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Cerise an'Nathe

A Traveler’s Tale

An old woman was wiping down the last table in the quaint little inn. She had been working hard all day and night on what she considered one of the busiest days she had ever seen at the Tower Vista Inn. As she finished up and turned to put away her rag and head into the kitchen, she heard the front door open. She turned to send away whoever had come calling at this late hour. Her eyes fell upon a girl who looked to be no more than 15 summers. As she opened her mouth to tell the child to go, the girl cut in…

"Please, I know it is late. This is the last inn to still have a light on and I am in need of a place to rest. I promise I will trouble you for nothing more than some water to drink. I will even make sure that I wash the mug when I am done. I have been walking since daylight and I would love nothing more than to lie down. If you have any space with a roof where I may rest I will give everything that I have to use it for one night. I will be gone on the morrow. If I do not have enough to pay whatever you charge, I will stay the day to work off what I owe. I know my way around a kitchen, I follow orders without hesitation, and I can handle drunken men if I must. Please don't send me back out into the dark night. Please," she pleaded.

The old innkeeper knew she could not refuse the poor girl. Carlyn had always had a soft spot for girls in need. She had many hard times in her own youth. She sat upon a stool and pointed to the one next to her for the girl. She called Helina, one of her maids, out from the kitchen and had her bring a mug of drinking water. When Helina returned with the water, the girl drank half of it right away and held the mug in both hands, forcing herself not to gulp it down, but to savor it.

"Tell me girl, what do I call you? I can't go calling anyone who might become one of my maids just girl."

"I'm sorry, I've forgotten my manners, I am Cerise," the girl replied.

"And what is a young one like you doing walking the day away, and alone as you are?" the gray haired Carlyn questioned.

"I really am not that young, I know I look it, but I am 17. It troubles me to no end that I look as I do. I have yet to figure out exactly why, but my mother always said it would become a blessing later in life. As for my travels, I am headed to the white tower. I haven't exactly figured out what I will do once I get there. I would have walked there tonight, but I can walk no farther today, I fear. I do not believe that an uninvited, dirty, girl would not be welcome at this hour either", Cerise replied.

"If you have no idea what you plan to do once you are there, then why would you walk from wherever it is you are from just to get there and do nothing?" questioned Carlyn.

"Well, it's the only place I have yet to set foot. I have been everywhere, and that is no boast. I figured I might as well see it now. I must admit, I'm a little unsure about going, I'm not so sure being around all those women who can do all those things you hear about in stories. Don't get me wrong, I know not all of it's true, but I don't know if I want to find out what is and what isn't." Cerise answered, with a yawn to top it off.

Carlyn studied the girl sipping at her water for a moment. She remembered when she was young and wondered if she had that same look of knowledge as this girl did. The girl was not the prettiest girl Carlyn had seen, but she wasn't ugly either. Carlyn decided one could not describe her as plain, but she could not come up with anything better to call what she saw. Cerise had something about her that just wasn't really seen with the eyes, that told you she was different. 'Maybe,' she decided, 'I am just getting too old and tired to figure people on first sight anymore.'

"Well, Cerise, I have a small room at the top of the stairs that I use for storage. It happens to be empty at the moment, and you are welcome to it, for a small fee, of course. There is nothing that I can give you to sleep upon, but if you want it, it's yours for the night." Carlyn said with a nod. Cerise didn't have enough to pay for the room, but Carlyn showed her to it anyway.

As she was leaving Cerise, to get some rest herself, she said, "I will see you in the morning. I will have some chores that you can do to make up for the room and something to eat in the morning. If you work as hard as you say, you should be able to finish by the midday meal. If you do well at them, I'll even feed you then too. Sleep well, you look as if you need it."

As Carlyn closed the door, Cerise closed her eyes and began to think about what lay ahead. She didn't think very far before her exhaustion took it's toll and carried her off into dreamless sleep.

When Cerise awoke, it was still just before daylight. As she stretched her stiff muscles, her hand brushed across something upon the floor that she did not remember being there last night. As her sleepy eyes focused upon the object, she saw that it was a small basin, and next to it was a pitcher of water, she smiled. Sitting there in the near lightless room, Cerise dug through the one bundle she had left. She found a brush that had once belonged to her mother and began combing her long white-blonde hair. Tying it back with an old, faded ribbon, she began rummaging for some clean clothing to put on. Cerise hummed to herself as she washed up and got dressed. Descending the stairs, her nose gave her a hint of fresh bread being baked in the kitchen. She realized that she was famished, and hurried to find Carlyn.

The rotund old innkeeper was busy removing a loaf of sweet smelling bread from the big iron oven. Cerise wondered if the old woman had any children, she had that motherly way about her. There were two other girls working on chopping vegetables for a stew-pot and a sour-looking woman slicing cheese and fruit.

"Good morning mistress Carlyn. I really must thank you for the space in which I rested last night. I really am grateful for your wondrous hospitality." Cerise chimed, as she took a knife from the table to help chop vegetables for the stew she was sure would be served at midday.

