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Brigade Soiree Reports Page 2

Amber, Becky, and Coltin

CurlyQgrl's Report:

Just recovering from my trip to LA.....we went up on Thursday, stopped at the Hollywood Book & Poster (they carry pics of different actors, including some from GH), then off to take my friend to see Universal City Walk, then off to check into the Sportsman's Lodge.

Joan joined us, had a nice evening, dinner with friends. Friday is really the start of the weekend. First off is the soap boutique held at the hotel. Various GH and other soap merchandise is sold, including pictures. Then we hung out at the pool for the rest of the afternoon. Lisa Cerasoli came by and signed autographs and took pictures with fans, she is soooo sweet! She is doing the pilot episode of "Oh, Grow Up!" with Rena Sofer. Lisa is open to returning to GH if they are willing to give her a storyline. I met her fan club president, Valerie, from Club Cerasoli - she is a real sweetheart. John is also on the new show with Rena and is Lisa's boyfriend, he hung out with her throughout the weekend and is very cute!

The first event of the weekend was Kin Shriner's. This was put on by Jim Warren (PS - Jim was very nice this weekend!). His guests were Lynn Herring, Carly Shroeder, Peter Hanson, Susan Brown and Anders Hove. Kin was very funny, joking that he was hoping Lee would die so Scotty would have all those challenging grief scenes. Carly is a peacemaker, always concerned with how the other actors felt. Kin commented on how he added into the show Scotty hating Sigmund, Lynn teased him about this. The chemistry between Carly and Kin is very real, as is the relationship. Kin also told a funny story about the one and only time he had Carly for the day - she got bitten by a dog! (it was funny as he was only entrusted with the child this one time and he took a lot of razing about this incident). I got the feeling that he really enjoys working with Lynn, and is enjoying the Scotty and Lucy storyline. Lynn commented that she didn't think they would be able to keep the baby.

Kin and Anders are roommates and kidded each other quite a bit. It was reported that Anders is on contract with GH as Faison till October. He did mention that he would be interested in an appearence on AMC if asked. This was a very funny event, Kin seemed very relaxed and at ease with the fans.

Next onto the PC event, this was hysterically funny. The line of the day was when Jon Lindstrom commented that he was waiting for PC to be renamed "Scotty's World" and later added it was "Scotty's world and they just lived in it". I will do a complete transcript of the Q&A from this event and the GH event so won't try to do it from memory (a friend is sending a copy of these events that she videotaped). It was great to see Kimberlyn Brown, she should be a great addition. The behind the scenes people of PC were introduced and there job function. Hope Williams is the PC on set producer and seemed to be very popular with the actors. There were about 200 people at this event. Nicholas Pryor was very popular, and was Grandville (DV) - he was very nice! More on this event once I received the tape of it.

Saturday, we went to Julian and Jackie's event. This was a very nice affair held in the gazebo area of the hotel. It was decorated very festive with balloons, and had a candy theme for "Shameless Candy Thieves". First, there was a very small private meet and greet with Julian for the members of his fan club. Julian was very warm and open, introducing himself to each of the fans and answering questions. Julian enjoys working with Ingo, and the scenes between Jerry and his parents and would like to explore more about Jerry's background/past and his relationship with his parents. When asked if he would like to see Bobbie and Jerry get married, he responded that he would like that relationship to develop slowly as Jerry is commitment shy. Some fans suggested they would like to see Jerry and Bobbie get involved in an adventure storyline with Faison. Surprisingly, Julian is English and his accent is different from Jerry's. After this portion, fans worked in teams to find children's jaxs that were hidden in the garden (my girlfriend and I won and received a silver jax on a chain).

Jackie arrived, looking very slim and gorgeous. She told the audience about Julian's screen test that both her and Ingo wanted Julian for the role! She was asked who her favorite relationship was, and she really enjoys working with Julian and prefers to focus on her current storyline. Much laughter occurred when they were asked the point of the video shown during the Nurse's Ball, they agreed with the audience that it was pointless. Julian reported he took a lot of teasing when it aired. Various cast members reported that they worked 16-20 hours per day taping the Nurse's Ball episodes.

