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March along to The L&L Brigade's Songs and Creed

If you have any new songs or verses that you would like to have added to our page,
please send some e-mail our way.

Since we were originally known as the Boo Brigade,
I have included all of the wonderful songs that were inspired by our original group title.

The Boo Brigade Anthem

Major Kueken’s verse:
All hail the Mighty Boo Brigade and wave it’s rippling flag.
Uphold our right to L&L, their scenes should never lag!
We can’t survive a moment without our daily dose.
Listen up TPTB, it’s what we want the most!
L&L gives life its meaning, to deny us will bring harm.
In the immortal words of that small green man,
“I want me Lucky Charms!”
Oh Boo Brigade, Boo Brigade, wave your banner high!
That Jackson is a hottie and I cannot tell a lie!
*salute here*

Kris95’s verse:
Our days are cast with shadows when they cannot be found.
We suffer through the “pits of hell” and Helena’s cackling sound.
A haircut here, a haircut there, Tony’s evil hiss?
We just want our L&L to share that fateful KISS!
*salute here*

dvida’s verse:
For on that day of which dreams are made,
Be warned the earth will quake.
From the squealing, screaming, shrieking,
Stomping ROAR of the Boo Brigade.
Oh Boo Brigade, Boo Brigade, wave your banner wide.
It’s L&L that makes our hearts swell!
On this we march with pride!
*salute here*

pennybrite’s verse:
We stand together in unity,
For Liz and Lucky we must see.
We hope that someone will get the clue,
And give us the kiss that we’re due.
We are the mighty Boo Brigade,
Our guts and stamina will not fade.
*salute here*

nalexis’s verse:
I march the streets of Boston, with my banner brandished high.
And pledge my allegiance to the Boo Brigade, shouting an almight cry!
Liz and Lucky to you I vow to stay a loyal fan,
And devote my life to watching you, every episode my master plan.
Captivated, infuriated, obsessed, possesed, and gripped,
Captured, enraptured, pleased, and then teased,
*salute here*

Lucky524’s verse:
We sat through hundreds of scenes,
About wich we couldn’t care beans.
Such as: Alan’s pits,Tammy’s dance,
(Did you guys hate that by any chance?)
We endured Emily’s “I'm a model look at me!”
Down to “Is Katherine really dead?” (Big mystery)
We watched all of this for the episodes we just can’t miss.
Those episodes are with Lucky and Liz.
During those other scenes we will wait,
Standing straight and proud,
Happy that we are part of the Lucky and Liz crowd.
*salute here*

pittsford14534’s verse:
There is nothing that brings on the blues,
Like a special report from ABC News.
Don’t they even have any clues,
There must be another method to use?
*salute here*

jv414’s verse:
Luke and Laura, they really are great,
But whoever knew they’d have such a fate?
A wonderful son called Lucky they did have,
Gorgeous, toughtful, and brave.
He was confused and lonely,
When along came HIS perfect mate.
Elizabeth is her name,
Fragile it seems, but really very strong.
At first he wanted her sister Sarah,
But realized that for him, she was wrong.
Now it all seems so perfect, but something is amiss...
How much more can we Brigaders take?
Just how long are we going to have to wait
To see Elizabeth and Lucky’s long awaited kiss?
*salute here*

The Song of The Battle of Boo
By Major Kueken

The sky grew still at sunrise and bathed our heads in light,
We knew we would find victory, our cause was just and right.
Dentonj, the lookout, perched hight atop a tree,
DSARA manned the trenches side by side with ELB.
Quinn was knocked unconscious at the sight of Allan’s pelt,
The nimble CMT stepped in; with karate she was delt.
SB19 along with Kreyn rounded up the GH cast,
And set afire their contracts with a mighty cannon blast.
The Quartermaines fought fiercely, but their clan was kept at bay,
By the combat-savy prowess of mindiclaire and Lilacday.
Tamekia and Gator stormed headquarters ABC,
While soldiers Kris and Galor captured the evil TPTB.
Privates JV and SF, their numbers hard to rhyme(!),
Kept guard o’er all the prisoners, keeping them in line.
GHlover took charge of scripts, CCrash director’s chair,
Erica single-handedly did lighting, makeup, hair.
Boo called all the shots from here, our new GH created,
A full hour of only L&L, no more storylines we hated!
Self-sacrificing Kueken, brave and caring soul, God bless her,
Appointed herself, courageously, as JJ’s personal dresser.
Many soldiers risked their lives, ther courage shining through,
In what will grace the history books as the heroic Battle of Boo.

L&L the Beautiful
By dentonj

Oh beautiful, Oh Lucky’s eyes,
And Liz’s amber hair!
For perfect days of GH bliss,
We need our couple there!
Oh L&L, Oh L&L,
We pledge our faith to thee!
And wish for you,
A love for two,
That's truly meant to be!

Battle Hymn of the Boo Brigade
By dentonj

Our eyes have seen the glory of the coming of a kiss,
We have sat through days of Quartermaines and Brenda just for this.
If it doesn’t happen soon we’ll do much more than boo and hiss,
We’re storming ABC!
Glory, glory, Liz and Lucky! Glory, glory Liz and Lucky!
Glory, glory, Liz and Lucky! We’re storming ABC!