"Ah, Cerise, good to see you up. I didn't think we would see you quite this early, but just as well. I could use your help in serving the morning meal to our other guests. My poor little Gillian has taken ill this day and will not be able to work. Can you handle a full tray? I need four extra bodies this morning, considering how many patrons have decided to dine with us. You can put down that knife and put on an apron. Faralain there," she said pointing to the girl standing next to Cerise, "will show you where everything is. You're to serve this morning, that is the place I need you most. Be quick about it Faralain, we've a lot more work than we expected this morning and I'll need you back in here shortly."

"Faralain, you keep chopping," Cerise said with a smile and a nod," I can find my way around. You don't want to fall behind just because of me. Save some chores for me girls, I don't want to get bored come time we're done feeding the whole city." With that, Cerise grabbed an apron from a hook on the way behind her and stepped out into the common room while tying it on.

The sight that greeted her eyes upon entering the room was remarkable. It seemed her joke about feeding the whole city wasn't far from the truth. There was not one place to sit in the whole place! There were men standing while eating in-between some of the tables. Spotting another serving girl coming back into the kitchen, Cerise pulled her aside and asked which section was hers. The girl looked at her strangely and said, "Where ever there are folks without food." Cerise dropped her smile and nodded curtly and made her way quickly to a table of rough looking men. She had no problems with any patrons, or with any of the other serving girls. Cerise did notice at one point during the frantic feeding frenzy, that the other two serving girls had stopped to take a break, allowing her to do all the work for a while. Cerise didn't mind. Things seemed to go smoother with them out of her way. When things finally quieted down, enough to stop and do nothing but breathe for 5 minutes, Cerise went back into the kitchen.

"Looks good out there. The tables are clean; everyone has been fed, thanked and sent out the door smiling. Well, almost everyone, there were a few men still lost in drink who had to be settled, but I think they'll come back. Maybe next time they'll sleep off some of their drunkenness before they come in though. You know, this place is very busy in the morning. It must be the food. I can't say it was the staff, those girls never smile. You really should think about getting more girls working in here so you can spend your time watching over things more and not standing in front of the oven. Also, one thing I thought I would mention, in a few places I've worked not too far from here, they have the girls serving watch over specific areas of the common room. Say the three of us are working, we would split up the tables into three equal parts and watch over those who sit only in our section. It seemed to work quite well. When I go out there, I know who's been welcomed, who's eaten and is just enjoying conversation, and who has just come in. I did find myself a little confused now and again out there this morning. With business like you get, you really should consider it." Cerise said nonchalantly as she began chopping vegetables once again, never stopping to rest.

Carlyn was amazed at how much this girl could talk. She did have a good suggestion though. "Do you ever stop moving child? If you don't stop to take a breather right this instant, I may just send you off to the tower here and now." Carlyn ordered. Cerise put down the knife and looked down to study her hands. "That's better." Carlyn said more softly, "now, if I know the girls as well as I think I do, you spent about half the morning working by yourself. They haven't figured out that I know they aren't working if they don't come in to fill their trays with food. That's pretty tough, but they do leave new girls alone to sink or swim for a while on their first day. That says a lot for you, they've never taken a break for that long before. That stunt of theirs just cost them dearly, I just thought of a whole bunch of chores that need to be done today, and considering they're all rested up, I think they'll have the energy to them." Carlyn's face broke out into a big warm smile and she winked the conspiracy to Cerise as she put her arm around the girl and headed her out of the kitchen. Faralain and her companion giggled over their chopping until the sour-looking woman, now placing the vegetables into the pot, gave them a stern look.

Carlyn led Cerise out the back door to a small yard where two girls Cerise had not seen before were doing the daily wash. Carlyn turned to Cerise and told her, pointing to a tall girl with big, dark brown eyes and the darkest hair Cerise had ever seen, "This is Tolana, and this is her sister Allene," she added pointing to a girl who was as different from the first girl as one could get. Allene was short with light blonde hair and small, light brown eyes. The only thing the two shared was that they were both thin. "I would like you to help them get these things washed up. Then come and see me before you go." Carlyn said.

"Thank you again mistress Carlyn. I'm sure we'll have the wash done quicker than you expect. I'll come looking for you as soon as we're finished." Cerise replied pulling up her sleeves. Cerise started in on cleaning the linens without a word. Tolana and Allene were silent long enough for Carlyn to reach a point beyond earshot before turning to question Cerise.

Tolana asked, "So, what brings you to the Tower Vista?"

"What did the mistress mean 'before you go', aren't you going to stay?" Allene added almost on top of her.

"I'm headed for the tower, and I'm working for the room I slept in last night." Cerise replied.

"Oh, I was hoping you'd stay, we really do need more hands around here." Said Allene with a frown.

"You just want another person to do your work so you can flirt with Harrs all day," Tolana said to her sister with a laugh. "She has a thing for one of the stable boys," she said to Cerise.

All three girls giggled as they focused on their work once again, though Cerise had a different reason for her laughter. When they finished hanging the wash to dry, it was mid morning. So Cerise headed to the kitchen to look for Carlyn.

