of Faith workers, and the other softball >>celebrities- we were the only celebrity fans there and we hunted down JJ >>(more later!). So guess what happened when we put the posters up? This >>woman came up to us and said, they were so sweet and posed us w/ the posters >>to take our picture. Now I really blanked out. Because I knew this woman >>was JJ's mom, but I thought, why'd she take pictures of me??? But she did- >>maybe we will see them one day! She was also wearing a People jacket (we >>later realized it came from the time JJ was in People's Most Beautiful), so >>I kept thinking she was a photographer. She thanked us for coming. Then I >>asked her if she could ask JJ and Richard to come over - I cannot believe I >>did that, I did so much today w/o thinking. We were early and the only fans >>there, though there were groups of people, none seemed like fans. But it >>was not totally empty, so it was cool. It was just a medium sized gathering. >> >>We go back to sightseeing and scoping them out- taking tons of pictures. >>Then out of nowhere, they both approach us. First, his mom comes to us- >>then they did. Oh, I got pics of HIS earring alone. It was a diamond, but >>a big one. Richard had a little bit of gotee or mustache stubble! I blank >>on what I said. I mentioned our latest protest, I think. Oh, and I said I >>had seen their interview on line and loved it. I got smiles for that. And >>I specifically said which poster was for Richard and I asked them to sign >>the posters, as well as other stuff They both signed, God Bless. Richard >>added "love." We were up on the stands, and they had to look up while I >>zoomed in on at least 10 pics- oh my god, I must have been a total >>papparazzi. They thanked us for coming out- I said good luck. His face was >>so pure and perfect. Richard is every bit as charming and nice as his bro. >>I can't remember what else. >> >>So the game started! Oh before that, they took group photos. Both his mom >>and dad were there, taking pics and video taping it. One person got his >>parents to pose together! None of us followed the game.. here are just >>great tidbits- JJ and RLJ posing w/ the A's mascot, a huge animal. During >>warmup, JJ was shoved in his chest w/ the hands of another celebrity player >>in all fun, and we went crazy!!! I think Richard completed the first run, >>and we went crazy. JJ was a pitcher!! He didn't pitch hard or anything. >>It's just after every throw, his hand would make this postion, it'd thrust >>out, like a fountain, and I just loved that! Got pics of it! They hit >>well, we loved to see them run bases (JJ almost considered stealing one) and >>we wanted to see a slide to home run, but it never happened. Okay, who else >>was there- Joshua Morrow (the hero of the day, more later) of Y&R, Michael >>Bergen - he's on Baywatch, but didn't recognize him, some guy from the >>Practice I didn't recognize, Jonathan Silverman- seemingly the leader of the >>pack, some cute directors- Adrian something, a guy from Jesse (not Jesse), >>and Zachary from Home Improvement (more on him later!). When the stars were >>at bat, the announcer would talk about them. For Joshua, he said, 4 time >>emmy nominee. And Lidia or Rachelle (sorry, can't remember) said yeah, >>because JJ beat you everytime! LOL. We bugged the announcer why he didn't >>say JJ was 3 time Emmy WINNER. He said JJ didn't use that in his >>description- I think he is VERY modest. I can say again, I was surprised no >>other fans were vocally there (bad publicity?), so we could've made them >>very self-conscious. Joshua was healing from a broken leg, so JJ or RLJ >>would run for him- that was nice to see. This was not they typical fan >>event- it was very nice to see JJ outgoing, clapping, joking around, playing >>tough. >> >>When they weren't playing, JJ and RLJ spent the most time of all the stars >>giving out autographs. JJ made a very big effort to get everyone. He told >me a couple times to wait, and then he'd get back to me and say to other >people I was next. We'd slide our stuff down, and they'd toss it back >>up. I got so many. I got him to autograph a copy of the "Elizabeth" song, >>and it was on my clipboard. He signed it, then he held on the clipboard >>against his chest for forever while he turned to watch the game. LOL! When >>he was walking back to dugout, or looking up, or joking w/ his brother, we >>got very good pics w/ our zoom cameras. >> >>Tracy had taped the event- and there were so many quirky things he did like >>skip or lick his lips or stick his tongue out or squat real low or high >>fives or fix his shoe or pat someone's back, you know! The first