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What is going on in Vallejo? = Vallejo Times Hearld What is going on in Marine World? Click here.

Pictures of Steve's Family- click here

Pictures of Mary-Ann's Family = click here

Pictures of Heather and Victor (Mary-Ann's Niece and Nephew)- click here
Pictures of Internet Friends-click here Pictures of the Neighbors- click here
Pictures of Events - click here Pictures of Internet friends and their counties- click here

Vallejo is part of the San Francsico Bay Area. Here is a link to SF the largest metropolitan city close to Vallejo. San Francisco, California
Vistas on Northern California
Here are some web pages my friends and I created:Halloween Page / Thanksgiving Page/ Chirstmas Page.


back to Myersplace OR use your back button on your browser.

Click on Angel to see Steve's Angels

Click on Angel to see Mary-Ann's Angels