When Cerise reached the kitchen, she found it empty, save for a large gray cat lounging on a stool in the corner. There was a small note on the now clean table folded in two with her name on it. Cerise picked up the note wondering who would leave her such a thing. It turned out to be from Carlyn with well wishings. It seemed she had gone to the market for more vegetables. Carlyn asked her if would like to wash and paint the room in which she had spent the night for a few coppers for travel. Carlyn had everything she needed brought up to the room already. Cerise got herself a drink of water and bounded up the stairs to begin the chore set before her. Upon entering the small room, Cerise found a pail of soapy water and scrubbing brush, a brush for painting and a container of white paint. She grabbed the scrubbing brush and set to work washing the far wall. As she worked, she began to sing to herself.

As she turned to set aside the cleaning materials and begin painting, someone standing in the doorway startled her. She cut off her singing, and curtsied. The man standing before her blushed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I was just enjoying listening to you sing." He said with a bow. "I am Erran Tallar. I am the evening entertainment in this fine establishment. I know a beautiful voice when I hear one, and you, my dear, have one of the best voices I have heard."

"Thank you," was all Cerise could say. She had never had anyone describe anything about her as beautiful before. A part of her wanted to hear him say it again and again. The part that won her over told her he must want something from her, and to get back to her work. "You'll have to excuse me sir, I do have a lot of work to get done. Perhaps we may talk later," she said hurriedly as she took up the brush and began to paint. By the time she built up enough courage to turn around to check whether he was still there, but he was not. After a short while she began to relax once again, and her singing resumed. As Cerise was just finishing the last wall, Carlyn came into the room carrying two stools. She placed them on the floor and sat upon one. When Cerise finished her work, she joined Carlyn to rest a moment.

"You have a beautiful voice child." Carlyn said.

"Thank you mistress." Cerise replied sheepishly.

"I have seen many girls come through this town, most on their way to the tower. Most of them have been running away from something. Do you mind telling me your story?"

"Well, I don't have much to tell. I am just a simple girl who is trying to find where she belongs, I guess."

"Simple is not a word I would use to describe you. I have never had a girl come through here who knew her way around an inn so well, nor one that works so hard. I can see that you have traveled far, just by the dress that you wear. That is not something one wears here, nor is it an Andoran style."

"No, it isn't. I think this is from somewhere in Illian. I can't remember anymore. I've had it so long and have been so many places since I first bought it. My mother and I used to travel a lot."

"You and your mother? Where is she now?"

"She died last year. We were in Arad Domon. We were just leaving when she took ill. I guess I decided to continue on after that." Cerise replied and a small tear escaped her best effort to hold it back.

"That is sad. I can see you loved your mother."

"Yes, I did. She was warm and loving, but she had her faults. Her biggest one was a man."

"Many women have that problem."

"I suppose I really can't call it a fault. She loved him. I just wish I could have met him. You see, he was my father. My mother fell in love when she was young. He was a gleeman just travelling through who had been wintering at the local inn for a time. Her parents did not like the man and forbade her to see him any more. My mother would sneak off to see him anyway. One day, he left. My mother was so in love that she followed after him. Shortly after that, my mother found that she was going to have a child. Even after I was born, she did not give up her search. Every town we came to would spark a new hope that we would catch up with him. And every time, we would find that he had moved on already. I really wasn't coming here on purpose. This is where the trail has brought me. I've grown tired of searching. He left her, why should I keep trying to find him? All he did was hurt her. Every day of her life began with dreams of the day when we could be together. Every day ended in the sorrow of those dreams never being fulfilled. We would stop and work at inns for food and a place to sleep for a while. Sometimes we would work in the kitchen, or provide entertainment in the evenings. My mother had the most beautiful voice, so she would sing for the patrons of small inns that could not afford someone all the time. I learned tricks from the gleefolk we would run into along the way. It was our way of life. Now all I can think to do is either find him for her, or just stop looking. Part of me wants to continue, for her. I just am so tired of the hunt. If I find him, what do I do then? I know I'd just want to scream at him for leaving her. I can't even imagine how I would introduce myself. I couldn't just go up to him and say 'Hello, my name is Cerise an'Nathe, I'm your daughter'. I suppose I will just go to the tower and see what I see. If I find my destiny lies somewhere within, I'll stay. If I don't find it there, I'll continue to seek my father out," she said with a sigh. "I'm sorry, I am rambling on. My mother always said I could talk forever and still have more to say," she added as she quickly got up and gathered all the supplies she had been using. "Just tell me where you want me to put these things and I'll be off. "

"No need, I'll put them away. You did a good job Cerise. You have restored my faith that there are still honest people in the world. Before you go, feel free to get yourself something to eat, you've earned it. I wish you well on your quest to the tower. If you find your destiny is not there, please come back here, I could use a hard worker around here." Carlyn said smiling. "If you do stay at the tower, I ask a favor of you, please give my greetings to someone, her name is Lila." She handed Cerise a small pouch that made a jingling noise as it swayed in her hand.

Cerise smiled at the motherly innkeeper. She had never told anyone about her life, but somehow, she knew she had found a friend she could trust in Carlyn. Maybe should would come back and stay if she was rejected by the tower. She took her bundle down to the kitchen to say farewell to everyone she had met and grab a piece of bread before stepping out onto the busy city streets. Cerise was, lost in thought as she stepped out of the doors and turned to go up the street when she ran right into someone and dropped her bundle. She bent down to get it when the person stopped her and picked it up for her. When she looked up at whom it was that she had crashed into, she was surprised. The older gentleman who handed her bundle to her was the man who had been listening to her sing earlier. "Oh, excuse me Master Erran. I am sorry." Cerise said as she visibly stiffened.

