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Photos of Boo's GH Weekend!
Joan, a fellow soapfan, agreed to be Boo's official photographer for the GH Weekend and Becky's Soiree. Here is a sample of some of her great work! Thanks Joan!

Boo and Ginny (Becky's aunt) running the fan club booth at the boutque before the GH Luncheon. This was just about the only time all morning the table didn't have a crowd :)

Becky sits on stage with the rest of the cast at the GH Luncheon. She looks pretty relaxed here, it must been after she'd be asked her one question :)

Becky was glad to have Amber on stage with her before the Soiree began, and the two of them chatted with fans while waiting for everyone to get seated.

To make up for the late start, Becky decided to do her own "Welcome" to the fans at her Soiree, and introduced JJ right away as her "surprise" guest.

The three friends - Becky, JJ, and Amber - laugh about their favorite "bloopers" on set and talk about the fun they had working together.

These two pictures made me laugh! I never noticed before how Becky and JJ tend to sit exactly alike. Notice their hands and the tilt of their heads? LOL!

Michele Val Jean joined the group as the writer of L&L's story. She introduced herself with one line, "OK, here's a writer. Attack me!" She was wonderful!

JJ had to leave early, but not before a last "walk down the aisle" with Becky so everyone could get a picture of their favorite duo.

It was clear to everyone that Becky and Michele had developed a special bond through their journey of telling Elizabeth's story together. Their candid discussion of it was the most moving part of the evening.

Amber's energy got the charity auction off to a great start as she and Becky teased the crowd with one of "Lucky's" shirts.

Becky poses with one of her beautiful creations that was on display, the dress she designed and made for the 1998 Emmy Awards Ceremony.

The evening didn't end there!
Check our Page 2 to see how we wrapped things up.

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