time he >>struck someone out, he pumped his fist and said yeah, he was so excited- it >>was so great to see!!!! Tracey has like one hour of tape, right? Lots of >>the time of him signing autographs or when he was playing. Oh yeah, I think >>the final score was like 10-3, celebrities. Back to the signing, he was so >>awesome. He went to find out to get more softballs to sign and give away! >>We didn't get any. I think most people didn't know him, just got his >>autograph. RLJ signed a lot too- his parents were there the entire time, >>and one time his mom threw him the cordless phone and he talked away. >> >>Reporters were there- maybe they got some of us- we'll see the news, but >>they didn't interview JJ or RLJ. Various KISS workers who were also putting >>on the event really admired our posters. One time I dropped my shoe down >>the stands and they had to get it! At first I was so worried people would >>think the sign was for Jonathan Silverman, but JJ had seen it and I told him >>it was for him. I think his mom and him had said, wow to the posters, that >>we worked hard on the signs, they were nice! His mom was definitely really >>nice and impressed, telling us to hold them up and POSE for her pic- she was >>amused and grateful, like a mom! We were definitely the only ones w/ signs- >>well represented! Anyway, the KISS workers knew our obsession. We heard they >>had JJ and RLJ 8 x 10's and so we were set that there'd be an autograph >>session. The girl who had the envelopes of photos wouldn't give them to us, >>but we begged to see them and they were the ones posted on his Fan Club that >>you get when you join. >> >>The last inning JJ was outfield. The game lasted like 1 hr, 20 minutes. >>Someone hits and he goes to catch it. He tumbles and twists and falls, and >>doesn't catch it. It was awesome though. BTW, on Tracey's tape, she got it >>all, we screamed and said OMG so many times! LOL. The last hit though, our >>boy caught it. Yep, he caught the last ball and got them out. Everyone >>cheered and we felt like they were all cheering for him. It was great. >> >>Then get this, he signs more autographs and Tracy says he gave someone his >>hat!!! They asked for it- Tracey was by them and she said it smelled so >>good- soapy or like CK? she said. He leaves and comes near us to sign more >>autographs. He looked so good w/ long sweaty hair. >> >>But wait, I was so obsessed on the photos and autograph session. The girl >>would not give them to me. So I go to JJ's mom for the 3rd time (I had >>approached again to thank her for getting her boys over to us) and say, is >>there an autograph session, can you tell that girl to give us the photos!! >>Note, his parents are so nice and grateful. She winked at me earlier and >>thanked us for the support. His parents are both thin. They were both >>unsure about the signing, but his dad said something like, yeah, they should >>do something like that. So his mom and I went to find the girl. His mom >>was so patient- they were pics of her sons, but she didn't act like big at >>all. There was such a crowd cause the A's game was starting, so we had to >>follow that girl all the way up. His mom didn't know, there was confusion, >>and later she left. >> >>The five of us had to make a choice- follow his mom or the girl??? We >>followed his mom, who asked this man for some direction to something on >>paper- we figured she had a luxury box to watch the "real" game. Believe >>me, we looked through so many glass boxes to find her. Then we went into >>the club member plaza where I still think we weren't allowed w/o membership, >>but we got in. And we found the girl w/ the photos!! I was like, his mom >>said we could have them so we could find them to autograph. We each got one >>of each of them!! Then I asked tons of people and heard the celebrities >>would be eating there (the only dining area) after they showered in the >>lockers. We weren't allowed to wait outside the lockers! LOL. We sat and >>ate. Rachelle showed us her awesome JJ scrapbook that she had him sign. We >>wanted to leave two empty seats for them. LOL. We ordered cheese fries- >>what else?! We waited and planned. It's so funny how some of us started out telling the others we were just moderately obsessed. But we soon found out- we are all so into this guy LOL. One time, one of us said "she" and the >rest of us thought "she" meant JJ's mom, and we went crazy! Another time I >thought I saw JJ's mom in a box, and all the girls leaned and it was such a >kodak moment, them all leaning to see. All we needed was a pic WITH JJ. We >>waited for like an hour and a half, asking more