"No trouble my lady, I was at fault. Don't tell me you're leaving already? We haven't had a chance to talk. I was looking forward to it. It's not often that a woman with your talent comes my way. In fact, I have had time to think on it. I have heard a voice that sweet once before, and considering what I do for a living, one can't blame me for taking an interest. Tell me, ah..."

"Cerise," she supplied.

"Cerise, what an enchanting name. Where are you from? That dress is lovely, but it is not something from this area of the land. If I am not mistaken, it is of Illian fashion?" he asked.

"Yes, that's right, it is. You've been there, then? It really is a wonderful place. I'm sorry that I cannot stay longer, but I really must get moving. I am expected somewhere and going to be late as it is. If you will excuse me?" She quickly turned to go.

"We'll talk later then," he called after her.

Cerise walked toward the tower without really paying attention to her surroundings. She pulled out the piece of bread and nibbled on it as she walked. There was something about that man that troubled her, but she could not tell what it was. She decided she was just being suspicious. Subconsciously she would turn her head once in a while to check if he was following her. Minutes later, she looked up to find herself standing at an entrance to the tower.

Cerise stopped suddenly as she took in the sight before her. She was in awe. She had been to many cities, but none of them prepared her for this. She had heard all the stories of how beautiful the tower was, but somehow, beautiful was not the word she would use to describe it. It was more than that, it was… there just was no word that was enough. She couldn't help feeling good all over, and yet so small at the same time. She decided that she could finally say she had seen it all.

It took her a few moments to recover her senses and realize she was standing there with her mouth hanging open. Quickly, she closed her mouth and headed for the great gateway that would lead her to the tower. She stopped just before the gateway, realizing she had no idea of where she was going, or what to do when she got there. Just then someone shouted at her to move or be trampled. She jumped out of the way of a wagon full of supplies just in time to watch it roll slowly through the gateway and off to it's destination. Cerise gathered herself up again and decided to just go to the tower. Surely someone there would be able to tell her where she should go from there. She remembered hearing stories of Aes Sedai knowing all there is to know. She didn't know if it was true, but if it were, then there would be no problems, they would know why she had come here. Wait, why did she come here? As she walked toward the great tower, she thought on this. She could not come up with an answer. Just as she was about to turn around, something sailed past her head. She did not see what it was and as she looked around to see where it had come from, a girls voice called out "Sorry" from behind some trees. Cerise began to wonder what was going on around this place. She thought about wandering around to see what she could see, but she decided it might be better not to. She wasn't sure if the Aes Sedai would appreciate her snooping around. She decided the proper thing to do was to find an Aes Sedai and ask permission to look about the grounds. She began her walk toward the tower once again.

Just outside the massive construction, she stopped again. Should she go in? The great doors were open as if in welcome of anyone who wished a visit. She had come this far, why not continue? She stepped through the doors and her eyes went even wider with amazement. There were people of every nation gathered in the great hall. She saw girls in white, some with stripes of color at the hem, rushing around from one group of people to the next. She didn't know what to think of it. It looked like a great market square with no wares for sale.

A girl whose name Cerise did not catch approached her and asked how she could help her. Cerise just stood there not quite sure what to say. When she got no answers, the girl threw up her hands in frustration and told Cerise to gather herself together and she'll come back to her in a moment. Cerise spotted a woman in a flowing dress and shawl that moved with a grace she had never seen before. The woman seemed to float rather than walk. This was the most elegant woman Cerise had ever seen. As the woman came near to Cerise, she stopped. Cerise held her breath, this ageless woman could be only one thing, Aes Sedai. The Aes Sedai smiled, put her arm around Cerise gently and said, "Come along child, it is time to put on the white.”

The Struggle Through the Arches

Cerise was shaking with nervousness as she walked the dark, cool passageways under the tower. 'Can I do this? Do I even want to do this?', she asked herself. She wasn't sure if she was ready even if the Aes Sedai said she was. Cerise took a deep breath to try to calm herself. It didn't work. She was still shaking. When her eyes came upon the large Ter an'greal, she swallowed, hard. She couldn't remember any time when she had been this nervous. Even being sent to Lila's office was a comforting thought right now.

She knew what to expect, but as the small ceremony began, her mind drifted back to the day she had come to the tower, it seemed so long ago. This is what she had come for. She had to do this. Her reverie was interrupted by a light nudge from Lila. 'Had she missed everything? It's time? Already? Oh my, I need to concentrate more'. She took a step toward the looming arch. Then she took another, she couldn't stop herself from taking more steps until. . .

She was passing through the arch and into, into what? What was this bright light, where was it coming from? No time to think about it now. She closed her eyes, afraid of what she would see.

Cerise felt someone touch her arm and she jumped. She opened her eyes to see her mother standing in front of her with a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright dear? Is something wrong? Are you ill?", her mother questioned worriedly. "I'll send for help, you get back to bed," she commanded.

"No, mother, I am fine." Cerise grabbed her mother's arm to stop her. "I'm just tired, I guess."