They each signed autographs and took pictures with fans and were very relaxed. This was a very nicely done first event! Very classy! Congratulations to Leah and Kathy from the Stone Zone, and to Julius from the "Z" Society (Jackie's fan club). There was a charity silent auction as well.

Next we were off to Real's first event put on by Linda and Nina. The audience was thrilled when Maurice surprised them by casually strolling up the aisle, as people realized it was him, the screaming started! Vanita also came, she looks spectacular and was literally glowing (she's just had a baby and really looks incredible, she will return to GH in 2 weeks). Funny moment was when Real was asked if he was ever going to "take Sonny down", he joked about his never ending threats to Sonny, then asked the audience if they had seen maurice's biceps (he later had maurice show them to the audience, quite impressive!). He joked that Maurice always recommends to his fellow actors "to go deep", which was pretty funny considering all Taggert gets to do is threathen Sonny repeatedly but he does try to "go deep" with the threat to take Sonny down! Maurice was asked when Sonny was going to realize that Hannah was just a Brenda clone and he didn't really address that, instead he made a comment about Sonny losing his mind, and is very interested in doing a manic-depressive storyline.

Real played "The Dating Game" with three audience members, this was a hoot! Some of the questions were very risque and drew a lot of laughter from the audience. Real teased Vanita about taking the baby on auditions already, she reported he is a beautiful baby and she is madly in love with him!

Then off to Wally's event, where we discovered Lisa C., Rena, Patricia healy sitting in the audience! Kurth & Taylor rocked as always and did several new songs. They are starting a Kurth and Taylor charity foundation to raise money for children and their families. They also announced a new record to be released (my impression was this fall), they are doing a music video to go with the screen play that Wally has written (the story sounds wonderful!), and many of the songs were written with the movie in mind!

After K&T played, Lisa, Rena, and Patricia all joined Wally on stage - also Jon - the guy Rena co-stars with in the new series. Wally reported that Brook Lynn would be coming for a visit and he figured she would be aged to around 5. Rena looked suprised by this and commented that Lois would never permit her daughter to live with the Q's and would have to be dead first (this gave me goosebumps as if they ever do decide to bring Ned's daughter home permanently I fear they would kill Lois off....amazing how sad I would still find that even all these years after her departure!).

Patricia joked a lot of about wanting a storyline with Ned (when asked which leading man she would like to see Tammy involved with), she is a very funny lady! Many of the fans commented to Lisa how much they missed her, she reported being open to returning and is currently signed up to do only the pilot episode of "Oh Grow Up".

Sunday was another fun-filled day....the luncheon was great! I loved the Q&A and will do a detailed write-up of this (just heard the tape of this is in the mail!) so more on that to come. I thought the luncheon was just as smoothly run as last year and the lines seemed to move even quicker (except for the Wally & Nancy Lee line which was HUGE!). I met Tava (Chloe) and Lisa V (Hannah) and Michael (Juan), they all seemed very nice and very excited to be on GH. It was great to see Sarah Brown (she wasn't there last year due to having her baby), she looked great! I took a ton of pics and I'm off to pic them up this afternoon! (Cross your fingers, new camera with a new bigger zoom lense!).

Steve Burton's event was one of the very funniest, he and Billy Warlock are hystercial together. I would love to see AJ written with more humor as Billy could definitely pull it off. Steve thought that Robin was written off well, felt that made sense storyline wise. He also thought it was a good idea for jason to give up Michael as "something needed to happen" in the storyline. They both agreed that NO WAY would Lucky be recast! That Jonathan was simply irreplaceable. They commented on Tony Geary being definitely opposed to any recast and they would feel sorry for any actor trying to step into Jonathan's shoes, they also commented that would be pretty funny to be on the set the first day if Tony was forced to work with a Lucky re-cast. Jonathan was asked about a return and does not have any immediate plans to come back. The guys teased him about coming back to the set for free haircuts, he does come back to visit his friends. They all reported really liking Tyler and saying he was very funny and they all missed him.