people- KISS, waiters, news >>reporters, Friends of Faith, etc. Finally, we walk out. Oh yeah, we did >>spot J. Silverman. >> >>We run into more people- the celebrities are in the luxury boxes, duh. We'd >>just thought they'd walk by or eat in the restaurant first. We looked in >>the boxes- we were crazy! Then we see Zachary! I say to him, where's the >>autograph session... there is none :(. I say great game, thanks for coming >>out. His girl starts to cling to him... grr. Lots of the celebrities had >>girls clinging to them.. NOT JJ and RLJ. Those two were tight together. >>And some underage nameless stars had drinks or were smoking, again NOT our >>guys. So I'm like, did you guys just get out of locker rooms and not eat? >>Where are all of you? I'd like a group pic. My fellow friends had stepped >>back and watched me LOL!. He said they were ALL somewhere down there. I >>said, where? I pointed down. I was like, is it a secure area or can I >>knock? He said, kind of (he was getting annoyed!). He looks exactly like >>on tv- he's real playful. During the game, his shirt was unbuttoned, >>untucked, and he stuck his butt out a lot, in fun! So we trek all the way >>down. Later, we see him go in one of the boxes (aha! he was keeping it a >>secret). >> >>We wait for like hour and a half? We had no prospect of getting farther- >>Jasmine and Tracy were so embarrased by me. We ask any one in work uniform >>to go in there and get JJ for a pic. A lot of them went in, but hardly any >>came out! I know they were rubbing elbows in there- :)! So then one worker >>notes that these stars are people too- who have to go pee! (excuse my >>bluntness). So we stake out halfway between their box and the men's >>bathroom. We saw so many of the celebrities come out multiple times- but no >>JJ or RLJ. Then RLJ comes out. He looked real tired, he was wearing an A's >>t-shirt. His dad also had on an A's jacket- they are fans, that's for sure. >> I had just asked another worker to ask JJ out, so I didn't approach RLJ >>because I thought JJ had said no (to coming out). He went to the bathroom >>and back- he definitely looked at us (we were sitting on steps right >>outside!). In retrospect, we learned no one had asked JJ to come out for >>us, and RLJ recognized us but probably didn't want to be presumptious coming >>up to us if we didn't say anything to us. I was so worried about being >>stalker-ish and for the first time, was tongue tied. I regret not getting a >>pic w/ RLJ. >> >>So we waited- and debated staying until they got out at the END of the game. >> Why didn't JJ come out? Was he avoiding us? We were very worried about >>invading his privacy. One of us made the joke that's why Lucky didn't need >>a bathroom, cause he never went. LOL. >> >>Then Joshua Morrow came out. I said, this is it. As he was heading back >>in, I asked him to sign our ticket stubs. Then I said, "There's a JJ in >>there. Could you ask if he'd have time to come out and take some pics w/ us >>if he wanted to". Note I did do a lot of asking, but I was never rude. >>Joshua was in a hurry, so I didn't know. TWO seconds later, out of nowhere, >>JJ walks out- to greet us. He had no idea we were there- he didn't look at >>us like we were weird at all. >>He said something like, have you ladies been waiting? he was surprised, not >>intimidated or annoyed. SIGH. he would've never kept us waiting!! TWO >>outfits in one day. SIGH. He was wearing the gray Hillfiger shirt he wore >>at SSW, blue jeans, and the black Nike shoes. I got a pic w/ him. He put >>his hand on my lower back. I thanked him and shook his hand. SIGH. We got >>group photos. I was in shock! Then he went back in and two seconds later >>came out w/ Richard (probably to get food). He needed backup! They smiled >>when they saw us again. Then we left. >> >>It was incredible. On the bart home, some man asked where we were at, and >>Tracy said, "Richard" (v. Richmond) LOL. We realized we never ever ever >>told JJ he was such a great actor and singer and that we missed him. We >>regret that so so much. I felt like such a fan- I just gazed, not being >>able to tell him anything. I felt like I saw him, not met him. It didn't >>feel like that's HIM, that's Lucky on GH- it was like an out of body >>experience. We really regretted not talking to him, getting "personal" if >>you will. haha I got two rolls of pics- I did NOT expect to take so much. >>They were so up close and incredible. I will give them to someone to scan >>if I can't, don't worry. Of course I had lots of fun- he was beautiful to >>look out. Emphasis on this last line!

~ AngelT2

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