"Well, serves you right! You shouldn't have been up so late . Honestly, I do not know what you and your father stay up talking about all night long."

'My father? . . .Of course I was up with papa all night long. We always stay up late talking. . .But I don't know who he is. . .How could I not? We spend so much time together. . .The way back will come but once, be steadfast. . .Now who was that?' She didn't understand why she was arguing with herself.

"If you aren't sick, then I suggest you get started with your morning chores. Your father will be up soon. You have to have them chores done or you are not going to go on that trip to Caemlyn with him. I know you've been looking forward to this trip. Your sister and I do not want to do all this work alone, so you'd be welcome to stay behind. "

'I have a sister? . .Yes, I do, Jolina. She is only three years younger than me, how could I forget? . .A trip to Caemlyn? Why, there's nothing there that I want. . .Wait, I haven't ever been to Caemlyn, how do I know? . .I was there once, we almost caught up with papa there, we had missed him by two days. We stayed though, because we were out of money and food.'

"I hear your father rustling about upstairs, you better get moving," her mother said.

Cerise headed for the common room of the inn that they owned. Her mother wanted the tables and floor clean enough for the Creator to be pleased enough to eat off them. The Light knew they already were after the scouring they had gotten last night before her mother went to bed. Cerise grabbed a broom from the cubby near the door and began to sweep. She couldn't help feeling that something was wrong.

'My mother, something is wrong with mother. . .I buried her almost a year back. We were in Arad Doman, still following papa's trail. . .This isn't real. I must be dreaming, or maybe really sick?'

"I hear your father, he'll be coming down the stairs any minute. You had best hurry and get those dishes off that table and into the wash basin," her mother called from the kitchen.

Cerise picked up the tray of dishes and turned toward the kitchen. She heard the front door open, but not before her mother's trained ears. Cerise's mother came to greet their guest with a big smile upon her face. Cerise turned to see who had come in at the early hour. What she saw before her was the most handsome man she had ever seen. If anyone was perfect, this was the man Cerise would label in that manner. Cerise's mother bid him welcome and turned to Cerise, "Cerise, child, hurry now, I hear your father coming down now." The gorgeous man stepped into the room and behind him was a great arch. Cerise dropped the tray of dishes, most of them breaking.

Cerise's mother turned to the girl with a frown on her face that quickly turned to concern. She began speaking of sending Cerise to bed for rest. She also said something about needing someone to come look after her.

There was so much going on in Cerise's mind that she just didn't hear everything around her. She heard her father call from the stairs questioning if she was ready to go. She knew she had to go now. 'I need to go. But I just can't. . .my father. . .I want to see him, I want to know him. The arch, I have to go to the arch.' Cerise turned, torn with indecision, and stepped slowly backward toward the arch, maybe she could at least catch a glimpse if she took her time. Her mother made a grab for her, concern etched upon her face. With a sob Cerise turned and ran through the beckoning arch.

When she came to the cool, dark room once again, she closed her eyes. She had never been so close before. All she wanted to do was cry. She hadn't realized that she already was. When she opened her eyes, Lila Sedai was looking at her with that ageless face, Cerise wondered if Lila still remembered the night she had been raised to accepted.

Lila Sedai motioned her toward the second arch with an unasked question. Cerise nodded that she was ready, then realized she had missed everything once again. She was disappointed with herself for not paying more attention. She scolded herself mentally before looking up to the arch. She wondered what she would find on the other side. There was only one way to find out. . . She took a deep breath, absently wiping her tears with the back of her hand, and stepped through. . .

When the light faded, Cerise found herself in her room. She felt better, knowing the room well. She saw her pail of water with her scrubbing brush next to it and she smiled. She decided the room about her was finally clean enough. She was tired, it had been a long day. Cerise got herself ready for bed and crawled under the covers. She closed her eyes and imagined herself floating above a field of flowers as she has always done to get herself to sleep. Her thoughts were interrupted by a scream from next door. Cerise jumped from her bed just as the door came flying open. A tall man came through it and hit her. Cerise fell to the floor and lost consciousness.

Cerise opened her eyes and groaned in pain. Her entire body was on fire. She tried to get up, but discovered her hands and feet were bound with a thick, hard rope. She laughed mockingly, then winced from the pain that caused. 'I can undo these bonds, I can channel.' When she tried to reach out to the source she got nothing. She just couldn't focus enough to do anything. She was helpless.

Cerise tried to calm herself as she sat on the hallway floor, but it was hard to deal with the pain. She felt as if someone had hung her up like a rug and beat her. She was bleeding, but she couldn't figure out exactly where she was cut. She heard shouts coming from other parts of the tower and she wondered what was going on. When she heard a large blast and the floor under her shook, she realized the tower was under siege. She had to find help, but where would everyone be? She decided that she had to help herself, the Aes Sedai would be busy fending off the intruders. 'How am I going to get free now? Maybe I can just wait until this is all over and someone comes to find me.' The floor began to shake again, and Cerise got a little nervous. 'maybe I shouldn't wait for someone. . .Where is everyone? Ariana, I have to find her. She's in trouble, that's why I came out here'. Cerise looked at her bonds to see if she could slip out of them somehow.