Jonathan thanked the audience for voting him as one of the top choices for Aniken (Sp?) in the next Star Wars movie in an online poll and said that kind of exposure really does help an actor. He has finished an independent movie (originally titled Purple Haze but currently being re-named). He is currently going on other auditions. When asked if he would return to "finish" up the storyline, he commented that he had stayed an extra 3 months to wrap it up and because he was enjoying his work with Becky in the Liz and Lucky storyline so much. He did watch that last week with everyone grieving over Lucky's death.

We took a dinner break, actually didn't go to Maurice's event as we had volunteered to help with set-up at Becky's event. This was a very classy affair, some of Becky's dresses were on display on mannequin's, her dress sketches with fabric swatches were available for sale as well as many beautiful pictures of her. Amber and Michelle Van Jean (the writer who created Liz and Lucky), and Jonathan were her special guests. When asked about embarrassing moments, Becky commented on the scene when they were taping L&L2's first kiss at the boxcar and she pulls Lucky up saying something to the effect that she wouldn't drop him (then proceeds to drop him out of the boxcar - this is on the TK Blooper tape). When fans asked about Liz's lack of grieving, Michelle reported that Liz's grief was not over - Becky commented that the grief scenes are harder to play. When asked about Liz and Nik pairing, I got the feeling that in the future Becky would like to see Liz move on with her life (as an actress I imagine that would be more interesting to be involved in a storyline that to be in character limbo with nothing to do mope).

Becky looked beautiful in her long white off the shoulder dress, she was very sweet and was very touched by all the fan support. The friendship between her and Jonathan was obvious. Have to say though her boyfriend (John?) is absolutely gorgeous and a great guy, he worked all weekend, I saw him helping out throughout the weekend! It was fun to meet Becky's aunt, Ginny, and her mom, Debbie. She obviously comes from a very strong family and they seem very tight. Her aunt will be running her fan club, her mom is her manager and I get the feeling they really look out for Becky's interests. She even had cousins there helping with the different tables. She's very lucky to have this kind of family support and I think that is why she is so down-to earth.

When asked what storyline she was currently writing, Michelle reported the Luke & Felicia adventure. I later asked her if Luke will get back together with Laura at any point in the future and she said that it would be a long road back for them - I'm sure looking forward to that! Michelle also wrote the kevin/ryan storyline.

During the live auction, Amber was a hoot! She bribbed and cajoaled the audience into bidding higher with promises of performing dances - this was a big audience hit. She was very animated and really got into the auction. The TK Blooper tape went for over $300 (and no sorry I didn't get it but the person who did is in the Brigade and said she may make copies of it available as a RAIN fundraiser. She is off on a business trip so I'm sure we will be hearing about this later), two studio tours auctioned for $1200 each, Lucky's shirt was auction (they commented that it smelled like Jonathan - that really increased the bidding).

Again, this year was a wonderful weekend of events...great fun! The actors were ALL very charming, not a stinker in the bunch.

stacey : )

Moose35's Report:

Okay, so I am sitting here on the plane trying to remember all the details of this weekend. Let's see how I do...

Well, I arrived in LA on Saturday. I arranged to meet some L&L Brigadeers at the hotel. We met by the pool and everyone was really nice. WHile we were there discussing GH, Real walked by and stopped to talk to people and take pictures. I didn't bother him because I didn't bring anything for him to sign and/or my camera. But from what I noticed, he was really accomadating and sweet. And very well built. WOW!

Okay, so we had breakfast, talked L&L2 and GH, and talked about Becky's upcoming event, went to the GH boutique that was set up in the hotel (I bought a GH hat, GH Christmas Ornament, and of course some JJ PICS!) and then we all went our separate ways. I had to do the family thing so I left the hotel and went my separate way. I did convice my family to go to Planet Hollywood (I had to be in the same place that JJ and BH donated the guitar). Just FYI... the guitar is no longer there. They ship these things all over so I looked and looked and there was nothing related to JJ. But there was a LOT Of great movie memorablia. I highly recommend going if you love movies!

So after the family thing, I went back to the hotel and slept. I had been up all night because of my red eye from Hawaii and needed to rest.

