My Concert Experience


On April 1st, my best friend Shawna came down SIX HOURS to see the 'N SYNC concert with me. Two months ago, she hardly knew who 'N SYNC was, but after showing her the 'N the Mix video, she's more of a fanatic than me, trying to convince me on a daily basis she's going to marry Justin. Yeah, I think I've heard that before.

Okay, so I'm decked out in my khaki cargo pants and a little navy football shirt and ready to go. It took us about an hour to get there, and for some reason, I wasn't as pumped about it as I thought I would be. Probably because it was a hundred degrees outside and I was on crutches. Yeah, bummer, I know. And once we got there, I was totally shocked at how many adults were there and how many girls were there that haven't even hit puberty yet! Me being 18 and Shawna being 17, we felt so dang old! I knew there would be quite a few youngins', but wow! We even saw a girl there, probably not even in her teens with ALL the guy's names on her face. And I don't mean with black eyeliner. She had printed out their names on a computer and taped them to her face! Shawna and I just looked at each other and busted up laughing so hard, we were practically rolling on the ground!

So, we were there about an hour early. After buying a few souveniors I wish I hadn't and climbing a dozen stairs, Shawna and I just chilled at the railing on the upper level. Our seats were worse than nose-bleeds, so I wasn't too anxious to climb those stairs just yet. We chilled there and talked to a few peeps. Finally, one of the security people told us to go find our seats, so we walked the mile up to our seats. I was hoping they'd take pity on a cripple, but I wasn't so lucky.

I sat down next to a man that was probably in his late thirties sitting with his wife and his young son. I'm sure he had NO idea what he had gotten himself into and was convinced so once all the screaming started. First Divine came on. To tell you the truth, I wasn't totally "into" them, but they weren't too bad either. I knew one of their songs, but you know, no biggie. Then Tatyana Ali came on. I didn't like some of her songs, but her personality is too cute! Shawna and I both loved her!

Then, after about a twenty minute break, the lights go out and the arena goes crazy. I look over at Shawna and could tell we were starting to get giddy, just like every other girl in the place. Then is alien comes out and the crowd goes nuts! Man! Then they do their whole routine with the glow sticks and I was throughly impressed.

I don't remember what order they sang their songs, to tell you the truth, but I'm sure you know which ones they sang. God Must Have Spent & Sailing stick out in my mind the most, and I think the ones that have gone to their concert know why. God Must Have Spent was my favorite, esp. the ending. When Justin has two more words to sing and just stops and the crowd goes wild and he just stands there. Shawna and I are screaming like 8 year olds! Then he repeats, "a little more time" and stops again! Chris goes to him and whispers something in his ear and he puts his hand behind his ear and I don't think I've ever heard anything louder than those thousands of screaming girls in my life! Then he FINALLY finished it and they all bowed, like they always do.

At one part of the concert, they're doing their little costume changing thing and had this thing on about the 1960's on this huge screen. Only thing is, we couldn't see the screen! These HUGE ass speakers were blocking our view, because they showed the "You Drive Me Crazy" video, and we could see NOTHING! ARGH! Oh well, we got over it. Not really, but anyways. Then the 1990's rolled around and it was the funniest thing! Of course, we couldn't see what was going on, but they talked about the Democrats taking over the office or something and everyone started booing! It was hella funny!

Then it came time for 'Sailing'. I must say, that was SO cool! But, there was something that struck me as odd, a friend pointed it out to me. (Thanks Ginger =) Just as JC is pulled up, with his head down and feet crossed, she thought he protrayed Christ, when he was on the cross. And I went with a open mind, but I must confess, I agree with her. It was eerie.

Okay, so the guys were flying around, and we were SO loving it! By this time, people had starting going back down to the railing, so Shawna and I decided to too! It was much better down there, but we managed to squeeze onto the railing. And I SWEAR Lance looked in our direction. Of course, my least favorite. =) Kidding. Anyway, I was standing next to a girl who just kept waving, the entire time! I wanted to say, "Dude, who in the hell are you waving at?" Hehehe, like the guys could see her or something. And Shawna was stuck next to some girl who screamed SO loud, our ears were ringing. Seriously.

So the concert ended, and I think it was THEN that it hit me. Oh my god, we're at a 'N SYNC conert. Or were, anyway. A man walked by us and said, "Is that your roll of film?", pointing to the ground next to Shawna. It was and then realized the zipper of my backpack was unzipped. I had taken a roll and a half of film and realized the roll I had taken was gone! We looked and looked, but didn't find it. I was almost on the verge of tears, not because I had lost all my bad, far away pictures of these gorgeous guys, but because Shawna and I had SO many cute pictures of us, together, on there!

Oh well, I digress. I just got my tickets for the August 10th concert. They're lawn seats, OF COURSE, but oh well, I should be counting my blessings. I try, but it's hard at times, since I have the WORST luck, as you've seen. This time, though, we're going as a huge group! So, Shawna, Ashley, Jessica and Sarah, are you ready? Because, you better be! Hehehe, we're going to have so much fun! And don't worry, I'm not going to lose the film this time!