With all the strength she still possessed, Cerise slammed her hands against the wall. She tried again, and again. After beating her hands against the wall and floor several times, until she heard the snap she had been trying for. She sat there a moment to rest before trying to slip her hands out once more. She struggled for what seemed an eternity, but she knew her time sense was skewed from the agony. Cerise jerked her head up in surprise when her right hand came halfway free. This gave her renewed strength to continue her struggle for freedom. She pulled franticly at her bonds, and begging the Light to help her break free. Tears were rolling down her bloodstained face from the pain she was feeling. They changed to tears of joy as her right hand was wrenched free. She quickly slipped her left hand out and crumpled into a ball. She couldn't spend long worrying about her injuries, she had to find the others. She tried to get to her feet, but she was too weak. She found that she did have enough strength to walk on her knees, so she headed for Ariana's room.

It was a chore to move, every muscle arguing with her commands. Each time she set a knee down onto the floor, a shot of pain ran through her. When she got to the door, it was closed. "Ariana? Ariana? Are you in there?" she called toward the room. She heard no answer. She tried to open the door, but her hands were useless. She sat down and began kicking the door. She couldn't kick hard enough to break it down. "Ariana, if your in there, don't worry, I'm going to find help. I'll get you out of there somehow. Hang on, don't give up. I promise I'll find help soon," she called out. Cerise turned to head down the hall where the other had rooms, and she almost fell over. Her energy reserves were running out. She began to panic once again. She needed to find someone soon, before it was too late. "Ailee?! Chrysta?! Timon?! Where are you?" she screamed down the hall. She didn't care if she was heard by whoever had invaded the tower anymore. She had to find someone to help Ariana. She crawled on her knees and elbows towards help. She rounded a corner and found Ariana lying on the floor in a pool of blood. She crawled faster toward her friend, begging that she was still alive. When she reach Ariana's side, she checked her to see how bad she was hurt. Cerise began sobbing uncontrollably, relived to find Ariana alive. Cerise carefully picked Ariana's head up and placed it into her own lap. "Light help us all!" she whispered. 'Be Steadfast,' a far-off voice answered.

Ariana began to stir in Cerise's arms. "Ariana?" Cerise questioned hopefully.

"Cerise? Wha? . .what happened?" Ariana asked barley opening her eyes.

"Everything is fine. You rest, everything is going to be fine. Help is on the way." Cerise cooed as she began rocking. She tried to smooth Ariana's hair, but couldn't with her hands broken. That's when she heard the scream. She recognized the voice that the scream belonged to. "Ailee?!" she called out, "Ailee, I hear you, where are you? Are you alright?" She was torn, should she follow where that scream came from, or stay with Ariana. She heard another scream and the decision was made.

Cerise gently placed Ariana's head on the floor and crawled in the direction it had come from. As the hallway curved around the outside of the tower, she could hear more shouts that she thought to be coming from outside. She continued her slow clamber across the floor, hoping to find someone who would get them to safety. When the third scream came to her ears, it was nearby. She pushed herself harder to reach Ailee. When she finally reached Ailee's door, she pushed against it and it fell open. Ailee was lying on the floor with her hands bound to the bottom of her bed. She seamed to be in better shape than Cerise or Ariana. Ailee screamed at the sight of Cerise, all cut up and bloody as she was.

"I must look like something out of a nightmare. Are you alright? I heard you screaming, I came as fast as I could. Have you seen anyone else? I suppose not, being tied up and all. I would like to help you, but I can't," Cerise said showing Ailee her hands, "I've found Ariana, she's hurt pretty bad. I don't know who these guys are, but they must not find us as much of a threat. "

"Cerise!" came a blood-curdling scream from down the hall.

"That's Ariana, I hope she's alright," Cerise said, not giving Ailee time to respond. "I have to go to her. She needs me. I'll try to pull the door shut so nobody bothers you, I'll come back when I find help. Hang in there." Cerise said hurriedly, practically gasping for air. Her energy was almost gone, she knew she was going to lose consciousness soon.

Cerise scrambled back out of the doorway, doing her best to pull the door shut. She crawled back to an unconscious Ariana. Cerise picked up Ariana's head once again, and began rocking. She sat there only a few moment before she heard voices and footsteps coming down the hall. She stretched her senses to see who it was. She heard two deep male voices and decided they were probably not there to help. She quickly tried to make her way back towards where she had slipped her bonds, but as she laid Ariana's head back on the floor, she woke. "Cerise, you're back. I was so frightened when I woke to find you gone," Ariana said with a sad, desperate voice.

"Quiet now, someone's coming. I don't know who they are, and I'm frightened too," Cerise replied.

Cerise turned to see how far it was to where her bonds lay and saw a great arch. 'No, not now!' Cerise looked back to Ariana, lying there so helplessly. She heard one of the men laugh, it was a horrible, evil laugh. Then she heard Ailee scream again. Cerise closed her eyes and began to cry once again. She started to crawl toward the arch, she knew she had to. She couldn't figure out just why, but she knew. Cerise stopped suddenly when someone grabbed her by the ankle. "Cerise, where are you going? You aren't going to leave me, are you? Please, no, don't leave," Ariana cried with tears welling up in her eyes.