The next day I had a wedding to go to. So I didn't get to any of the other events. (I know you are reading this going, "Get to the good part woman, stop teasing us....") Okay so I left the wedding early and jumped in the car and headed to the Sportsmen. I met up with some Brigadeers and we waited in line to enter BH's event. While we were in line, Maurice's event ended so they rushed all the celebs from his event (Maurice, JJ, Ron Hale) out the door. I think I got a picture of JJ leaving. I KNOW i got a great shot of JJ for this other girl I was with. I was the tallest one there so everyone wanted me to snap a picture for them. So keep your fingers crossed that I get at least one good shot from that set.

So we start entering BH's event. We get our little fan club packet and an invitation to join. (Who knows, I might. I talked to Becky's mom and she was sort of convincing... more on that later!).

So we walk down the aisle to get a seat and I see Becky. So I walk up to her and hand her a lei from Hawaii. SHe thanked me and said she had never gotten a lei from Hawaii nor that she had ever been there. (I wanted to mention her sister, but thought better of it. No need alienating her BEFORE JJ gets out!) But she was very sweet. She had her hair up and was wearing a while dress, form fitting bodice and flowing gown. It had black splotches on the gown part of it. I don't remember exactly what they were. But she looked beautiful. She is really amazing and put everyone instantly at ease.

So after I gave Becky the lei and put my stuff in my seat, I head back for the silent auction stuff. I put money on autograph scripts for TK1, the vows, the tickle fight episode, autograph God Candy, DEOTO, and JJ picture book. (Yes, I was a little obsessed. I told you I wasn't leaving without something!) But again.. you are sitting there get on with the good stuff woman.

So the event starts. Becky gives a little introduction and then introduced JJ. Boy that was so exciting, let me tell you. He comes in... and the flash bulbs just go crazy. He hugged Amber and then he hugged Becky.

He was wearing jeans and a green silky type shirt (I think the same one he always wears!) His hair was longer (it needed to be cut if you ask me!) and Melissa he was wearing a cross earing. It just sort of dangled from his ear, really emphasizing his gorgeous earlobe. JJ entered. THen the Q&A started. Of course someone asked about him returning. He doesn't have any plans right now and he isn't returning "next week" - he was trying to make a joke I think. Some one asked if he liked the way he was written out and he hmmed and hawed a bit until Becky finally answered with a resounding "NO!" Everyone clapped (or at least I did).

So then came the barage of Frances questions. There was one other person there (a fellow brigadeer that I met the previous day, Quinn). She and I pretty much alternated asking questions. It was hillarious.

I asked about Scream and Partidrige family. "No, just internet rumors." To which I added, "the internet is a scary place with these rumors." I got a laugh.

He was asked about Star Wars and he was trying to be funny by saying why would he want to do SW. He did thank the fans for voting for him on theE! online poll. He said he was so happy he had that kind of support and that it really does help.

I asked Becky if she had any other projects lined up (I felt bad, every question I had was directed to JJ, I had to think of a Becky question!). She is doing a movie for USA about Hugh Hefner. She is playing Barbie Benton. She did say there was no nudity or anything like that but that filming starts today (Monday). She was really excited about it. I am so happy for her.

I asked about the brownie thing and what the hell they were laughing at during that Kelly's scene and I don't really remember the answer. I don't think they remembered that part of the episode. They kind of focused on the dance and Liz and Lucky part of it. (I have to get the tape to review!)

The other brigadeer asked about the window kiss (The brigadeers wanted that kiss from the beginning) so she asked if they did that because of the brigade and JJ said that we (the fans) add so much more depth than there really is! Then he went on and on about how he was winking to all of us during that wink at the window and how yes the kiss was for the brigade.

Then they both talked about the brigade and its influnce and how wonderful they thought they were and JJ talked about the wreath.

I am having trouble rememebering my questions: I asked about True Rights. I told him I have been following it on the IF Web page and asked what the situation was... he said HE WAS IMPRESSED that I knew that. And then he proceeded on filling everyone else in about the film and how they are trying to get it into film festivals, etc. (Same pact answer!) (BUT HE WAS IMPRESSED!!)

They introduced Michelle soon after.. so I had to come up with Michelle questions. Michelle was very sweet and very open. She is now doing the Luke and Flea storyline. And people asked her about the rape, etc. I told her I was really impressed with her writing and that SHE was the only reason GH won for writing this year. Both JJ and BH and Amber nodded in agreement.