The Plight of the Obsessed
By Quinn

We endured a summer filled with Alan’s doped-up stare,
And everyone and their brother imagining Katherine was still there.
Nik’s only story: “Will my uncle go to jail?”
and pining over Robin’s chopped off ponytail.
Of Jax and Brenda having couch sex every single show,
’til we cried in anguish “Will that girl please just go!”
Monica and Taggert---ho hum, what a snore,
Jason and Robin, as a couple are a bore.
We’ve payed our dues, we suffered through, you know the reason why,
the only couple on GH that can make us catch our breath and sigh.
Elizabeth and Lucky, we sing this song for you,
It’s for your worthy cause we’ll fight along with Boo.
We sat through half an hour of Brenda’s tight little pants,
just to see about a minute of your lovely dance.
Alan flashed his pits at us and STILL we stuck around,
but after Lucky went to see a hooker, I couldn't keep my breakfast down!
More Liz and Lucky is what we all demand!
Or we’ll storm ABC, remotes in hand!
Two days a week, two scenes an episode!
We won’t take it anymore, we’ll break your evil code!
So ABC be warned, be scared, set all of your alarms,
cause the Boo Brigade is coming and “WE NEED OUR LUCKY CHARMS!”
Boo Brigade, strong and true, steadfast and suspicious.
Repeat with me our motto “HE’S MAGICLY DELICIOUS!”

An Ode to Boris
By LL1998

Boris, Oh Boris, she has had you since she was four.
She still loved you even after Trevor buried you in the backyard.
With battle scars and only one furry ear,
you have served her well and tried to protect our sweet Liz from any harm.
But the time has come however, for you to step down.
It’s time for our beloved Lucky Charm.

Big Mouth Bob Guza
(sung to the tune of Oh Susanna!)
By Erica24 & Boo24

You told us who the rapist was in a quote from LA Times
Than Brad Maule signed his contract and I guess you changed your mind

Big Mouth Guza
Don’t ya tell us all
We like to read our spoilers
But you really have some gall

You made it clear to all of us, no rapist would be caught
Then you led us down a senseless chase, with the “Let’s catch Murty” plot

Big Mouth Guza
Don’t ya tell us all
We like to read our spoilers
But you really have some gall

Liz and Lucky are our favorites and this must be obvious
But you've spoiled all there is to know about their fateful kiss

Big Mouth Guza
Don’t ya tell us all
We like to read our spoilers
But you really have some gall

Of course we all are happy now, that surely is no lie
But if the kiss is spoiled, then.... Be prepared to die!

Big Mouth Guza
Don’t ya tell us all
We like to read our spoilers
But you really have some gall

Creeds and Poems

The L&L Creed
By Lilacday

This is my remote
There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My remote is my best friend.
It is my life.
I must master it as I must master my life.
My remote, without me it is useless.
Without my remote, I am useless.
I must aim my remote true.
My remote is human, even as I, because it is my life.
Thus, I will learn it as a brother.
I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories.
I will ever guard it against the ravages of damage and overuse.
I will keep my remote clean and ready, even as I am.
Clean and ready.
We will become a part of each other.
Before L&L I swear this creed.

Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the L&L Brigade and to General Hospital’s Lucky and Liz.
I solemnly swear to always be obsessed with L&L.
I acknowledge my duty to always inform my fellow brigaders of any new scoops, news, or rumors.
I agree to uphold my duty to always watch L&L very carefully at every scene.
I agree to always have more chocolate and junkfood then I need so that I am ready to share
with a fellow brigader who might be out.
I promise that if a fellow brigader misses an episode, I will make it my duty to inform them of what happened,
never leaving out even the tiniest bit of detail.
I further promise to take any measures available to me to provide this lost episode to the Brigader in need.

L&L TOGETHER 4-EVER AND ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
|_ _|
By: PVT MoonV TK Trauma Regiment/L&L

Lucky N Liz
by midnightangelone and MizVamp


L    lovely to look at

U    urgent need to see

C    cause he’s co cool

K    keeps my heart going

Y    yes, I’d go to jail

N    never to be parted

L    Lucky’s lady love

   incredibly beautiful

   zest for her love of Lucky

you are my life, my one and only.
When i'm afraid, you help console me.
To hear your voice just soothes my chill,
tell you "I love you", someday i will.
Cause when I look in your eyes I drown in their beauty,
supporting you is my lifes only duty.
For you are the one who held my hand for so long,
taught me to fight and finally be strong.
Showed me a place where I could be me,
opened my eyes and pushed me to see.
Held out your arms and embraced me so tight,
and made me feel safe to sleep at night.
You taught me to laugh and enjoy myself,
showed me that life isn't about wealth,
you stood back and watched while i took my first step,
"I'll never leave you" is a promise you've kept.
You opened my heart and have made it your home,
knowing you're there, I don't feel so alone.
So, I want you to know before this is done
that you are my life, you're the only one.


By: Pvt.Taylor