"I have to get back to where they left me, I don't think I could take it if they found me free again," she lied. Ariana slipped back into unconsciousness and Cerise headed as fast as she could toward the arch. She just had to get away, away from what she was doing to her friend. She plunged through the arch and collapsed on the floor of that small room under the tower.

Cerise woke to find herself lying on a blanket on the floor of the dark subterranean room. She began to sit up, that's when she noticed Lila Sedai kneeling next to her. "Wha…what happened?" she asked, slowly turning toward the Mistress of Novices with a lost and confused look on her face. Lila Sedai explained to her that she had been in need of a little healing when she came from the second arch. Everything suddenly clicked; she remembered it all now. Cerise began to weep, mostly from exhaustion.

"It is time to go on Cerise," Lila Sedai said gently.

Cerise rose to her feet and wiped the tears from her cheeks. After taking a moment to get her bearings, she nodded. The acceptance ceremony was continued around her as she thought. Cerise knew the third arch was the toughest of all. She half wanted to turn away. She would just turn away and continue her search for her father. She was not sure she could deal with what might be on the other side of that third arch.

Cerise decided to go through it. If she was this close and she had survived this much, she could survive anything. Her first step was hard to take; she almost fell, being a little off balance. Cerise took a deep breath and continued forward. She almost plunged herself through that great arch, for fear of turning and running away instead.

Cerise was sitting in a small inn in a town in the west of Altara. She had been following on the tail of two young women and a man, whom she suspected to be darkfriends. She followed them to make sure they were what she thought, she would not want to prosecute innocent people. Over the past few days and nights they had proved them to be such. She had just sent a message to the White Tower with her findings through her usual channels. She asked for the Tower to send more sisters out to her, one of the women she was following could channel. For now, Cerise would sit and wait either more sisters, or a message with instructions. Taking a sip of her tea, she wondered how those who were back at the Tower would take the news. She giggled, knowing some of the reactions as well as her own.

About a week later on a bright and sunny morning, Cerise had something to eat before she headed out to run her errands. The trio she was after would not wake until later, as they always did. After picking up a new dress she had the local seamstress make for her, Cerise came across a place she had not noticed on her previous trips through the area. She stepped inside the small shop bursting with curiosity. The gentleman who greeted her upon entry was a nice enough looking fellow wearing a brightly colored apron. She was shown to a table where the gentleman handed her a list of things they had to eat. She realized she was quite thirsty and asked for some tea. This place is very nice and clean. What did he call this place, oh yes, a café. Seems like an inn, but with no sleeping quarters. Very interesting. When the man brought out her tea, he instructed her to just call him if she needed anything else.

Cerise sat and enjoyed a few sips of her tea. It was good tea. She let her mind wander, thinking about the last few months she had been away from the Tower. Before she knew it, she had emptied her cup. The gentleman noticed the slight frown on her face at her discovery. He came to fetch her empty cup and promptly replaced it with a new one.

Cerise drank her second cup of tea. She was almost finished with it when she realized she was becoming sleepy. Just then, some men in white cloaks came in the door. Cerise quickly looked to her hand to slide her ring away from sight. She didn't get it off of her finger before the men came and grabbed her. They drug her into the back of the café before she was completely numb. As they brought her to a wagon parked behind the building, she lost consciousness.

When Cerise began to waken, she found herself lying on a table and surrounded by Whitecloaks. She couldn't seem to move a muscle, just barely getting her eyes open. Forkroot! I should have known! I can't believe I didn't taste it. How am I going to get out of this? One of the men standing above her noticed her eyes were open and called to a man who must have been somewhere just out of her vision. The man who came in response to the alarm stood over her with a wicked smile and a gleam in his eye. Cerise inwardly shivered. She noticed a little red on his breast along with the standard gold, though she couldn't yet make out what they were. She didn't have to, she knew him for a Questioner. The man who gave her chills on sight said something to the other men that Cerise didn't quite catch and they all departed from her limited view. The next few minutes became hazy as the Questioner began his work, before she was forced to drink more Forkroot.

Cerise began to wake once more. How many times she had been through this, she couldn't count. She would wake, the horror would start, and then she would sleep. One of her guards noticed she had come around and summoned her terror. The guards left, and she cringed at what she knew would come. Helpless as a newborn baby, that's what I am. I am such a fool. Oh light, please, let it end. I no longer care how, just let it end. Cerise closed her eyes for just a moment, trying to come fully to her senses, desperately reaching out for help from the Source. She heard a whispering sound and trembled, thinking of her torturer's ways. Her eyes flew open when she felt herself being picked up off the table. A voice in her head told her to be steadfast.

Cerise couldn't believe what she saw, a man. She was relieved and somewhat frightened of the man who had come to rescue her. She had never seen him before. He was a sinister looking thing, the kind who is given plenty of room in a crowd. His dark hair was placed in a Shinearan topknot. Cerise was noting the scars that crisscrossed his face when she felt a stab of pain on the side of her head just before losing consciousness.