Oh I forgot, someone asked about the recast (NuNik) and Becky was VERY diplomatic. which leads me to believe.... SHE HATES HIM. Because from what I gather... Becky wouldn't say a bad thing about anyone!

Michelle did say that there is grieving in store for Elizabeth and that she has not finished mourning Lucky. They asked about the NY scenes and why the chose for them not to have sex. Michelle said she wanted to have Elizabeth get pregnant with Lucky's baby. When I heard that I just started clapping!

I did tell JJ that DEOTO was playing on United on the East coast return trip (which is what I am watching now while I type this!). He laughed.

JJ had to leave early to catch a plane so I didn't get to actually shake his hand or get a picutre with him. They did walk down the aisle together so we got to get pics with both of them. When he was walking down the aisle, I handed him a lei I brought from Hawaii. I was really pumped.

So JJ leaves and the Q&A starts back up. I don't remember too much more of that. Then the auction starts....

Amber (btw) was AMAZING. She is so open and honest and personable and she really made the auction. The first item was one of Lucky's flannels. Both Becky and Amber said the shirt smelled liked JJ so that was enough. I HAD to have it!

The bidding begins... $50. Of course, I bid more. And it went up and up. Everytime someone bid, I bid five dollars more. It got so funny because Becky and Amber would get a bid and then they would look over at me to up it... and of course I did.

Well I finally won the thing and I just danced my way up the aisle. It was so cool. The whole night everyone was asking me to touch the shirt. And the amazing thing is I can actually put it on. (It is a man's size small but it is very large. - because trust me I am NOT a small!)


I wanted that MORE THAN ANYTHING! So the bidding begins. And Becky and Amber knew where to look. I just kept uping everyones bid by 5 dollars. AND I WON!!! WOO- HOO!! (For those of you that don't know... the tape is behind the scenes footage of JJ and BH during the first kiss episode. There are alledgely outtakes on it, especially one where JJ falls out of the box car.)

So when I won, I danced up to the front again and got the tape from Becky. ANd bowed in a "I am not worthy manner!" Ok, I was a LITTLE out of control!

Then the auction continued. Becky and Amber kept looking at me to bid, but I was like I have what I want, let someone else spend money.

So this is when I met Becky's mother. I went back to the back because I wanted to check on my silent auction bids...Becky's mom came up to me and wanted to tell me that the tape was blank and that she would have to send it to me. She hoped I wasn't upset. She was telling me all the wonderful things on the tape. She was just the nicest person in the world. She wanted me to join Becky's fan club and kept thanking me for coming. I told her I thought Becky was very talented and that she would have this kind of turnout again because she is just such a geniune person.

Okay, so they continued the auction and Amber was amazing. She was promising all sorts of dance moves if she got a certain amount for an item. I was so glad that she didn't do that while I was bidding otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the tape. Oh funny note, she was running out of dance moves so I recommended that she do a mosh pit thing and she made a comment that she didn't want to hurt anyone or sprain her ankle again! She was really funny and really honest!

The event ended... and we stood in line to get Becky's autograph. SO finally I get up to her and she was talking to the girl in front of me and was thanking them for coming and they told her that they had a really good time and then Becky said... "Well here is the reason the auction was fun." As she was pointing to me!!! Becky then started asking me questions about what I do, why I was in Hawaii, where I was from, etc. etc. We just had this really cool conversation. She then signed my magazine and she wanted to personalize it so she asked my name and then saw my name tag and signed my mag. I then got my picture taken with her. Don't worry you won't be seeing those. Frances (6'1 in heels) next to a 5'2 skinny beautiful rail!! I am sure that I am going to break the camera!

Oh, one thing I forgot about the Q&A... After JJ left, someone asked Becky if he was a good kisser. She said she couldn't answer that with her boyfriend standing in the back

I told her, it is okay, just wink once if he is because Johnny wouldn't be able to see her.