Cerise woke once more; she had a headache now. She felt a little fuzzy and somewhat disoriented. Where am I? O.K., don't panic, what is the last thing we remember? A man, yes. Who? Don't know. Well, first, let's evaluate our current situation. Her eyes began searching her surroundings for an answer. All she could see was that she was on a bed, and there was a small table on her right with nothing on it. Licking her lips and wishing for some water, no more tea! Cerise thought maybe she could bring a few drops together in front of her. She might be able to do enough to wet her mouth at least. O.K., now panic! What is. . . no! She began sobbing uncontrollably, she had never experienced it before, but she knew that she was shielded. Cerise wanted to kill whomever it was that was holding her prisoner this way! I'll kill her, whoever she is, I swear it!

The door opened suddenly and Cerise jumped. She could not make out who was coming in but Cerise knew it wasn't someone who was friendly. A candle was lit, and Cerise could see who her visitor was. The man, dressed in black, who had stole her away from her last prison. Cerise shuddered when she realized that this man had to be her captor, and must be involved in the shield that bound her from Saidar. She wanted to scream. He just stood there, staring at her with those maddening eyes, not saying a word.

Finally he spoke. His deep cutting voice tearing Cerise's mind apart, "You are being accused of being involved and associated with the Dark One. You have been monitored, and found to be guilty. I have no pity for any of the Dark One's minions, no matter who they are, Cerise Sedai of the Black Ajah. You have betrayed your fellow sisters, and all of mankind. Your sentence is death. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Cerise's mind whirled into gear. How could this have happened? Why do they think, oh my. Everything clicked into place. She had been following her suspects so closely, and had probably been seen by the locals everywhere and somehow was thought to be the source. Now she had to try to convince this man that it was not her that he was after. How was she to do that? She looked at him, trying to figure an angle. She noticed something. . .a red and gold dragon pinned to his lapel. She knew she was not going to walk away from this one. Cerise opened her mouth to form her explanations, but she couldn't figure where to begin, or what to say. Finally she hung her head and asked if she could at least have a trial in which she had room to defend herself. The Asha'man told her he doubted it, but he would think on it. Before he left, he told Cerise not to bother trying to escape, there was no way out of the room, except through him.

Cerise curled up into a ball on the bed. She was terrified, this man was going to execute her if she couldn't make him see the truth. She didn't blame him, she could see the mistake. Cerise prayed to the light for help, but didn't think that it would truly help.

Later, sometime towards evening, Cerise guessed, she was brought some food, ink, a pen and paper. She was to write out her confessions for her sisters at the White Tower, she was told. Cerise left the writing utensils where they were, not having anything to confess. She cried for a bit, then fell asleep.

When she woke in the morning, he was there, staring at her. His eyes showed outrage that she had not bothered with confessions, though his actions did not. He sat on a chair that he must have brought in with him, and began writing for her. He did not bother to write a confession for her to sign, just a statement from himself, explaining her alleged actions and the results thereof. She knew that those in the Tower that were not exactly on her friendly side would believe these things, if not make them worse with rumors. Cerise's heart sank at the thought of going into the history scrolls in this way. The Asha'man let her tell her story, eventually. Cerise knew he did not believe a word. She found herself admiring him. He had no mercy in his heart when it came to anything that was associated with the Dark One. He also made her weep like a child on the inside for the very same reason, being his current conception of her. By the time her captor left the room, Cerise no longer wished to live.

Cerise had no idea what time it was when he returned. He brought her food and news. He had sent his messages to the White Tower, and she was going to be executed in an hour. Cerise suddenly became ill. Something in her snapped. She stood up, crossed the room and hit him in the chest. He didn't even flinch. She was in a fury, she felt betrayed and hopeless. She began screaming at him to just do it now, why wait? If he was convinced she was a darkfriend, then why not execute her on the spot? Cerise stopped in mid step, taking a deep breath and composing herself. She turned to the man who didn't seem to have even noticed her fit of rage and curtsied, begging pardon. She smiled a bright smile and said, "Very well. If there is nothing I can do to change your mind, then so be it." Cerise sat down and began to eat her food. She watched him out of the corner of her eye. He didn't realized that she had seen the confusion skip across his face like a fleeting fancy. She settled back into despair after a few bites of cheese. As she looked up between bites, she saw it, a great arch. Cerise was confused for a moment until she felt the pull it had over her. She had to figure out a way to it. He was standing right in front of the arch, which was in front of the door out of the room.

Cerise closed her eyes a moment to think. She had to think fast, then it came to her. She rose as smoothly as she could and took a step toward the arch. She smiled a big smile, soft and sweet. "One thing, before you take away all that is precious to me. May I ask one favor of you?" she said in her most enticing voice. There was no response. She continued forward, both physically, and verbally, "would you let me experience one thing that I have always been denied?" He frowned even harsher at her. "It is not what you might be thinking. I am not so forward a girl. I just want you to kiss me." Cerise stepped close enough to touch him. She made to lunge for him, playing like she was about to force a kiss on him. He sidestepped her to avoid it, just what she had hoped for. She smiled a slight smile as she went through the arch.

Cerise began laughing the moment she felt the cold water pour over her head. She resisted the urge to grab the nearest person to her and dance around. She was so thrilled that she had made it! Cerise didn't even care that there was a man before her, or that she was not properly attired. When she was handed her new color-hemmed dress. She broke out with more laughter. She had missed all of the ceremony again!