But then, after we were all done getting our autographs and pictures taken we were hanging around and Becky was there. I asked her again since her boyfriend wasn't around what the answer was. And she said "Yes he is. That he really is a good kisser. That he is a VERY INNOCENT kisser." I don't know why but the way she said it sounded so erotic. Almost like there was something else going on. I only wish I could have explored that answer a little more! But I didn't want her to think I was a TOTAL nutcase!

SO the event wrapped up. The brigade got their picture taken with Becky, which was really cool. She was really appreciative of everything that the Brigade has done.

After words, we helped Becky's family carry stuff out and I talked again to Becky's mom. Then some of the Brigade headed to the lounge to sit and chat. Becky was at the bar with Michelle so we just hung out.

While we were sitting there Becky's mom came up again and wanted to make sure that she had all my information. She called me Francine (but who am I to correct her!) and asked me again to write down my address which I more than happily provided. I just can't say enough how great her whole family was.

I have to admit that I was really nervous about doing this. I thought I am getting ready to cross a line that I don't know if I really want to. What if JJ turns out to be a prima donna, and Becky just annoying. What if I am there with other JJ and BH fans and I don't fit in? etc. etc.

Well let me tell you. This weekend surpassed all my expectations and was amazing. I had heard terrible things about meting JJ in person and all I have to say is they are sooo not true. JJ seems really shy. So I could see where that could come across as "stuck up," "uninterested," "bored," etc. etc. But all I have to say is it is NOT TRUE. JJ is amazing in person. He answered all my questions, laughed when I made some jokes, made some jokes himself. I was worried that when I saw him in person I would really see a 17 year old. But that was so not true either. He holds himself up with the best. He was very personable, made eye contact, seemed interested in the questions and the fans. I only wished that he didn't have to catch a plane because maybe I would have been able to get a picture of him and see those beautiful blue eyes a little closer.

Let me just tell you. I have to buy the tape of the event because I was so distracted that I think I missed so much.

As I have said over and over, Becky was amazing!!!!! She was so sweet and so appreciative of all her fans. I have gained such an amazing respect for her.

And Michelle... wow. She was so sweet. I went up to her and aksed for an autograph (I had her sign a picture of L&L because I credit her with their love story.) I told her again how I felt that she was the reason GH won best writing last year and that I am so excited that she is writing the Luke and Flea stuff. And that I have confidence that because she is writing it that it will be awesome.

I get the feeling that neither Michelle nor Becky likes the direction of Liz. I don't think they like the recast much (nuNik). I heard some rumblings of Amber and Micheal not getting along real well.

I guess that is the jist of everything. I won an autographed copy of God Candy, the autographed picture book, Lucky's flannel shirt, and THE TAPE! in the auction. I also bought an autographed copy of one of Beckys designs with a swatch of the fabric. Overall a GREAT WEEKEND> I am definitely going to have to go to SSW. It was incredible.

I hope the details were enough. If not... ASK. I can probably remember more if I am prompted.

Some SCOOPS that came out...

Liz is going to do more grieving

Liz is going to be interworked with Chloe in the design business

I just forgot to mention how really sweet everyone I met was thatweekend. I finally got to meet Shannyn (however I think I was a little> caught up in the excitement of the night so I didnt get a big chance to talk to her... sorry, Shannyn).

All the brigaders I met were AMAZING. I am new to the brigade but everyone welcomed me with open arms. You all are the best... the best there is.

I actually met some people that knew me from the JJs list (and I haven't posted there in quite a while!)

I met an ex-LOLs. She joined but was inundated with all the mail so she had to unsubscibe. But she remembered me from the list. I Guess I am hard to forget. I kind of sing one tune: "I LOVE JJ, DON'T BASH LUCKY AND ELIZABETH OR ELSE, and I HATE NIK AND LIZ." I sort of came to the realization at the event, that I really should broaden my scope. I am a lot JJ-centric! Which shouldn't be too hard. After this weekend I will be a little more Becky-centric!

But everyone that I met from the various boards were so nice and I only wish I would have had time to sit and chat with everyone, but people were coming up to me and asking to smell JJ's shirt.

But I guess after the fool I made of my self over JJ's shirt and TK1 tape and asking so many questions, it is going to be hard to live that down.

Pvt. Frances

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